Jesus was a Normal Homosexual Man

Ah, so now you admit it's just an opinion.
Not facts.
when it comes to the sex issue, the gender is biological, the choices to do with your equipment is your CHOICE

sure exceptions arise but considering homosexuality as normal is like suggesting pigs can fly (but they have been on planes before, as dolphin do get frustrated)

the political issue is beyond return (i could care less)

Another example of your dishonesty: I've already shown in a thread how and where you lied,
please repeat it (show the example)

put it in your signature

scream on the rooftops

don't change the fact, you are one of the worst on the whole forum as far as credibility

i know i make mistakes and got the yahoos to admit it when i am

i suppose you gotta a problem with that too?
Incorrect: you're implying that being celibate is somehow bad because there's no breeding due to the celibacy.
So why IS celibacy not a good thing then?

Either you're talking bollocks (as usual) and there's nothing wrong with celibacy OR you're suggesting that everyone should have children.
Which is it?
Bollocks or breeding?
Well, it's better than the idea of seeking sexual relief in activities one does not enjoy.

• "you know, it's all what you get used to. some people survive on whale blubber and raw fish. some people like monkey brains. i used to hate green peppers, but it bugs me when i don't like certain foods. so i started forcing myself to eat them, like on pizza and as an ingredient in cooked foods to acclimate myself to the taste. then on salads. now i can eat them raw and by themselves and i love em." (#2411097/83, boldface accent added)

• "i just don't think the decision should come down to whether or not i have a vagina. that should be a given...a non-issue." (#2411124/96)

Thus, what we have is:

• It is illogical to expect celibacy of a grown male.

• Grown gay males should force themselves to like pussy, because liking pussy should be a given, a non-issue, for a man.​

What was it you said before?

"... i don't advocate rape in any capacity." (#2417284/42)

Care to rethink that one?

no. the point of that post was not to say that anyone should force themselves to do anything. that was my choice. and i made that choice for a reason. you should have bold-faced the sentence prior to that. "it bugs me when i don't like certain foods."

my point also was, that apparently my distaste for green peppers was not inherent.

food is food. and if i'm going to be picky about it, i'm going to focus on health, not on taste.

sexual relief is sexual relief. and if i'm going to be picky about it, i'm going to focus on more important attributes of a mate than physical appearance.
when it comes to the sex issue, the gender is biological, the choices to do with your equipment is your CHOICE
sure exceptions arise but considering homosexuality as normal is like suggesting pigs can fly (but they have been on planes before, as dolphin do get frustrated)
Insupportable bullshit.

please repeat it (show the example)
Ah, so your dishonesty extends to pretending you haven't said THAT before as well.
I get it: once a liar always a liar.

don't change the fact, you are one of the worst on the whole forum as far as credibility
Also bullshit.

i know i make mistakes and got the yahoos to admit it when i am
Actually that was one of the lies you told: I pointed out an error of yours and you denied it was an error. Just compounded your dishonesty.

i suppose you gotta a problem with that too?
I wouldn't have a problem if it were actually true.
Don't talk crap.
Haven't you said in a post somewhere that you were celibate for a number of years?
Why isn't it "logical" (as if you knew what the word means :rolleyes:).

it was due to circumstances that were pretty damn extenuating. i was isolated by some experiences that i had, and extremely idealistic in regards to mating. but i'm not going to pretend i was happy about my isolation. it sucked. i'm glad i did what i did. i learned alot about myself, my strengths, and alot about isolation and communion. i'm also glad that period of my life is over. being isolated and celibate isn't healthy. neither are a lot of sexual relationships i've been in, and seen others in. i just concluded that standing for something i thought was right was less painful than not standing for it.
To reiterate:

I can't imagine saying to myself, "That was great! Now, how do I make sure it never happens again and nobody ever finds out it happened at all?"​

who and why you discounting what you like? If you like it, then be that it may; don't mean anyone else needs to know, pay or submit to your preferences.

In this case, I can't imagine denying myself mint chip—having found I actually enjoy the stuff—simply because I don't want anyone to know I like mint chip.

i agree

but if that mint chip is all over your face, then you need to clean up because no one needs to know either way

start with equality, and then work thru each choice

i could care less, who people are doinkin.

if they want to live longer, then procreate

even if going back for just the five minutes

but dont any raise children and teach them a lie based on self preference that is purely going against nature. ie... auto's suck and are lousy to the earth; that be fact (but use like mine) (so reality exists, and we often change our liability responsibility based on norms (accepted beliefs))

bottom line of this subject is give the kids a chance first with reality, then over time, each can think and choose based on their life

now do you see where and why i get involved; it don't matter what each like (we can't choose their destiny), but no damaging the new lives, that came from the exact frame of hetero (even test tube) and screw up the next generation with the same confusion as is happening RIGHT NOW on this earth

Um ... okay.

that be truth you just "um ok'ing"

all the other stuff is opinion

point; the homosexual issue is dead, in that choice is its flavor when it comes to mankind (but with exceptions; hemorphradite to be politically correct, of course)

compassion is for others, not self

be selfish in the closet, as i raw dog like a race horse in heat

or would you all like to know what i call marriage (the best ritual to ruin a romance)
Insupportable bullshit.

Ah, so your dishonesty extends to pretending you haven't said THAT before as well.
I get it: once a liar always a liar.

Also bullshit.

Actually that was one of the lies you told: I pointed out an error of yours and you denied it was an error. Just compounded your dishonesty.

I wouldn't have a problem if it were actually true.

I thought it would have been Hank

Bishadi said:

who and why you discounting what you like? If you like it, then be that it may; don't mean anyone else needs to know, pay or submit to your preferences.

What the hell are you on about now?

Fine. Whatever.

Let's get rid of wedding rings. Nobody else needs to know. And everyone should stop holding hands, or kissing, or hugging in public. Nobody else needs to know.

Pay? You're going to have to explain that one.

Submit? Okay, look, just because, I would claim, say, String has the right to be gay? It does not claim that you must be gay.

but if that mint chip is all over your face, then you need to clean up because no one needs to know either way

It saves folks embarrassment in the long run to have a clue. Imagine if I omit you from dessert service because I erroneously believe you don't like what we're serving? Hell, I did that to my kid the other day by accident:

Emma: Daddy! I wanted some!

Tiassa: (cautiously) Um ... it had pepperoni on it.

Emma: I know. I wanted some.

Tiassa: (still confused) I'm sorry. I didn't know you like pepperoni.

Emma: I do.

Tiassa: When?

Emma: I had pepperoni last week at Mommy's.

Tiassa: I see. And you liked it?

Emma: Yes.

Tiassa: I'm sorry. I have another pizza in the freezer. Would you like me to make it?

Emma: Is there cheese pizza to make?

This can certainly be unsettling. And even more so when it's adults and, er ... um ... salami:

Woman: Can I buy you a drink?

Man: (looks startled)

Woman: (apologetic) I'm sorry. That probably wasn't appropriate. I know some men don't like forward women.

Man: (alarmed) No, no, no. I am sorry. Forward women are great. (sheepishly) It's just that I'd rather your friend over there buy me a drink.

Woman: (eyes widen; gestures over shoulder) Tom?

Man: Is that his name? I thought it would have been Hank, or maybe Max.

Woman: (embarrassed) Oh, God. I'm sorry. I—

Man: (smiles genuinely) No, really. It's all good. I mean, I'm not wearing a sign or anything, right? Come on, let me buy you a drink. I have a friend who would love those shoes. Where did you get them? They're adorable ....

I mean, it doesn't hurt to forestall those embarrassing moments. Unless, of course, one just has a specific problem with gay people and can't tolerate the idea that they exist in society.

but dont any raise children and teach them a lie based on self preference that is purely going against nature.

Like religion?

No, seriously, what lie that is purely going against nature are you referring to?

It's just an odd change of subject, is all.

bottom line of this subject is give the kids a chance first with reality, then over time, each can think and choose based on their life

On this we can agree.

now do you see where and why i get involved; it don't matter what each like (we can't choose their destiny), but no damaging the new lives, that came from the exact frame of hetero (even test tube) and screw up the next generation with the same confusion as is happening RIGHT NOW on this earth

I have no idea what you're talking about. Actually, to be specific, I might have a few guesses, but none of them are particularly complimentary.

that be truth you just "um ok'ing"

Actually, it just seemed rather extraneous to say, "What the fuck are you talking about?"

or would you all like to know what i call marriage (the best ritual to ruin a romance)


How do you cure a nymphomaniac? Marry her.​

Sorry. It was on the joke sheet that went around in ninth grade. I still find that funny, twenty-some years later. Probably because I don't know any heterosexual married men who are happy with their sex lives. Well, I might know one, but his take on sexual relations is even more screwy than Lori's, and his general outlook is exceptionally neurotic.
Which still doesn't explain why it's "illogical" for a grown man to be celibate.

because it's unhealthy. and granted, jesus had some extenuating circumstances, but that i think, he could have argued either way. bottom line...jesus was a man of faith. i mean, check the circumstances surrounding his own birth. :shrug:
because it's unhealthy. and granted, jesus had some extenuating circumstances, but that i think, he could have argued either way. bottom line...jesus was a man of faith. i mean, check the circumstances surrounding his own birth. :shrug:

But...I thought you were celibate for years. :shrug:
Celibacy is a better deal than what you advocate

Lori 7 said:

because it's unhealthy.

I'll tell you what's even more unhealthy: rape.
In what way?

i'm pretty sure it's unhealthy mentally, emotionally, and physically. there are immense benefits to having sex, and to communion with another human being. in my own case, my celibacy had it's own benefits. i learned a lot, and i'm glad i stood for what i did. i was also sad and very lonely much of the time during, and i'm glad that part of my life is over.

Er, it's still not an established fact that Jesus actually existed.

well since we're discussing the possibility of his sexual activity and orientation, for the sake of argument, let's assume he did.
Lori7 said:
i'm pretty sure it's unhealthy mentally, emotionally, and physically.
Ah, you're "pretty sure".
In other words you're speculating.

in my own case, my celibacy had it's own benefits. i learned a lot, and i'm glad i stood for what i did.
And then you say celibacy has benefits.
Ah, you're "pretty sure".
In other words you're speculating.

And then you say celibacy has benefits.

if you want to research the health benefits of sex and relationships go ahead. if you want to research the effects of isolation on human beings, google it up. i've learned the hard way already.

let me put it this way...

i've been in some unhealthy relationships, and imo, celibacy is better than that. i'm now in a very healthy relationship, and imo, that is better than celibacy.

what i found out when i was celibate, was just how much the aspect of or possibility of sex permeates everything...your perception, your perspective, your behavior, your manners, the way you see other people and treat other people, the decisions you make, the way you see and treat yourself. you take sex and the possibility of such out of your life completely, and it frees your time, energy, and focus up so much it's unbelievable. and people treat and respond to you differently too, when it finally sinks in that you're serious. at first, it just went right over people's heads. i think they just rejected the whole idea because they couldn't conceive of it or relate to it. but once the idea sinks in, an agenda is removed, and a relationship is freed. it's very liberating. that's why i'm glad i did it. i also think that my willingness to stand for an ideal, got me that ideal.
Excuse me: but celibacy does NOT mean isolation.
It also does not mean no relationships.
Excuse me: but celibacy does NOT mean isolation.
It also does not mean no relationships.

it places a distinct limit on them. it is a form of isolation, when everyone around you's primary focus is on sex.

my isolation ran a bit deeper than that, and was a driving force in my choice to be celibate. i've mentioned that i went through some weird shit. i didn't think it was possible to share that, and to be understood, like i thought i should be in a marriage. i also didn't think it was responsible to drag someone else into it, or to subject them to it.