Reg. my question about dumping reactors in sea intact or in parts, whether chain-reactions will still continue similar to as in reactors when reactors/fuel is deep into the sea?
Well, Kumar
Atomic chain reactions will still occur but not as in man made nuclear reactors.
In nature the chain reaction have a end of the chain atom, this is most likly a Carbon, Silicon,Magnisum, Sulfur, Potassium, a few other may exist. these end results have a companion, such as Lead or Vanadium the companion is of higher atomic weight.
The background atoms or atoms that surround uranium or decay material have a residual effect,two abundant residual forces are magnisum and silicon, the content of magnisum in the Ocean means a background effect of magnisum.
In nuclear reactors the chain reaction is faster producing a different percentage of isotpes and causing faster decay.
Dumping all of the nuclear material in to the ocean, such as at the bottom of the mariana trench would increase decay time form what would occur natually on the land suface near the nuclear facility, but it would not be faster than decay in the nuclear reactor. Dumping the nuclear material into the ocean changes neutron chemistry and electron chemistry.
The current phase is now that of
Zirconium, which is best for releasing rampant particles that speed up nuclear decay. For example the next few days at the Japanese Nuclear Facility it will release material,make new material Isotopes, and generate radation. During the Zirconium Phase it will release bottled up rampant materials such as alpha particles, protons and end of chain reaction atoms, this will occur for about 6 hours(Zirconium Phase). After six hours it wil begin to drop off and then change to Isotope Phase for about 12 hours, During Isotope stage atom start to form new rampant particle, and radatioins, which may gain motion and increase radation furthur.
At the current advertised reading of 100 Degrees Celsius, 20,000 coulumbs is the undetectable energy in the area in any one direction. with a static background of 825,059,224.8 coulumbs per second. over the restricted area most distrubance occuring within a range of 16,181.38ft. to lesser exstent 60,194.7 feet, causing a disturbance in motion of 188.74 pounds.
The advertised readings of 100 degrees come from equipement that has been at the facility and by thermal reading done by helicopter, Certainly the equipemt that has been put on the ground taking readings needs to be changed so that accurate readings can be made, Varartion in Static Background can change readings.
The Desired tempiture would be 11 degrees Celsius, 2,239 coulumbs undetectable energy,with a background varaiation of 21 pounds.
Water in the basement can be electrified and vaporized.