I found Schmelzer's Syrian posts most informative and detailed compared with anything else posted.
So did I. Especially the maps, and the propaganda analysis - he follows propaganda very closely, and he knew enough about Syria to analyze it from a basis in reality.
His extension of what he knew about Syria to US politics was largely bullshit, of course (iirc at one point he was blaming the entire Syrian war on Hillary Clinton), but if we exclude his apparent part time role as Russian troll farm parrot that was apparently because he didn't know anything about them - he was either unable or unmotivated to correct the misapprehensions of his reliance on propaganda from a basis in physical reality. Sculptor found him "informative".
This is apparently a thread on climate change, or Brazilian weather, or something like that (Sculptor deals in innuendo, not argument from evidence). Something to do with AGW, anyway. Schmelzer knew almost nothing about the physical realities of AGW, was (according to himself) strongly motivated by a desire to prevent international organization and coordinated governmental response to anything, and was thereby led into some truly bizarre nonsense by the propaganda he relied upon for his information on AGW. Sculptor found him "informative".
What I am saying is that if you think that the ends justify the means and have such a strong belief in the ends that you are prepared to accept modifications to those means without qualm if they lead to further justification of your beliefs, please don't mistake this for science as it only muddies the waters and makes the real science more difficult.
As far as I can tell from your spaghetti post there, you are in fact - as James speculated - claiming a political motive (something to do with "beliefs") for what appears to you is rigging or manipulation by the official Australian agencies in charge of recording meteorological and climatological data.
I lost count of the number of times I had to identify where seemingly innocuous system changes requested by bureaucrats would corrupt the data I was held responsible for so please don't question my professionalism and allude to conspiracies.
The links you provided also allude to conspiracies, as does your wording in response to James ("accept modifications - - justification of your beliefs"). You should provide at least a hint of support for your apparent assumptions about other people's beliefs, when basing accusations on them.
This, for example, is from one of your links:
For the best quality climate change analysis blog in the world, check
Watts Up With That?
Now I know almost nothing about Australian climate change politics and related research, but I do keep a weather eye on the site "Watt's up with that", and it is a conspiracy-supporting site with a well established rightwing corporate political agenda. (If you prefer to make your own judgment, find an archive of past blog entries on that site, long enough back that events have caught up with claims, and draw your own conclusions. Their long running attempt to sell the "pause", for example, including misrepresenting satellite data calibrations as nefarious schemes to hide global cooling, was unethical at minimum). I would need some persuading to trust anyone who would recommend that site without warning the naive reader, much less describe it in such glowing terms.
That's a very poor straw man James R.
So correct him, and me: What are you trying to argue?
You are not posting clearly - for example:
A straight reading of your post and links indicates that you object to the Australian government's clumsy undermining of the IPCC by corrupting the data it provides, or at least appearing to.
I doubt that. But I would prefer better correction than my doubts.