Psychology of Conspiracy Theorists

I want to hear from you too foghorn. Do you agree with billvon and paddoboy? Do you think the thick cable is going downward at the 2:43 time mark of the video?
Read the OP title.
You're James R's patient.
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No one who maintains that the Chinese spacewalk was real has any credibility and is not to be taken seriously when he or she analyzes Apollo hoax evidence, 9/11 inside job evidence, etc.
Let's say that we take your word for it that this particular "Chinese spacewalk" is a fake. What about all the other spacewalks, then? Are they all fake, or just this one?

From past interactions with you, I take it you think the whole space thing this pretty much a fake. Is that right?
Do you think there are any satellites in orbit?
Do you object to unmanned space probes, or just to human spaceflight?
Is the International Space Station real, or a fake? What about Skylab and Mir? Real or fake?
Are SpaceX's current rocket launches real, or fake?
Are ICBMs real or fake?
Is there anything man-made on the moon, or is it all faked? If there is something man-made there, how did it get there?
Are there any real photographs of the far side of the moon? If so, how were they taken?
Are the Voyager spacecraft real? What about the Spirit and Opportunity rovers?
Is the NASA budget actually used for space stuff, or is it a front for some nefarious earth-based conspiracy to funnel money into something else? Or is it actually false that the US government funds NASA? Does NASA even exist?

How deep does your rabbit hole go?
I'd like to hear from James R on this.

They say the thick cable moves downward at the 2:43 time mark of the video.

(post #566)

Do you agree with them?
I don't think a cable is even shown at the 2:43 mark. Perhaps you're referring to the 3:43 mark. Have you watched that video lately, or is this an ancient one from your archives?

At the 3:43 mark, we see a cable tethered at both ends with a free-ish middle section. The astronaut has the cable partly wrapped around his arm, partly in his hand, partly in his lap (effectively). In short, his body is in contact with the cable a lot. He is also wearing chunky space-proof gloves that are pressurised and make gripping things a bit tricky - it's generally hard work working in a spacesuit in freefall. At one point, the astronaut grips the cable, then partially lets go of it, but still manages to move it with the fingers of his gloves. We can't see where his legs are in relation to the cable either.

Bottom line is: there's nothing obviously inconsistent with the cable being in space in the video. On the contrary, all of the in-space footage in the video is consistent with what we'd expect in space, ominous voiceover conspiracy theorising notwithstanding. Maybe you should try watching the video without listening to the idiot doing the commentary.
I don't think a cable is even shown at the 2:43 mark. Perhaps you're referring to the 3:43 mark. Have you watched that video lately, or is this an ancient one from your archives?
Here's billvon's post.

(post #561)
At 2:43 it floats downward. Therefore it is not buoyant in any direction. Therefore you fail - again.

Good to see you've given up on your ill-conceived "the flag was waving in water" nonsense, though.

The scene he refers to cuts out for a second and then cuts back. Watch it until the 2:47 time mark.

Proof China Faked Their Spacewalk (Part 2)
youtube (dot) com/watch?v=NVbBFwdmldA

Hey billvon...

Did I get it right? Is that the part in which you say the the (thick) cable floats downward? I've made it clear that I'm referring to the thick cable. The thin cable is obviously not buoyant.
At the 3:43 mark, we see a cable tethered at both ends with a free-ish middle section. The astronaut has the cable partly wrapped around his arm, partly in his hand, partly in his lap (effectively). In short, his body is in contact with the cable a lot. He is also wearing chunky space-proof gloves that are pressurised and make gripping things a bit tricky - it's generally hard work working in a spacesuit in freefall. At one point, the astronaut grips the cable, then partially lets go of it, but still manages to move it with the fingers of his gloves. We can't see where his legs are in relation to the cable either.

Bottom line is: there's nothing obviously inconsistent with the cable being in space in the video. On the contrary, all of the in-space footage in the video is consistent with what we'd expect in space, ominous voiceover conspiracy theorising notwithstanding. Maybe you should try watching the video without listening to the idiot doing the commentary.
I beg to differ. Watch it from the 3:43 time mark to the 3:54 time mark. The movement of the cable is totally consistent with its being buoyant in a water tank.
Let's say that we take your word for it that this particular "Chinese spacewalk" is a fake. What about all the other spacewalks, then? Are they all fake, or just this one?
I think that most of NASA's spacewalks are probably real Some of them seem to have been faked though.

They probably faked a few of them to save money as they seem to have had the technology to do spacewalks.

From past interactions with you, I take it you think the whole space thing this pretty much a fake. Is that right?
No. I think the space shuttle was real and I think the international space station is real. Zero gravity can only be faked in a diving plane for about thirty seconds. There is footage of zero gravity in the space station that lasts much longer so they must have really been in low earth orbit.

Do you think there are any satellites in orbit?
Yes. I used to see them when I was a forest fire fighter in northern California. We were far from city lights and at night there were stars that moved. Those were satellites.

Do you object to unmanned space probes, or just to human spaceflight?
I don't object to either one. I just think the Apollo moon missions were obviously faked.

Is the International Space Station real, or a fake? What about Skylab and Mir? Real or fake?
Are SpaceX's current rocket launches real, or fake?
Are ICBMs real or fake?
All real.

Is there anything man-made on the moon, or is it all faked? If there is something man-made there, how did it get there?
I'm not in a position to be able to be sure. They seem to be finally succeeding in landing rockets vertically. That makes me wonder if all of the other unmanned probes we are told landed vertically on the moon, such as Surveyor, were real.

Are there any real photographs of the far side of the moon? If so, how were they taken?
Yes. There are. They were taken with unmanned craft.

Are the Voyager spacecraft real?
I would bet that they are real.

What about the Spirit and Opportunity rovers?
I would bet that they aren't real.

Is the NASA budget actually used for space stuff, or is it a front for some nefarious earth-based conspiracy to funnel money into something else?
Most of it is real. The Apollo moon missions were obviously faked. I don't know where the money went. Watch the video in post #1 of the Apollo thread I posted above.

Or is it actually false that the US government funds NASA? Does NASA even exist?
Of course NASA exists.
Let's say that we take your word for it that this particular "Chinese spacewalk" is a fake.
I heard a rumor that the Chinese spacewalk was totally faked, but the actor they got was very into method acting, so he insisted they shoot it on location. aint the only conspiracy nut on the planet.
I beg to differ.
I think that
They probably faked
No. I think
I don't object
I would bet
I would bet
You see Freddy, the facts are that realistic people, with any brains absolutely reject and don't really care about what you think, believe, suggest, driven of course by the state of mind that the link in the OP suggests applies to you.
Obviously also unlike James, I'm not pandering to your ego, and actually support the many times you have been banned elsewhere as totally justified and called for, as upsetting as that maybe to you.
I asked you a question in post #587.
Just as I have asked you a couple of questions, more then once, and which you have ignored.....
Let's try again.....
What will you and your fellow conspiracy cohorts chose to conspire when we return to the Moon?
What will you and your fellow cohorts chose to conspire when we finally venture to Mars and set foot on the red planet?
Why do you and your fellow conspiracy cohorts chose to ignore the overwhelming mountains of evidence that [1] we did go to the Moon and 12 men walked on its surface, [2] 9/11 was a terrorist attack on USA soil, and any other nonsense you have attempted to spread here and elsewhere, in favour of isolated, minor possibly unexplained anomalies, as put to that other nutty character over at cosmoquest.

Whether you chose to answer or not Freddy, the facts remain that conspiracy theorists have psychological problems as detailed in the OP link, and that history will correctly record the facts of the six Moon landings, spacewalks by Americans, Russians and Chinese, 9/11 as facts.
I asked you a question in post #587.
Yes, you did. I notice you cleverly switched from the unedited video to your carefully edited conspiracy video, so the time marks are no longer in the same place, nor is the video uncut.

However, just for you, I watched it again. And at 3:03 the thick tether is clearly floating DOWN. It is far below the place it was ten seconds before.

So you are now zero for three. And no, I won't watch yet another video that's edited to remove that part.
Yes, you did. I notice you cleverly switched from the unedited video to your carefully edited conspiracy video, so the time marks are no longer in the same place, nor is the video uncut.
I only know of one video — this one.

However, just for you, I watched it again. And at 3:03 the thick tether is clearly floating DOWN. It is far below the place it was ten seconds before.

That's funny. When I look at it at the 3:03 time mark it's not moving. It wants to go upward.

I want to hear from James R, paddoboy, and foghorn on this. Do you people agree with billvon?
That's funny. When I look at it at the 3:03 time mark it's not moving. It wants to go upward.
Ten seconds before that it was higher. Then he covers it with his body. When his body moves out of the way it's lower. Very easy to see.
What will you and your fellow conspiracy cohorts chose to conspire when we return to the Moon?
What will you and your fellow cohorts chose to conspire when we finally venture to Mars and set foot on the red planet?
I'll have to look at the footage they make public before I can respond to this.

Why do you and your fellow conspiracy cohorts chose to ignore the overwhelming mountains of evidence that [1] we did go to the Moon and 12 men walked on its surface
There is no evidence that men walked on the moon and there's a mountain of evidence that men didn't walk on the moon.

9/11 was a terrorist attack on USA soil
The evidence that 9/11 was an inside job is crushing.

This is the dead link in the above summary.

Scientific View - Why you can't believe the truth about 9/11 - Because your scared of the Truth
I'll have to look at the footage they make public before I can respond to this.
:D And your expertise in imagining anyone of reasonable sanity, can put any credence in what you say or believe is??
There is no evidence that men walked on the moon and there's a mountain of evidence that men didn't walk on the moon.
You are simply lying now. Plus of course as per the link in the OP, more psychotic delusions.
More lies, and evidence of psychotic delusions..
Well Freddy, I'm waiting..... your expertise in imagining anyone of reasonable sanity, can put any credence in what you say or believe is??
Or is this just simply a psychotic delusional medical problem, that you and your pretender overlords have, as per the reputable link in the OP....