SnakeLord said:
Matthew 5:22 "Whosoever shall say Thou fool, shall be in danger of hellfire."
You really should learn to follow the teachings of jesus. Just a thought.
Thanks for pointing this out, you've made a good point, I've been clouded by anger lately, ironic isn't it?
Mythbuster said:
Everything is fool for you
And that means religion is 100% truth ?
Ofcourse not. Just pointing out that neither should be considered 100% true, therefore who can say this is right and this is wrong and ridicule others for their beliefs?
superluminal said:
Oh Eviscerated One,
You support the teachings of jesus but you're not a christian. What are you then?
Actually Christians have very different beliefs. Most of them follow the Church, believe in a Zeus-like God, and do not know anything about Biblical scriptures. There's a very big difference.
superluminal said:
Oh yea verily I say unto thee, how many times can thouest use the oh so loving and jesus-like word 'fool' in one post? Try using the words "fucking hypocrite" at least ten times in your next, self reflective post. BTW, you're going to hell bub.
I don't know man, the word fool just felt perfect at the time. Going to hell? Verily (do you like this word too?), no one knows who will go to hell or heaven.
qwerty mob said:
I'm guessing you don't really believe that "100% truth" is qualifiable, using any method of reasoning.
If so, would you do me the honor of quantifying the term "truth" so one could estimate the percentage of it in our discourse?
No one truly knows what the absolute truth is, that is my point. So why ridicule others for their beliefs?
stretched said:
What do you believe Vitalone? Was Jesus God? The one and only?
Hey stretched,
Was Jesus God? Yeah, basically. The one and only? Yes and No. His soul, atman, is unchanging, eternal, the absolute truth, and permanent (and therefore "alpha and omega"), so in one way he is the one and only. However, though being only one, he can appear to be different, though being only one, like how the expressions 1+1 and (89*4)/178 appear different but are both the number 2.
charles cure said:
wrong. the war between science and religion is a one-sided war. theists have resented the findings of scientific experiments for centuries based on the fact that they have often contradicted church doctrine in a way that can be backed up with abundant evidence. people dont believe that all of the conclusions of science are true, that is (for lack of a better term) "Theist Propoganda". your point of view demands that science be discredited in order to maintain your belief in the impossible, or at least in the extremely unlikely, in order to do this, you start with an assuption that "everybody" (whoever that is) believes that science is the truth 100% of the time, then you find one poorly controlled experiment, or one hoax, or one disproven conclusion, and point to it as proof of sciences ultimate fallibility. no shit. i think its become clear to most people who are educated beyond a sixth grade level that scientific analysis of any subject is a continual process, and that no particular conclusion is ever really meant to be applied universally. this "debunking of science" by theists is more of a pathetic attempt to avoid self-analysis or a distraction from their failure to adapt the ridiculous fantasy that is the religious message to a modern audience who lives in a world that is otherwise pinioned by logic and reasoning. too bad for you i guess, but seriously, take you bullshit and shove it down someone elses throat.
Hey Charles,
I think you missed my point completely. I don't suggest that science be discredited in order for my belief to seem credible. I suggest that no one knows what the 100% truth is, so why do people like you enjoy claiming you know the truth, you know what is right, and everything else is "fantasy"? Your mentality is the same type of mentality that caused people like Darwin and other scientists to be killed. Why? Because the people thought they knew what was true and what was fantasy.
In 100 years, all of which you uphold to be "true" may very well be considered "false". So how seriously should I take your "scientific" notions?
(Q) said:
Through your logic, If you lived at the time, and no historians mentioned you, you must with 100% certainty not have existed right?
Sorry, but the feats described in scriptures as to what Jesus was supposed to have done in his time would most certainly be worthy of some mention. Either that, or the entire story was greatly embellished from a non-event.
Not really. There were many people like that at the time, claiming to do similar things. He was just another person. Also, how do you explain the literature of Jesus's teachings?
You still never answered the question, "Through your logic, If you lived at the time, and no historians mentioned you, you must with 100% certainty not have existed right?", are you going to answer it?
(Q) said:
Science does not bring us those things you fool. Science attempts to explain those things.
So, those things somehow magically appeared from thin air only to be explained by science? Who's the fool?
Science attempts to explain things, and is ever-changing, where as the true nature of things is fixed and always the same. If someone invents something, it is not by "science" it is by the inherent nature by which things work, which science attempts to explain.
Too funny. And how is it one is able to invent something? Wishful thinking? Religious beliefs? How about an understanding of how things work - science.
Actually, a lot of inventions and breakthroughs come by accident, without any type of scientific study or anything. Science isn't the cause, science attempts to explain how things work, it's a study, that's all. It is by imagination that these things come.
Many inventions were deemed "impossible" by science at times, for instance flying was said to be impossible by SCIENCE, but it wasn't SCIENCE, it was the way things ALREADY WORKED that allowed flight to happen.
(Q) said:
Which fantasy do I believe in?
are you proposing that there be an authoritarian society where we are forced to believe in certain things that are considered reality and forced not to believe in things that are considered fantasy?
The authority is reality. No one need be forced, its really quite simple.
(Q) said:
Also, the current SCIENCE you believe in constitutes as FANTASY because it is not the 100% truth.
Of what truth do you speak? Please explain.
I should ask you the same question. You're the one claiming that religion is fantasy, and therefore you must know the 100% truth, right?
(Q) said:
Therefore I can conclude that you are the one who accepts fantasy as reality. No one's forcing you to, but you do it anyway. Such a fool.
So, according to you, science is fantasy and god/jesus is reality?
No, according to me, neither can be considered 100% true, because no one knows what is 100% true, so how can you really label either as fantasy?