SF.com Logo Contest

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What's that in my shoe? Arrrgghhh! A pile of sand.

actually its dust from what used to be my body...I went behind that dune only to find another dune and no water...so I went on and on and on...until my body was so light that the wind caught it up and teared it into dust.
Thats funny. I was walking behind you and sneezed. Suddenly you were gone, so I thought you were just a mirage. I found the well but unfortunately I drowned.
Thats funny. I was walking behind you and sneezed. Suddenly you were gone, so I thought you were just a mirage. I found the well but unfortunately I drowned.

but if you walked behind me and was the cause of my transformation into dust than the well's location was not that as specified, since I have traveled far beyond that of the dune pictured. ... or did I travel in circles?
But trippy, drug-induced bullshit aside, superluminal's is the best yet - though I also like the sparkly soap one. All that sparkle implies superficiality, and I think that suits what will become Sciforums' new direction.
No, you're right. The Sciforums.com bit is way, way too noticiable...
Don't you see the other face looking back? (hint... look down around the back of the neck).
I had noticed something there, but at the scale of the logo, I couldn't make out what it was. I really do like your Logo, SkinWalker, I think it is one of the best. I just thought it might be better to have her facing sciforums. I made a little joke that she might resent the amount of time you spend on sciforums, although not as much as several of us.
Ha! I wasn't clear in my post on one matter, though. I meant you didn't spend as much time here as several of us, not that we (sciforums members) resent the amount of time you devote to this site!
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