Is God good ?

Surely God made "goodness" and Satan made, "what is bad." But then God made Satan, so perhaps He is responsible for both?
Surely God made "goodness" and Satan made, "what is bad." But then God made Satan, so perhaps He is responsible for both?

As I understand the situation Satan was a high level exec (angel) in heaven (may even have been 2ic)

However he wanted 1ic (where would that ambition have come from?)

god said no and kicked him out

Satan left taking others with him (or, maybe NOT taking), others just joined him in leaving

Now you would think that the leavers would set up a rival heaven in competition, a Disney World on steroids

But it seems their business model was to be to get the souls of those who god was pissed off with

I can see the reasoning

If if if you are in competition you have to work hard

If you are just picking up rejects easy peasy

He is responsible for both?

Sure he is, he never took the envy gene out of Satan before putting him to work


By the way my time line on creation is very hazy - when did god create angels? before or after Universe 6 day effort?

Now you would think that the leavers would set up a rival heaven in competition, a Disney World on steroids

But it seems their business model was to be to get the souls of those who god was pissed off with
I read a book once called
Satan, His Psychotherapy and Cure by the Unfortunate Dr. Kassler, J.S.P.S*
*Just Some Poor Schmuck

(Yes, that is the actual name of the book)

In it, Satan goes on a rant. He says "Your idea of who I am is a giant slur campaign. Why would I torture my subjects - who I love?"
DaveC426913 said:
In it, Satan goes on a rant. He says "Your idea of who I am is a giant slur campaign. Why would I torture my subjects - who I love?"
Michael 345 said,
" And......
Don't leave us in suspenders
What was the reply"? :)
Gods' reply; ~~~~ :(~~~~
Don't pretend to be ME !.......
It was a rhetorical question.

Obviously, the "logic" we've been taught about a Satan who tortures his own people makes no sense.
The logic we've been taught that God loves his people while he tortures them, makes no sense to me either.

I don't buy the hypothesis that God tests people's belief in Him. A good God doesn't need to test his beloved subjects. That is the mark of a paranoid dictator.....:eek:
No. In the book I mentioned Satan is on a rant about how "Hell" has been popularly portrayed.
"Why would I immerse them in fire and brimstone for all eternity? I love them."
Wait..., I always thought that God decides who goes to heaven and who goes to hell. The "Pearly Gates" are not the entrance to Hell, they are the entrance to Heaven.
And if hell is not made of fire and brimstone, then what's the difference between heaven and hell?
No. In the book I mentioned Satan is on a rant about how "Hell" has been popularly portrayed.
"Why would I immerse them in fire and brimstone for all eternity? I love them."
Job is a good book, it will show you who is evil, God or the real "Satan", God or Satan. Was Satan just doing his job?