Mods that care... speek up.!!!

What is you'r view of the pont system.???

  • No changes needed.!!!

    Votes: 5 50.0%
  • Changes needed.!!!

    Votes: 5 50.0%

  • Total voters


+ Public Dilemma +
Valued Senior Member
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
...are you oK wit the pont system the way it is... which allows such people as dragon to polute Sciforums for years befor gettin perma-baned...”

The points system seems to work fairly well.
And as for "polluting"... Draq has managed to acquire a number of fans (witness the posts asking for him to be let back).
Again, speaking personally, I'm aware I might well be in minority with regard to the posters that I want gone. So it's a case of endure (with fingers crossed ) or leave.

...I don't have anything to suggest that I think would be better than the current system.

How bout extended the period of time that ponts stay on a persons record... to the pont that they will have to shape-up for much longer periods of time... an if they dont... they will soom rack up enuff ponts to be baned... eh.!!!
How about if a mod feels you should be banned? Say he does not like your spelling.

I thank the mods shud get together an make changes to the pont-system which they thank will be for the beterment of Sciforums... an i trust ther collective jugment.!!!
I thank the mods shud get together an make changes to the pont-system which they thank will be for the beterment of Sciforums... an i trust ther collective jugment.!!!

Some mods are too emotional and they get too wrapped up in discussions then they retaliate. Luckily now we have good mods and the particularly malicious ones have been weeded out. The mod for what is that forum...Ethics morality and justice is so misplaced that i think the (edited) would be a better decision.
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I thank the mods shud get together an make changes to the pont-system which they thank will be for the beterment of Sciforums... an i trust ther collective jugment.!!!

So, you trust the collective judgement, but your opening post in this thread:

...are you oK wit the pont system the way it is... which allows such people as dragon to polute Sciforums for years befor gettin perma-baned...”


How bout extended the period of time that ponts stay on a persons record... to the pont that they will have to shape-up for much longer periods of time... an if they dont... they will soom rack up enuff ponts to be baned... eh.!!!

Does not sound trusting.

The point system has existed for a long time. Mostly, it provides moderators with an ability to quickly reference if there are any recent issues which have arisen (warnings, etc) without having to read through pages and pages of threads in the mod forum to check on one particular member. Now points do expire after a certain period of time. If someone has been warned repeatedly about unbecoming behaviour on this forum (trolling, bigotry, racism, misogynistic attitudes, threats of violence, etc) in recent times, those points will add up in that period of time. And yes, it will get to the point where the moderators will discuss whether the individual should be banned based on the repeated warnings that have been given and ignored by the member and there is no change in how the member posts.

That is the basis with the point tally system.

So what changes do you think should be made? What changes do you think should be made when it comes to someone who makes such comments about the birth of a baby of a fellow member, after he had seen the father say that the child had been in intesive care for example?
So what changes do you think should be made? What changes do you think should be made when it comes to someone who makes such comments about the birth of a baby of a fellow member, after he had seen the father say that the child had been in intesive care for example?

He made a joke in an inappropriate moment, that was all. We can cut off contact with all people who made wrong-timing jokes or we can also remind them.

If I can have a say on permaban, I only support permaban for:
- sales spammer
- bots
- dangerous posters (who advocates pedofile, pornography, drugs, or other things which are illegal)
- those who threaten others in real life like he who stalked Lucifers Angel

I don't agree with permaban for people who disagree with our opinions or who made jokes in inappropriate moment. Limited long-time ban would be sufficient for the latter..
I've just noticed that two other threads about draqon (i.e. in the About the Member) are locked. Let's refrain from making similar threads. Possibly this one will also be locked soon.

Farewell, draqon, it was nice to know you, thanks, hope you'll make new friends somewhere :wave:
...your opening post in this thread:

Does not sound trusting.

Irreguardless... i trust the mod-collective to properly implement the suggeston i suggested.!!!

The point system has existed for a long time. Mostly, it provides moderators with an ability to quickly reference if there are any recent issues which have arisen (warnings, etc) without having to read through pages and pages of threads in the mod forum to check on one particular member.

Now points do expire after a certain period of time.

An my suggeston is to lengthin that period of time.!!!

If someone has been warned repeatedly about unbecoming behaviour on this forum (trolling, bigotry, racism, misogynistic attitudes, threats of violence, etc) in recent times, those points will add up in that period of time. And yes, it will get to the point where the moderators will discuss whether the individual should be banned based on the repeated warnings that have been given and ignored by the member and there is no change in how the member posts.

So thers no set number of "ponts" that automaticaly gets a person baned... ponts are jus an aid to mods as to who to consider banin.!!!

So what changes do you think should be made?

Well in lite of the new informaton about "ponts"... the period of time it takes the ponts to espire shud still be lengthined... but i suggest... that a certan number of ponts will result in an automatic 1 day ban... an then a 3 day ban an then 2 weeks an then perma-ban (for esample).!!!

What changes do you think should be made when it comes to someone who makes such comments about the birth of a baby of a fellow member, after he had seen the father say that the child had been in intesive care for example?

Well i guess you read som "horrible-somptin" into what Drag said (that i didnt "get")... an i asume you'r pont is what to do if somone says som horrible personal thang about a Sciforum menber... an personaly... i woud jus ignore somone who did stuff like that... but if mods collectivly deside that ponts shud be passed out for such offences... fine wit me.!!!
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I'd think that most times the mods are correct in their dealings with individuals. Occasionally there is one member who could have been given another chance but all in all the mods are usually correct and give plenty of latitude in their judgment over time.
...all in all the mods are usually correct and give plenty of latitude in their judgment over time.

I especialy want to hear from the mods who thank to much latitude is givin to rule-brakin posters (i thout Dwydrwdr(s) was one but aparently he ant)... cause my suggestons will get rid of such rule brakers much soomer than the curent system.!!!
Irreguardless... i trust the mod-collective to properly implement the suggeston i suggested.!!!
You don't even know how exactly the point system works. So how are you able to provide suggestions on how to improve it?

An my suggeston is to lengthin that period of time.!!!
How long is it now and how long are you suggesting?

So thers no set number of "ponts" that automaticaly gets a person baned... ponts are jus an aid to mods as to who to consider banin.!!!
I never said that. I said that when looking at someone's file, a moderator is able to quickly see how many active points are there and whether they get another warning or whether they get a ban due to what may be there already. Now, that only comes up if someone breaks the rules of this site. For example, someone acts like a racist bigot on the forum and makes revolting comments about another person on this site. In the weeks prior to that, they have been warned for the same thing.. repeatedly. A moderator checks to see what has been happening and whether this member has been warned about this before and if those warnings are not expired. Now the moderator can either decide to give them another warning or if there are enough points there - ie. this member has received repeated warnings for such behaviour, then this member can qualify for a temporary ban. And so on.

I thought that was quite clear. If you don't keep breaking the rules of this site, then whatever points you may have just expire. I have points myself.

The point system merely allows moderators to be able to see if the member has been warned for the behaviour in recent times..

Well in lite of the new informaton about "ponts"... the period of time it takes the ponts to espire shud still be lengthined... but i suggest... that a certan number of ponts will result in an automatic 1 day ban... an then a 3 day ban an then 2 weeks an then perma-ban (for esample).!!!
So what do you think it is now?

Well i guess you read som "horrible-somptin" into what Drag said (that i didnt "get")... an i asume you'r pont is what to do if somone says som horrible personal thang about a Sciforum menber... an personaly... i woud jus ignore somone who did stuff like that... but if mods collectivly deside that ponts shud be passed out for such offences... fine wit me.!!!
I think the issues with Draqon is that it had been going on for too long. That comment was the final straw that broke the camel's back, for lack of a better term.
The point system merely allows moderators to be able to see if the member has been warned for the behaviour in recent times..

Im suggestin that the pont system be adjusted an lead to automatic bans (which becom progressivly longer) when a set number of ponts have accumalated.!!!

“ Well i guess you read som "horrible-somptin" into what Drag said (that i didnt "get")... an i asume you'r pont is what to do if somone says som horrible personal thang about a Sciforum menber... an personaly... i woud jus ignore somone who did stuff like that... but if mods collectivly deside that ponts shud be passed out for such offences... fine wit me.!!! ”

I think the issues with Draqon is that it had been going on for too long. That comment was the final straw that broke the camel's back, for lack of a better term.

Which makes my pont (my system gets rid of such people much sooner)... unless you dont thank Dragon shud have been baned much soomer than he was.???

Are ther curently people you thank Sciforums woud be beter off wit-out... but dew to the curent system... Sciforums has to continue to sufffer ther presence.???
Im suggestin that the pont system be adjusted an lead to automatic bans (which becom progressivly longer) when a set number of ponts have accumalated.!!!
And you have the software to make that happen and monitor it as well?

Which makes my pont (my system gets rid of such people much sooner)... unless you dont thank Dragon shud have been baned much soomer than he was.???
Refer to above for the first part of your question. As for the second. Not my place to say.:shrug:

Are ther curently people you thank Sciforums woud be beter off wit-out... but dew to the curent system... Sciforums has to continue to sufffer ther presence.???
Now now.. easiest way to get insta banned is to recommend or ask that members be banned or say that I think so and so should be banned.;)
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Im suggestin that the pont system be adjusted an lead to automatic bans (which becom progressivly longer) when a set number of ponts have accumalated.!!! ”

And you have the software...

Im askin you to discuss the merrit of my idea... not the feasibility of its implementation.!!!

“ Which makes my pont (my system gets rid of such people much sooner)... unless you dont thank Dragon shud have been baned much soomer than he was.??? ”

Not my place to say.

You dont have an opinion.???

“ Are ther curently people you thank Sciforums woud be beter off wit-out... but dew to the curent system... Sciforums has to continue to sufffer ther presence.??? ”

Now now.. easiest way to get insta banned is to recommend or ask that members be banned or say that I think so and so should be banned.

I didnt ask for names... so why wont you answr my queston.???
He made a joke in an inappropriate moment, that was all. We can cut off contact with all people who made wrong-timing jokes or we can also remind them.

If I can have a say on permaban, I only support permaban for:
- sales spammer
- bots
- dangerous posters (who advocates pedofile, pornography, drugs, or other things which are illegal)
- those who threaten others in real life like he who stalked Lucifers Angel

I don't agree with permaban for people who disagree with our opinions or who made jokes in inappropriate moment. Limited long-time ban would be sufficient for the latter..

Luckily for those of us who care to have principled, meaningful discussions, the administration does not share this opinion.
Im askin you to discuss the merrit of my idea... not the feasibility of its implementation.!!!

The merit might be there, but the ability to implement it may not be. Wouldn't you rather have people make the decision and review it before it is made either way? I know I would.

You dont have an opinion.???
Nope. I have better things to think about than draqon.:shrug:

I didnt ask for names... so why wont you answr my queston.???
I did. It is against the rules of this site for members to be asking for the banning of any member. Do I personally think that this forum could stand to lose certain members who don't add much to any discussion? Yes. Look at the members list. There are thousands upon thousands of members who have not participated on this forum for years and years. But as we've seen in the past, members often come and go and will drop by every few years.

Now, we can look at members I may personally feel do not add anything of value on this forum when they do post. But that is a personal thing and unless they've broken rules and acted like twats across the forum, then there is no reason or right to ban them based simply on personal dislike or because I personally don't think they contribute anything of value.
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Im suggestin that the pont system be adjusted an lead to automatic bans (which becom progressivly longer) when a set number of ponts have accumalated.!!! ”

Wouldn't you rather have people make the decision and review it before it is made either way?

Prolly for perma-bans... but not necesarly for short-term bans... that way the individual woud know esactly whare they stand as they rack up ponts toward short term bans... an if a certan number of ponts accumulate... the individual will know that they will be considered for a long term ban (6 mounthes for esample) or a perma-ban.!!!

Anuther suggeston... that mods not make smart-azz remarks when a person is baned... such as... "enjoy you'r vacation"... do you agree.???
---------------- dont thank Dragon shud have been baned much soomer than he was.??? ”

“ Not my place to say. ”

You dont have an opinion.???

Let me say this about that... "LOL" :)

“ Are ther curently people you thank Sciforums woud be beter off wit-out... but dew to the curent system... Sciforums has to continue to sufffer ther presence.??? ”

...we can look at members I may personally feel do not add anything of value on this forum when they do post.

...and unless they've broken rules and acted like twats across the forum, then there is no reason or right to ban them based simply on personal dislike or because I personally don't think they contribute anything of value.

So is that a "YES or a NO" to my actual queston (below).???

“ Are ther curently people you thank Sciforums woud be beter off wit-out... but dew to the curent system... Sciforums has to continue to sufffer ther presence.??? ”