Psychology: Why do people resist to changes?

I tend to think of it like this:

There are Psychologists and then there are Psychiatric Doctors.

A Psychologist, will listen to your thoughts, ask you questions and postulate reasoning into the reasons of why you are, and how to help you the way you want to be.

A Psychiatric Doctor, is someone that looks at the state of you and then perscribes you some dodgy medicine because it keeps them in a job.

Quite simply the mind can't be treated with a Drug or drugs, the reason I say this is because the problem might just be one neural pattern or pathway, and a drug is just so General.

I mean general in the sense that it doesn't select the area thats the problem but floods the whole system trying to deal with one spot. (Most of the time, it's easy for a Psychiatric Doctor to wrongly perscribe drugs)

Make sure you know the difference if you ever have to deal with them, if your being perscribed medicine by them, theres a good chance their a quack.

There is also the point that they tend not to keep up with the Scientific community, and are quite happy to come out of their Medival torture chamber dressed in black, looking for people to inquisition. (Okay I had to add comedy)

Never had a problem with change.



Hmm, Nelson mis-representing his opponents?

What do you mean by that...? :bugeye:

Honestly and Respectly...
Psychiatry is stupid, is garbage.
You go there, the guy listen to you, don't say absolutly nothing, you pay a fortune and at the end you have to come back (of course, because it's a long term treatment...) and have to pay more and IT DOESN'T SOLVE YOUR PROBLEM!!

That's why my mom and I started to looking for Pscychology. In Junguian Psychology, for example, the patient AND the doctor INTERACTS. In this interaction, the problem gain a new view. Because the doctor has the potential to look for the problem from OUTSIDE, the big picture, the doctor is able to give insights to the patient about what the REAL problem is and point out the subconscient patterns the patient have and ultimatly changing it into a better subconscient pattern. :)

Originally posted by TruthSeeker
That's why my mom and I started to looking for Pscychology
The reason for your mental meanderings is now
slightly more understandable. Thank-you for sharing.
The reason for your mental meanderings is now slightly more understandable. Thank-you for sharing.

What are you saying...?

If you are saying what I'm thinking you are saying better stop saying it...!!

Love my Mom... :)

The word "Psy" means trial and error, lubricated by snake oil or the modern version of it.... :D
You go there, the guy listen to you, don't say absolutly nothing, you pay a fortune and at the end you have to come back (of course, because it's a long term treatment...) and have to pay more and IT DOESN'T SOLVE YOUR PROBLEM!!

Your Mom suspected there was a serious problem and sought professional councelling for you. The doctor kept quiet about the problem (due to its severity) but admitted long term treatment is necessary.

That's why my mom and I started to looking for Pscychology.

To get a second opinion?

the doctor is able to give insights to the patient about what the REAL problem is and point out the subconscient patterns the patient have and ultimatly changing it into a better subconscient pattern.

The second doctor explained the problem to you and that made you feel better. Hence your opinion of the second doctor supersedes your opionion of the first.

So what exactly is the nature of this problem that it requires long term treatment? How severe is the problem? What are the symptoms? Do you hear voices? Migraines? Paranoia? Has the doctor prescribed medication?
On the original topic

As for the original topic of the discussion I suggest reading the book: Playing the Future, by Douglas Rushkoff. In it Rushkoff discusses how human beings now are adapting to withstand constant change and discontinuety. This adaption evadent in newer members of society has scared older generations. Hence grandma can't understand a music video.

However on the subject of Phsycology, I imagine it works for some people and doesn't for others.

Myself I turn to my multiple personalities for guidance :)

I was describing the difference between Psychiatry and Psychology. You understood it very well. It was a very childish attack... :rolleyes:


I should write my thesis on Compulsive Rational Thinking... :cool: :D


Live I've said, I changed my philosophies many times over the last year and a half or so. You're laughing suggests that you don't think I can change because I haven't agreed with things you say. Perhaps that just indicates you're wrong.
You don't agree with:


...? :bugeye: :bugeye:

fck the neighbours. I don't care about thm, they don't care about me (and why should they). why to love??? most unlogical Seeker:confused:

Probably not. Bad 'lifestyle'.

Love means nothing in such a Hallmark card type world. Firstoff, people seek to manipulate and use. To love everyone unconditionally opens you to being harmed.

One might as well print a bulls-eye target on one's shirt.

Secondly, love is meaningless when applied to all

"I love you, John"
"I thought you loved Bob, Bill, Mark, James, Todd and William?"

Ummm, that didn't sound exactly as I meant. My point is, if you love everyone, no-one can be 'special'.
Don't you think I Love only Melissa?
Or you think I Love everyone?
Love Melissa specially don't close the door for me to Love others unconditionally nor Love unconditionally close the door for ME to Love and be Loved by other people. ;)

I'm also almost sure you think Love hurts, don't you...?

People resist change because they establish comfort zones. Where they are resistance to change because it upsets what they are familiar with and have ways to deal with the problems that pop up without having to search for new methods. One thing that we all know is true (it's just a matter of degree) is that everything is subject to change and over time usually does.

You will hear about it often in the workplace with a whine. You know, "why we gotta do that?"
While living your life, you will meet other people and life-styles. It changes your view on life every so often because of the experiences you get in life. That makes changes come along.

It is very tempting to try to hang on to your comfartable, daily life, not always possible, though. For instance, when you get fired, you have to look for another job. Only this will bring changes along. Sometimes you have to move for a job to a complete different surrounding, thus changes. You can resist as much as you want, changes belong to life and are necessarry to make your "window" through which you look, different and more broad.

As far as the phrase: Love Your Neighbour As Yourself, well, I guess it means: Don't Do To Another Person What You Don't Want To Be Done To Yourself.

As in being good to eachother and don't make life more difficult then it already is. People are so used to complain about all the "bad" things which are coming to them, that they feel the need to give another person a "bad" feeling, too. Matter of not having the capability to deal with experiences in life themselves. Argue, argue, argue, 'cause it feels so good.

Mayhaps it should be better if people just acknowledge for themselves that changes are a part of life...

Don't Do To Another Person What You Don't Want To Be Done To Yourself.

It's said in Matthew 7:1-2... ;)

wet1 and Banshee,

Well said! :)

Just a thought ...

Change ...

Different ...

How do I ...

Will I do something stupid?


If only we could accept 'newness' with a child's curiousity and joy.

Take care ;)