My observation: atheists are anti-creativity

How many of those were brought up as atheists? There's brainwashing to be considered, in case they had delusional parents

Are you completely off your trolley or just so desperate that you will spout any old rubbish rather than admit you are wrong ? You clearly know nothing of the history of art but that doesn't stop you pontificating about atheists.

Try not to embarrass yourself any more than you have done so far!
Is there an assertion you would like to make?

Yeah, according to some athiests on this forum, Stalin's atheism is not a valid construct for his mass murdering tendencies as he was brought up Catholic. I'm assuming irrational pursuits all fall under the same category of "brought up theist"
Is there an assertion you would like to make?
M*W: There is an assertion that I would like to make: S.A.M. is an embarrassment to her religion. Other Muslims are shamed by her. She is grasping at straws to pretend to win an argument. Sounds to me that nobody loves S.A.M., so she's vindictive.

Other Muslims on this forum should steer clear of S.A.M. If they condone her ignorance, it will not do them much good.

Mostly Muslims are not bad people. S.A.M. is a bad person, in fact, she's evil. All Muslims should avoid S.A.M. like the plague. She has nothing to offer her religion, and her co-believers don't trust her.

What I want to know is, how long the administration of SciForums will tolerate S.A.M.'s presence on this forum?
M*W: There is an assertion that I would like to make: S.A.M. is an embarrassment to her religion. Other Muslims are shamed by her. She is grasping at straws to pretend to win an argument. Sounds to me that nobody loves S.A.M., so she's vindictive.

Other Muslims on this forum should steer clear of S.A.M. If they condone her ignorance, it will not do them much good.

Mostly Muslims are not bad people. S.A.M. is a bad person, in fact, she's evil. All Muslims should avoid S.A.M. like the plague. She has nothing to offer her religion, and her co-believers don't trust her.

What I want to know is, how long the administration of SciForums will tolerate S.A.M.'s presence on this forum?
Hm. I thought you had me on ignore. Could you please tell me what your friends and children think about the fact that you say Christians, Jews and Muslim believers are evil.
Yeah, according to some athiests on this forum, Stalin's atheism is not a valid construct for his mass murdering tendencies as he was brought up Catholic. I'm assuming irrational pursuits all fall under the same category of "brought up theist"
I gather you do not agree with them and will therefore accept my examples of artistic atheists.
Isn't "evil" actually a theistic concept ?
In origin, but I am quite sure many atheists believe some people are evil. It falls into a spectrum from naughty, bad, evil. I'm being a bit tongue in cheek, but basically I stand by what I am saying.
I don't believe in "evil" (and "good" as an opposite).
Concepts don't come more absolute then those two, and that while they are completely subjective.
Anyone speaking about good and evil should stop and think about what they are saying.
I don't believe in "evil" (and "good" as an opposite).
Concepts don't come more absolute then those two, and that while they are completely subjective.
Anyone speaking about good and evil should stop and think about what they are saying.

What an original new concept! No one's ever thought of that before. It's not like that's what 65% of America believes or anything...
Just a friendly hint: don't confuse an argument with an opinion. Many atheists here have that problem. ;)
What an original new concept! No one's ever thought of that before. It's not like that's what 65% of America believes or anything...

What is your point ? I have never claimed it was an original concept.. I was expressing my surprise that, apparently, atheists are using those concepts.

You need to tone down buddy.
Wait, you really get that exchange and you wanna spank me? For me I work with the arguments in thread AND SOMETIMES what I think the person is up to, what they are doing, rather than what they are saying. But just sometimes. Must I sit around with every ludicrous post or sensible one and always figure out motive? Nah. That is good training to, but to be honest with you people tend not to know their own motives and the use they are putting to their arguments. SAM is pretty wily and flexible. So she is often conscious of her motives that surround her posts like or as irony. Peachy.

But in general if you focus on what people are doing, rather than the truth value of their words, it goes dead end fast. SAdly.

So SAM is jabbing at atheists riding on Norsefire's back using the thread as a way to turn atheists' arguments back on themselves. Peachy.

I went for content.

Until the taboo, widely held by theists and atheists alike, on mentioning motive - about them - is lifted, well....I will continue to 'confuse' the two.

Further, I have no way of knowing how much SAM also gets off, consciously or not, on the content.
So SAM is jabbing at atheists riding on Norsefire's back using the thread as a way to turn atheists' arguments back on themselves. Peachy.

I went for content.

It was a long and arduous journey before I realised how much fun it could be. The best part of course, is all the atheists echoing my arguments to them. :D