This is twice in the same thread that you've gone along on the whole demeaning momma bear crap. Do I do this to you? Nope. But, I suppose if you're feeling angry and scared and powerless, sometimes it helps to pick a scapegoat. Does it? Does it make you feel better?
Calling you by your name is now demeaning?
Let me get this straight...
1) You are offended if a devout Muslim refers to you as a non-Muslim.
2) You are offended because you thought an atheist was calling you a Muslim woman.
3) You are offended if you are called by a term of endearment and see it as being demeaning..
4) You are offended if I call you by your name and see it as being demeaning.
5) You are offended if you are reminded that you are not a Muslim woman..
Do I sense a pattern here?
Is there a pattern here GeoffP?
You acted as if you needed protection from the "devout Muslims" on this forum because they said you were not a Muslim. I am providing you with that protection. Does it offend you that you are now under the protective wings of the administration and the moderators? If so, why do you report because you were called a non-Muslim by the term of "kaffir" - which could also denote you being seen as being somewhat of a lime or black. I need to ask, which part do you deem offensive?
The part that you are deemed to not be a Muslim? Are you offended that they called you by a term that whites used to demean blacks with in South Africa? Are you offended that you may be seen to be a citrus fruit?
This whole debate is ridiculous Geoff.
I don't get it. I really don't.
Someone earlier pointed out how another here would feel if someone hissed something at them.. Is that the issue? You saw an offensive hiss in how he typed it? You claimed that it was offensive because it came from a devout Muslim and you weren't offended when Gustav said it because Gustav is a not a devout Muslim. Are you aware that Gustav has been banned for saying the word Kaffir and for calling Fraggle that, because it is now viewed as being an offensive term?
This is the standard that you have set. That a perfectly legitimate term that should not be offensive has now been deemed offensive.
Do you even recognise how ridiculous that is?
At the end of the day, you are offended that you are deemed to not be a Muslim. That is the crux of this whole thing. You are offended that a devout Muslim somehow managed to convey an offensive tone on an internet forum when he said you were a Kaffir...
The mind boggles..
What struck me more, however, was this from the OP of this thread:
Wordsof Geoff quoted by james R in my warning-----v
"Do not use that word again on the forums, or I will file a report. "Kaffir", "filthy unbelievers" and the like are insults. You cannot expect me to believe you are actually stupid enough not to know this. So: enough. You're using English now, so whatever the assertions I'm expected to believe about the inflexibility of Arabic, you have no excuse for using it.
Did you actually say that Geoff?
It is easy enough for me to verify, and since you have not said boo about that paragraph, I need to fully confirm with you. Is this what you said to him?
"You are using English now".. My, what a standard..
Has it escaped you that the term kaffir/kafir/kufr is a common term in Arabic? Yes? That their manner of using it is obviously vastly different to yours? So you are unable to understand the cultural differences and you are somehow demanding that because he is using English now, he should not say words that are not English? Does this mean each time you give a spattering of French on this forum, which you are well known for, we can deem it offensive and issue sanctions? Or is it different for you because you are not a devout Muslim?
You know, I have been virtually reading through the posts in this thread and I have felt dismayed. This is how low you would stoop. And now, this has blown out of proportion. The one you joked with about its usage is now banned because he said it too many times and joked about a moderator demanding it be banned entirely from this forum...
What absolutely kills me though is that when you first used the 'oh so offensive' term
back in 2006 on this forum, it wasn't offensive to you then, was it, nor was it offensive when DH used it in his argument..? So why now? DH is way wayy more of a supremacist than Chi ever was, yet you let the term pass then and even used it yourself?
How about when BHS jokingly used the term to actually insult Muslims who were the victims of horrid torture,
you didn't find it offensive then? In fact, one could say that
you have repeatedly seen this term used on this forum, all of which has been innocent and half the time, explaining what the true meaning of the term was and not once did you find it offensive. In fact, you even argued against a Muslim who speaks Arabic about what the term really means, because it seems that a French speaking English born Canadian such as yourself would know the meaning better than someone who has been speaking Arabic for pretty much the majority of their lives.
But lets get back to the concept of Kaffir, shall we? Should we ignore that you referred to yourself as a "
filthy kaffir" back in 2006? This is of course after others had attempted to educate you about the true meaning of the word. And now you are offended that someone called you a "Kaffir" (no insult in it, he didn't call you a dirty kaffir or a filthy kaffir), after
you had gone further and called yourself a "filthy kaffir" on this site?
When I did a search on the word, compared to all others who had used the term on this forum, you beat most Muslims in having used it on this forum. And yet... This is why this complaint of yours floored me Geoff.
If we are to take stock, you are offended if you are called a non-Muslim, a Muslim, a term of endearment, your name and God knows what else..
So here we are. You apparently needing protection from devout Muslims on this forum who see you as being a non-Muslim... And you will get that protection Geoff, even if you called yourself a "filthy kaffir" in the past and set that standard to apply to yourself on this forum. You wished for protection from 'devout Muslims', you've got it. So don't bitch and whine about what you have asked for Geoff.