Scientists discover that atheists might not exist, and that’s not a joke

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Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.
How so? jan.
You tell us, you're the expert on God and how scripture should be interpreted. We (I) are mere mortal atheists and can only interpret what we read by the words scripture is written.
Two creation stories are found in the first two chapters of the Book of Genesis. In the first Elohim, the Hebrew generic word for God, creates the heavens and the earth in six days, then rests on, blesses and sanctifies the seventh.

In the second story, God, now referred to by the personal name Yahweh, creates Adam, the first man, from dust and places him in the Garden of Eden, where he is given dominion over the animals. Eve, the first woman, is created from Adam and as his companion.

You realize of course that if you did not accept the "written word" in the olden days, you would be persecuted and "put to the test".
He implied that atheists are bigger murderers than theists as apparently you do also.
As an atheist I object to that generalization...ok?

I didn't hear him apply it to ''atheists''. Firstly.
And secondly, the godless (atheist) regimes, were pretty prolific when it came to human slaughter.
They've already shown their ability.

He implied that atheists are bigger murderers than theists as apparently you do also.
As an atheist I object to that generalization...ok?
It was a response to your claim that atheists don't persecute theists for being theists. The point in dredging up info on communism (which amongst its various condemnations of creeds and classes, expresses a very explicit, constant and repeatable transnational atheist foundation for the need to remove theists from the ecosystem, simply because they are theists) was to show how that is not the case.

Focusing on this point has been troublesome since Billvon came along to save the day by interpreting the exchange to be a pissing contest to determine who has killed the most people in history : atheists or theists.

Add SiaSL's enthusiasm, who never misses an opportunity to exhibit his bot-like google image search engine skills, and I am now left trying to work out WTF is the need of including the statistics of war dead from the Crusades to better understand the ideological forces that drove the Khmer Rouge, Maoist, Stalinist, et al regimes to commit atrocities on theists ......

The situation is so sciforumastic.
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You made the claim.
Can you back it up, or not?

No, the bible makes the claim. I make no theist or religious claims whatever, except that all religions and any adherents have declared themselves to be exclusive of other beliefs and therefore prejudicial at the core. I couldn't care less what you believe. I judge you by your content of character and behavior.
You made the claim.
Can you back it up, or not?

You made the claim that Adam and Eve were not the first humans. That statement is contrary to one of the two versions of the bible.
Hence my question which version you cleave to. Again;
"So which account do you believe? Priestly or Jahwistic?
If there is a third codified account (perhaps your own version), can you reference it?"
Which god are you claiming IS? Can you say nothing about it other than it IS? If so, you are not actually discussing it.


If you don't have an idea, after all these exchanges with theists, for all these years.
There's no point discussing it with you now.
So you can either, explain how it would be possible, from your perspective, how someone would dress up as God, or move on.
It's all the same to me.

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