Some guy online tried to hypnotize me to be his gf.

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Hey there!

I'm pretty skeptical about these things but I do find them fascinating and no, I don't think the attempts of said guy actually worked.

Anyway, I met him on an online dating site and he asked to talk in WhatsApp. He said some stuff that he'll hypnotize me to love him or something. At first I thought he was just joking around and that's his weird way of flirting but the moment that he edited my pic (he asked me to send a cross-eyed pic) to look like this and I should use it as my profile pic in WhatsApp:


Creepy right? I was starting to doubt it was all just a joke. He then send me a bunch of weird audio recordings, which are just some soothing music with some weird whispering (he later told me it was backmasking) included in. I didn't bother to reverse the audio. I didn't listen to any of the stuff he had sent in full.

Anyway, he told me stuff like we had dated previously and that I am in love with him and I shouldn't question anything he says. (I had never met this guy before) I told him none of this stuff will work on me and he said it will. It's just the start of my "brainwashing" and that's why I don't feel anything for him yet. I scoffed at the idea and told him none of this stuff actually works and if it did it probably won't work online. He said it does and it will affect my subconscious. He told me that he had already put a spell on me and I can never leave him and I'll keep coming back.

I said I don't believe him and I'll test out his spell by leaving. Last time I talked to him was this morning. I have no intention of speaking with him again but I am curious about some things:

1. What exactly did he try to do with me?
2. Do you guys believe any of this is actually possible?
3. I haven't blocked him yet (should I?)
4. What do all of the symbols on my picture mean?
5. Is this guy for real? or is he just a really elaborate troll?
6. Any other thoughts on this?

Anyway, that's all. I am very fascinated with parapsychology and paranormal stuff even if I don't really believe in any of these things so I wanted to know the thoughts of someone who knows more about these things. I just wanna satisfy my curiosity.

Feel free to ask me anymore questions on this :))
1. What exactly did he try to do with me?
He was either trolling or crazy.
2. Do you guys believe any of this is actually possible?
Of course not.
3. I haven't blocked him yet (should I?)
He said he basically wants to control you. Uh, block him immediately if not sooner.
4. What do all of the symbols on my picture mean?
Nothing of consequence.
5. Is this guy for real? or is he just a really elaborate troll?
If he is not a troll he is a nut and possibly dangerous.
6. Any other thoughts on this?
Break contact with the crazy guy.
Hey there!

I'm pretty skeptical about these things but I do find them fascinating and no, I don't think the attempts of said guy actually worked.

Anyway, I met him on an online dating site and he asked to talk in WhatsApp. He said some stuff that he'll hypnotize me to love him or something. At first I thought he was just joking around and that's his weird way of flirting but the moment that he edited my pic (he asked me to send a cross-eyed pic) to look like this and I should use it as my profile pic in WhatsApp:


Creepy right? I was starting to doubt it was all just a joke. He then send me a bunch of weird audio recordings, which are just some soothing music with some weird whispering (he later told me it was backmasking) included in. I didn't bother to reverse the audio. I didn't listen to any of the stuff he had sent in full.

Anyway, he told me stuff like we had dated previously and that I am in love with him and I shouldn't question anything he says. (I had never met this guy before) I told him none of this stuff will work on me and he said it will. It's just the start of my "brainwashing" and that's why I don't feel anything for him yet. I scoffed at the idea and told him none of this stuff actually works and if it did it probably won't work online. He said it does and it will affect my subconscious. He told me that he had already put a spell on me and I can never leave him and I'll keep coming back.

I said I don't believe him and I'll test out his spell by leaving. Last time I talked to him was this morning. I have no intention of speaking with him again but I am curious about some things:

1. What exactly did he try to do with me?
2. Do you guys believe any of this is actually possible?
3. I haven't blocked him yet (should I?)
4. What do all of the symbols on my picture mean?
5. Is this guy for real? or is he just a really elaborate troll?
6. Any other thoughts on this?

Anyway, that's all. I am very fascinated with parapsychology and paranormal stuff even if I don't really believe in any of these things so I wanted to know the thoughts of someone who knows more about these things. I just wanna satisfy my curiosity.

Feel free to ask me anymore questions on this :))
He may have hypnotized you into thinking that he tried to hypnotize you into thinking you are his gf.
3. I haven't blocked him yet (should I?)

4. What do all of the symbols on my picture mean?
no idea, you can make up almost anything from them.
it appears to be hindi & sanskirt writing using pagan & ancient religous symbolism.

6. Any other thoughts on this?
the internet is a big place. block freely because there is no shortage of crazy people.

attempting to exploit co-dependency via the internet is not new but is very common.
soo block freely. if you start to think you should maybe block them, probably better to block them or put them firmly in the crazy basket.

the dating website will have rules.
him(who ever they are) is breaking the rules by editing your profile picture.
you may wish to consider reporting them for subversive behaviour and potential stalking type behaviour.
coercive behaviour on dating web sites is clearly against the rules and makes dating websites really bad. the owners and members will appreciate such feedback but make sure you only talk to clearly labelled staff/moderators.
note his/her/them behaviur is "predatory" which is against all dating website rules.
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Anyway, I met him on an online dating site and he asked to talk in WhatsApp. He said some stuff that he'll hypnotize me to love him or something. At first I thought he was just joking around and that's his weird way of flirting but the moment that he edited my pic (he asked me to send a cross-eyed pic) to look like this and I should use it as my profile pic in WhatsApp:
Block him and stop responding to him.
1. What exactly did he try to do with me?
He displayed his lunacy and his desire to control you right from the get go.

You are lucky. This guy is laying on the crazy right from the start.

Many mask this horrific side of their personality until much later on and the manipulation tends to be more subtle and by the time you realise, you have moved away from your loved ones, quit your job and he's texting you every minute when you leave the house to do the grocery shopping. He's letting you know now, that he is crazy.

2. Do you guys believe any of this is actually possible?

3. I haven't blocked him yet (should I?)
Well, let's see. He's crazy, creepy and has stated his desire to control and own you.

I think the answer to your question is pretty obvious.

4. What do all of the symbols on my picture mean?
He's watched too many movies.

5. Is this guy for real? or is he just a really elaborate troll?
Could be he is crazy and a troll..

6. Any other thoughts on this?
Why are you concerned enough to ask us what we think when the answer should be obvious?
What exactly did he try to do with me?
My guess implant false memories

Do you guys believe any of this is actually possible?
Implant false memories yes

. I haven't blocked him yet (should I?)

Any other thoughts on this
Might be worth reporting to police

You appear to be OK, but like other posters this thread I question why you need (our) advice

Something about the OP does not ring true. Is anyone silly enough to post an exchange like this on a science form to get advice? Or is this Gaiagirl/Frank Baker/Lisa L/Face urchin etc etc back again? It's about time for another visitation. He does love to pose as female.
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Defends yourself with equanimity... if your just passive to hell it burns itself.
I am not as alarmed as the rest.
I think this guy is just trying to be quirky enough to get her attention.
It has worked, obviously.

(Alas, the consequences of me being wrong - as opposed to y'all being wrong - are much greater. IOW, better safe than sorry, but that's really the OP's call. )
I believe in hypnotism, but from pretty much the horses mouth, Freud said he found he couldn't hypnotize all of his patients and instead focused on their dream content that they would report.

With a computer?? I'd say chances are next to nil, or, you'd have to playing some very funky VR program that doesn't exist, yet.

If I was in your position, well, I'm not a fan parapsychology, so it would be a non starter. Having fun with parapsychology is one thing, but no one that knew me, even slightly, would seriously consider this some wooing angle.
These seem contradictory from where I'm standing. :?
"There was in the summer a time of intense heat, and the patient had suffered very much from thirst; for, without any apparent reason, she had suddenly become unable to drink. She would take a glass of water in her hand, but as soon as it touched her lips she would push it away as though suffering from hydrophobia. Obviously for these few seconds she was in her absent state. She ate only fruit, melons and the like, in order to relieve this tormenting thirst. When this had been going on about six weeks, she was talking one day in hypnosis about her English governess, whom she disliked, and finally told, with every sign of disgust, how she had come into the room of the governess, and how that lady's little dog, that she abhorred, had drunk out of a glass. Out of respect for the conventions the patient had remained silent. Now, after she had given energetic expression to her restrained anger, she asked for a drink, drank a large quantity of water without trouble, and woke from hypnosis with the glass at her lips. The symptom thereupon vanished permanently."

Hopefully, you will find this interesting enough to to read. (long)
I'd love to know quantum mechanics enough to make a genetically engineered baby to be like Elvis, the King of Kings, but I'm, nor do I think I could be in my lifetime, able to make anything relevant


I an also stoned -it just hit in so I thought, as a non lawyer, this is still somehow relevant....
So far, openminded_skeptic hasn't bothered to return to see whether she received any replies. Maybe just a random drive-by post, then?
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