The problem with sensitivity to issues of identities created as a result of collateral damages of other people having a philosophical position you are opposed to, is that it limits your choice in having a say in it.
No, it doesn't. The only thing limiting anyone's say in how they get labelled here is the determined efforts of people like you (and EmptyBallsackOfChi, etc.) to resist such demands for respect of self-identification, impose your own labels, and refuse any accountability for such. And the correct, productive response is to resist such on the basis of said sensitivity, thereby making it more and more difficult for supremacists to impose such labels. This works, visibly: instead of an environment where y'all are free to pick labels for everyone in accordance with supremacist ideations, we get one where you spend all your time and energy (unsuccessfully) defending your privilege to do such. The next time around, you'll either display more sensitivity, or see your attempt similarly derailed into criticism of your lack thereof. The power relations determining who gets to call who what, are thus established (to say nothing of the moderator actions that this has already triggered).
So, no problem to speak of, on my end. I'm getting all of the say I want. But your quote there would make a pretty good description of the problem that such sensitivity poses to the likes of yourself (with a few pronouns replaced as appropriate, of course).
But you still have the option to opt out by not engaging in it.
So: "just give up and let us call you whatever we want." I'll pass, thanks. How about you opt out of defending such supremacism?
Its somewhat strange to engage in religious debates on Islam and then be offended for having your position recognised.
Again, emphatically not the issue. It's a question of having one's
identity labeled, and position disrespected accordingly. Nothing strange at all about engaging in religious debates on Islam and then being offended when Muslim supremacists disrespect you on grounds of identity.
Note that "not-Muslim" is not a position. A "position" is some positive set of beliefs. For example, I could label you "incoherent." While that would indeed be an accurate enough description of your statements, it is not "your position." It is a description of
you, and specifically a basis for demeaning your opinion.
After all, one doesn't really need bathrooms if all you want to do is take a piss.
Indeed, your posts are more than enough setting for as much piss-taking as anyone might care to do.