Japanese solution?

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Here is a estimate of radaioactive material in spread. within 30miles radius 50% of Radioactive material will fall, within that 30 mile radius the North East inland area within 18 miles of the nuclear facility and below 630 ft elevation contains 1,485.6 pounds of radioactive material, the area between 630 ft. to 1,312 ft. elevation contains 665 pounds of radioactive material. The upward and inland travel is 410 pounds of radioactive material traveling over the terrain and exstending past 18 miles.

Figures are for one reactor building in release of 2.153284672 tons radioactive material.

Could we please have some alert and generous mod redirect all of DDLR's posts to somewhere where they'll receive the attention they deserve?
Like oblivion, for example.
Thank you.
There were a few WW2 movies in which some American soldier captured by the Nazis used double talk to confuse them. For example.
The Norden Bomb Sight uses a frabrulatted version of Galileo's equivalence principle modified by the Minkowski curvature tensor to allow pinpoint accuracy. The manufacture requires the use of a cold impact extruded iridum catalyst in conjunction with case hardened copper filibrates.​
The above is a poor imitiation of a typical hollywood double talk script. The actual dialogue was very clever and would be convincing to a not-so-bright soldier unfamiliar with American slang.

Perhaps Dwayne is joking with made up data & nonsense verbiage.
As of May 10th the background of electron chemistry has begun to decease which results in nuclear material capturing electrons from other more negativly charged materials, where electrons are inducted from area enviroment. new chemical formations take place, and chemicals that where already formed start to form secondary chemicals. For example oxides that have taken formation or had primary existance gain a hydrogen aton, or make other weak bonds.

In other events nearly all of the material released prior to April 18th has settled to ground level, and would require clean up or treatment, where in treatment the change in background electron chemistry provides a opprotunity to alter the free enviromental motion of radioactive material by forming a compound to hold inplace the material or form certain color spectrum compunds to aid in locating and clean up. this exist as the change in electron background in a natural condition of the enviroment not requiring the addition of a catalyst or artifical energy componet.

Well guys i suggest that you" put your money where your mouth is", as goes the saying. perhaps one of you might define the sub atomic oreintation of material at the nuclear facility.

I would say that for the next few days uranium at the facility will be in Zirconium phase, having also a isotpoe phase and tin phase per day

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No. I think your calcs are way out of wack Dwayne. Back to the drawing board ;)

Well, Universal Distress
I would say that narrowing down the distribution pattern of particles has been elusive, or subject at least to my own laspe in vapor and travel time over distance and elevation but i have put that to a near end.

If you are reffereing to the amount of radiation in emmission at the nuclear facility, or in the feild the decay emmission times are based on determined half lifes of isotopes, there does seem to be some difference in decay times depending on your source, the general emmission times and strong radiations emmission time are determined by me and i would not change them unless conditions change, the release of decay products ia after all rather complicated and i have not have time to sort through the list of 3,716 isopotes suggested as a list. but I assure you that there are few people who have a intricate understanding of decay times, except in those that have been observed and i gurrantee that varation is bound to exist. exspecailly so when considering atomic elements that have been recently or newly produced in a lab.

Additionally fagmentation that occurrs as a result of radiation does carry a variable, in any result the estimates put out by Japan define that the block of fuel rods within the reactor are damaged at 65% ,45%? and a least one has crumbled and fallen to the bottom of the reactor into its catch.
As for material released from the spent fuel pools some variation may exist as well but you have to consider that 3 hydrogen exspolsion occurred, as well excessive cloud plumage in evaporation that are not a result of reactor output. so certainly if a report of radioactive particles exist in the feild then it have evaporated from the spent fuel pool at the nuclear facility.

Please do post your assement of the amount of material released, a report of tonage released was not issued by Japan. although radiation intensity reports where issued.

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Please do post your assement of the amount of material released, a report of tonage released was not issued by Japan. although radiation intensity reports where issued.

.678431113 pounds of thorium, .31119372 pounds of U-238 and .0422283 pounds of U-235 has been released, as verified by the Radioisotope Observatory satellite launched by the US in 2007. This has resulted in an average dose of approximately 112.3049923 millisieverts for the closest workers near the plant, and a maximum dose of 18.94627 millisieverts for the closest civilian.
.678431113 pounds of thorium, .31119372 pounds of U-238 and .0422283 pounds of U-235 has been released, as verified by the Radioisotope Observatory satellite launched by the US in 2007. This has resulted in an average dose of approximately 112.3049923 millisieverts for the closest workers near the plant, and a maximum dose of 18.94627 millisieverts for the closest civilian.

Billvon, please be aware that you are attempting to communicate with a young man in his mid-20s who has a mental problem in addition to being obsessed with numbers - ANY numbers. And he makes them up as he goes along.

The reason no one else is replying to him is because he's a known troll who posts nothing but garbage - and the best way to get rid of a troll is to not feed him which does nothing but encourage him to KEEP ON posting his nonsense. Ignore him, please, and he'll eventually go away.
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