Thats like saying World War I only happened because Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated - do people outside Tottenham even know about Duggan? When the riots occur far beyond the vicinity of the incident, the cause is more widespread and the social unrest about more than the response to a single death
Like I said, people saw it kicking off and decided to join in. The fact that it kicked off in other areas was just opportunity, it doesn't actually take many people in any town or city to set fire to something and set off larger events. These were not hard done by poor people.
The poor in the UK do not live a hard life. We have a generous welfare state, jobseekers allowance and free medical healthcare for everyone. And if you have kids, theres even more help. I've been there too, its 1,000 times better being unemployed here with little money than it is in many countries. You don't go hungry unless you spend your dole money on other stuff, and you never get charged for medical treatment. Schools are free, libraries are free. Its only once you become a University student that you suddenly have to consider any kind of debt.
What they are upset about is that they don't have the material things that apparently people need to be happy. Hence there was more looting than simply mindless destruction. More grabbing of iPhones, gadgets, TVs, ripping off tescos etc. No-one burned down Government offices or local council property. No trashing of bank buildings, no burning down of JSA offices, no attacks on local civic offices. Just shops/businesses with big shiny windows with lovely objects of desire on display...
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