Now reading (The Book Thread)

"Darkest hour" by Mark Chadbourn

The second book in the "Age of Misrule" trilogy, where to the modern day UK and the rest of the world old celtic gods, demons and other beasts return. The ages have shifted, but many don't realise it yet, the technology gradually stops working and among the fading remains of the age of reason a new dark age begins, an age of great horror and great wonder.
The Time Before History, by Colin Tudge

It's about the early history of human lineage, and evolution in general.
A Storm of Swords, by George R.R. Martin.

Finished Game of Thrones sometime last month--I love the fleshing out of his characters and the unexpected turns (so far).

I'm perusing Sextrology, mainly for my own sign, but it's an interesting read while I'm eating cereal.
The King of the Great Clock Tower, Commentaries and Poems by W. B. Yeats, modern first edition, 1935 (damn, this cost $1.50 back then and I bought it for $22).

N. S. Gumilyov's short plays.
Two Dover books:

Introductory Graph Theory by Gary Chartrand

Topology: An Introduction with Application to Topological Groups by George McCarty

Trying to get around to reading The Elegant Universe but it's been in mint condition for many weeks now.
I'm reading:

Dean Koontz Seize the Night

Kip R. Irvine Assembly Language for Intel-Based Computers
RubiksMaster said:
Kip R. Irvine Assembly Language for Intel-Based Computers

Interesting. Interested in trying machine code? That is the true sign of 1337ness.
The Hollow Kingdom, Close Kin, Into the coils of the Snake by Clare Dunkle
Alosha, The Shaktra by Christopher Pike (waiting for bk 3 The Yanti)
The Dancing Girls of Lahore by Louise Brown

First translation of all the ancient Upanisads for over 50 years
just finished the Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. Very moving.

In the holiday stack:
The Snow Geese by William Fiennes
Derailed in Uncle Ho's Victory Garden by Tim Page
Animals in Translation by Temple Grandin
Animals in Translation is very good; have you read Thinking in Pictures??
samcdkey said:
Animals in Translation is very good; have you read Thinking in Pictures??

No. I've just gotten into this lady after seeing her in a documentary. That stuff fascinates the hell outa me.

When I get the chance I'm definitely going to try lying down amongst a herd of cows. But you probably know that about me already ;)
Heh. Spent a few minutes digging in the history trying to find this thread. Was thinking to myself, "This thread should be stickied." Couldn't find it. Went back to page one. And here it was. Stickied.

The Leopard's Tale: Revealing the Mysteries of Catalhoyuk.
I've been fascinated with the stories of Catalhoyuk for quite some time. Every now and again I've done some internet searching for what I could find and have always been disappointed with the sparcity of the information thus derived.

Ian Hodder is the archeologist in charge of the new dig at Catalhoyuk (the original archeologist, James Mellaart, was kicked out of the site in the mid-60's after certain artifacts went missing...) and, I have to say, that what I've read so far of the story is extremely interesting.

Catalhoyuk is not the oldest city in the world, as I once thought. In fact, it seems to be quite late in the series of Anatolian settlements which began about 10,000 B.C. Catalhoyuk was populated between 7600 and 6000 B.C. Still an incredibly long time ago. And the culture at the site is just so... different.

What originally struck me in my first aquaintance with the site was that they buried their dead in the floors of their houses... Apparently, however, this is not so uncommon and is still practiced in some areas today!

Hodder promises theories of the site's Symbolic extravagances, and I'm reading with bated breath to get to these sections. Refusing to look ahead though...

I've gone on enough here. This isn't supposed to be a review.

Up at bat:
Word and Object (Studies in Communication).
Interesting. Interested in trying machine code? That is the true sign of 1337ness.

Not that difficult. I've got an assembly language book around somewhere... I forget the author... The problem is, like any form of programming, coming up with a decent idea for software....

I also read an assembly language tutorial for the Apple II a while back. I am so disappointed at the wasted opportunity in my youth. Wasted time learning stupid software like Appleworks and Print Shop when we should have been let loose in the guts of the machine.

To think. Every time a game crashed and dumped us into that maddening list of numbers numbers numbers... that was the pure machine code... the things we could have learned...

Stupid teachers...
The Vagrant Mood by W. Somerset Maugham

I got hooked on Maugham a long time ago after reading "The Summing Up"; it was the dryness of his self analysis and his complete objectivity in presenting the highlights of his life that got me. I've read most of his work and except for the occasional misogynistic touch in his writing, he's never disappointed me yet. Looking forward to this book for the weekend.
The Great Mortality - An intimate history of the Black Death
John Kelly