Should Racism be tolerated in these forums?

Should Racism be tolerated on these forums?

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You need to get a thicker skin.

Can anyone say 'Special privileges for non-whites'?

Perhaps non-whites need to get a thicker skin, instead of whining about 'racism' and 'discrimination' every ten seconds?

An interesting survey came out a couple of days ago of black Americans, and you know what? Most of them have no particular complaints about racism and discrimination. A lot of them don't think rap music is "their" music, or even necessarily like it. A lot of them don't regard themselves as having a "culture" distinct from the rest of America - as far as they are concerned, they are just the same as every other American.

Your attempt to drive a wedge by making claims about what black people want or do is rather pathetic. You obviously know approximately zero about black people.
It's kind of funny that there is such great concern about people possibly posting racist comments but very little seeming concern about people posting anti-religious comments in general and anti-Christian comments in particular. Why is one form of negative posting not tolerated while the other is tolerated? I refer to comments made by posters like Medicine Woman.
Besides this place being ridiculously tight like a frigid nun, i found out there are more racists than the ones who openly express they are racist.

I did an experiment where i posted pics of asian males and the replies were quite enlightening to say the least. It was often of the tone of you need to make a separate thread and keep these pics out. Also, i could tell people were actually offended even if it was not expressed openly.

Also, soon afterwards i saw post after post in encyclopedia referring to sex or using words on the forum of "hot" quite a lot. Male members using more female avatars etc. There was some noticeable change and mood of resentment.

It was almost like they took it as some type of insult.

Quite nasty actually but in a hidden way.

I will definitely stay around awhile.
Till Eulenspiegel said:

It's kind of funny that there is such great concern about people possibly posting racist comments but very little seeming concern about people posting anti-religious comments in general and anti-Christian comments in particular

One's ethnicity is what they are. They are born as such, and can't do much to change it. One's religion, however, is a choice.

Is the difference difficult to grasp?
Bashing? Uh huh. Man I give up.

Damn it, if I wasn't breastfeeding I would be downing a bottle of red wine.:bawl:

sorry sweetie
didnt quite intend to.....
spurious deserves to get ragged on long as..till it gets boring.
people speak of riots and shit. i saw "fat american" a few times. a couple of cartoons (vandalism really) and thats it..i tend to be out of the loop (nice). the rant must have been quite intense.

all is good now or is it?

plazma is now bemoaning shit
whats going on now?

i really want to stop using "us" "we" "sci", "community"
One's ethnicity is what they are. They are born as such, and can't do much to change it. One's religion, however, is a choice.

Is the difference difficult to grasp?

No, Tiassa the difference is not difficult to grasp. Making snide statements about a person's religion is a form of bigotry as is racism. Is that concept too difficult for you to grasp?
I think that it was obvious that Count sudoku was a racist, I think maybe he should just have been givin a temporary ban to teach him to change his arguments or find a new angle from which to argue his points of view (however disgusting I find them), because honestly I was gertting tired of hearing how whites are smarter than blacks over and over and over.

Racism should not be tolerated because it stymies proper intellectual debate. You can not have reasonable arguments with someone who has convinced themselves another race is inferior, because then the argument is always about that and never about the matter actually at hand.
Till Eugenspiel said:

No, Tiassa the difference is not difficult to grasp. Making snide statements about a person's religion is a form of bigotry as is racism. Is that concept too difficult for you to grasp?

So is religion the only choice one gets to make where nobody gets to point out how stupid one is acting?
There is a difference between arguing ideas and name calling. All too often when it comes to religion the discussion soon sinks to name calling and statments like, your God is false. Not, in my opinion your God is false but a flat out statement, your God is false. That and the comments about how stupid people have to be to believe in God are just as bigotted as racist comments.
DeepThought said:

Why can't you say what you really mean here instead of this diffuseness?

You should do a little more deep thinking, DeepThought. For instance:

Who are 'they'?

I knew there was a reason I despised the use of "they" as a general pronoun attached to singular notions. They: he/she/it. They: people in general. You make a good point, though, DeepThought. We should probably implement a perfect-grammar requirement, in order to clear up such confusion.

Didn't mean to tax the depth of your capacity for thought. Mea culpa.


No one should be able togive or a take rights to anything when it's not their place. I'm not white but, if i wanted to I think I could be racist like white people hating black people and union workers hating white collar workers and children and old people liking or disliking vegetables... magnets, cat's and dogs...lambs and wolves...Everyone has their own free will to be racist or loving all of us ethnicities as one. Rvryone has their own right to believe what they want to...
Didn't mean to tax the depth of your capacity for thought. Mea culpa.

That's OK.

Lack of RAM does this to me.

When you mentioned the predetermined nature of ethnicity (race) and how we couldn't change it even if we wanted to I just thought well why would anyone want to change there race? Who's he talking about here?

Mea maxima culpa.

Since it's likely there is going to be an increase in the trend of Banning a few minority members within the forums because of their distinct Racist rantings, I thought that perhaps people might apply their position to the following question:

Should Racism be tolerated in these forums?
I had to abstain also because the terms arent at all defined.

Some people think its racist to even say that races exist.

Some think its racist to say that races are different.

Some think its racist to say that some races are superior in one way or another. Like its racist to say that africans are (on average) superior sprinters.

Some believe its racist ONLY when hatred of a certain races is advocated.

The question asks the members to sign on to a blank check...which the mods can then fill in with their own preferences.
The question asks the members to sign on to a blank check...which the mods can then fill in with their own preferences.

Actually, no that's not the case. It was made a poll and a thread so that discussion could be made about what people thought 'Racism' should be identified as.

What I see as Racism obviously differs from other people, I see people saying 'nigger' now I know that it's origin is Racially motivated in reference to the slave traders enslaving from African countries like Niger. However there is the whole history of how the Majority of the world has attempted to bring about Equality since we are all Human no matter what colour we are (This is why Human Rights is defined 'Human Rights').

During the late 60's/70's there was a movement of people to undermine the racial slur of 'Nigger' by just brandishing is as another name, which has over the years been seen in regards to the African American singers of Rap music. (Also a number of the Southern States residents use the word without prejudice and yes I mean in regards of heavier tanned folk.) It's no longer seen as a slur unless it's uttered by someone with a different skin colour, then it can of course be seen as an attempt at being offensive... (Unless the guy happens to be heavily into his Rap music and just seems it as a normal greeting method to have with people)

So the word has become apart of it's own subculture, beyond of it's racist roots.

(That's why I don't censor it's usage by some people on Sciforums, since I believe it's said out of a cultural respect rather than attempt to be racist. If of course it appeared in a sentence with White supremacy rantings then obviously that's Racist but it's within context.)

Now the point was that we accept some discussion should occur from time to time in regards to 'Historical' discussion or Anthropological discussion, however prior to this thread 'Racism' was polluting the forum and the type of 'Racism' I'm on about is Hate speech and conspiring to pervert others to that way of thinking. Those 'Conspiracies' are really what I was aiming at.

The main problem is that there are some members that are just the way they are, they'll be racist in the sense that they won't like a particular ethnicity or backgrounding and they will rant about it. They might not be apart of a group conspiring against the masses however their inability to keep some of their views, Just their view and not public is what brings them into conflict with how they are seen.

Basically if you (The reader, not the poster that's been responded to) are a vocalised Racist on this site, then prepared to be Permabanned, we don't need or want Racism here as this is a Worldwide forum.
Jacko, Detlef, a guy named Jim, and round-eyed Asians

DeepThought said:

When you mentioned the predetermined nature of ethnicity (race) and how we couldn't change it even if we wanted to I just thought well why would anyone want to change there race?

It is a strange situation to consider, eh?

Admittedly, if we consider Michael Jackson having his skin bleached and so many traces of his ethnic heritage obscured, it seems absurd to suggest that hordes of black people will someday attempt to become white. To the other, though, in the 1990s, I encountered news reports in Oregon about Asian-Americans who were seeking to have their eyes rounded and cheeks sculpted to make themselves look less Asian. In a way, this didn't surprise me. I recall when I was in fifth grade, school officials attempted to address racism: I, for one, was told by a man named Jim Denton, who was my school principal, to try harder to fit in. As an example, I was presented with the idea of a man named Detlef Schrempf, a German-born University of Washington basketball star who was well on his way to the NBA. Mr. Denton extolled the virtues of Schrempf's attempts to assimilate. He took speech lessons, for instance, to thin his German accent. The point struck me oddly even then: I had no foreign accent; the basis of people's hostility was, indeed, the shape of my face around my eyes. It's not like there are lessons in changing eye shape. But, as we would discover in the 1990s, there was surgery.

And therein lies the answer to the question of why one might wish to alter the appearance of their ethnicity: They're trying to fit in, so that white people especially might give them some peace and quiet.

I find such an outcome tragic at the very least.
I abstained because while I agree that racism should not be encouraged on sciforums, I am not certain that banning all racists is an answer. I would rather they were arguing with people who think differently than huddled together in their groups. However I do recognise their disruptive influence on the forums, so I do not want to vote yes, but as a moderated forum, by shutting out unpleasant ideas, we also miss out on the chance to allow new and young members from seeing rebuttals to their arguments. There was a post by desi which brought this sharply into focus for me.

S.A.M. put my reason for abstaining perfectly.
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