Scientists discover that atheists might not exist, and that’s not a joke

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Oh man, you are truly delusional and I would recommend professional help with your hallucinations. You are one sick puppy and have lost all connection with reality.

I didn't realize you would find holding yourself to the same standard as you hold others so traumatic.
What does one do to not believe in God?
One asks the question: how did we get here, without recourse to circular reason, and one comes to the honest conclusion that one doesn't know. Couple this with the realisation that one doesn't need to stick one's flag to any mast. I.e. realisation that belief on the matter is not a necessity, and one ends up not knowing, and no reason to believe one way or the other. Simples, really. One has ended up not believing in God, if one is honest with oneself.
One need construct no other philosophy, hold no other mindset, than these, although one may have to for other things that belief in God might have offered them, and to which they might cling, thus preventing them from not believing until resolved. But that will be different from person to person, I think.

If one wants to take it further and hold the belief that there is no God, well, I can't speak for them. Needless to say, it is not necessary to believe God does not exist to simply not believe in God.
Nobody believes in the Easter Bunny. There's no need to form, or construct a philosophy, or a mindset, to not believe.
God Is. You can't change that.
At least that's what you believe.
So you construct a believe that there is no God.
Many people do, but it is not a prerequisite for not believing in God.
But that belief appears to be based on nothing. All you do is try and defend your your position.
The strong atheist position generally seems to be grounded on lack of evidence, yes, so in that sense it is based on "nothing". But not all those who don't believe in God also believe that there is no God.
Or is the only argument you have with those who believe God does not exist (i.e. strong atheists)?
If you want to convince anyone that you consciously, and subconsciously don't believe in God, stop the joking, learn about God, and explain properly why God does not exist. Otherwise, I don't believe you, and I doubt you believe yoursel
And the agenda of the OP falsehood is dealt unto the table.

Without the falsehood of the OP, that would make no sense - obviously the billions of people who lived and died as atheists over the centuries and now could not possibly explain why they did not believe in Jan's God, or why Jan's God did not exist (a much different question),
and clearly if people have to learn all about Jan's God before Jan will believe they have no knowledge of God capable of supporting a theism there is a problem with the logic,
but all that disappears if Jan can somehow sell the notion that everyone believes in Jan's God whether they know it or not, whether they have ever heard about such an entity or not, etc.
And that would provide a foothold for Jan to deliver judgments and insults and accuse others of the kind of dishonesty and bad faith and character flaws visible in Jan's posts.
The actual goal, imho. Just a guess, but it fits the evidence - and it's familiar from the outside world, dealing with theists.
Whether (unaided) biological and/or physical processes alone are sufficient to be ultimate causes of life or not is precisely the contentious realm of the problem at hand.
Let’s just simplify the discussion and assume that everything that exists can be physically described. Therefore any entity, whether sensible flesh and blood, or unseen ethereal phenomenon, can be assumed to be physically real. So under this universal condition there is no distinction between one process or another, it’s all physical. Any identifiable process is just a manifestation of the greater whole. Gods, humans, alternate consciousnesses, they would all be physical subsets of a larger physical universe.
IOW to say any and all forms of sentience must take a biological form and thus assume a position in the due course of cause and effect presupposes a bunch of (unevidenced theoretical) things about the nature of life and consciousness and the universe it appears in.
We only have evidence that sentience is a product of biology. There may be other paths to sentience, but we are not yet in a position to know them.
just to be clear, its obvious that we are not the consciousness responsible for causing this phenomenal world, so its poor form to utilize the experience of the unlimitedly limited (ie, us) as some sort of yardstick to gauge the unlimitedly unlimited (ie God).
It’s not clear that any consciousness is responsible for this phenomenal world beyond the influence of known biology. Biologic consciousness may very well be an embryonic state for higher forms of consciousness, including those of gods. Given enough time a sufficiently evolved conscious entity might be able to replicate the naturally created celestial formations. So are we living in a naturally created universe or a personally created one? Who knows? Not me, and I seriously doubt that you or anyone else does either.
Let’s just simplify the discussion and assume that everything that exists can be physically described. Therefore any entity, whether sensible flesh and blood, or unseen ethereal phenomenon, can be assumed to be physically real.
There's a difference between simplifying and dumbing down. If you want to equate description with "physical reality" you are once again begging the question, since this is the primary issue in question.

So under this universal condition there is no distinction between one process or another, it’s all physical. Any identifiable process is just a manifestation of the greater whole. Gods, humans, alternate consciousnesses, they would all be physical subsets of a larger physical universe.
IOW the "playing field" that we, the unlimitedly limited, bring our senses to.
But even to ride with this notion of "one process", the technical hurdles in successfully presenting an explanation on how to manufacture and pilot a jumbo jet to ants seems to be clear evidence this notion lacks a thoroughly practical counterpart (ant behaviour and human behaviour is ultimately one process, right?). IOW if we are toying with empiricism as an authoratative epistemology, things start to rapidly degenerate if it lacks a practical element.
(IOW you are degrading empiricism by taking it outside of its authoratative field).

We only have evidence that sentience is a product of biology. There may be other paths to sentience, but we are not yet in a position to know them.
By "we" I assume you mean those explaining things exclusively in empirucal terms.

It’s not clear that any consciousness is responsible for this phenomenal world beyond the influence of known biology.
Its not clear why one would bring biology to a problem of cosmogyny (cosmogyny being the "physical field", if we are to insist on discussing things in a purely "physical observable" sense, of Gods consciousness). If biology is looking for mysteries to ponder, no need to go further than a fruit fly.

Biologic consciousness may very well be an embryonic state for higher forms of consciousness, including those of gods. Given enough time a sufficiently evolved conscious entity might be able to replicate the naturally created celestial formations. So are we living in a naturally created universe or a personally created one? Who knows? Not me, and I seriously doubt that you or anyone else does either.
The fact that you can't even begin to answer these sort of q's in any meaningful way with the discipline of biology or the broader one of empiricism was my point. Talking about what can and cannot be tenable under biology regarding God is just as praiseworthy as discussing what can and cannot be tenable in the realm of examining bathroom hand basins regarding marine life.
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We only have evidence that sentience is a product of biology. There may be other paths to sentience, but we are not yet in a position to know them.
By "we" I assume you mean those explaining things exclusively in empirucal terms.
I would mean you and me.
But even to ride with this notion of "one process", the technical hurdles in successfully presenting an explanation on how to manufacture and pilot a jumbo jet to ants seems to be clear evidence this notion lacks a thoroughly practical counterpart (ant behaviour and human behaviour is ultimately one process, right?). IOW if we are toying with empiricism as an authoratative epistemology, things start to rapidly degenerate if it lacks a practical element.
(IOW you are degrading empiricism by taking it outside of its authoratative field).
And that makes a fairly decent explanation of why even a demonstration of the inadequacy of scientifically informed human reason to handle some question
- a demonstration which you cannot begin to provide, btw, having no grounds whatsoever except the circumstance that after a couple of hundred years it hasn't completely succeeded yet
- would not suggest a deity. Anyone who worshipped a God on such grounds would be equivalent to an ant worshipping a jet plane pilot - not even the Boeing engineering department, just the pilot.
Given enough time a sufficiently evolved conscious entity might be able to replicate the naturally created celestial formations

  • When Scientists understand the conditions before the Big Bang
  • have access to those conditions
  • use those conditions to create a universe
  • it's possible religion should vanish
However I doubt that would happen

Religion would shift gears

"Ah ha. god created the conditions before the Big Bang which created the Universe, which is the same as god creating the Universe"

you can understand how I think...not that you need to but I have at least tried to reveal my thoughts such that you can understand I dont see it as you do.

You are an atheist, a person for whom there is no God. I already know that.

God is..for you.

If God Is. Then God Is.
There is no just for me.
Now we find ourselves in a situation where there are theists, and there are atheists.
Just because you don't believe in God, (your position), doesn't mean that there is no God. It only means there is no God, for you. That's all it can mean.

I get that but making a statement as you do does not create reality and clearly you find difficulty in that concept.

That's a silly statement, if I may say so.
There is no reality without God. You cannot even envision a reality without God. All you can do is reject, and deny God. There is nothing you can do, or offer, to show your position is anything more than rejection and denial.

No worries Jan as I am happy you have something that gets you by...[/QUOTE ]

No you're not happy about anything regarding me. Your intention is to put me down. Like I said, you have nothing to offer, as to why your position is true.
So you have to find ways of believing it to be.

few in life can deal with the cold reality that we are not really as important as we would like to believe and that life has no grander purpose.

And those few are atheists?
Theism, is the acceptance, and belief in God. Atheism is the non-acceptance, and disbelief in God.
I don't have a problem with that. But you do, and you can't account for it.
I think you're the one who cannot accept reality.

[QUOTE ] You clearly need to find a purpose and even finding one that is fictional you are then able to manage.

You're the one who rejects, and denies God. Can you account for that? You are becoming incommunicable, because you can't account for it.
Can you explain how God, cannot Be?
Explain how the pursuit of truth, even through evidence, can be attained without God?

I am fortunate as I dont need to crate a false reality to feel good about myself and others and indeed the world or the universe.
I am not arrogant and so I dont construct lies to make out a creator built it all for me.

Yet you deny, and reject God.
That's about as false as it gets.
Nobody denies, and rejects things that aren't real.
People have no idea of what is not real, what it means to be real, without a standard model.
What is your standard model, if not God?

I deal with only the truth I find that requires no abdication of critical thought to build a dubious reality unsupported with reasonable evidence.

How do you know if something is true?

I probably do defend my position but of course I have no need.

Of course you do. That's why it's become a position.
Like I said, nobody rejects and denies something that does not exist. Because there is nothing to reject.

Those who present their facts can do so ..and your fact is God is...well ok if I have to defend against that I have no need to even lock the door..the threat of rational thought taking me out seems way past remote.

I didn't say it was a fact.
Facts can change, due to circumstance, or in light of new evidence.
God is not a hypothesis, or a theory. Nobody theist ever makes that claim.
When you ask for evidence of God, you aren't talking about God. You create a fictional account of God, then ask for evidence of that.
As it is your account, you decide whether or not that God exists.
No atheist who eventually accepts God, ever comes to that via evidence.

That was ok for them but today we know stuff,

What do you actually know?

I guess some folk cant feel comfortable in the modern era where we deal with facts, testable theories and measurable predictions.

What makes you think people didn't with the same process?
How do you think the ancients built great structures, like the great pyramids?
Do you think it just came about through luck?

I can see passing over the mysyeries to God is easier for a mind stuck in bronze age thinking.
It takes all kinds so I accept that folk like you still exist.

This is you burying your head in the sand.
There is so much information out there. Rich in essence, truth, and knowledge. But you choose to pass it off as the mumbling of idiots, who stumbled upon some things, by dumb luck.
You have no idea what you're talking about.

Look just because you teach a point where you can not come up with an answer that does not mean you make up a suitable story.
That is lieing.

I think I'll leave it here, and see if you can come with something, where you actually utilise the intelligence you have, in a different way.

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I would mean you and me.

And that makes a fairly decent explanation of why even a demonstration of the inadequacy of scientifically informed human reason to handle some question
- a demonstration which you cannot begin to provide, btw, having no grounds whatsoever except the circumstance that after a couple of hundred years it hasn't completely succeeded yet
- would not suggest a deity. Anyone who worshipped a God on such grounds would be equivalent to an ant worshipping a jet plane pilot - not even the Boeing engineering department, just the pilot.
I'm not sure what gave you the idea that these were grounds for worshipping God. I mean I am pretty sure you wouldn't expect the bathroom hand basin as being sufficient grounds for lodging claims about marine biology, right?

I was examining, at Capracas's behest, biology/empircism/the "physical" and observable realm, as grounds for discerning the validity of God's existence. The conclusion was, if you think, on the basis of empirical authority, one could hope to go further than an opinion -either for or against - one is either deluded and/or merely succumbing to politics/meme bashing.
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One asks the question: how did we get here, without recourse to circular reason, and one comes to the honest conclusion that one doesn't know.

People aren't theists because they know, or think they know how we got here. People are theist despite that.
It is the same with atheists. They do not need to know how we got here, to be an atheist. People are atheist despite that.
The question I asked purely pertains to the act of believing there is no God, outside of rejection, and denial.
What would a purely atheist world be like?

Couple this with the realisation that one doesn't need to stick one's flag to any mast. I.e. realisation that belief on the matter is not a necessity, and one ends up not knowing, and no reason to believe one way or the other.

IOW deciding for yourself that you do not need belief in God to live your life.
But how do you decide there is no God, without denying and rejecting, theism, and it's goal?
You'll no doubt say that lack of evidence, not rejection, and denial, lies at the heart of this decision.
But how can you determine what is evidence of God, if you reject, and deny, God within yourself, and your ability to determine what is true, and what is false?

If one wants to take it further and hold the belief that there is no God, well, I can't speak for them. Needless to say, it is not necessary to believe God does not exist to simply not believe in God.

God either Is, or is not. There is no in between, or waiting to see how it turns.
If however one perceives that to be the case, it has to be concluded that there is no God, as far as they are aware. Even if they don't see it like that.
If one relies on science, and philosophy, in order to decide God is acceptable, then there is no God, as far as they are aware.
Because if we assume that one is trying to base evidence on the theistic claim that there is a God, then one must also experience God the same way the theist say he/does.
The theist does not base their theism on science and philosophy, yet the atheist wants to do just that. Then we are in a situation where the atheist has just rejected, and denied God, without even knowing, or even meaning to.

At least that's what you believe.

No. My belief is in God.
I accept that God Is.
You don't. That is the difference between us. And that's what makes us theist, or atheist.

Many people do, but it is not a prerequisite for not believing in God.

So what is a prerequisite for not believing in God?

The strong atheist position generally seems to be grounded on lack of evidence, yes, so in that sense it is based on "nothing". But not all those who don't believe in God also believe that there is no God.
Or is the only argument you have with those who believe God does not exist (i.e. strong atheists)?

So you're saying it is possible to be an atheist, but not think there is no God?
Can you elaborate on that?

One asks the question: how did we get here, without recourse to circular reason, and one comes to the honest conclusion that one doesn't know. Couple this with the realisation that one doesn't need to stick one's flag to any mast. I.e. realisation that belief on the matter is not a necessity, and one ends up not knowing, and no reason to believe one way or the other. Simples, really. One has ended up not believing in God, if one is honest with oneself.
One need construct no other philosophy, hold no other mindset, than these, although one may have to for other things that belief in God might have offered them, and to which they might cling, thus preventing them from not believing until resolved. But that will be different from person to person, I think.

If one wants to take it further and hold the belief that there is no God, well, I can't speak for them. Needless to say, it is not necessary to believe God does not exist to simply not believe in God.
If you went a step further, to the position of concluding there is no God, what new behaviours would you adopt?
You are an atheist, a person for whom there is no God. I already
You are behind the times I have selected Thor as my God so I am not a atheist.
All you can do is reject, and deny God. There is nothing you can do, or offer, to show your position is anything more than rejection and denial.
That does not worry me.
You can imagine whatever you wish but as I have said just saying things does not make them true...but as I said go ahead...there is no God I guess that is rejection and denial..if someone wants to present God they can...or rather they cant. race car in the talks bullshit walks..etc...You aint got the goods.

You create a fictional account of God, then ask for evidence of that

OK dont worry if you have nothing I was not expecting a could I expect you to provide evidence of a non existent God...I never thought for a moment you would come up with anything and you always prove I am right.
What do you actually know?
All that I need to know.

How do you think the ancients built great structures, like the great pyramids?
Do you think it just came ab

They probably hired some clever atheists who would have done things without using superstition I guess.

You have no idea what you're talking about.
Then you need not worry about what I say and talk to your God and ask him why I am always right.

I think I'll leave it here, and see if you can come with something, where you actually utilise the intelligence you have, in a different way

I have come up with something ... the God story is made up and I have already provided evidence proving that so there is not much to add.

You have nothing to offer I knew that you never did so I am not disappointed.

Thor created the universe with his hammer ... all give Thor a pat on the back.

I have come up with something ... the God story is made up and I have already provided evidence proving that so there is not much to add.

You said earlier; ''You can imagine whatever you wish but as I have said just saying things does not make them true..''

Yet here you are making something up, and claiming it to be true.
You say no one was there at the creation of the material world.
Wrong! God was there.

You don't have to accept that, obviously. But it just make you an atheist. Nothing more.

You have evidence for all this?
There is no evidence that God exists. Are you asking if there's evidence of no evidence? The answer to that would be yes - there are plenty of cases where X was held up as a reason "God had to have done that" only to find a reason it could have happened naturally.
Nobody believes in the Easter Bunny.
Yet you said you believed in Santa Claus. Why is a rotund man in a red suit who lives at the North Pole and visits every single child on Christmas Eve more believable than an anthropomorphic rabbit who does the same?
What God is it that lacks evidence, in your opinion?
Most of them. The God of the Bible, for example, lacks any evidence of his existence. Indeed, since many of his acts in the Bible are either not possible or provably didn't happen, there is a proof of lack of evidence.

However, you could define God in some way that God does exist, like saying "God is love." Great - then if love exists, then God exists. But that's just word games, like defining the Easter Bunny as the guy who sells easter baskets.
Yet you said you believed in Santa Claus. Why is a rotund man in a red suit who lives at the North Pole and visits every single child on Christmas Eve more believable than an anthropomorphic rabbit who does the same?

You're a liar, billvon. I never said I believed in Santa Claus.
Only that he was real, in the capacity as he is known and understood.
Your lying only gives credibility to the essential theme of the article.
You cannot defend your position, because there is nothing to defend.

Perhaps but the recorded account clearly was provided by a human who was not there...that is clear...the account was made up.

Baby Iguana's only seconds after being hatched, is born with certain knowledge, without any experience whatsoever. How? DNA?
God can transmit what, and to who, God likes.

Anyhow, enjoy this piece of action from a David Attenborough series. Maybe you have already seen it, but it is quite amazing.

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