Spritual Terms defined?

Your joking of course. I look in the mirror and believe I'm a hybrid between Arnie and Brad but I have a hard time convincing myself

I have no reflection does that mean I am a vampire or am I just standing in front of the window.
And great news, I think Jan has put in a word, but I found a King George bible, a d I had an idea, start a utube thing and read za passage each day. I am not sure wheter to go for good bits, bad bits, or miracles, but I am thinking more something that may be a good thing to start the day with, like those date pads you got once, delivering some wisdom each day.
I just want an excuse to wear a pointy red hat.
But. I am thinking its so crazy it could take off if you had that whatever turns on the masses. My money is all on the red pointy hat... They will be saying, you gotta look at this guy he has a red pointy hat.
I am thinking an up to date red hat, with cameras, heat sensing ability, music, water. Maybe cooled.
I have seen them by the side of the road like they are being laid out before me so I can deliver the message which I hope is nonsence pays big time, but then wearing the hat would probably seem like work, and if asked to open a shopping center they would want you wearing the red pointy hat a d you can bet it probably would not be fun anymore.
I just want an excuse to wear a pointy red hat.

Gone off pointy red hats
Tin foil hat not working for me now. Think all spy agencies have moved onto digital frequencies with a analogue variation moving in a random hyopo magnetic field with on / off pulsation omni physical WiFi run through tightened coaxial cable

So in honour of my now status as a robotic state Minion I bought myself a Minion skid lid in Bali
Good for you. Look up logic in wiki that is useful when expressing ideas.
Good luck with your quest.
We need extra care, when exposures are not fully understand and giving odd effects. Obiously, we can take more chances with our normal exposures with least side effects. This should be common logic.
Another usual spiritual terms are:

Heaven: Whatever graces, bliss and comforts commonly indicated for heaven, one get or pass in his/her life on doing good/virtuous acts.

Hell: Whatever punishments, sufferings & pain commonly indicated for hell, one get or pass on doing bad/sinful acts.

However, although felt these I am neither denying nor accepting blindly, supernatural & miraculous possibility beyond our understanding of these because yet pending in science.
Are these not common terms?
"Prime Goddess", "Anticipated Prime Force", "Prime God", "Anticipated prime particle", "Secondary Goddess", "Secondary God", "God state", etc...

Certainly not common terms, and definitely made up definitions for them.

These are word salad.
"Prime Goddess", "Anticipated Prime Force", "Prime God", "Anticipated prime particle", "Secondary Goddess", "Secondary God", "God state", etc...

Certainly not common terms, and definitely made up definitions for them.

These are word salad.
May be true or logical definitions of commonly apparent terms.
May be true or logical definitions of commonly apparent terms.
Nothing common, let alone logical, about them.

Here's one just as logical:

Rainbow: seven fairies - each one paints a different colour across the sky when they fly.
You just granted my point that this is thread topic is fairy tale fiction.
Many things need to indicated as fairy tale for immediate and better understandings in good sense. Real sense may not be odd for it. Say by plays, cinemas, myths, story etc. Eg earth shape as flat indicated by ancient learned people to coomns inspite knowing true shape eg ancient astrological calculations. For most practical purpose, it was rational. They didn't wanted to make commons so unstable as standing on a foot ball.
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