Religion and women.

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There is way too much misery on this planet for a loving and powerful God to exist.

The fact is we live in a cruel and dystopian world where many people end up heartbroken constantly and they become depressed and some even take their own life because of the sad circumstances they find themselves in life.

And all this contradicts the existence of a loving, omnipotent God.

If there was such a God then he surely could have created a universe where every human being has a chance to be happy and doesn't get sick or depressed or suicidal.
It seems, pluto2 that you have defined god so that you may reject god.
Doing so, you are not rejecting god, but rather, you are rejecting a figment of your own imagination.
Aaaaaand - there's the gaslighting.
Gaslighting- Psychologists use the term “gaslighting” to refer to a specific type of manipulation where the manipulator is trying to get someone else (or a group of people) to question their own reality, memory or perceptions.

You think I’m being manipulative?
*shakes head*
Gaslighting- Psychologists use the term “gaslighting” to refer to a specific type of manipulation where the manipulator is trying to get someone else (or a group of people) to question their own reality, memory or perceptions.
You think I’m being manipulative?
Oh yes. "You're being emotional" is one of the primary ways men gaslight women. "You are being emotional and therefore not rational" means you can ignore what they said by labeling it irrational. It's a way to minimize and ignore what they say, while telling them that their own opinion is not valid. This is so habitual in some men that they don't even realize they are doing it.
Was it something I said?

I don't know, it's one of those things where we're off on different pages, yet think we're both discussing the same thing. A series of monologues doesn't make a dialogue, you know?

Oh yes. "You're being emotional" is one of the primary ways men gaslight women. "You are being emotional and therefore not rational" means you can ignore what they said by labeling it irrational. It's a way to minimize and ignore what they say, while telling them that their own opinion is not valid. This is so habitual in some men that they don't even realize they are doing it.
It’s amusing how you divert the discussion by making accusations about me, but fail miserably in explaining how these accusations fit.
Where have I seen this before? Oh yes the mainstream media everyday for the past 4 years :rolleyes:
If nothing else, this thread is a good example of both what everyday sexism is - and that it still exists.
Sexism - prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex.
How is saying women are generally emotional, and adding that there is nothing wrong in that, discriminating against, or stereotyping women.
Am I wrong when I say that women are emotional?
Can we not say anything about black people or women, homosexuals, or transgenders etc...?
Or is it okay as long as it fits with societies narrative?
I don't know, it's one of those things where we're off on different pages, yet think we're both discussing the same thing. A series of monologues doesn't make a dialogue, you know?
Would you rather I stick to mainstream narrative?
Would you rather I stick to mainstream narrative?
I’m not really into “mainstream narratives.” To my dismay, it doesn’t seem like you’re able to have a dialogue about this, without a condescending tone. (about women)
It’s amusing how you divert the discussion by making accusations about me, but fail miserably in explaining how these accusations fit.
You don't understand? You said that Wegs was emotional, and thus minimized her contribution. Simple.
Am I wrong when I say that women are emotional?
Nope. You're not wrong when you say men are emotional, either. You are, however, sexist to say that emotional men are disasters, whereas emotional women are expected. You use that to minimize what women say. "Oh she's just being emotional. But that's understandable; she's a woman." Just as you did to Wegs.
Can we not say anything about black people or women, homosexuals, or transgenders etc...?
You can say whatever you like. It's a free country. You can point out that Bidil is a cardiac drug given primarily to black people. That's not racist. You can also try pointing out that you wouldn't want a black person living next to you because, you know, the crime. That's racist.

Can you see the difference there?
Well, I might have to use the ignore feature. So early in a new year. :oops:
You are indulging in the same type of worldview/mindset, as the ones you call evil.

Should that be a surprise, they are human and capable of making mistakes and I am human and capable of making mistakes.

All institutes are invented.

Do you acknowledge that God was invented by humans?

I mean there are thousands of gods that you would agree are invented I would like to know if you include " your god" as invented.

But the purposes they uphold aren’t.

I don't get it.

How can that be?

Tell me some purpose attached to religion and how it has not been invented..made up etc.

You don’t understand the Bible.

I understand it from the point of view of an Athiest may be the correct way to put it..

which would be objective would it not?

Your first Bible verse example is taken from
Ephesians 5 22-23
"Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Saviour."

Just two verses down you would have encountered this...

25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved church, and gave himself for it;

...and three verses down from that you would have encountered this...

28 So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.

First..I have told you earlier..I have read the bible..cover to I know it has good things ... that would be obvious I don't know why you present any good things other than to attempt a meaningless mitigation of the fact it really does have the bad things I claim...

You Christian types like an a childish example..try this... what you are doing is like saying..sure Hilter did some bad things but he gave his people an affordable car so therefore we can overlook the fact that he did so many evil things can't don't see that or more to the point will not see's like get a theist cornered with the truth about their cult and the bad things and they come out with..but look at all the charity work..mmm ok given Christians do all that charity work I will just forget the fact they have murdered more humans than any other don't see any problem with the verses because you can' can have one hundred thousand good verses but the fact is the bad verses are with it..realise they are bad and realise folk assess things by the failure ...the book is after all gods book can we not expect it to be entirely correct?

Tell me of any book that has just one mistake that does not get taken off the shelves and thrown out...can you imagine a book on engineering containing as many mistakes as the bible being on the list for students at college... but this book of god..the one you could expect to be perfect fails totally.

So let's think about a nice guy who does everything right, good to his family, supportive of friend etc etc but he has a problem..he is very cruel to animals..tell me you would be happy having that guy in your house, tell me you would offer him as a roll model for your kids...are you so screwed in the head by the religious hypocracy that decency is outside your understanding.

The verse ( and there are many) says to disrespect women and that is something that is best called out and taken out...all verses that disrespect women should be taken out...making lame excuses should be seen for what it defend bad things makes you is just you won't see it.. but that is the truth..evil evil evil...look at yourself in the mirror and ask how you have become evil when you started out wanting to be decent...dencent people will do evil things in the name of their god..want a couple of pages of examples...but why should i bother you are the victim of an evil cult and beyond reason now.

Now if you were really being honest, you would have tried to gain some kind of understanding before blurting out your ignorant opinion.

I understand...and my opinion is informed ..that is why you attack it but you can't not defend my claim that the bible shows disrespect for women and no matter how you twist and turn or avoid...that is wrong...the reason I am so confronting is I tell the like many people will not have it that I speak only the truth.

It at least calls for discussion.

That was the purpose of this thread and do you notice how the good Christian folk have not read my links or those of Mick...why is that...sure let's discuss it..go ahead..that's what I would like to see.

But you need to read the things that Mick posted and that I posted don't you think..go thru the video of that nice lady and point to her errors if you find them..we can discuss it.. but saying it's all lies is just bullshit.

All I have seen is a mindless defence of the bible that has many references that put down women...and look at you all..let's ignore it..let's not admit anything in there is bad..let's live in our made up bullshit reality.

Its like you are all on feel good that is all that would murder, steal and do whatever you thought you god told you to do..of course you would just like the good christians before you...look at the crusades, and every other session of murder in the name of god, ..burn any witches lately?

But you are ultimately depriving yourself of truth, by believing these dishonest attempts to smear Christianity.

Get real..there are none so blind as those who will not see...

There is so much to smear christianity with one can write a fact many books have been written as the fact is if you wish to smear christianity you have a wealth of material..endless supply of damning material start at the begining and go year by year, go country by country, go victim by victim..look at how bloody Mary re introduced heresy so she could burn people at the stake enjoyable Catholic pastime ...get real Jan...there are so many turds in your pool you could walk across the top...I tell you what you put down one good thing and I will put down five evil things and let's see who runs out of stuff...want to do that?

The research is lies.

How would you know if you have not read that the way you handle genuine observation...I suppose my years of experience is all lies also...walk out of that pool full of turds and detox and discover reality.

One thing the research covers I experienced first hand well before I ever saw any research... which is from my personal experience a fact...that ministers etc tell a victim to suck it up very first case a woman hospitalised for a day due to her husband bashing her...I outlined what she could do...her answer which I will never forget was .."father x told me god sends these things to make us strong and to test our faith".... that was the first time.. over time, women, I found if they went to church, were programmed to submit...just my experience..then in the Family Law read the affidavits of parties out of read countless stories of treating women insanely often you would get how it unfolded..we came home from a party and etc etc..I asked the priest and he said..I went to stay at my sisters and the minister said I should forgive and try to get things sorted for the sake of the kids....I can tell you the research is right and you saying it is wrong without even looking goes to show just how drug addicted you the research and stop making lame ignorant excuses for an evil cult.

You can not defend the indefensible.

The research is lies.
Have you not witnessed the strategy of evil over this past year. The truth is within you. These lies are an attempt to keep you from that truth, by feeding you external bs which infiltrates the mind, making it difficult to separate truth from falsehood.

You are just so very wrong.

I know what's going on ..and the problem is people like you..I have confronted you with the truth, with my experience both in private practice and in the Family Law Court and all you can say is I don't know the truth...I will let the audience decide..but denying evil to me means you are evil as you ignore evil and allow it to go on to a point where you defend it...and you dont realise that is exactly what you and other good christians here are doing.

Forget the politics..give women respect.

Sounds tough.
Look into the VR thing when you have chance.
Or don’t. It’s up to you.
But it is more than just fun and games.
Like I said you would be able to exhibit, set up conference events, create discussion events, all in real time, with real people from all over the world. Heck, you can even watch movies in gigantic screens in virtual cinemas. For someone who is slowly losing their mobility, but have an interest in science, religion, and philosophy, and discussing with folk from all walks of life, in real time, from anywhere on the globe.. you could do a lot worse

It sounds very interesting.

As I said I am interested in the fpv thing and as I research that you propositions will become apparent because fog needs the vr mask, Google's.

This place is so funny..I stand up for justice and fair trials, and I stand up for women and all I get is basically to be called an idiot.

I simply say this...I go on evidence and all I say is supported by evidence..I don't make things up..Christians have murdered more than any other group, Christian men are more likely to engage in domestic abuse and violence...., ministers, priests tell their victims to pray as a solution, they also encourage women to suck it up...

If I am so wrong it should be easy to prove. the bad verses are in the bible, sure there are good ones but that is obviously not the point, both Mick and I present links to prove our point and the good Christians here will not look...seems like a serious problem to me.

If the purpose of the car is to get someone to and from work economically, a Ford Focus is an excellent car and a Bentley is a terrible one for the task. In that instance the Focus has far more intrinsic value.
They are both cars.
You can use them to transport yourself from A - B
That is what a car is for.
Of course. Childbirth is purely the province of women; generation of male gametes is purely the province of men. For everything else, though, they choose their own roles.
So man and women’s “role” is purely biological.
Why aren’t I surprised?
Sex is biological; gender and gender roles are artificial constructs created by society.
That would be funny if it wasn’t actually being forced on to everybody to accept as state truth.
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