James R "Kaffir" is not an insult.

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You have to read ALL the words Geoff. It helps in comprehending the subject matter.

Well, I did read all your words. That's why I used equivocate: because I figured you were probably either messing about, or planning on sliding out of it somewhere.

Can we get back on the discussion now, or is the reading plan more English 101?
Well, I did read all your words. That's why I used equivocate: because I figured you were probably either messing about, or planning on sliding out of it somewhere.

Can we get back on the discussion now, or is the reading plan more English 101?

Yes let us return to well thought out arguments like "cleverly constructed shit" - its in English so it can't possibly be considered offensive.

Do carry on
Yes let us return to well thought out arguments like "cleverly constructed shit" - its in English so it can't possibly be considered offensive.

Do carry on

Ooh - a new digression? Sorry: when is all this considered trolling, anyway?

Actually, to be fair, I don't honestly see the point of continuing the OP subject. You can't or won't accept my arguments, and you can't refute them, so far as I can tell, and there appears to be a pretty authoritative argument from my side. Anything left to do?
No I don't accept irrational arguments based on xenophobia. So while I will call you a non-Muslim instead of a kafir be very aware that there are lots of contemptuous sneers attached to the words. In Arabic They will look like this --> "
Gee. You'll use a neutral term instead of a loaded, offensive one. I really bent your back over, eh? Darth Maududi will not be pleased; but, I suppose I see some of the philosophical area you share with him.

I also remind you that contempt is more effectively delivered from a position above your target; and sheer hubris will not carry you that high.

Bells, there are several other terms that could have been used: "non-Muslim" chief among them. 'Kaffir' (and its numerous nefarious spellings) is an offensive term. I note from below that you did in fact read the wiki article. Surely this must have seemed abundantly clear therein?

Nefarious spellings?


Jesus fucking wept, you're getting worse.

Kaffir is not an offensive term.

Tell me, if you actually met a Kaffir, would you scream in horror and tell them they were offensive? Have you ever been to a Thai restaurant? Do you get all huffy and puffy and tell them that they are offending you for daring to use such a "nefarious" term on their menu?

Do you even have a slight comprehension of just how silly you are being about this?

You're a kaffir. You're not a Muslim and therefore, you are a Kaffir. Just as I am a kaffir because I am not a Muslim and a non-believer.

...I'm not sure what your point is here, or how that fits into a counter. Clearly - from the wiki page - it's discriminatory. Not outrageously discriminatory, but not exactly nice either.
It can only be deemed discriminatory if you were a black man, which you are not.

Otherwise, its meaning is non-believer of the Muslim faith.. Are you so conceited that you expect Arab speaking people to alter their language to suit your sensitivities? Is this how you respect the different languages and cultures of others?

What? Because it's not in English, it is suddenly offensive to you?

Gustav is a clown, not an extremist like Chi. You seem much more worried about my offense - and I thank your pains to protect my sensibilities - than his general philosophy.
I am concerned that as a result of your hysteria about a god damn word that you are the cause of words being banned from this forum. That your hysteria about being told you are viewed as a Kaffir (non-Muslim) by a wannabe Muslim on this forum, that others are now being banned for using a word that isn't offensive at all. I am concerned that you have clearly stated that you only find it offensive if it is used by devout Muslims and that this is apparently acceptable.

Sorry: "Hissed"?
Well we've had people making excuses for you as to why it may have been offensive to you. How are you offended by being refered to as a non-Muslim using the original Arabic word for it.

Are you offended by Arabic words? Are you offended that Arabs use their language on this forum like you use your first language on this forum? Are you offended that you were refered to as something you have often and repeatedly called yourself on this forum?

How was Chi saying you are a kaffir discriminatory to you Geoff? How were you discriminated against?

Mais pourquoi? Je ne comprehends pas ta point ici.
Since you have set the standard that only English is acceptable on this forum as the use of other languages is offensive, I find your snide manner of asking me a question in French to be highly offensive.

Yes...sarcastically, Bells. There is something of a difference, you know. This is sort of an odd tack, don't you think? By the by: your capitalized text above - seriously, is this really necessary?
I forget.

Only non devout Muslims are allowed to be sarcastic when using the term on this forum. If a Muslim dares to be devout to their faith, then they are automatically offensive, correct?

?? Sorry: where exactly was that again?
Ah, classic disingenous Geoff with his brand of intellectual dishonesty rides yet again.

Yes: which disagrees with my position how exactly?
Unless you're a black African, I really do not see how it can be discriminatory towards you Geoff.

He's referred to Westerners in general as "filthy", which is on the record, and to me and others as "kaffir". Seems reasonable enough to put them together; you are familiar with the process of rhetoric, are you not? Is this related to the OP?
1 + 1 = 3?

Would it be reasonable for me to say that you rape children or condone raping children because you are a Catholic? Or would that be a bit of a leap?

Well, it's an insulting word, Bells. I'm sure you'd be offended by the use of a variety of words. It isn't necessary and shouldn't be tolerated.
And I think it is hysterical responses from those like you that result in even innocent words suddenly becoming dirty and 'insulting'.

Sorry, but that's good for a gripe. I explained my distinction. This is now trolling, and slander.
You stated yourself, clearly and explicitly that it was offensive to you because it was typed by a devout Muslim.

So good luck with the slander accusation.

Sort of depends on intent, Bells.
His intent was clearly to refer to you as a non-Muslim.

I think as a lawyer you probably have had exposure to this concept: Chi means what he says from a religious sense. Gustav isn't an extremist, and so his usage is i) meant to be comical or absurd, and ii) kind of pointless. It's more that members of a group using a word in a discriminatory manner are doing so.
So you agree that Gustav's ban was not required since his use was meant to be comical or absurd and kind of pointless? Oh, that's right, because he's not a devout Muslim.

But Chi, a Jewish man you deemed to be a devout Muslim meant it from a religious sense.. ERmm how were you religiously discriminated against again?

Interesting. Who is "we", again?
The moderators Geoff.

You see, we are here to protect you when you hysterically claim that people are being mean to you because they said you were not a Muslim.

Well, first, your link doesn't work, and second: actually, in his OP, he attacked both James and I as "kaffir", and not as a quote:
He attacked you and James?

By saying that you are both non-Muslims?


Please demonstrate how you know this is "goading". Define "goading", even. I take a certain degree of outrage about it, perhaps, because it's a pejorative, as Muslim scholars also apparently believe.
Your posts and your use of the word were clear enough.

"Conservative" would be a better fit, although "devout" would fit into aspects of this group. You seem to be seizing on a detail for the entirety of your argument.
Which "group"? Muslims who pray 5 times a day?

This is also a little nonsensical.
Not at all.

Sam said:
Alien abduction, anyone?
Please be careful what words you use in your conversations with Geoff. He finds offense in many things and the last thing I want is to see words like "alien" and "abduction" being banned because it is being spoken by a devout Muslim and thus, is automatically insulting.

Also, do not be mean to the dear man. He is very sensitive and thus requires that we treat him as the special Geoff he is.
Gee. You'll use a neutral term instead of a loaded, offensive one. I really bent your back over, eh? Darth Maududi will not be pleased; but, I suppose I see some of the philosophical area you share with him.

I also remind you that contempt is more effectively delivered from a position above your target; and sheer hubris will not carry you that high.


Not to worry "Geoff the non-Muslim", I believe in giving people exactly what they ask for.
Damn Geoff, sucks to be you!

Indeed, and a la Maududi I do not intend to forget "GeoffP the non-Muslim's" arguments re: the "mosque" ie community center in New York [for all Americans, but run by American Muslims] which ran along the lines of I have nothing against blacks and mexicans I just don't want them in my neighborhood This oh so high position of his from where his well reasoned arguments on the "cleverly constructed shit" of Muslims will come floating to the top of the pool
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Kaffir is not an offensive term.

Sorry, but it is. As I said, even Muslim religious commentators feel much the same. It's something to be got away from.

Tell me, if you actually met a Kaffir, would you scream in horror and tell them they were offensive?

Fascinating: how would a sudden, unexplained revulsion at meeting a non-Muslim factor into your argument about the offensiveness of the word being applied to non-Muslims as now interpreted. Or how would I connect the offensiveness of this term with their being offensive, in some completely obscure way? Come on, Bells.

You're a kaffir. You're not a Muslim and therefore, you are a Kaffir. Just as I am a kaffir because I am not a Muslim and a non-believer.

Well, I suppose you're at liberty to self-identify that way if you absolutely must. I disagree, and I object to the term.

Look: here's the thing. I get why you're pissed. Chi got a ban. Hey, I'm sorry about that - well, somewhat, because I think it was justified - or at least I'm sorry you feel bad about it. But the guy is a flake and the word is offensive; and Chi's usage was offensive.

It can only be deemed discriminatory if you were a black man, which you are not.

Otherwise, its meaning is non-believer of the Muslim faith.. Are you so conceited that you expect Arab speaking people to alter their language to suit your sensitivities? Is this how you respect the different languages and cultures of others?

Because using the words "pagan" and "heretic" to describe non-Christian faiths is a meme we need to stick with? Am I now expecting English to alter it's language to suit my sensibilities? No: lots of others feel the same. Come on.

What? Because it's not in English, it is suddenly offensive to you?

How does this even follow?

I ignored the parts about "making excuses" and the other issues you were trying to drag into this, because "making excuses" is a little too subjective and because the other stuff has been gone over ad nauseam.

Are you offended by Arabic words?

No, only by straw men.

Since you have set the standard that only English is acceptable on this forum as the use of other languages is offensive, I find your snide manner of asking me a question in French to be highly offensive.

Oh? Was that my point? Maybe you should re-read my comment.

Only non devout Muslims are allowed to be sarcastic when using the term on this forum. If a Muslim dares to be devout to their faith, then they are automatically offensive, correct?

Wait: so you think that the use of such a word is an expression of devotion in the Islamic faith? This is a very myopic view. I've already explained the issue about "devout" previously. Come on, Bells, this is trolling. Enough already.

Actually, I quoted two sentences in there, Bells. Tell me which one I consider insulting or belittling. Your chances are 50:50, a priori.

Unless you're a black African, I really do not see how it can be discriminatory towards you Geoff.

This is also kind of trolling again. I mean, it's pretty clear you know which word we're actually discussing.

Would it be reasonable for me to say that you rape children or condone raping children because you are a Catholic? Or would that be a bit of a leap?

Well, that parallel is an impressive enough leap, actually.

You stated yourself, clearly and explicitly that it was offensive to you because it was typed by a devout Muslim.

Actually, 'devout' and 'extremist' don't overlap completely, Bells: that Gustav isn't a 'devout' Muslim was merely a first pass, which is what I intended. The second is that he would have to be an extremist. I would make little sense for someone to use a term implying their religious superiority without actually belonging to that religion. I hope this is clear.

His intent was clearly to refer to you as a non-Muslim.

It was more accusatory, sorry.

So you agree that Gustav's ban was not required since his use was meant to be comical or absurd and kind of pointless? Oh, that's right, because he's not a devout Muslim.

Non sequitur. Sorry: what have I to do with Gustav's ban, anyway? What part of this are you trying to argue?

The moderators Geoff.

You see, we are here to protect you when you hysterically claim that people are being mean to you because they said you were not a Muslim.

So you're speaking for all the moderators now? Or some of them? Or just you?

Please be careful what words you use in your conversations with Geoff. He finds offense in many things and the last thing I want is to see words like "alien" and "abduction" being banned because it is being spoken by a devout Muslim and thus, is automatically insulting.

Also, do not be mean to the dear man. He is very sensitive and thus requires that we treat him as the special Geoff he is.

Well, the above is more and more outlandish, and also completely disingenuous. Every time we start discussing an issue, you appear to start becoming hysterical. I'm trying to be fair with you, and what I get is insult, radical tangents, trolling and straw men so huge that the organizers of the Burning Man festival would be shamed into submission. You're turning this into a massive flamewar, yet I'm being completely frank and honest and fair with you.

I expect you won't consider anything I'm saying for more than a moment, but I really am trying to have a decent discussion about this.
Indeed, and a la Maududi

As in "I will make the filthy unbelievers pay"?

I do not intend to forget "GeoffP the non-Muslim's" arguments re: the "mosque" ie community center in New York [for all Americans, but run by American Muslims] which ran along the lines of

Trolling and false association, apparently.
I'm sorry - is that English? Because there is an Arabic word called maulana which means our lord and master


Please use only English so we are clear which language it is you are misrepresenting

So, ad hominem, trolling, straw men, red herrings and non sequitur are your full repertoire?

On second thought, that's actually a pretty full toolbox, really.
As in "I will make the filthy unbelievers pay"?

Trolling and false association, apparently.

There is no "false association" in an anti-Muslim bigot misrepresenting a community center as a mosque and citing "community sentiments" in his desire to oppose having it built. As you pointed out, when one is a bigot, even seemingly moderate statements should be suspect, ne c'est pas? <-- thats French not Arabic and has no association with ANY Muslims

Not surprising to hear such sentiments from an American though, since it is now the ROE of Americans to put Muslims in prison sorry, Communication Management Units for being too devout. As if it were not sufficient that they were killing and torturing them on a global basis anyway
There is no "false association" in an anti-Muslim bigot misrepresenting a community center as a mosque

Whoa. Daisy Khan is an anti-Muslim bigot? Okay.

And what are the "community sentiments" founded on? Their worry that the guy running the place might be a freak? Well, they solved that. They got a bigger freak to run it. So, problem solved.

However, you just represented me as a bigot again.
Whoa. Daisy Khan is an anti-Muslim bigot? Okay.

And what are the "community sentiments" founded on? Their worry that the guy running the place might be a freak? Well, they solved that. They got a bigger freak to run it. So, problem solved.

However, you just represented me as a bigot again.

Sorry, I missed the point where having a mosque being seen as a "problem" does not constitute bigotry against Muslims. Because it is bigotry to oppose the construction of a mosque as well. So framing the argument that the center is a mosque as though that justifies the opposition to it, is just additional evidence of your bigotry.
Sam, you also proposed that it wasn't a mosque. I disagree. That's a proposition. I felt bound to comment on it. Sorry.

The suspicion is that it's being run by a guy with some non-liberal sentiments. I've already stated that I'd have no problem with a guy like Suleyman Schwartz or Zuhdi Jasser running it, because they're leery of the idea also; they get the sensitivity angle, too, which is considerate.

So while I consider the site insensitive - it would be like putting up a church at the site of a massacre of natives within some reasonable time frame after the massacre, even if the church wasn't associated with the massacre itself. I'd consider that particularly insensitive. So in fact by being merely skeptical on that issue, I'm actually being generous in my disagreement. In point of fact it doesn't really matter whether it's a mosque or a centre, since Saudi money and vicious religious teachings don't much care; but that Rauf denies it after Daisy claimed it is weird and suspicious.

Now, of course, the centre/mosque complex has a whole new and even freakier guy, which kind of supports some of my suspicions. So: sorry if you disagree, but it's not the way you're painting it, and you can't get there from here.

However, that was a second slanderous allegation.
Sam, you also proposed that it wasn't a mosque. I disagree. That's a proposition. I felt bound to comment on it. Sorry.

The suspicion is that it's being run by a guy with some non-liberal sentiments. I've already stated that I'd have no problem with a guy like Suleyman Schwartz or Zuhdi Jasser running it, because they're leery of the idea also; they get the sensitivity angle, too, which is considerate.

So while I consider the site insensitive - it would be like putting up a church at the site of a massacre of natives within some reasonable time frame after the massacre, even if the church wasn't associated with the massacre itself. I'd consider that particularly insensitive. So in fact by being merely skeptical on that issue, I'm actually being generous in my disagreement. In point of fact it doesn't really matter whether it's a mosque or a centre, since Saudi money and vicious religious teachings don't much care; but that Rauf denies it after Daisy claimed it is weird and suspicious.

Now, of course, the centre/mosque complex has a whole new and even freakier guy, which kind of supports some of my suspicions. So: sorry if you disagree, but it's not the way you're painting it, and you can't get there from here.

However, that was a second slanderous allegation.

Do carry on. Do you also oppose synagogues by the Haredim? What about churches run by conservative Christians? Are they allowed to worship or should religious conservative Jews and Christians also be imprisoned because of their beliefs? You might want to take another look at Maududis opinions, I think the two of you will find much in common with each other
Actually, Mawdudi and I share little. I didn't bother with your examples, since they were straw men, although I bet some actual parallels could be found. In the meantime, enjoy the thread.
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