Mods that care... speek up.!!!

What is you'r view of the pont system.???

  • No changes needed.!!!

    Votes: 5 50.0%
  • Changes needed.!!!

    Votes: 5 50.0%

  • Total voters
Let people draw their own conclusions

So now we know. Sort of.
filed for future reference

i'll briefly touch on that excellent post.....

This place is becoming a surrogate for reality insofar as people seek within the community the empowerment they feel they lack in the real world.

in my case, i seek to replicate the empowerment i have in the real world into sci. i mean, like you remarked, this place aint even pretending to be a benevolent dictatorship. out here in the real world, everybody pussyfoots around the citizen cos we have fucking rights and legal recourse to rectify infringement. there is a goddamn procedure that does not require one to be polite and obsequious. all you do is fill out the goddamn forms and pay the goddamn fees. here its some fucker's bad hairday and mood that sets the standard at any given moment.


fucking animals
And that's the way it goes ... I think

Gustav said:

fucking animals

Hamsters on a network-traffic wheel, perhaps.

I've prodded before about the purpose of Sciforums in the Company's outlook; I think knowing that would help moderators develop more substantial policies.

Judging by the Company's website, though, I don't see how our policies matter as long as we don't get various government agencies showing up to ask about terrorism or child pornography or something like that.

And that would seem to be the way it goes.
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James R
What I do aim for is a level of reasoned and reasonable discussion, guided by some basic principles of netiquet, intellectual honesty and fair treatment.

What I can legitimately tell you is not to insult those you don't respect - and that's what is in the forum rules. Lack of respect is often arguable in posts; insults are often blatant.

Do you moderate the blatant insults you see.???
--------------- the meantime im givin my 2 cents wort about Sciforum goverment... an it seems to me... that managment has no clear direction... or unable to implement the directon they do haave...

What kind of direction do you have in mind?

One that causes the beterment of Sciforums... an to start wit... that Sciforums be known for the mature way it handles its mod duties... ie... not insultin the person bein moderated.!!!

Mostly, banned posters get angry and go on to bear grudges. They prefer to blame the evil moderators for their banning rather than taking responsibility for their own actions.

Do you thank people woud be mor likely to becom less angry about bein baned if the ban didnt include an insultin remark.???
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