Phobia's or Fears?

shorty_37 said:
Do any of you have a phobia or fear of a certain thing?
I can't stand spiders. I've been afraid of them for as long as I can remember, and it really pisses me off. It's frustrating to have a full-blown crippling phobia about something so stupid as a tiny little creature that can't hurt me.
I can't stand spiders. I've been afraid of them for as long as I can remember, and it really pisses me off. It's frustrating to have a full-blown crippling phobia about something so stupid as a tiny little creature that can't hurt me.

you and nietzchefan share this phobia....i hate them but am not scared of them......I have to kill them in our house lol
Hah, that reminds me of a friend of mine who, every time he sits down, is scared that he will sit wrong on his balls and rupture them or something. He saw something like that on TV once, and ever since then, he sits down slowly and carefully.
i have no fears or phobias. i feel a higher sense when confronted with danger though. but that helps me act to disable the situation.

i dont hate anything but i do dislike alot of things, and some things are kind of creepy to me.

i have no idea why but im terified of slugs.

lol thats strange, maybe its a seeded fear from a childhood experience, or something you picked up from the media when you was younger.

talking of slimey things, i was playing with some frogs the other day at a pond, and i kept poking these frogs in the face with a very supple stick/shoot, and the frogs were playing like a cat with it, pouncing on the stick and biting it, i never knew frogs did this untill a couple days ago.

if anybody finds some frogs, poke them in the face with a soft stick or shoot, and see if they play with you, its funny.

lol if any one sees emepty force of chi poke him in the face with a stick and see if he plays with it. it's funny
lol if any one sees emepty force of chi poke him in the face with a stick and see if he plays with it. it's funny

it was a soft plant shoot type of thing. you know like the stalk of a weak type of young flower.

it didnt hurt the frogs it was just funny i didnt expect them to fight back and constantly bite the stick it was good fun,

i just killed a damn spider, i squashed it i didnt mean to, i hate when that happens, i was trying to throw it out of the window and i crushed it by mistake, now i feel like an asshole.

yo it don't matter i was only joking your one of the few people on this forum who is not an asshole
Can’t say I have a phobia. But something I think about now and again is not being able to look after myself, being dependent on others. I can’t stand the thought. One reason why I will be taking good care of my body.

Breaking my nose is another one. Don’t mind blows to other parts of my body, (I’ve been hit in the privates while playing cricket, have had an extremely painful testicle injury) but I would be pissed off if I damaged my nose. I am sort of paranoid about it.

And that’s about it.
I used to be really strongly opposed to breaking my nose.

Now I'm really afraid of dislocating my jaw. I've come close many times. Plus, I have TMD, so we'll see where that goes.
Can’t say I have a phobia. But something I think about now and again is not being able to look after myself, being dependent on others. I can’t stand the thought. One reason why I will be taking good care of my body.

Breaking my nose is another one. Don’t mind blows to other parts of my body, (I’ve been hit in the privates while playing cricket, have had an extremely painful testicle injury) but I would be pissed off if I damaged my nose. I am sort of paranoid about it.

And that’s about it.

your nose? ahhhhhhh are you a pretty boy don't wanna damage your face ? lol I have a thing for my eyes. I have a real problem if I have to put eye drops in them it takes forever to do......I don;t think I could ever put in contacts, which seems so normal to some ppl. I hope my eyes stay good or i will be wearing glasses.