Is Nibiru confirmed to exist?

I see the same as pluto had evidence of its existence , and was later confirmed .
Yes confirmed when and after it had been observed.
Planet 9 is purely hypothetical at this time, and no observation has ever been recorded.
And of course there was a lot more evidence for Pluto then this Planet 9, which if it exists, is way out beyond the known planets, and hence its effects are slight and mostly as modeled computer simulations.
They may very well be in error on this.
I see the same as pluto had evidence of its existence , and was later confirmed .
And much the same type of evidence was used to posit the existence of Vulcan. And that turned out to be wrong.What's your point?
Yes confirmed when and after it had been observed.
Planet 9 is purely hypothetical at this time, and no observation has ever been recorded.
And of course there was a lot more evidence for Pluto then this Planet 9, which if it exists, is way out beyond the known planets, and hence its effects are slight and mostly as modeled computer simulations.
They may very well be in error on this.

Planet-9 is not hypothetical pad , the planet is out there , where it is ...should actually not hard to find . but it will be found , no ddoub't.
And much the same type of evidence was used to posit the existence of Vulcan. And that turned out to be wrong.What's your point?
He doesn't have a point. :) This is just his typical carrying on and denial when he is shown to be in error. It happens everytime. :rolleyes:
[and that's often]
And much the same type of evidence was used to posit the existence of Vulcan. And that turned out to be wrong.What's your point?
And really, its no use arguing with him. As I said earlier, someone that has been so deeply impressionable with beliefs in anything and everything that smells of woo, is in total and inane denial of the facts of science, if those facts happen to invalidate the woo.
I do , you just don't like the conclusion
Why wouldn't I like the conclusions river?
What possible reason would I have to not want the conclusion to be reached, if at all they could observe it?
You are not making any sense river.
Why wouldn't I like the conclusions river?
What possible reason would I have to not want the conclusion to be reached, if at all they could observe it?
You are not making any sense river.

I don't expect you to make sense pad .

Scientist know their stuff pad. especially nowadays . where there is evidence , the object is sure to follow.
Please river, show us any NASA article, or any other reputable article, where it says Planet 9 has been observed and confirmed.

I don't expect you to make sense pad .

Scientist know their stuff pad. especially nowadays . where there is evidence , the object is sure to follow.
I agree scientists know there stuff. The problem is you do not.
You are heavily weighed down with your woo agenda, which has you now claiming things that have never been claimed.
Evidence can be wrong. Dywyddyr has already given you an example of that.
Scientists also know that we have no evidence for Aliens or Aliens having ever visited the Earth. They are right there also.