Phobia's or Fears?

There, there

wow...I didn't expect that, ty:shy:
No, they are brutal and vicious. They swoop down right near to you and try to imtimidate you. I heard this story once about a boy who severly scarred and nearly blinded by a vicious seagull, trying to take his icecream cone. Death to all seagulls!!!

Well, I must be sort of a seagull St. Francis of Assissi, cos' the sumbitches seem to adore me.

LoL !
i dont think gloves would help at all
i think that if my thumbs by any reason chose to fall off, there would be nothing i could do but to put them in an ice bag and go to the ER, and ask them please not to fall off again

I'm surprised more people don't have a phobia of their noses coming off. After all, lots of parents 'take' their kids noses when they are little. Maybe that's what happened to you, but you thought the thumb disappeared, not your nose.
The whole idea gives me the creeps.
Ever see when they use leeches and maggots to heal wounds? :puke:
There is NO way I could do it.

The hospital my Mom works at uses leeches. Apparently it helps when they have to reattach body parts. They help when blood settles in an area. (The guy who ran the radio station used 'em for an reattached ear.)
I have a phobia of needles..actually any medical procedure in general.
It was getting pretty pathetic so i'm facing my fear, and got a therapist to help me deal with it. We are in the "graded exposure" phase... i think it's really helping and i'm hoping to do a blood test next week! If anyone has any good tips for me, please fee free to comment, or if you can recommend a good book, that might also help.
I have a phobia of needles.. If anyone has any good tips for me, please fee free to comment
Join a sewing class! :p

Actually I had pretty much the same - I once got stabbed in the nose with a scalpel [typical engineering drawing office accident!] and had to go for an anti-tetanus shot, being stabbed didn't bother me, but I had to lie down for the shot in case I fainted.
I suppose it depends how much of a phobia you have - mine is gradually fading... or maybe simply because I'm getting older my mind is rationalising it away as "I haven't got long left to have face needles any more". ;)
I have a phobia of needles..actually any medical procedure in general.
Join a sewing class! :p
Actually I had pretty much the same

The good news is... what you need is exposure thearpy... an the beter news is... i can help wit that... jus observe the pitcher of the needle below... it cant hurt you... an after you can look at that pitcher an be oK wit it... then mayb look at a pitcher whare the needle is actualy in my arm... anyhow... after lookin at progressivly mor troublesom pitchers you'r needle phobia will get better... eh.!!!

The good news is... what you need is exposure thearpy... an the beter news is... i can help wit that... jus observe the pitcher of the needle below... it cant hurt you... an after you can look at that pitcher an be oK wit it... then mayb look at a pitcher whare the needle is actualy in my arm... anyhow... after lookin at progressivly mor troublesom pitchers you'r needle phobia will get better... eh.!!!


thanks guys!!! i'm looking at the picture whilst sewing.. i think it's really helping!!!
but seriously, you are right Clueless - it's all about exposure.. i'm definately already a lot less anxious about needles and i've only been facing my fear for a month!! i shall be getting a blood test on Monday, so time will tell how much i have taught my brain to think "rational thoughts" regarding the procedure rather than "irrational catastrophic thoughts".
i think i will be fine! i'm pretty head strong and now that i have some great breathing techniques and tools up my sleeve, i shall no allow my stupid brain to go down the "OMG i'm gonna die" path!!! are right Clueless - it's all about exposure.. i'm definately already a lot less anxious about needles and i've only been facing my fear for a month!!

i shall no allow my stupid brain to go down the "OMG i'm gonna die" path!!!

You'r welcom an thats a grate atitude... a couple of mor pitchers an you mite well be on you'r way to bein healed.!!!

BTW... my needle in that firs pitcher looks dirty but i had warshed it in sope an water so the discoloration is only som sort of stane... not dirt.!!!

Sinse i had the needle i desided to practice drawin blood an got perty good at it.!!!

Sorry for the poor pitcher quality... but bak then i was usin a video camera... the digital camera i have now does a much beter job.!!!

ok here is one that will make the squeamish,squeamishier..

i have heard chinese use maggots for exfoliating,they only eat dead skin..
I have always wanted to try that on my hands and feet..specially my feet..

imagine soaking in maggots?
Spiders, sudden loud noises, rapists, serial killers, very small spaces or being confined by anything, very high places...

that's enough I think.
thanks for sharing guys...

has anyone beaten their phobia's/fears?? and if so HOW?? and what worked for you????
ok here is one that will make the squeamish,squeamishier..

i have heard chinese use maggots for exfoliating,they only eat dead skin..
I have always wanted to try that on my hands and feet..specially my feet..

imagine soaking in maggots?

Maggots have long been used to cleanse wounds.

Goldfish are used for exfoliating feet.

thanks for sharing guys...
has anyone beaten their phobia's/fears?? and if so HOW?? and what worked for you????

When i was young i was a bit phobic about spiders... but i thank keepin a wolf spider in a glass cage for a couple of mounthes (when i was 22) helped clam the phobia down a bit.!!!

Below is anuther pitcher which will help you.!!!

When i was practicin to hit a vane... i discovered that you dont have to pull the needle out all the way if you miss... jus pull it out a little an move the needle aroun while its still stuck in you'r arm an keep pokin an soom enuff you will hit a vane.!!!

When i was young i was a bit phobic about spiders... but i thank keepin a wolf spider in a glass cage for a couple of mounthes (when i was 22) helped clam the phobia down a bit.!!!

Below is anuther pitcher which will help you.!!!

When i was practicin to hit a vane... i discovered that you dont have to pull the needle out all the way if you miss... jus pull it out a little an move the needle aroun while its still stuck in you'r arm an keep pokin an soom enuff you will hit a vane.!!!


okie dockie!! that is prob a bit too much for me to handle now..
thanks clueless, but i wont' be needing any more photos'.. i think it's starting to have the opposite effect..
i'll just look away and go to a happy place when i need to get a needle...
but thanks for sharing...
oK... heres anuther pic which shoud be helpful to you'r phobia... an aslo a good reminder to be carful when you use a stapler so you dont have the accident i had.!!!
