Is ESP real?

i've had that sneaky suspicion all my life that there was more going on behind the scenes, not in the literal sense of processes but as to a consciousness. i deduced it from the collective consciousness of society.

pay attention to what he said and that no matter what good you do, the demiurge can just send in more counters to what you are trying to accomplish or change so it's a zero sum game that you are actually taking seriously. one of the hardest and major battles here is the moral one as that is what causes most problems even if the physical is taken care of if the moral aspect is not changed.

of course, most don't want to reincarnate back here again once they find out what it's about. the only ones that do are the ones that are promised power or are similar to the demiurge in nature.

i think someone had mentioned about houdini on this site and how he was supposed to give his wife a sign from the afterlife if it were true. the problem with this idea is that most nde experiences have noted they did not want to come back here.

and even analyzing how i think and i was a bit closer to having a clue but my values are different from the way this place operates would make me someone that is on the almighty's shitlist. i remember even this one man saying to me that he doesn't think god likes me and i knew intuitively just what he meant but it was a compliment because this god is not a good one. what it really meant is i was not blind to how incompetent and an evil consciousness it is that is behind this reality. you can also see it in the depravity in nature.

there are some discrepancies i've learned though is 'light' doesn't necessarily mean good. my stepfather had a lot of light in him too besides the dark but you have to pay attention to the "qualitative" aspect of it. it was a superficial bright light. it was not compassionate or true, actually it was starkly bright, bold and cold and it just hid his depravity and darkness is all.

i sensed that the stepfather represents the demiurge's characteristics closely and his values. he really worshiped and looked up to this type of power/consciousness and part of the reason i know it exists on some level is people that gain through evil know things on an instinctive level that if you pay attention, you will learn about things you may not have wanted to know but are true unfortunately. it's true because it works or there is some truth to it.

it did not make him compassionate when he came upon suffering etc. it just made him insensitive so it's a different 'type' of light. good people know the difference.

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That what is perceived as evil is just evolution of the collective ego doing what it has to do...

silly. just as most don't know what they are saying and contradict themselves.. yet you worry about psi influence if according to the above then they are doing what they have to do. contradicting yourself as well as the numerous posts you have made denouncing what people think or do that you disagree with. according to the above, you shouldn't.

there is just some inherent lack of honesty about most people you can't trust even if they seem to have good intentions. if you can't recognize evil and always have to call it something else or sanitize it, then there is something very wrong with you or dishonest, i think.

or they have stupid, blind compartmental thinking.

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As a matter of interest:
Years ago ( maybe 10 or so) before the forum was upgraded we did a planned psi test here at sciforums.
The idea, I proposed was to test the sending of information by psychic means using the internet to verify the results.
10 sets of numbers each set delivered on a daily basis. Over 10 days
Each set of numbers comprised of 5 * 4 digit numbers.
and so on...
The numbers were to be written down by myself on a white board and photographed, the photograph then sent to the Adjudicator by email. The respondent, at the same time would write down 5* 4 digit numbers that came to mind, take a photo and send it also to the adjudicator to compare results.
I believe the test was carried out in good faith and with genuine intent.

Parties involved:
Crunchy Cat - respondent
Prince James - Adjudication.
Quantum Quack - Sender


The first thing that was noticed was that on the time of the first send Crunchy Cats old style Television on/off switch arced (flash of electricity) out and the TV failed. ( coincidence?)
The respondent returned all numbers as requested but none of the numbers returned had any proximity to the numbers sent. ( big fail)
yet surprisingly although meaning very little:
When those numbers were graphed, both the ones sent and the ones returned the results were strikingly similar. Comparing one graph with the other. Out of daily synch but very similar.

Because of the arcing TV incident I declined to do any further testing due to the possibility of generating collateral harm to Crunchy Cat ( the respondent).

We agreed the results were inconclusive.

That was over 10 years ago and much has happened (evolved) since...

...just thought I'd mention it...
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yet you worry about psi influence if according to the above then they are doing what they have to do.
as I am doing what I have to do.. yes of course...
Do you see the danger of using a duality to work with?
You stand aloof to what you are describing. You are just as much a part of evolution as everything else.. yes?
Your words and actions are all part of the ongoing evolution towards a better "place". Not separate to it.
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i agree with his interpretation. the matrix model fits best to understand this insane universe we find ourselves in.

among other details such as how can a blind person see all of a sudden outside their own body through an nde experience.

that the mind is the processor of consciousness, not consciousness itself.

material science can only go so far.

and the list goes on.

bingo. what he said: don't go out the whole system to take a look because then you might begin to know what's really going on and that's quite painful for some people.
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i think when people look out at the stars in wonderment in seeing beauty, that is a form of knowing there is something better out there, a type of remembrance that there is better way or a better type of existence. it's that light that we can or want to recreate here. not everyone has that ability depending on their physical limitations but we all can do our part in our small ways to the large depending on how blessed you were to be born with the gradient level of mental ability to do so. for some, it would just be not adding to the suffering or misery that already exists or trying not to make things worse or being kind or fair to others and/or some it will be huge as in innnovation and science that propels humans forward into a better world.

also, we do not own anyone, we do not even own our children. they are an autonomous individual life just as you are and your only role is to help them to become better human beings and to self-actualize in whatever talents and abilities they have.

there does have to be some common sense applied to all speculations, even if some of it may be true and that is what this 'dangerously close' statement implies since this is where we are and we must work with what is in front of us and make the best of it and make the world better in the ways we can while we are here.

now, this doesn't mean we just accept everything the way it is because if we did, it can't become better. this is the lie of the demiurge and it's minions is the belief that this predatorial way is the way it is and should be. the true light in us knows that this is 'circumstantial' (temporal) that it is wrong and not the real truth.
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Don't get you !

this is even more a paradox and confusing but it can happen. spacetime is way more profound and complex than we give it credit for.

crossed signals across spacetime example:

one can be receiving subliminal messages from a future self of someone (not present self but the self that finally recognizes the message in the future), whereas the other person is in their future they finally receive your messages from your past so linked to your past self, which is now their present. imagine a ten year time span and it's criss-crossed so one's future self is linked with the other's past and their past was linked with the others future and the other's past is linked with the others future self and their future is linked with the others past.
as I am doing what I have to do.. yes of course...
Do you see the danger of using a duality to work with?
You stand aloof to what you are describing. You are just as much a part of evolution as everything else.. yes?
Your words and actions are all part of the ongoing evolution towards a better "place". Not separate to it.

okay, agreed. except they do not have to do that. there is a better way. they do it simply because they 'can' which is not always the best course or fair course of action.
when i was a child i had a cat that i named bridget and would take the clothes off my doll and dress him up (bonnet included) and take a stroll with him in a baby carriage.

i remember one day someone tapped me on my shoulder and told me that it was not a she but a he and his name was 'tony'. this 'someone' was definitely not an actual physical person (at least at in my presence but possibly an astral projection as there was no visible person behind me when i turned to look but i knew it wasn't my cat speaking to me either but i also knew it was another male and someone he knew speaking for him, strange as it seems.

my immediate reaction was 'oh, okay' and started calling him tony from that day forward and stopped dressing him up or taking him for walks. he was very much a tomcat actually. he was only being patient with me because i was a child and didn't know better.

there are ways the universe communicates that some people have absolutely no idea about, can't or won't fathom or realize how diverse it can be.
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Or you're just batshit crazy.

that would be a reasonable assumption if it were not for the fact that live, actual people have commented on my ability to pick things up which turned out to be true here and there and would come back and marvel at how i knew. it's not a conscious act, some people just have esp more developed than others.

in other words, we have a clue there is more than meets the eye.
it can be little things as once i was in a blockbuster video store and had left with my friend and realized i was missing the 20 dollar bill that was in my hand and dropped it, probably when i picked up a video to look at. he paid for the videos so i forgot about about it. we were already 20 minutes out and i asked him to turn around as i could see it on the floor in my mind as a fleeting thought and was sure it was there still. how i knew this can't be explained except it's just a knowing is all. he made all kinds of excuses and said that there is no way it's still there as someone would have picked it up by now and there is no way to be sure where you dropped it and i told him i know it's still there. exasperated we finally went back and i retraced my steps and found it on the carpet floor right smack dab in the middle of the aisle just as i had seen it.

no one had looked down and were perusing videos at eye-level. how i knew it would still be there when i got there at that time, i can't explain.
that would be a reasonable assumption if it were not for the fact that live, actual people have commented on my ability to pick things up which turned out to be true here and there and would come back and marvel at how i knew. it's not a conscious act, some people just have esp more developed than others.

in other words, we have a clue there is more than meets the eye.
Yeah, more batshit crazy people surrounding you.
heh. it's funny when people doubt me or are condescending because even my psychiatrist had to admit that i was lucid and can't explain everything about how consciousness works. she definitely can't completely explain me.

when i concentrate, i can hone in with precision and accuracy, even with tactile and the literal. my son has that ability too. i am an excellent shot, for example, where others often fumble or are not as accurate, clean and precise. what does that mean? technically, it takes a very sober and disciplined mind. i can when i am serious. my son goes to the shooting range with his friends and he is an excellent sharpshooter. he was always either number one or two on cod online too. well,he's good at everything he does, better than me.