Is faith waning?

Do you think faith is waning as societies and science advance?

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New Religion

Personally I've found many new religions coming to consciousness because of the advance in science and technology. People have started realizing many similarities in present time, that seem to relate with the era in time most religions came about. Again and again people find that the Bible is not consistent but it still holds knowledge that humanity needs so we can plant the new seed of knowledge and religion for the future. Also find "The THREE FORCES" videos on you tube and watch all 10 videos so we can all come together and realize what is really happening. If you dont like using you tube because of recent privacy attacks go to the web site below and click on services.
-I guess Im not allowed to insert links in my posts can figure it out.
-Tyler Jerrett Fossen
No. Religion is a tool. It is useful to people who are hurting. It is useful to people who want control.

This is miles away off my personal view on religion. Religion is in not an opiate to help people deal with life. The Books of God, Quran and Bible, are guides to the good life here on earth and in the afterlife authored by the Creator.
This is miles away off my personal view on religion. Religion is in not an opiate to help people deal with life. The Books of God, Quran and Bible, are guides to the good life here on earth and in the afterlife authored by the Creator.
What about the Books of Xenu?

What about the Homeric Poems of the Greeks Gods?

What about the Buddhist Religious writings?

What about Aboriginal Creation songs? Are they on equal footing with your own Qur'an poetry of creation?
What about the Books of Xenu?

What about the Homeric Poems of the Greeks Gods?

What about the Buddhist Religious writings?

What about Aboriginal Creation songs? Are they on equal footing with your own Qur'an poetry of creation?

The Quran and the Bible are word of Allah - God - The creator of the heavens and the earth. They are the word of Allah who says in the Bible that He has hanged the earth upon nothing. The same God that says in the Quran that all creation started by a Big Bang. The same God that says that the universe is expanding.

He is also the God who has managed to put incredible mathematical systems in the first chapter of the Holy Quran - even the fastest available super-computers cannot manage to write such (a) a beautiful linguistic masterpiece (b) mathematically structured text, and at same time (c) TRUE:

Please read what it says and tell me what you think.
People have started realizing many similarities in present time, that seem to relate with the era in time most religions came about.
Such as?
Are you sure you're not taking pareidolia too seriously?

it still holds knowledge that humanity needs so we can plant the new seed of knowledge and religion for the future
Such as?

Also find "The THREE FORCES" videos on you tube and watch all 10 videos so we can all come together and realize what is really happening.
Why would anyone want to "come together" on a crackpot conspiracy theory?

I guess Im not allowed to insert links in my posts can figure it out.
-Tyler Jerrett Fossen
Well one reason posters aren't allowed to insert links until they've achieved 20 posts is to prevent spammers and crackpot conspiracy theorists dumping their rubbish all over a science site.
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Do you think that the need for faith [religion] is decreasing as science becomes more and more advanced? Furthermore: do you think that eventually humans will shed this tendency toward belief in religion completely?

Faith and religion not the same, you don’t believe in religion.

Your faith is what you believe in; your religion is what you do about it. i.e. Hebrews 11:1, James 1:27

Stuff I have faith in:
1. God’s promises
2. That the earth will continue to maintain a stable orbit and its distance from the Sun
3. That the Atom will continue to act and react as it always has
4. That the change in the internal energy of a system will continue to be equal to the sum of the heat added to the system and the work done on it.
5. That heat will continue not to be transferred from a colder to a hotter body within a system without net changes occurring in other bodies within that system; in any irreversible process, entropy will always continue to increase.
6. That it will continue to be impossible to reduce the temperature of a system to absolute zero in a finite number of steps
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The differing religions seem to all be interpretations of the same thing; this consistency in concept cannot be ignored. Yes, they may call their gods by different names, and may attribute different faces to them, but it all ties back to the concept of the "god". It's interesting to notice; and it just goes to show you my old point that people like to attribute things to intelligent intervention.
The differing religions seem to all be interpretations of the same thing; this consistency in concept cannot be ignored. Yes, they may call their gods by different names, and may attribute different faces to them, but it all ties back to the concept of the "god". It's interesting to notice; and it just goes to show you my old point that people like to attribute things to intelligent intervention.

I see that intelligence in everything! In the same way that the nice red vase I see in front of me had a person who had the idea in mind and put its pieces together, palm trees, peacock and humans have a Creator them too.

Please don't ask me: who created the designer because that would lead to indefinite number of creators of creators = IMPOSSIBLE.

Very simple.
Please don't ask me: who created the designer because that would lead to indefinite number of creators of creators = IMPOSSIBLE.
No one created the designer - the designer always existed. Space (what the universe is expanding into) always has.
The Quran and the Bible are word of Allah - God - The creator of the heavens and the earth. They are the word of Allah who says in the Bible that He has hanged the earth upon nothing. The same God that says in the Quran that all creation started by a Big Bang. The same God that says that the universe is expanding.

He is also the God who has managed to put incredible mathematical systems in the first chapter of the Holy Quran - even the fastest available super-computers cannot manage to write such (a) a beautiful linguistic masterpiece (b) mathematically structured text, and at same time (c) TRUE:

Please read what it says and tell me what you think.
See, when I read your post I see a religion built on intolerance. I know you don't see it that way, but, try to remember there are a lot of people (for example Australian Aboriginals, Native Americans, Chinese, Japanese, Buddhists, etc...) that have completely different belief systems than yours.

Instead of telling me that the Qu'ran is so poetic or so mathematical, which would just lead to a debate.

I'd rather it if you could describe ONE philosophy that you personally have learned from reading the Qur'an. Some new idea that you think you could have only learned by reading the Qur'an and not any other religious book. Please also tell me WHY you think this idea is so important.

Could you do that in your own words? I do NOT want a quote from the Qur'an, I just want you to explain something that you have learned.

That's simple enough,
The differing religions seem to all be interpretations of the same thing; this consistency in concept cannot be ignored. Yes, they may call their gods by different names, and may attribute different faces to them, but it all ties back to the concept of the "god". It's interesting to notice; and it just goes to show you my old point that people like to attribute things to intelligent intervention.
I don't think Buddhism leads to the concept of "One God" does it? Also, the Shinto don't really have such a concept either do they? Nor to Scientologists come to think about it. Hindu? Hmmmm....

We're talking about a billion or so people :shrug:

That said, I do agree that there is some common thread. But, I think that this something is actually this idea: I'm Right. One God is a simple way of saying: I'm Right. This feeling of thinking one Know's-it-All give comfort to a lot of people. Is a good way to motivate people to do something. I've seen it many times when someone thinking OMG I found Jesus, It all makes sense and then goes crazy being On Fire for the Lord. (Possibly this is why Buddhism is so slow to catch on, too much thinking and self doubt and evaluation).

People like the concrete and the concept One God gives this to them. No more of that pesty "thinking" just Submit and Believe what you're told...

Do ancient Philosophers go the way of One God or more a Buddhist like ideal? I mean, when we compare say Greek, Chinese and Indian Philosophers? I know that many ancient philosophers were thinking about infinity long before One God. Mathematically Indians had come across some interesting ideas regarding infinity and pi and apparently this tied in with their philosophy. Yet, this is centuries before One God came to be.
I see your point but I feel that the thought process behind the "god" idea is actually very rational. You see, religion is irrational, but the concepts found within religion, however baseless, are not irrational. Not in my opinion.

For instance, the common theme of intelligent intervention: the god. You may ask, "Well, how is that not irrational!?". I think it isn't, however, because of this: the concept is based on real-world observations. Ancient man did not understand the way that the world works, but he did understand that intelligence can lead to complexity and order and, noticing the complexity and order of the universe, he must have attributed it to intelligent cause. And the rest, "religion", was the interpretation of that basic concept.

While that concept lacks any sort of evidence, it is not "irrational" in my opinion.
Simplistic righteousness
Hears no voice of reason,
For going against the word
Is far worse than treason.
I see your point but I feel that the thought process behind the "god" idea is actually very rational. You see, religion is irrational, but the concepts found within religion, however baseless, are not irrational. Not in my opinion.

For instance, the common theme of intelligent intervention: the god. You may ask, "Well, how is that not irrational!?". I think it isn't, however, because of this: the concept is based on real-world observations. Ancient man did not understand the way that the world works, but he did understand that intelligence can lead to complexity and order and, noticing the complexity and order of the universe, he must have attributed it to intelligent cause. And the rest, "religion", was the interpretation of that basic concept.

While that concept lacks any sort of evidence, it is not "irrational" in my opinion.
But not all sophisticated civilizations came to such a conclusion. Namely the Chinese. But also the ancient Greeks. The Egyptians lived for millennial and only once came to the idea of One God and that didn't fly with people. The Romans didn't like it either. Neither did the Indians. Not to mention the Buddhists all over SE Asia.

I mean, if anything, it seems this idea of One God isn't all that new nor all that welcomed when it does come along.

BUT, all of that said, you may be right in that this sort of idea does crop up now and again.
There's a famous instance in Japanese history where a Buddhist "Prophet" got the idea that there was only One True Buddhism. This virulent meme spread around until he had a group large enough to start terrorizing the Shinto and other Buddhist Sects. Well, this went on for a number of years. These One True Buddhists actually burned down Temples and murdered people in the name of the One True Faith. Finally, the local Lord had had enough, he brought in some Samurai and killed every last member of the cult. That pretty much ended that. The only difference in Christianity and Islam seems to be that the monotheists won.

We now know that complex objects can arise from within chaotic systems through natural selection. So, there's really no need for this One God nonsense anymore,,,,
No one created the designer - the designer always existed.
Well that's the claim made about him/ her/ it.
So far no-one's shown any evidence that this is so.
Oh wait. No one's shown that he/ she/ it exists at all let alone having done so always.

Space (what the universe is expanding into) always has.
And another...
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Yes I think faith is waning and it's a very good thing.

Religion seems to mess up people's critical thinking skills. It instills in people's minds the idea that belief without proof is a good thing, that you are unreasonably closed-minded if you want proof before believing in something. That's irrational and dangerous and the sooner that mentality dies out the better.

Now granted there are good sides to religion. People do altruistic things in the name of their God. You don't need a God to be altruistic, though. Religion also acts as a kind of 'opiate' to make people feel better about life...again...there are other ways than religion to help you out when you're down, and probably more constructive ones.

Very wise comments. Even if you are a Christian, follow your God and teachings found in scripture, not your religion. The line is too blurry at church. It is dangerous if you love to go to church because you get high off it. It is one of the things that I miss about going to church. I loved getting high off the positivity, altruism, community, and love. It blurs the lines.