There isn't enough detail to show that the "waves upon waves" refers to anything the scientific meaning of internal waves.
If the waves are in layers and it is in depth, then it is exactly that waves in the depth... And we know that there are waves in the depth which we call internal waves-
You are making a mountain out of a molehill, and subverting the original intent and meaning of the verse.
How can I be 'subverting' the meaning of the verse when I utilized the complete verse to support my claim... On the other hand I stated that the Arabs probably would have understood it as a 'stormy ocean' only because it would not make sense to them otherwise.
And please Master, can you enlighten us with the 'original intent and meaning'? How many times must I repeat the Quran to have many meanings- some which the Arabs understood some which they did NOT clearly- which they admit! Not to mention you can't enlighten me by not using the complete verse.
A vague reference to something that is so obviously intended to evoke disorder and darkness doesn't count as a scientific reference any more than this:
'Disorder' and 'darkness' are obvious because that is the idea the METAPHOR is trying to get through! That is my point! The verse can still be understood with its metaphor if you understand it from a scientific aspect- I provided that in a post dedicated to this....
Again you are making statements, not even making an effort to refute my claims which I backed up...
You have failed to show that the discussion is not about layers.. you have failed to show that it doesn't deal with depths... you have failed to show that the only meaning is the 'obvious' meaning (which by the way is what a metaphor is trying to get through the idea of darkness and disorder- NOT what it is describing as an example- the description is of a ocean)... you have failed to show that Arabs believed to have the 'only' meaning of the have failed to show that this could be known (given that you failed to show any of the above)....
"All our yesterday have lighted fools the way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more,"
...refers to the metabolic cycle.
quite frankly I don't see it... See you are bringing up examples which don't even use the terminology that is even close... Quran says WAVES- I'm not taking 'waves' and turn it into 'wheels on the bus go round and round' I'm KEEPING the word and meaning wave! It says wave, it says 'deep', it says 'ocean', it says 'layers'- IT IS ALL THERE! All the words are there.... Why is this vague when the same terminology is being used? While your example give no such word usage and we have to imagine our way to get to those describing a 'metabolic cycle'.
Why can't the words 'The Sun shown bright' NOT mean Sun was very bright? It is the most apparent thing in it. Maybe it is a metaphor for a exothermic reaction that produces a lot of light? But you fricking see- this is really really stretching it out.... But even then it IS A METAPHOR- so it is using the ACTUAL example of a BRIGHT SUN to portray a point! The BRIGHT SUN is a reality it USES... That is is METAPHOR.
The Quran says 'deep', it says 'ocean', it says 'waves', it says 'layers'-- but hell noooo... there is no way in heck is it ACTUALLY be talking about the ocean- it MUST be talking about 'disorder' and 'darkness'- IDEAS which are being explained using a METAPHOR! If it is a metaphor for those IDEAS 'disorder' and 'darkness' then WHAT IN REAILITY IS IT DESCRIBING? I know- OCEAN! It says it right in the verse! I don't need to imagine things up to come to this conclusion! So if it is talking about the Ocean, and it is talking about waves, and layers- I could easily draw a picture from this description... If I say 1 block is above another- I know what I need to draw to model it... I'm not making things out of the blue to model it- it is all right there in the verse!
I'm perfectly willing to consider evidence in the Quran for things that could not otherwise have been known, but you have not demonstrated that the concept of deep internal ocean waves is even known or guessed at.
Isn't that your job? To show that it was 'even known or guessed at'? We are saying it was NOT known! Because it can't be known without scientific gear- not to mention EVEN YOU DID NOT KNOW ABOUT THEM!
You're not even willing to conceed and say 'Yep, Muhammad got it right.. He guessed it and it happend to be correct'- but noo, your response is that its not even talking about an ocean?
Waves upon waves is a perfectly reasonable and appropriate reference to waves that come as on the shore, one after the other.
Again you're stuck up with 'waves upon waves'- why is it hard for you to read the whole verse? I explained the verse using the complete context, using all the information that is provided- 'deep', 'ocean', 'waves', 'depth', 'layers'.... But you just can't get the courage to use the complete verse?
I never expected scifes's argument to be so weak.
I never expected that an intellectual person like you would basically disregard the complete verse, focus on 'waves upon waves'- fail to rationalize the complete verse- never ever provide proof even once using the complete verse- and then throw away all your previous arguments by saying 'its not talking about an ocean' (even though it mentions it by word)- basically I would not have expected you to be in denial! I've had many discussions with you, and you even helped answer some of my questions- I thought you were very reasonable in those discussions- but here, you quite frankly are maybe a bit better than pathetic- 'tsunami' eh? I can't imagine the amount of analysis and criticism you did to come to this conclusion.
And I will provide your quote in proof of your pathetic and actually intellectually dishonest statements that you posted in you recent debate post:
Where is there a wave on top of a wave in the Ocean? They are not on different levels, but rather superimposed. A submarine need only dive a hundred feet or so and they feel no waves.
I believe I provided you with a scientific paper detailing WAVES at DIFFERENT LEVELS- even as deep as 100M! Why then did you ask this question? Apparently you admitted this to be true in this discussion thread- YET you ask this question of scifes in the debate thread- knowing full well the answer to the question and the OBVIOUS LIE you stated about waves not being at 'different levels'-
Then you talk about 'submarines' not seeing waves- which actually supports MY point! You can't see internal waves! Not to mention Arabs didn't have submarines at the time. They couldn't have been known!
I've come to the conclusion that you are in denial now- there is no reason to lie or continue making statements without ever providing evidence for them- and then accusing your opponent of not using the 'text'- And I see no reason to not utilize the complete verse and keep being stuck on 'waves upon waves'..
It's a risky strategy, given that if and when they are proven wrong, it calls into doubt the legitimacy of the entire book as a message from God.
So perhaps Muhammad didn't make guesses, as that would be too risky
Peace be unto you