Should Racism be tolerated in these forums?

Should Racism be tolerated on these forums?

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I was thinking more about the problems associated with seeing or hearing only one side of an argument as is present in the racist websites.

So, are you going to censor all websites which only present one side of the argument? Fascinating. Perhaps you should start by censoring

Again, drop the dishonest claptrap. You only censor 'one sided' sites which offend your tender sensibilities.
many times must we all be subjected to discussions on the superiority of one race and the inferiority of another?

How many times must we all be subjected to discussions on the inherently barbaric and oppressive nature of the white culture, and the white race in general? Don't you think whitey has suffered enough racist bigotry at the hands of haters like Tiassa, James and S.A.M?
Mountainhare said:

Don't you think whitey has suffered enough racist bigotry

Oh, poor white people. They can't be superior to everyone else. Oh, how horrible. They have to be equal, for God's sake. Equal! How oppressive to have to be equal ....

Oh look, Tiassa the troll is attacking strawmen again. Can someone infraction Tiassa the troll for trolling with inane troll posts?

How many times must we all be subjected to discussions on the inherently barbaric and oppressive nature of the white culture, and the white race in general? Don't you think whitey has suffered enough racist bigotry at the hands of haters like Tiassa, James and S.A.M?

So you think we need more discussions on the superiority of one "race" over another? Do you think discussions about the correlation between intelligence and colour are scientific? Does that mean that if a white person gets a tan, they automatically become more stupid? Does that mean someone who was born with dark skin is automatically more stupid than one born with white skin? Is that the kind of discussions you wish to see continue?

What exactly is "white culture" mountain? What is "black culture"? I am willing to bet that "blacks" in America have a distinctly different culture to African "blacks" and Australian "blacks". Do you think the "white culture" of a farmer in Romania is the same as a "white" housewife living in New York? The only thing they might have in common is their colour. Their individual cultures would be quite different. Or do you think that because someone is "black" or "white", then their cultures will automatically be the same to all others within their colour range?
So you think we need more discussions on the superiority of one "race" over another?

If there is a demand for such discussions, then such discussions will be had, and must not be censored. If the majority don't want such a discussion, then all they need to do is add said trolls to their ignore list. Hey presto, problem solved.

Do you think discussions about the correlation between intelligence and colour are scientific?

Sure, why not? Science is all about attempting to establish correlations between variables. Hell, there have been studies which examine the link between milk and bowel cancer!

Does that mean that if a white person gets a tan, they automatically become more stupid? Does that mean someone who was born with dark skin is automatically more stupid than one born with white skin? Is that the kind of discussions you wish to see continue?
I don't think anyone would argue the first point, but the second is a contentious issue for some people. Personally, I don't think that there is a cause-effect association between skin colour and intelligence,

But here's the kicker. Merely because YOU find an idea absurd, does not mean that YOU should get to forbid discussion of said issue. Perhaps you find the idea absurd due to failings on your own part, such as personal prejudice, ignorance, or plain stupidity. For example, I can't comprehend the subtleties of the theory of relativity. Is that a failing on my part, or on the theory's part?

What exactly is "white culture" mountain?

I don't know, I never coined such an obscure bullshit term. Why don't you ask Tiassa? Or S.A.M? They are the ones who keeps bitching about the so called 'white culture' (whatever the hell that is) being innately racist and oppressive. If you don't believe me, go check out that thread regarding the University of Delaware's propaganda, where Tiassa echoes their moaning about the evil, inherently racist white culture (while he prospers in a white country, of course)
Mountainhare said:

Oh look, Tiassa the troll is attacking strawmen again.

Keep setting them up, Mountainhare, and I'll keep knocking them down.
Its interesting how the racists cannot stop pushing their agenda on any and every subforum.
I agree. It's interesting how you and Tiassa keep insulting whites and Westerners on any and every subforum.

Mountainhare, Last time I gave whitey a decent insult ( you know, a real one, I was infracted so fast the whites of my eyes went Black ( dusky even)

I fear you need a little wake up call, take yourself out of whitebread wonderland long enough to feel pink and pasty, you'll soon change your tune.

Supplant yourself in a subsistence village for a week and report to us on how fucking awesome and superior you feel.

I actually agree with you that race, heritage, colour, differences are open for discussion but the line between this and racism is very clear and you can't quite make it out, more fool you!

I do feel superior to whiners and losers. Am I an awful person because of this?

No, you're not, most of sci feel the same but perspective is a real leveller and I do think a view from a different perspective is in order. I'll have a punt here, but I suspect S.A.M has had more than her fair share of negative stereotyping to deal with in her time ( all the while, knowing full well she is so far superior on so many levels to her detractors)[apologies S.A.M if I'm off the mark but I'm sure you'll appreciate the analogy]

Mountainhare, I'd also presume that you are well entrenched as a voice of authotity in your general sphere and few people would have the gumption to to question your motives or reasoning! Fair enough, but for those who have struggled with inappropriate stereotyping and racism all their lives, copping some more in an environment which supposedly prides itself on intelligent reasoning, is too much.

Please have your say and your opinion but please also take a look from outside yourself!

You're a smart guy, keep learning.
But here's the kicker. Merely because YOU find an idea absurd, does not mean that YOU should get to forbid discussion of said issue. Perhaps you find the idea absurd due to failings on your own part, such as personal prejudice, ignorance, or plain stupidity. For example, I can't comprehend the subtleties of the theory of relativity. Is that a failing on my part, or on the theory's part?

No one is saying you can't discuss it. Just leave the racism out of it. For example, say we have 2 members, one white and one black. During such discussions, one should not tell the other they are somehow superior because of their colour. There in lies the racism. I don't forbid such discussions. I will, however, forbid any individual who takes it upon themselves to misrepresent an article, its authors and subjects in a bid to push their own personal racist agenda onto others. You want to discuss race? Go right ahead. Just leave the racism out of it (that includes racist and/or supremacist sites.. regardless of colour). That's not too much to ask for now, is it?

There is no intellectually honest argument for Creationism. Or any of the topics in the pseudoscience forum. And your posts... well, let's just say that intellectual dishonesty and racist ranting are your forte. Yet the facists on this forum don't have the compulsive need to censor such claptrap. Let's just be honest with each other, Tiassa (if you are capable of such a feat): The claim of 'Intellectual dishonest' is merely an excuse to conceal the fact that the moderation on this forum are pushing an agenda.

Not at the University of Delaware. Nor on Sciforums. Oops, I just had a thoughtcrime, and needed to apply crimestop. My bad!

does this always have to be about you?
i mean, just listen to yourself.
good god, my man!
Mountainhare said:

It's interesting how you and Tiassa keep insulting whites and Westerners on any and every subforum.

Oh, you're just being silly. Like yesterday, I heard these Arabic chick rappers. Like, apparently they're really pissing off the more traditional Muslims, you know, like, the men. But the men are just making things worse. These chicks have no chance. They got nothin' on Vanilla Ice.
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The claim of 'Intellectual dishonest' is merely an excuse to conceal the fact that the moderation on this forum are pushing an agenda.

Yes. An agenda of mutual respect for other people, a recognition that differences aren't always bad, an appreciation for the diversity in different human groups, and an abborence of those who seek to oppress others on the basis of "status" offences over which those people have no control.

I'm proud of this agenda.

I agree. It's interesting how you and Tiassa keep insulting whites and Westerners on any and every subforum.

You need to get a thicker skin. You need to realise that you are immensely privileged. You live in a first-world nation. You're a member of the most historically powerful political group. Most people in your nation share your skin colour.

You need to realise that these things do not make you better than people who do not share your privilege, your power or your skin colour.
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