Let's cut through the chase: Jesus didn't exist.

SL said

Since when was that a worthy excuse for murder?

Since the time these humans thought up nothing but continual evil to do. Gen 6:5

And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

Do you know what evil is? A serial killer is evil. Would you call it murder when a serial killer is executed?

1) Human nature supposedly came from man being tempted by a talking snake. Let us question for a moment..

A choice was given, that's the only way free-will can exist -- with a conscious choice between right and wrong. You propose that God should hard-wire us so we can only chose good - in other words we should be mechanical robots that can only do what is right so it will please him. Is this not correct? I hope we don't beat this to death, because it has been well covered before. You believe Adam and Eve had the minds of 4 year old children (the same belief the Moonies have) -- not knowing how to make a responsible choice, to which I disagree and do not feel like hashing it again gor the gazillionth time.

2) Who's 'image' and 'likeness' are we created in? Once you answer that, you'll understand why we are as we are. Why we have anger, wrath, jealousy etc.

We were originally created in the image of God which Satan is trying to destroy with drugs, sex, violence, murder, hatred, and lies.

All the drownings? You mean.. the 1 year old children that drowned? The pregnant mothers? The lambs and goats? You think they deserve to go to hell?

Nope, just the ones described in Genesis 6:5. Does the bible say that pregnant women and babies were drowned?

The fact of the matter is that I do not condone any murder. You seemingly do, indeed attempting to glorify the act.

yer darned tootin. I'm glad Hitler died, Hell isn't hot enough for him. Likewise for the likes of Bundy, and other sick sons-of-bitches that you love having around. Is that who you want to spend your eternity with? fine, go right ahead, it's your choice, and there's nothing anyone can do to stop you. It's gonna be one helluva chain gang. Where's your picture?


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Since the time these humans thought up nothing but continual evil to do. Gen 6:5

And who is responsible for creating brains that have the tendency to think up nothing but evil?

Would you call it murder when a serial killer is executed?

Yes, I would. Killing a killer is hypocricy, not justice.

A choice was given, that's the only way free-will can exist -- with a conscious choice between right and wrong

Offered at a time when the only two people allowed to make that choice had absolutely no knowledge of what good or evil meant - it's the toss of a coin, nothing more.

You propose that God should hard-wire us so we can only chose good

I did? Where exactly?

You believe Adam and Eve had the minds of 4 year old children (the same belief the Moonies have)

Going to ask any questions or just make up answers for me?

not knowing how to make a responsible choice, to which I disagree and do not feel like hashing it again gor the gazillionth time.

Fine. Use your bible and show me where it states that Adam and Eve had knowledge of good and evil before eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Your disagreement is worthless and you know it.

We were originally created in the image of God which Satan is trying to destroy with drugs, sex, violence, murder, hatred, and lies.

Damn, such a shame there's no being powerful enough to get rid of satan, and no being powerful enough to not have created him in the first place. Further to which, if it is satan, (a being that has power over humans, created by your god), which is causing man to do these bad things, why drown the humans? Well? Where's the choice Woody? You have told me on many occasions that people are possessed by demons/satan.. Is that their fault? Would you, (as you have done), try and condemn these people to hell when it's not them, but a being controlling them that was created and given the freedom to do so by your god?

Shouldn't god have just drowned satan?

Nope, just the ones described in Genesis 6:5. Does the bible say that pregnant women and babies were drowned?


"I am going to put an end to all people.."

So, once again:

All the drownings? You mean.. the 1 year old children that drowned? The pregnant mothers? The lambs and goats? You think they deserve to go to hell?

I'm glad Hitler died, Hell isn't hot enough for him. Likewise for the likes of Bundy, and other sick sons-of-bitches that you love having around.

That was some form of argument? Why make up nonsense garbage instead of just debating the issue? How did you come to the rather pathetic conclusion that I "love" having Bundy, Hitler, god or any other mass murderer around?

Well Woody?
SL said:

Offered at a time when the only two people allowed to make that choice had absolutely no knowledge of what good or evil meant - it's the toss of a coin, nothing more.

So in other words it is impossible for God to create an environment where free-will, innocence, and accountability can co-exist. pootey

Yes, I would. Killing a killer is hypocricy, not justice.

ok, I get the picture now -- you don't believe in punishing someone. Yep, it all figures. You're in the minority. A lot of people would be glad to pull the switch, especially the ones that knew the victim.

"I am going to put an end to all people.."

You are assuming infants were among them.

Your disagreement is worthless and you know it.

Again you claim it is impossible to have free-will, innocence, and responsible choice. Horse puckey.

Shouldn't god have just drowned satan?

Satan needs to take his followers with him -- they haven't all died yet.

That was some form of argument? Why make up nonsense garbage instead of just debating the issue? How did you come to the rather pathetic conclusion that I "love" having Bundy, Hitler, god or any other mass murderer around?

You've already answered the question -- their lives are worth more than their victims' lives -- according to you it would be hypocrisy to make them pay for what they did.
So in other words it is impossible for God to create an environment where free-will, innocence, and accountability can co-exist. pootey

My statement didn't say anything of the sort. Try again Woody.

ok, I get the picture now -- you don't believe in punishing someone. Yep, it all figures.

Once again, my statement didn't say anything of the sort. I get the feeling you are being purposely obtuse in order to avoid actually debating the issue. I would ask that you stop it.

A lot of people would be glad to pull the switch, especially the ones that knew the victim.

I'm sure they would. What exactly is that an argument for?

You are assuming infants were among them.

Infants aren't considered as people? There were no infants on the planet? What are you trying to get at?

Again you claim it is impossible to have free-will, innocence, and responsible choice. Horse puckey.

I claimed no such thing. I would ask that you cease with your blatant dishonesty.

Satan needs to take his followers with him -- they haven't all died yet.

Not an answer to my question. Once again:

Shouldn't god have just drowned satan?

You've already answered the question -- their lives are worth more than their victims' lives -- according to you it would be hypocrisy to make them pay for what they did.

Yet more dishonest nonsense. Is this the way you conduct typical debates?

A) Show me where I said their lives are worth more than their victims

B) Show me where I said they should not be punished, (take into account that "punishment" isn't limited to killing).

C) Answer the question:

How did you come to the rather pathetic conclusion that I "love" having Bundy, Hitler, god or any other mass murderer around?
SL says:

How did you come to the rather pathetic conclusion that I "love" having Bundy, Hitler, god or any other mass murderer around?

What do you propose to do with people like those -- just lock them up in prison, only to have them paroled by a "soft-hearted" judge that feels sorry for them? Then they go out and kill again. Dead murderers don't kill again -- so let's hear your solution.

Do they deserve any punishment at all? What if they enjoy the bondage from being in prison like Charles Manson? Does punishment for their crimes even figure into your solution? I'm all ears to hear you "set the record straight"?


Additionally you have charged God with murder over one "act of God" called Noah's flood. I might ask: Is this the way you debate?


Couldn't he also be accused of gross negligence for not intervening against earthquakes, tornados, floods, lightning, volcanic eruptions, windstorms, blizzards, forest fires, tidal waves, droughts, and any other weather related event that claims human lives? Hence couldn't he be charged as a God that is guilty of manslaughter because of gross negligence? Hence Noah's flood becomes nothing more than "business as usual."


If God created an afterlife for all humans after they die can he be called a murderer at all? Through death he moves them from this temporary world to another universe where they live eternally. Some fare better than others in the next world.


Can you look at Jesus who is exactly the same as his father and call Jesus a murderer?
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What do you propose to do with people like those -- just lock them up in prison, only to have them paroled by a "soft-hearted" judge that feels sorry for them?

I still eagerly await an explanation for how you come to the conclusion that I "love" having Hitler around, or at the very least an apology.

In the meantime I shall answer your question, as I keep doing, and only hope one day you find the decency and courage to apologise for your lies and slander.

To answer your question, it's not "just" locking them up. The service inmates can provide is an essential one. Be it through making number plates/postal worker sacks or whatever.

Reggie Kray didn't "get out again" until just before he died - and no.. didn't really have the opportunity to murder anyone else. Basically, people can be jailed with no chance of release.. You do not have to kill them.

Do they deserve any punishment at all?


What if they enjoy the bondage from being in prison like Charles Manson?

A rather silly question really. However, in either case you get these people to serve some use for society. A working convict is better than a dead one.

Does punishment for their crimes even figure into your solution?

Are you going to continue acting like a petty child?

Additionally you have charged God with murder over one "act of God" called Noah's flood. I might ask: Is this the way you debate?

That one act of god left dead more humans, (and animals), than any other act in the history of the universe. If you're going to call Hitler a murderer, then god is instantly included. Of course if "one act" isn't enough, I can provide many many more caused by that same being..


Couldn't he also be accused of gross negligence for not intervening against earthquakes, tornados, floods, lightning, volcanic eruptions, windstorms, blizzards, forest fires, tidal waves, droughts, and any other weather related event that claims human lives?

Did he make them? Can you tell me why he made a big swirling circle of wind that does nothing but destroy everything in it's path? Can you tell me why he made the planet in such way that a large portion of it would not provide crop or water for the inhabitants?

What are you saying exactly? These things are not god's fault, they're natural?

Hence couldn't he be charged as a God that is guilty of manslaughter because of gross negligence? Hence Noah's flood becomes nothing more than "business as usual."

Why negligence? There is nothing to suggest that these things were not made to do exactly what they do. A tornado was made specifically to destroy. A bot fly was made to the specific design that it would lay its eggs in other living beings, and the offspring would then proceed to eat that living being from the inside out.

Is it negligence or just the grand overall master design that things, (including many humans), are made with the express purpose of destroying everything around them? And no, not in pleasant ways.. Once you have a South American catfish swim up the end of your penis and 'hook on', you'd probably start learning.

All the diseases, the flies that puke on your food, the tape worms that eat away at your gut, the volcanoes, that child off that tv documentary whos skin keeps falling off...

satan is responsible for none of this, your god is. The only thing satan ever did was give mankind the knowledge of good and evil.

If God created an afterlife for all humans after they die can he be called a murderer at all?

If he murdered people, (which he has), then yes. Don't try and excuse it by saying it's ok because a few thousand get to live sometime after this universe is destroyed in a golden city free from dogs and fortune tellers.

The majority get doomed by that same being to burn. I really wouldn't wish burning upon my worst enemy, and yet this "all loving" being is more than content to see it happen to the mass majority of mankind.

Can you look at Jesus who is exactly the same as his father and call Jesus a murderer?

Am I as responsible for kicking a football as my foot is?

Now.. because you forgot about my questions, let me reiterate:

"Infants aren't considered as people? There were no infants on the planet? What are you trying to get at?"

"Shouldn't god have just drowned satan?"

"A) Show me where I said their lives are worth more than their victims

B) Show me where I said they should not be punished, (take into account that "punishment" isn't limited to killing).

C) Answer the question:

How did you come to the rather pathetic conclusion that I "love" having Bundy, Hitler, god or any other mass murderer around?"

And that's just what you missed from my last post.. Yeesh.
SL said:

To answer your question, it's not "just" locking them up. The service inmates can provide is an essential one. Be it through making number plates/postal worker sacks or whatever.

ok, slave prison labor -- to which I'm not totally opposed.

I still eagerly await an explanation for how you come to the conclusion that I "love" having Hitler around, or at the very least an apology.

Well I wasn't enamored when you called God a murderer either. If I apologize to you will you apologize to him? (fat chance) Tell me what you propose to do with murderers and then I'll consider apologizing. If you say they should be stuck in prison, then I say you should serve the remainder of their sentence when they get out and kill someone else (not a rare event in the US). If not you, then perhaps the judge that lets them out, or someother likeminded person should show their accountability by serving the remainder of the sentence.

Reggie Kray didn't "get out again" until just before he died - and no.. didn't really have the opportunity to murder anyone else. Basically, people can be jailed with no chance of release.. You do not have to kill them.

Unfortunately the average prison-release story doesn't have a happy ending. More than half of all prisoners released in the USA go back to repeat the same crime or a similar crime, sending them back to prison. I've seen estimates as high as 80%.

A working convict is better than a dead one.

Convicts are far below the break-even line for society -- they are a net cost in lost life, quality of life, emotional damage, and financial burden. The average cost of keeping a convict incarcerated is over $40K per year -- far more than most of them could earn at a respectable job.

satan is responsible for none of this, your god is.

Or perhaps evolution is responsible, which God allowed to procede correctly in the beginning, but mankind derailed in the end.

If he murdered people, (which he has), then yes. Don't try and excuse it by saying it's ok because a few thousand get to live sometime after this universe is destroyed in a golden city free from dogs and fortune tellers.

OK, doesn't the bible say a seed can not grow until it dies first? You wish to remain only a seed -- I wish to be the plant I was intended to be. This is where we are different, hence the thing you call murder for you -- I call life for me. What do you think about an eternity in hell compared to dieing?

I really wouldn't wish burning upon my worst enemy, and yet this "all loving" being is more than content to see it happen to the mass majority of mankind.

I can't say the same for my worst enemies -- satan and his demons. God will require me to judge some of them.

I Cor 6:3 says

Know ye not that we shall judge angels?

They know what's coming so they're getting in their licks while they can.

"Infants aren't considered as people? There were no infants on the planet? What are you trying to get at?"

We have no way of knowing whether or not god closed the wombs of every woman 5 to 10 years prior to the flood. He closed Sara's womb (Abraham's wife) for more than 40 years.

"Shouldn't god have just drowned satan?"

Nope, because God allows free-will to make wrong choices.

A) Show me where I said their lives are worth more than their victims

You haven't shown otherwise.

B) Show me where I said they should not be punished, (take into account that "punishment" isn't limited to killing).

The punishment you propose isn't working. Criminal justice is an oxymoron.

C) Answer the question:

How did you come to the rather pathetic conclusion that I "love" having Bundy, Hitler, god or any other mass murderer around?"

because you'd place them in the comforts of a penitentiary rather than eradicating the scum.

And that's just what you missed from my last post.. Yeesh.

No, I think I got it sized up pretty well. I don't think every prisoner should be executed, but our criminal justice system is a failure and it brings a lower quality of life to all americans through fear, anxiety, losses of freedom, economic loss, loss of life, cheapening of all values, drugs, violence, indifference, and many evils. Maybe it works better in brittain where you live. Here in the U.S. it sux.
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KennyJC said:
1. Jesus was the son of the intelligent creator of the universe put on Earth via a virgin birth who grew up to perform impossible miracles and came back from the dead to ascend to heaven.
2. Jesus was a preacher who managed to get some followers
3. Jesus was crazy
4. Jesus was a magician/showman
5. Jesus was ordinary but he was subject to the self-indulgent story telling of the time which exaggerated his actions
6. Jesus never existed and is a character in a story.

Do Christians somehow deep down think that number one is most likely to be true?

Well I wasn't enamored when you called God a murderer either

Given the biblical fact that god has killed - and done so for petty reasons such as a man blowing his wad on the floor because he didn't feel entirely comfortable with impregnating his dead brother's wife - means god is a murderer. I don't ask that you like that biblical fact, but it is indeed a biblical fact. god is a murderer whether you like it or not.

If I apologize to you will you apologize to him?

I can show many many instances of where god has killed. You cannot show one instance of where I stated that I "love having Hitler around". You have lied, I have not. Still, I can see you'll try to come up with any excuse to not apologise, so forget about it.

Tell me what you propose to do with murderers and then I'll consider apologizing.

Already done, although I fail to see why I should have to answer questions for you to have the decency to apologise for your lies. Generally people just say sorry and done with it. You are seemingly doing everything in your power to avoid having to do the right thing. I personally find it cowardly.

If you say they should be stuck in prison, then I say you should serve the remainder of their sentence when they get out and kill someone else (not a rare event in the US)

Oh? Why is that exactly? Am I the one letting them out? I don't think so Woody. Please, grow up a little.

Unfortunately the average prison-release story doesn't have a happy ending. More than half of all prisoners released in the USA go back to repeat the same crime or a similar crime, sending them back to prison. I've seen estimates as high as 80%.

Kindly provide a source for these statistics. That's not to say I doubt you, but I would be interested to see the particular crimes etc. However, nowhere did I imply that I would agree with or condone releasing killers, (dependant upon specific circumstance). Someone along the lines we are talking, (Hitler/god), should have no chance at parole ever. These are the death row inmates - those that get killed for their crimes. I say that they should not be killed - because then you're no better than they are.

The average cost of keeping a convict incarcerated is over $40K per year -- far more than most of them could earn at a respectable job.

So what are you saying exactly? You would rather see these men get killed because it costs less?

The fact is that death row inmates are going to sit there for years until they get whacked. Given your views on the matter, why not just shoot them in the head the very moment they get the guilty verdict?

Would you do it? Would you flick the switch on one of these men?

Or perhaps evolution is responsible, which God allowed to procede correctly in the beginning, but mankind derailed in the end

I see.. When god starts looking bad you turn around and blame 'reality' instead. Anything to avoid accepting the biblical fact that your god killed and kills indiscriminately - literally beating Hitler hands down - and all because he fudged up with creation.

OK, doesn't the bible say a seed can not grow until it dies first?

A seed cannot grow until it dies?

You wish to remain only a seed -- I wish to be the plant I was intended to be.

Please, don't drag this into typical childish, and irrelevant, bullshit. I question you - you avoid, I answer every question you pose - you avoid, I continue to question you - you continue to avoid.. and then come up with such a petty and worthless statement? Please Woody, you really have to try harder.

This is where we are different, hence the thing you call murder for you -- I call life for me. What do you think about an eternity in hell compared to dieing?

Oh I see. You have to believe it's all cool because you're scared? Admittedly I wouldn't really feel comforted by the notion of burning - but whether the idea is nice or not doesn't detract from the reality of the situation. You want to hide from that reality because you don't want to burn. I don't want to burn either, but am not a man that hides. If being true to myself means an all-loving god is going to doom me to eternal torture, then that is the way it is. I will not abandon my principles or my morals all because I am being threatened.

And yes Woody, you are being threatened. We all are:

"Worship me or burn".

There are two choices:

1) Abandon who you are, every guiding principle and moral you probably once stood for and prevent the threat from being carried out

2) Remain true to yourself but get torched.

You picked the former, I picked the latter - and that is where we differ.

God will require me to judge some of them.

I thought judgement was up to god and god alone? I thought jesus himself said not to cast stones unless... you remember the rest surely?

We have no way of knowing whether or not god closed the wombs of every woman 5 to 10 years prior to the flood.

Sure we do. Such an event would have been written about. However, we can do things your way and say: "we have no way of knowing.. perhaps god magically teleported all the kiddies to Jupiter for a weeks holiday while he flooded earth". Please Woody, get serious for a moment.

The biblical fact is that he drowned them all - kids, mothers, little furry kittens.

Nope, because God allows free-will to make wrong choices.

It's not "free-will" if humans are "possessed" by demons.

You haven't shown otherwise.

Once again:

A) Show me where I said their lives are worth more than their victims

The punishment you propose isn't working. Criminal justice is an oxymoron.

Once again:

B) Show me where I said they should not be punished, (take into account that "punishment" isn't limited to killing)

because you'd place them in the comforts of a penitentiary rather than eradicating the scum

He who casts the first stone...

"Eradicate the scum"

Final answer?

Furthermore, I would hardly use the word "comforts" when referring to prison. Sure, you and I take things for granted. We have a nice sky to sit and drink under, we have beaches to walk over, etc etc etc. Calling it "comfort" is a little bit naive Woody.

I don't think every prisoner should be executed, but our criminal justice system is a failure and it brings a lower quality of life to all americans through fear, anxiety, losses of freedom, economic loss, loss of life, cheapening of all values, drugs, violence, indifference, and many evils. Maybe it works better in brittain where you live. Here in the U.S. it sux.

Well, to a degree it probably does work better in Britian. Makes you wonder considering we do not "eradicate the scum".

But the failings of the justice system is not an argument. I have not contested at any stage that the whole legal process is bollocks - I agree with you in many ways.
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SL said,

Oh? Why is that exactly? Am I the one letting them out? I don't think so Woody. Please, grow up a little.

No you aren't the one letting them out, but then again you aren't the one stopping it from proceeding. If you choose to pass the buck then you need to be accountable and that seems to be a real problem with you. People that are irresponsible have some growing up to do in my opinion.

The criminal justice system doesn't work because of a lack of accountability: when they stick a murderer in prison it's someone else's problem, then when they turn a murderer loose it's someone else's problem. Do you think a judge would turn a murderer lose if he was going to be the next victim -- thus getting exactly what he deserves? Yes, that would be true criminal justice in my opinion -- the negligent judge is the next guy to get it -- how sweet!

You cannot show one instance of where I stated that I "love having Hitler around"

OK, so you don't love the guy (who could anyway)? But who do you care more about, him or all the people he killed?

god is a murderer whether you like it or not.

What about when he resurrects everyone and gives them back their life? What murderer can or even would do that?

Generally people just say sorry and done with it. You are seemingly doing everything in your power to avoid having to do the right thing. I personally find it cowardly.

Don't you like it when someone apologizes but they don't really mean it? However, if you are truely offended, then I apologize.

Kindly provide a source for these statistics.

I'm sure Skinwalker has all the data, and I'd hate to stake myself out. However it is common knowledge here in the states. Almost all the serial killers seem to have a long criminal record. Here's a link if you would like to read about it:

serial killers: why they do it

Serial Killers by Country

Would you do it? Would you flick the switch on one of these men?

That depends. If they go free otherwise -- yes I would seriously consider flicking the switch, but it still depends on just how bad they were or if there was any hope at all for redemption. It's not totally cut-and-dry (pardon the pun). Some of them do sincerely convert to christianity, and I could not throw the switch on one of them -- ie Jeffrey Dahmer. On the otherhand, I could probably do John Wayne Gacy the homosxexual pedophile serial killer:


He confessed to 33 murders, indicating where the bodies were in 28 of the cases—buried under his house and on his property.

According to reports, Gacy did not express remorse. His last words were to the effect that killing him would not bring anyone back, and it is reported his last words were "You can kiss my ass", which he said to a guard while he was being sent to the execution chamber.

After his execution, Gacy's brain was removed. It is currently in the possession of Dr. Helen Morrison, who interviewed Gacy and other serial killers in an attempt to isolate common personality traits held by such people. However, an examination of Gacy's brain after his execution by the forensic psychiatrist hired by his lawyers revealed no abnormalities. She has said Gacy did not fit into any psychological profile associated with serial killers, and the reasons for his rampage will probably never be known.

Anything to avoid accepting the biblical fact that your god killed and kills indiscriminately - literally beating Hitler hands down - and all because he fudged up with creation.

All I can say is that I'm glad I won't be you standing before God, and giving an account of yourself. It sounds like you do love Hitler compared to God. Maybe I shouldn't be apologizing at all.

I can see it now:

God: And why should I allow you to enter heaven?

Snakelord: Because I called you a murderer, doubted every word of your bible, blamed you for Adam and Eve's failure, and find you totally detestable.

God: That's exactly the way Satan feels about it, and he didn't make it.

I don't want to burn either, but am not a man that hides. If being true to myself means an all-loving god is going to doom me to eternal torture, then that is the way it is.

You'll have to hide, you'll have no other choice.

There are two choices:

1) Abandon who you are, every guiding principle and moral you probably once stood for and prevent the threat from being carried out

2) Remain true to yourself but get torched.

1) Function according to the maker's design that knew what he was doing.
2) Become the Frankenstein monster and go against your maker.

I thought judgement was up to god and god alone? I thought jesus himself said not to cast stones unless... you remember the rest surely?

I gave you the verse. We will judge the devil and his demons. God will judge all the humans.

The biblical fact is that he drowned them all - kids, mothers, little furry kittens.

Well at least the infants went to heaven, if there were any. Anybody care for a gunny full-o-kitties?

It's not "free-will" if humans are "possessed" by demons.

I don't know your thoughts and beliefs in this area, though I am inclined to think maybe you might believe it could be true. You are a psychologist, aren't you? It is my understanding that a person becomes demon possessed by allowing the demon to take control. After they become "possessed" they can not regain control very easily, but it can be done without an excorcism. So they are not fully accountable for their actions, but they are still accountable as an accessory. They usually know they are doing wrong.

Furthermore, I would hardly use the word "comforts" when referring to prison. Sure, you and I take things for granted. We have a nice sky to sit and drink under, we have beaches to walk over, etc etc etc. Calling it "comfort" is a little bit naive Woody.

What do you think about a wide screen tv and movies at the pen?

PS: What does any of this have to do with the Jesus Myth, which is the subject of this particular thread?
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Man if you still think, or better said. BELIEVE that a god will wake all the dead, some far off day "it's been 2500+years" it not only shows your so gullible, it also shows how much of an idiot you are!
Way back immediately after Jesus died, his sect of judaism believed he would get up again in a few days... weeks tops. When that didn't happen, they just kept pushing the date forward. End of the year, end of the century, end of the millenium, (more recently with y2k) end of the second millenium. Many people refused to have children because the end was right around the corner, people periodically stopped planting their fields, whole nations fell into stagnation.

Apparently people just won't take a hint. ;)
No you aren't the one letting them out, but then again you aren't the one stopping it from proceeding.

Actually I do often stop people from being let out. My recommendations generally keep 'disturbed' people in an environment where they can't do any real harm a lot longer than they would if left entirely to the judges.

However, even if my recommendations were completely ignored, I fail to see how you could come to the conclusion that I should serve their sentences as if I had anything whatsoever to do with their crime. I find you're being rather pathetic over it, although I'm not sure why.

but then again you aren't the one stopping it from proceeding. If you choose to pass the buck then you need to be accountable and that seems to be a real problem with you.

I see Woody. What exactly are you doing to stop these people being let back out? Can I then say you should serve their sentences?

But who do you care more about, him or all the people he killed?

Really, must you drag this debate down to such extraordinarily stupid, petty questions? Let it be said that I am the one here expressing my disgust at any killing of humans. You on the other hand are welcoming it as long as it's done by the being that's holding your life to ransom.

What about when he resurrects everyone and gives them back their life?

Ploys are often used to ensure ongoing servitude. The only problem is that by the time you get to see whether the "prize" is real or not, you're dead - and as such can't complain that you've been scammed. Not to mention, he could then 'get you' on any little detail he can think of. Who's to say you don't get to the pearly gates and god refuses you entry because that time back in 1988 where some tramp asked you for money and you didn't give him any.

The (biblical) fact of the matter is that you are completely at the mercy of the being that has annihiliated more humans than any other being in the history of the cosmos. A being that openly threatens you with eternal torture, has killed people on a whim, has set mankind up for the fall since day 1 and has failed at showing any sign that he is trustworthy.

As we were talking about them, it's like the nazis that piled jews into a van and told them they were getting their freedom - only to then be slaughtered by carbon monoxide.

However it is common knowledge here in the states. Almost all the serial killers seem to have a long criminal record.

We were not talking about 'serial killers'. It's common knowledge everywhere on the planet that serial killers.. uhh.. kill again. Of course it's also highly unlikely that many serial killers are being released from prison. They would be the 'death row' inmates. I am promoting the same system but without Ol' Smokey.

That depends. If they go free otherwise -- yes I would seriously consider flicking the switch

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Are you without sin Woody or are you just ignoring jesus?

All I can say is that I'm glad I won't be you standing before God

Of course. We have already established that we're completely different people.

God: And why should I allow you to enter heaven?

Snakelord: Because I called you a murderer, doubted every word of your bible, blamed you for Adam and Eve's failure, and find you totally detestable.

God: That's exactly the way Satan feels about it, and he didn't make it.

Snakelord: Can I ask you a question god? Have you ever considered that the reason that so many many people are 'against' you, that a third of all your angels left you, that even when you weren't there for a day or two people made golden cows instead isn't because there's something wrong with them, but there's something wrong with you? Why does nobody like you? You even come down in human form, I assume to say hello, and people couldn't wait to nail to you a post and see the end of you. Seemingly missing out on having a childhood and some form of social life has really taken it's toll.

You'll have to hide, you'll have no other choice.

Not at all. We've already established that you're the coward. I'll take whatever's coming standing up.

1) Function according to the maker's design that knew what he was doing.

But then surely everyone is functioning according to the way they were designed.. unless you're saying god fucked up with the schematics? But it stands to reason. If we were all designed to be good little christian boys like yourself then you'd have nobody to "witness to", preach to, or damn to hell. In the same way satan and his demons must have been designed to be bad - to possess people and do naughty things like steal christmas trees and whatnot. Without satan and the threat of hell, you'd have no reason to be good. It's all a test remember, and you cannot perform a test when there's literally nothing to test with.

Well at least the infants went to heaven, if there were any.

They were still slaughtered for no justifiable reason.

Anybody care for a gunny full-o-kitties?

?? Must be redneck humour or something. Sorry Woody, I didn't get it.

I don't know your thoughts and beliefs in this area, though I am inclined to think maybe you might believe it could be true. You are a psychologist, aren't you? It is my understanding that a person becomes demon possessed by allowing the demon to take control.

My being a psychologist somehow implies that I'd believe in demon possession?

but they are still accountable as an accessory. They usually know they are doing wrong.

Ok, so these possessed people know they're doing wrong - and as such are guilty. But you just said before that these people cannot regain control - and that the demon has control. If they have no control, how can they be guilty?

What do you think about a wide screen tv and movies at the pen?

What's the problem with TV? I'd give up TV right this second in favour of being able to walk across an open field, relax in the pub with my friends - drinking cold beer, to make love to a woman every night of the week, to have kids, holidays, take away vindaloos, etc etc etc.

Tv's and movies? Lol.

PS: What does any of this have to do with the Jesus Myth, which is the subject of this particular thread?

Nothing really. We've already established that there is no evidence to suggest he ever existed.

1 page ago, (on my browser), you asked a question. I gave you a direct answer to that question and you then felt like going off on some diatribe, under the delusion that nobody else other than you knows about dracula history - even though I had had to point it out to you in the first place.

As a response to your statement that he was a "monster" because of his killings, I decided to point out the hypocricy of such a statement. You defend the biggest man killer of all while having a go at someone that couldn't even come close. K?
SL said,

However, even if my recommendations were completely ignored, I fail to see how you could come to the conclusion that I should serve their sentences as if I had anything whatsoever to do with their crime. I find you're being rather pathetic over it, although I'm not sure why.

Someone should serve the remainder of the sentence, or does a judge's sentence mean anything? Does a law mean anything? Ok, laws are made to be broken, I confess, my objection is pathetic.

Who's to say you don't get to the pearly gates and god refuses you entry because that time back in 1988 where some tramp asked you for money and you didn't give him any.

Actually I did help him, but I get the gist.

The (biblical) fact of the matter is that you are completely at the mercy of the being that has annihiliated more humans than any other being in the history of the cosmos.

He also gave all of them life first -- what did they give him back? nothing he liked that's for sure. So you think he owes them something do you? He owes them a life, good one S/L.

A being that openly threatens you with eternal torture, has killed people on a whim, has set mankind up for the fall since day 1 and has failed at showing any sign that he is trustworthy.

A being that sees things my way, that I fully trust -- he made me. My God is your devil.

We were not talking about 'serial killers'. It's common knowledge everywhere on the planet that serial killers.. uhh.. kill again. Of course it's also highly unlikely that many serial killers are being released from prison. They would be the 'death row' inmates. I am promoting the same system but without Ol' Smokey.

AS I said before they have a long prison record, obviously they were released from prison many times -- does it sound like the program worked? :rolleyes:

100% of all dead criminals never commit another crime -- can you beat that rehabilitation statistic? It has never, ever failed -- not even once.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Are you without sin Woody or are you just ignoring jesus?

Are you blaming the judge that passed the execution sentence? My decision is based on preservation of life. If this known murderer is killed he won't sexually molest, torture and kill boy number 34. If he is released -- well It's a no-brainer.

Would you even kill in self-defense? I would to preserve my own life -- it's the same set of values. It's consistent, it's moral.

What if a wild animal was running loose in your neighborhood and killed 33 children. Would you pull the trigger on him? What's the difference between that and a sadistic pedophile murderer named John Wayne Gacy? Do you think he was a human just because he had human blood in his veins? His cellmate said it was hell living with that sadistic monster.

Not at all. We've already established that you're the coward. I'll take whatever's coming standing up.

You'll look kind of silly running around naked. Unless you're a nudist, you'll flee from God's presense. He sees right through you -- every fault, every imperfection -- everything you ever did and thought no one would know. You'll be standing right in front of a holy mirror, and see yourself for what you really look like -- it won't be pretty. I just thought I'd let you know, though I'm pretty sure it won't help.

?? Must be redneck humour or something. Sorry Woody, I didn't get it.

Yeah, it was. Most of us want to get rid of a bunch of kitties, especially if they're mongrels. In the country they turn wild and kill the chickens, hence a gunney sack in the old pond. Alice Cooper humor I suppose.

My being a psychologist somehow implies that I'd believe in demon possession?

It implies that you might possibly believe in it, though not in the supernatural sense of the word.

What's the problem with TV? I'd give up TV right this second in favour of being able to walk across an open field, relax in the pub with my friends - drinking cold beer, to make love to a woman every night of the week, to have kids, holidays, take away vindaloos, etc etc etc.

You should watch the documentary film called "Scared Straight". Those guys don't think like you. I remember one of the guys said he'd walk right past a beautiful woman to get his hands on a teenage boy. He also said that's the way it works in prison. I know another prisoner that said the same. He got his nose broken in a fight so he wouldn't be somebody's girl.

Nothing really. We've already established that there is no evidence to suggest he ever existed.

To be honest with you, I think anyone that believes the Jesus myth is kind of kooky. Nobody said you have to believe he was God.

Sometimes I have wondered if he (Jesus) sincerely believed he was God's son, and convinced others of the same, and even died on the cross believing so -- but was not. One thing is for certain -- he conquered death in the mind of the believer, whether he was real or imaginary, or if he was who he said he was. Believers have all bases covered. Jesus died so that we wouldn't have to fret about death and the hereafter. If there is no hereafter, he still did a courageous thing. We believers do not have to fear death, and we love Jesus for who he was.
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“Can you look at Jesus who is exactly the same as his father and call Jesus a murderer?”

* At long last. So you are saying Jesus IS God. Then yes, Jesus is a murderer.
Someone should serve the remainder of the sentence, or does a judge's sentence mean anything?

Always on the lookout for a scapegoat. yes Woody, the legal system is a bit of a farce quite often - but that is not down to you or me.

But then from a biblical perspective the only one capable of judging someone is god. From a biblical perspective shouldn't all the serial killers be free anyway? I mean c'mon Woody, if god is more than willing to obliterate someone because their semen landed on the floor, wouldn't it be up to him to also obliterate those who get their kicks out of killing innocent people?

So why doesn't he do it? Why did he go to such length to kill a man that wouldn't impregnate his dead brothers wife but wont go to those same lengths when it comes to a lunatic paedophile?

This makes the situation even worse. god will happily drown 6 month old children but wont kill paedophiles.

And then man faces a dilemma. Either rewrite god's laws to serve his own purpose or stay true to those laws and suffer. Let's be clear about this, god says:

"thou shalt not kill".

He does not say:

"thou shalt not kill.... unless...

Once you start rewriting god's laws to serve your own purpose, it all becomes meaningless.

You would kill Gacy - we have established that. As such you are rewriting god's laws to say:

"thou shalt not kill unless the guy is a lunatic paedophile".

In that same way anyone can rewrite that same law to state:

"thou shalt not kill unless the guy is {black/gay/on my hate list etc}".

You make redundant anything that your god happens to command. YOU should be the one protesting against the death penalty - because man does not have the right to kill - regardless to the excuse that can be thought up.

jesus has informed us that even thinking about something sinful is a sin. Better to cut your brain out now that go to hell because you thought of something sinful. You thought of doing something against god's laws, and thus should - by the words of jesus - cut your brain out.

He also gave all of them life first

That is completely besides the point. My wife and I gave my daughter life - that does not give us the right to slaughter her. The way you say it seems to imply that we are cattle.. nothing more. While I will accept that, I would question why a cow would worship and love the farmer that turns it into beef steak.

So you think he owes them something do you?

Not at all. I have an nice ant farm coming along. I gave the ants their home etc, but that doesn't mean they owe me anything or I owe them anything. I could get all nasty about it and turn on the hosepipe because the ants are not behaving as I want them to, but that makes me a nasty heartless immoral bastard - and if one of those ants loved me for it, I would be sickened.

A being that sees things my way

So it would seem. You'd kill people whenever you decide you have a good enough reason, judge everyone if they disagree with you, drown animals for kicks, and punish innocent people when the criminal is beyond reach, (this comes from your "you should serve their sentence" - it stinks of the old god speech: "I will punish you for your great great great grandfathers sins"). Seems you and your god share the very same lack of morals.

AS I said before they have a long prison record, obviously they were released from prison many times

Kindly show me a serial killers prison record. It's not that I don't believe you, I'm just interested. I'd also like to see whether that prison record is full of murders, or just things like gbh, drug dealing etc.

100% of all dead criminals never commit another crime -- can you beat that rehabilitation statistic?

100% of dead 6 month old children go to heaven, (so you seem to imply). Would you also recommend that we kill them?

Thou shalt not kill, Woody.. remember that. No if's, no but's.. it's one of god's main rules.

Are you blaming the judge that passed the execution sentence?

Certainly. Not just him but anyone that thought about killing the person. Remember jesus' words Woody.

If this known murderer is killed he won't sexually molest, torture and kill boy number 34. If he is released -- well It's a no-brainer.

Please.. you religious, (yes even you), have told me before that it's god's will. If god does not want boy number 34 to die then he wont. Why are you trying to push god out the way? "Thou shalt not kill", Woody.. remember that. It is in god's hands. If it is that boy's time, then it is his time. If it is not his time, then god will intervene and make sure he remains safe. Who are you to make decisions for god? Well Woody?

Would you even kill in self-defense?


I would to preserve my own life -- it's the same set of values. It's consistent, it's moral.

It is completely against one of god's main laws. If he wants you to live, you shall. If an enemy comes to kill you - "turn to him the other cheek". Do you not trust your own god?? Has it become so bad that when it comes to your life - the life you supposedly claim is in god's hands - that you would try to survive and indeed kill the enemy against god's wishes? If he wants you to die Woody, it is your time. Why fight it? Why fight against god, against god's plan? Why even worry about it Woody? Your death would be a good thing.. you would get to join god in heaven - as he so desires. When someone like Gacy comes to you, let him do as god intends him to do.

What if a wild animal was running loose in your neighborhood and killed 33 children. Would you pull the trigger on him?

We don't carry guns here.

Again I could only say that god's will is god's will. Who am I to intervene? Would I purposely go against god's wishes to save these people? Certainly - mainly because I'm an atheist - and indeed probably would even if I was the most devout religious man. But that is simply because god's word would only mean anything when I want it to - the guiding principle of every single religious man alive today.

Do you think he was a human just because he had human blood in his veins?

Yes.. he was a human. He might not have been as fine and upstanding a human as you are, but he was undoubtedly doing god's will - or satan's will - and seeings as god made satan, and satan's will - then it comes back to god's will. If I had the opportunity I would certainly have saved the victims. Your god did have the opportunity to save them and yet he didn't. What does that say? It says he didn't want to - that that was their time to go and join him. To save one of those victims is to go against god's plans - to prevent one of those victims from being with god. Do you like preventing people from being with god, Woody?

What have we established here today?

A) You would happily prevent people from ever getting the chance to be with god, (you saying you would kill Gacy. What if he would have found god on his deathbed if left alive for another few years?)

B) You would happily prevent people from ever getting the chance to be with god, (you would stop the death of someone whos time it is to go and be with god).

Basically what you're saying is you will do everything in your power to make sure people don't get to be with god. How happy will he be about that I wonder?

You'll look kind of silly running around naked

I have no complexes.

He sees right through you -- every fault, every imperfection -- everything you ever did and thought no one would know

It's irrelevant really. Imperfection is the way humans were made. If he has issues with it, he can kiss my 'imperfection'.

Most of us want to get rid of a bunch of kitties, especially if they're mongrels.

Why? Are they that evil?

In the country they turn wild and kill the chickens

People in the country don't have the intelligence to uhh.. protect the chickens?

It implies that you might possibly believe in it, though not in the supernatural sense of the word.

There is only the supernatural sense of the word.

You should watch the documentary film called "Scared Straight". Those guys don't think like you. I remember one of the guys said he'd walk right past a beautiful woman to get his hands on a teenage boy.

It's inconsequential. To stay to point, that person would then surely be better off free where there's lots of teenage boys?

Once again: TV? Lol.

To be honest with you, I think anyone that believes the Jesus myth is kind of kooky. Nobody said you have to believe he was God.

Regardless to what anyone said or not, there is still absolutely no evidence to suggest that jesus was ever a real person. The same goes for gilgamesh, robin hood and harry potter.
SL said:

But then from a biblical perspective the only one capable of judging someone is god. From a biblical perspective shouldn't all the serial killers be free anyway?

no they are commanded to be executed. I thought you knew the bible. Ex 21:12:

He that smiteth a man, so that he die, shall be surely put to death.

You know, I think that verse about judging is one of the most misunderstood verses in the bible. It's a favorite quote for the unbelievers.

Lev 19:15
in righteousness shalt thou judge thy neighbor.

I Sam 8:5
now make us a king to judge us like all the nations.

Then the new testament comes along and says 6:37:

Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned.

It doesn't say you can't or even shouldn't judge. It says you will be measured by the same standard you use to measure others. This concept wasn't even given in the old testament.

Always on the lookout for a scapegoat.

Not really.

"thou shalt not kill".

You are indeed a very confused man. Crime is punishable by death:

Lev 20:10
And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbor's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.

Ex 21:16
And he that stealeth a man, and selleth him, or if he be found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death.

So much for the slavery argument stretch was making.

Ex 21:17
And he that curseth his father, or his mother, shall surely be put to death.

So much for the sassy rebelious kids.

Ex 22:19
Whosoever lieth with a beast shall surely be put to death.

So much for farmer bob and betsy the cow.

Lev 20:19
For every one that curseth his father or his mother shall be surely put to death.

Sounds like somebody has a big judging job to do.

SL says:
He does not say:

"thou shalt not kill.... unless...

'fraid so guy.

Once you start rewriting god's laws to serve your own purpose, it all becomes meaningless.

agreed, so please stop doing it.

You would kill Gacy - we have established that. As such you are rewriting god's laws to say:

"thou shalt not kill unless the guy is a lunatic paedophile".

No he says, kill any man that smites and kills another man.

He that smiteth a man, so that he die, shall be surely put to death

Gacy gets 33 death sentences, but only has one life to offer hence hell is needed to finish his payment he owes.

YOU should be the one protesting against the death penalty - because man does not have the right to kill - regardless to the excuse that can be thought up.

No excuse needed -- God commanded us to kill murderers. This is really getting boring. Many police officers are christians, and they don't have a problem doing their job.

My wife and I gave my daughter life - that does not give us the right to slaughter her.

You think you gave her life. You can't give it to her a second time, but God can.

Kindly show me a serial killers prison record.

Well I did provide the link and asked you to read it. It's in this thread a few posts back. ok here's the link on the serial killer scumbags

Here's one you might be interested in , being you are from England and have a young daughter:

Robert Black, the schoolgirl serial killer

From the source, he was finally jailed when he kidnapped a police officer's girl:

He was seen snatching a six-year-old girl off the street and bundling her into his van. An alert member of the public called the police who chased after the van and subsequently apprehended Black. The little girl's father was actually one of the police officers on the scene and was the one who discovered the child in the back of the van, tied up,

100% of dead 6 month old children go to heaven, (so you seem to imply). Would you also recommend that we kill them?

No, neither would I recommend someone killing themself after getting saved to prevent losing their salvation.

Certainly. Not just him but anyone that thought about killing the person. Remember jesus' words Woody.

Jesus' words aren't the same as yours.

"turn to him the other cheek".

It's kind of hard to turn a cheek with a bullet hole in your head. Jesus didn't mean "forfeit your life."

What if a wild animal was running loose in your neighborhood and killed 33 children. Would you pull the trigger on him?

We don't carry guns here.

Pretty evasive. So the wild creature runs loose and kills everyone. The bible says such an animal should be killed.

It says he didn't want to - that that was their time to go and join him. To save one of those victims is to go against god's plans - to prevent one of those victims from being with god.

That's Hindu philosophy, not christian.

BTW, when Gacy is executed he get's to be with God -- it's God's will, as you say. If God didn't want me to kill him he would stop me from throwing the switch. Must have been God's will, right Snakelord? :D

Basically what you're saying is you will do everything in your power to make sure people don't get to be with god.

Au Contraire, I throw the switch and immediately put Gacy in God's presense. All Gacy's "would be victims" are going to die anyway. I guess Gacy doesn't get the pleasure of doing them. Tisk tisk. Do you want to do them instead?

there is still absolutely no evidence to suggest that jesus was ever a real person.

Most Historians disagree with you.
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no they are commanded to be executed. I thought you knew the bible. Ex 21:12:

It would seem you and I need to define some ground rules. From various other discussions of ours, you have told me that the OT is meaningless when it comes to laws, (remember our discussion concerning circumcision, working on weekends etc?). Now you're attempting to justify murder by using those OT laws you have quite often told me are redundant.

From your perspective - where jesus came along and did away with all the old laws, (sacrifice, killing your children etc), can you justify the killing of a man by you even if he himself is a murderer?

Love thy enemy, let he without sin cast the first stone etc are jesus laws.

Kill thy children, stone prostitutes to death etc are yhwh's laws.

You could argue that they are both one and the same being, but clearly there is a serious difference of opinion amongst 'themself' - and to see you subscribing to the former after all your adamant arguments against my statements that you're supposed to, ("not one dot, not one stroke"), really is quite a sight. You're either not the Woody I usually talk with, or you're contradicting your earlier arguments.

Still, let's work on what we have for now.

Commanded to be executed. It's a scary thought really - that an all loving, all powerful being would command you to do something so 'animalistic' - even when the would be victim most likely deserves it. That of course isn't to mention the equally pertinent command that you should stone your son to death if he's naughty, stone prostitutes to death, stone your wife to death if she has an affair and also stone children to death if they show disrespect to their parents.

It's a wonder, given god's commands, that there's anyone still alive.

Ok, sure.. I understand it's not nice when your kids are rude to you or when your wife bonks some other guy. It's not nice at all. But murder? So sayeth your god.

Now, I mentioned 'rewriting god's law'. You have done this in countless other discussions, as highlighted above. But let's put it to the test. Answer these questions honestly please:

1) If a man has killed another man, would you kill him?

2) If your wife slept with another man, would you kill her?

3) When driving through the red light district, would you stop off and slaughter a few prositutes?

4) Because you wouldn't let your son go to a sleepover, he turns around and says he hates you. Would you kill him?

5) If you answer 'no' to any of the above, do you agree that you're now ignoring god's laws, while sitting here trying to justify one of those laws to me?

6) What exactly makes that law any more valid than the other laws I have highlighted?

7) Do you not see something inherently wrong with an all loving being commanding you to kill your own children?

8) What role does jesus play in the undertaking of these laws, considering he seemingly has an opinion on the matter that differs to the OT god's laws?

9) Are the OT laws still valid? Did jesus not do away with the old laws? (as you have told me several times).

10) If jesus has not done away with the old laws, why are you not circumcised, why do you eat pork, why do you work on the weekend, why don't you kill your children?

11) If jesus has done away with the old laws, why are you trying to justify the murder of humans, (whether they're nasty humans or not)?

It doesn't say you can't or even shouldn't judge. It says you will be measured by the same standard you use to measure others.

And what standard do you use exactly? Several times you've 'doomed' me to hell and judged me and yet you've never even met me.

So much for the sassy rebelious kids.

Well, that's something to certainly be proud of. You've been commanded to kill your own children. I am impressed - but all it really does is make my point even more.

'fraid so guy.

Does jesus?

But then, given how it currently stands, (you openly supporting the murder of children), I can only say that is one sick, twisted god you worship, and indeed one sick, twisted Woody.

No he says, kill any man that smites and kills another man.

He says to kill children that are disrespectful to their parents. Do you agree with god, Woody?

You think you gave her life. You can't give it to her a second time, but God can.

Second time, hundredth time or gazillionth time is irrelevant to the discussion.

From the source, he was finally jailed when he kidnapped a police officer's girl:

My questions were to show me serial killers that had been released to kill again. From the report, when he was arrested for his murders he got several life sentences without ever being allowed free.

It's kind of hard to turn a cheek with a bullet hole in your head. Jesus didn't mean "forfeit your life."

Nonsense. jesus even showed you how to do it. When it came to his life, he did forfeit it. You christians keep on telling me how you want to be like christ. You'll never get there if you don't do things how he did things.

So the wild creature runs loose and kills everyone. The bible says such an animal should be killed.

Again, give me a good reason to intervene with god's will? What if the children that die would have grown up to be serial killers, Woody?

BTW, when Gacy is executed he get's to be with God

No. He gets to be with satan. You just said he goes to hell a little bit earlier.

If God didn't want me to kill him he would stop me from throwing the switch. Must have been God's will, right Snakelord?

Certainly. So god makes the killer, makes someone kill the killer.. yada yada yada. We're all robots and god is ultimately responsible for everything.

Most Historians disagree with you.

Nothing wrong with them having their own little opinions. Now all they need to do is provide the evidence.
SnakeLord said:
He says to kill children that are disrespectful to their parents. Do you agree with god, Woody?.

I agree with God, but not being a Levite priest and not living in the year 2000bc or so I realise that this doesn't apply to me.

What is right?

You certainly don't know.