Psychology of Conspiracy Theorists

I don't see what you're referring to. Please post an exact time mark.
I already told you.

Not playing your asinine game any more. You either have serious mental deficits that render you unable to have normal discussions, or you are a troll.
I want to hear from James R, paddoboy, and foghorn on this.

Do you agree with billvon on this?
You've heard from me Freddy...Let me be clear....YOU ARE A CHARLATAN AND A FRAUD!!

As far as agreeing with billvon on this, I will not watch your crap, but I'll say this...your reputation both here and elsewhere, puts you on a diametrically opposed position to any sane, honest, reasonable person. In other words, as billvon suggests, I'll are a dishonest troll.
I want to hear from James R, paddoboy, and foghorn on this.
I repeat the answer that one of the sensible members at cosmoquest gave, and which was ignored by the conspiracy pushing idiot there, subsequently to his banning...and it appears to also be ignored by you.......again Freddy,
"The fact that you don't seem to get is that there might be dozens of explanations, or any number of combinations thereof, that explain what you're seeing. The fact that no one here is certain of an exact cause does not mean there's anything unusual about it. It means that no one knows what's causing it, just as no one knows what's causing the behaviour of any number of other things. On the other hand, we do know what's causing the behaviour of the Chinese astronauts, and it's microgravity combined with, well, humans moving."
I will not watch your crap
It's not mine. It's billvon's.

(from post #594)

billvon said...
And at 3:03 the thick tether is clearly floating DOWN.

Do you agree with him, or not? An objective truth-seeker wouldn't run away from this.

"The fact that you don't seem to get is that there might be dozens of explanations, or any number of combinations thereof, that explain what you're seeing. The fact that no one here is certain of an exact cause does not mean there's anything unusual about it. It means that no one knows what's causing it, just as no one knows what's causing the behaviour of any number of other things. On the other hand, we do know what's causing the behaviour of the Chinese astronauts, and it's microgravity combined with, well, humans moving."

Wow. You just debunked every alleged anomaly shown here.

I should have know better than to try to debate you.
It's not mine. It's billvon's.
No its your video silly boy!
billvon said...

Do you agree with him, or not? An objective truth-seeker wouldn't run away from this.
While its obvious as billvon has already attested to, that you are just trolling, and the fact that I have yet to watch any video/link of yours or any other crazy conspiracy nut, I'm sure billvon has interpreted it correctly.
Wow. You just debunked every alleged anomaly shown here.

I should have know better than to try to debate you.
I'm not here to debate you or any other conspiracy nut. I'm just here to point out the utter craziness and complex medical condition, that conspiracy nuts are prone to.
"The fact that you don't seem to get is that there might be dozens of explanations, or any number of combinations thereof, that explain what you're seeing. The fact that no one here is certain of an exact cause does not mean there's anything unusual about it. It means that no one knows what's causing it, just as no one knows what's causing the behaviour of any number of other things. On the other hand, we do know what's causing the behaviour of the Chinese astronauts, and it's microgravity combined with, well, humans moving."

From cosmoquest, and the reason the idiot over there was banned.
The Moon Does Not Exist

The following video proves it!!!!
What do you people think of the comments in the comment section of this video? I think they're objective thinkers who've seen the hoax evidence*. In videos such as this the clearest evidence is never shown. They only show the vaguest stuff that's easier to obfuscate. Once people have seen the clear evidence, there's nothing a sophist can do to make them think the missions were real.

Many still convinced moon landing was a hoax

No one under the age of 35 believes we went to the moon. Take off the rose-colored glasses grandpa WE DIDN'T GO!

the fact that youtube only shows you debunking videos and only mainstream media videos just shows you it was a hoax.

As old people die off, there won’t be any landing believers left.

Why all the moon landing conspiracy videos are no longer available on youtube,, and somehow everyone uploading the video to debunk that claim

One of the best frauds in our history. We have never left near earth orbit and have not passed through the Van Allen radiation belt. At least that's what NASA and Pres Obama said. You have to be willing to look at the science. We have never been to the moon.

I remember there use to be hundreds of conspiracy videos on youtube strange most are now gone. That flag excuse is just ridiculous.

All the moon hoax videos suddenly disappeared from YouTube.Like the moon data was "accidentally" destroyed.

Intellectual people know it's a hoax

Silly people ! It was a lie and yet people still believe it after all the proof !

I used to believe in all the space travels and moon landings until I opened my own eyes and realized that our whole paradigm is a prank played on us and those who chose to be ignorant. The moon landing footage alone is such a disgrace. It’s laughable. Once one domino falls they all start to fall

If you set the playback speed to 1.5 you get your answer.

It’s very interesting that just a year ago if you typed ‘moon landing hoax’ into You Tube search, you got page after page of websites claiming the landings were faked. Now you get pages and pages of sites debunking this as a ‘conspiracy theory’. In fact, its now almost impossible to find a site proposing a hoax.I wonder why this should have changed so much, so suddenly?Also whether the 911 hoax theory sites will soon go the same way.

Went then but cannot go Now. Haha. All the data was lost. Really. Only democrats believe that garbage they'll believe anything they're told.

Freddy, you're missing a great opportunity here, you have the floor. Why only the Moon and Space related links ? Why not all your usual conspiracy subjects links as well? Come on Freddy, get a move on.
Freddy, you're missing a great opportunity here, you have the floor. Why only the moon and and space related links ? Why not all your usual conspiracy subjects links as well? Come on Freddy, get a move on.
Ok, Here are some of them.

Why is the Science of Nutrition Ignored in Medicine? | T. Colin Campbell | TEDxCornellUniversity

Evidence The Titanic Was Sunk on Purpose

The Lightbulb Conspiracy - Planned Obsolescence

The real reason why the west want Gaddafi dead.

Guns and Butter # 091 Charles Manson & The Crushing of the Counter Culture - Mae Brussell
What do you people think of the comments in the comment section of this video?
You certainly are fanatical and paranoid in your quest for attention Freddy.:D
No one under the age of 35 believes we went to the moon. Take off the rose-colored glasses grandpa WE DIDN'T GO!
That's just another of your stupid radical lies Freddy old boy.....;)
The vast majority of people of all ages know we did go to the Moon, and that 12 men walked on its surface. That will be always historically recorded, despite the occasional ratbag beliefs of conspiracy nuts.
Really Freddy, isn't it time you grew up?:rolleyes:
No one under the age of 35 believes we went to the moon.
A former next door neighbor has a 17 year old daughter. She knows we went to the moon. My 8 year old knows we went to the moon. 94% of Americans know we went to the moon.
As old people die off, there won’t be any landing believers left.
You have that exactly backwards. In 1970 30% of Americans thought Apollo was a hoax, largely because of the movie Capricorn One. Today 6% of Americans believe it. In 20 years that will be 1%. (There are always the insane, or the people who believe that the earth is flat.)
Why all the moon landing conspiracy videos are no longer available on youtube,, and somehow everyone uploading the video to debunk that claim
Youtube deletes videos that no one accesses to save storage space.
We have never left near earth orbit and have not passed through the Van Allen radiation belt. At least that's what NASA and Pres Obama said.
That, of course, is a lie.
Went then but cannot go Now. Haha. All the data was lost. Really.
Went then and can go now. The data was not lost. What's funny is that you think no one can see through your lies.
Double the speed and watch the astronauts walking around in this video. Lunar gravity was faked on Apollo 11 simply by showing the footage at half speed. Starting with Apollo 14 they started using a combination of slow-motion and wire supports. It looked better.

Historic Apollo 11 Moonwalk Footage

To change the speed click on the six-pointed disk icon on the lower right of the video.