Reality is...




Albert Fils-Aime The infinities symbolize the endless extent of self-awareness on top of itself to form an operator with ultimate self-creative capacity. And the paraentheses denote exactly what we're talking about. Also, the syntactic covering symbols designate dual self-containment between the items and the rest of the formulations.

Albert Fils-Aime Thank you for your responses, I appreciate them. I have to say that relating self-awareness to physically actualized energy and information is useful. But please make sure to employ the highest of generalities in metalogical argumentation, lest one's reasoning is riddled with paradox, which I honestly can say is difficult. However, there's a way to start off. And that is to strip away all constraints rested upon your view of reality, all the way up to self-containment, and then deduce constraints from thereon out. I would start off with understanding self-determinism's relationship to dual self-containment relations and complexities therewith, and why reality is composed of self-containment relations in the first place.

- CTMU Discussion on Facebook.

So reality, along with itself, is nested within itself, and therefore exists as the prime reason for its existence. Hence, the primary syntactic operator. These self-deterministic arrows symbolize the dual aspects of a perfectly self-contained, self-actualizing reality.
Say those words out loud and really listen. Notice how stupid that sentence sounds.

If you think about it, reality is really itself. That's what I mean by dual self-containment ya silly goose. Hence prime reason for its existence.
More incoherent nonsense from our CTMU spammer. Why can't you keep it all to a single thread?

I suggested to one of the mods a while ago that, since MR's paranormal threads got merged into one megathread, why not do the same with Spellbound's idiotic "Reality is..." threads?

The penis lover (as that is the name Spellbound has bestowed upon me, I'll wear it with pride. It's not even wrong. I love my wiener).
I suggested to one of the mods a while ago that, since MR's paranormal threads got merged into one megathread, why not do the same with Spellbound's idiotic "Reality is..." threads?

The penis lover (as that is the name Spellbound has bestowed upon me, I'll wear it with pride. It's not even wrong. I love my wiener).

Whatever you say lover of men's penises.
What is the general theme of this thread ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ

Matter is a closed energy field. Bounded as opposed to free. Where energy radiates outwardly from the center of matter, behaving as a physical manifestation, eventually occupying the space outside of the object, is free to become whatever it wants, including making particles pop into existence. This is how I visualize a self-generating, self-determining reality.
"Fortunately, mankind does have a protector against the abuses of time and energy being perpetrated upon it even now by mainstream philosophy. With the coming of the CTMU, time has run out forever on this conspiracy of the blind: the blind, sighted at last, can newly behold reality through tears of shame and gratitude; and the rest of us, freed from the rotting conceptual bonds of traditional "wisdom", can finally anticipate the fulfillment of our collective intellectual identity." - Chris Langan
I'm like, not really go to even try and make sense of those.

Could you think of me like a four year old and try to explain it to me simply?
Matter is a closed energy field. Bounded as opposed to free. Where energy radiates outwardly from the center of matter, behaving as a physical manifestation, eventually occupying the space outside of the object, is free to become whatever it wants, including making particles pop into existence. This is how I visualize a self-generating, self-determining reality.

Matter is a closed energy field. Bounded as opposed to free. Where energy radiates outwardly from the center of matter, behaving as a physical manifestation, eventually occupying the space outside of the object, is free to become whatever it wants, including making particles pop into existence. This is how I visualize a self-generating, self-determining reality.
And your evidence?

"Because I thought it up" doesn't count.


The matrix is multiplied with the state vector via a process operating one row at a time. Here we see the top row of the matrix being rotated and aligned with the vector, then the functions are applied to the corresponding data. Each element of the matrix row represents an input channel for a particular system. It's input functions receive and process the available data.


This program has been optimised as a software algorithm and has thus diverged from the matrix mathematics (whilst retaining exact logical equivalence) and it has converge onto a more SCSPL oriented approach.


This indicates that matrix mathematics is an information process that is logically equivalent to a set of iterative processes operating on a shared information space.


I am dealing with mathematical and software representations of both a system theoretic and an SCSPL based metaphysics.

Taken From:
Your incessant posting of reality is this or that is so goddamn tiring. Why don't you post directly in the cesspool where this kind of crap belongs. Stay out of the science sections.