Truthseeker. Redeem yourself or accept that I will forever see you as a lier and hypocrite.
Question 1: Where anatomically is love from then?
Question 2: What evidence do you have to support this?
Question 3: If something is not anatomical, how can you have evidence of it? (see Adam's post. At least he can admitt his belief in a 'spirit' or something else is purely based on his feelings and has no factual basing)
Question 4: Are you actually dumb enough to think that reasoning is impossible without words?
Question 5: Do you have any evidence to go against all the science we know about how body chemicals and brain activity work?
Question 6: 'If it's based on psychological theory, it's a scientific proof' - do you realize how dumb you sound?
Question 7: Do you have proof of 'essense'?
Seeing as all you'll say is 'I already proved it!', I decided to look into that. As I, unlike you, enjoy having evidence to support my claims.
So, let's take a walk through memory lane and see truthseekers "proof":
'The bible is in each of us. The truth is within, not without.'
- For starters, you'll get no where basing your claims on religion with Tyler. I don't believe in religion. For second, if the truth is within, that truth is personal to each individual and inside their brain, not their 'heart' which as I said, is nothing more than an organ to pump blood.
'no Tyler, you don't understand the concept....Love IS God!'
- Maybe we should stop right here and turn this into a religious debate. In which case I have this to say. I can respect someone's religious beliefs as long as they don't try and force their views on me. The minute someone says religious is absolute fact, I am forced by my own competitive nature to ask them what proof they have of this. There is no proof to support any one religion. No hard evidence. So, consequentially, there is no evidence that 'love is god'. If, like I said, your belief of an 'essense' is just another word for 'soul', get lost. You won't prove a thing here because you have no evidence of a soul.
'love from the mind is imperfect'
- Why, because it doesn't rely on another being? I'm an individual, and proud to be it. I know what the chemical causes of love are and I could care less, because I know that no matter what love comes from it's still love, and an amazing experience. You basically just told me that because I'm not christian my love isn't perfect.
Welcome to the board osama.
'your essense is you without your experiences'
- And I'm trying to tell you, that the chemical make up in your brain IS STILL WHAT DETERMINS YOUR IMMEDIATE TRAITS AT BIRTH. This is what we know. This is science. You are choosing to call fact fiction and your beliefs fact. Without evidence. That is the single worst way to debate on earth. Cris quite fully explained the chemical reactions inside our brain that create the emotion we call love.
'every essense must be simple, therefore it is from without your mind'
- Guh? I don't understand that conclusion one bit.
Every sandwhich must be made with ballony. Therefore kleenex was invented in 1959.
That's about the level of intelligence you're displaying here.
'psychologically, our personality lies deep outside our experiences.'
- First of all, your personality now is a result of past experiences. Second of all, your personality at birth is stil la result of your brain. This is science fact. I don't know how many times you need to hear this
'I have already explained everything using Jungian psychology! Therefore I am right!'
- For starters, anything based on theories is just that, another theory. Not fact. Second of all, you didn't use psychology to prove anything. I've been searching and searching and can't find it anywhere. Closest you've come is in saying that because our experiences affect our personality today there must have been a personality before those experiences. And as much as we say; 'Yes truthseeker you are correct, but that first personality is a result of your brain' - you say, 'no, I am right, you are wrong'.
'If it's based in psychology, it's a scientific fact'
- You're an idiot.
Then there's a page or so of you saying 'I already proved everything'.
So there ya go, a brief time line, with rebutals, of truthseekers 'proof'. Brilliant, no?