Strange Feeling

Can't say very much at all without being able to ask more questions, but the people who participated early in the thread may have lost interest by now.

What I see is that there are two main catagories: those who are reporting dreams with the theme, and those who had sensations while awake. The fevers and sickness seem to be important factors.
I also experienced this phenomenon as a child and the memory of it has remained vivid for 55 years. (I was 5 years old when it happened) I was niether ill nor had any fever. It started by a feeling of growing bigger and bigger but lighter and lighter until i was so big I filled the whole universe. The sensation was acompanied by a low throbbing which I can only assume was my heart beating but it seemed to consume me in its sound. I could not move although I was so lightweight, only to expand further. Suddenly my whole being rushed down in size so fast that it took my breath away. I grew heavier the smaller I got until I was so small I could not be seen but my weight was extraordinary so much that I felt I would just fall through anything, straight through the centre of the earth and continue falling forever. I enjoyed this feeling and was not afraid of it. I have no idea what caused it but it has been with me for the whole of my life. When I was tiny and heavy I saw everything in the universe, well it seemed that way at the time.
big small feeling

my name is james from ireland.
i first had these sensations when i was v sick around 7 yrs of age. throughout the following yrs, every so often i would experience these 'sensations' during 'sleep' throughout my teens. i would waken and have to walk around the house to shake of this feeling of 'big, then small' it is pretty overwhelming.

smaller than a grain of sand one milli second, then the sensation of being larger than the universe within the same milli second.
its 'trying to comprehend' this massive shift of 'feeling' from small to large which is very scary.
there are so many examples of how i could describe it but none quite hits the mark. from many types of dreams and stories of how it makes me feel
its like everything in existance and beyond is somehow your responsibility...

i had a dose of food poisioning only last week. i,m nealry 34 now and experienced this 'big/small' sensation feeling again, for the 1st time in a few years. its v scary.. but i would like to try and understand more about this at the same time...
I have had the tiny/big dream

Hello my name is Juan I am from Texas....

The dreams occurred more often when I was younger it was just a blank dream almost as if it was just space and I remember that all i could do was feel, there was no sound or anything to see.....

I felt really small and growing to what felt larger than the universe just as James (designboy) described. I do remember being confused and afraid of what was happening and I didn't feel responsible for the space or anything I just felt huge and so powerful...but when I would be small I felt like a cell or something I was just compressed and felt really tiny.
my name is james from ireland.
i first had these sensations when i was v sick around 7 yrs of age. throughout the following yrs, every so often i would experience these 'sensations' during 'sleep' throughout my teens. i would waken and have to walk around the house to shake of this feeling of 'big, then small' it is pretty overwhelming.

smaller than a grain of sand one milli second, then the sensation of being larger than the universe within the same milli second.
its 'trying to comprehend' this massive shift of 'feeling' from small to large which is very scary.
there are so many examples of how i could describe it but none quite hits the mark. from many types of dreams and stories of how it makes me feel
its like everything in existance and beyond is somehow your responsibility...

i had a dose of food poisioning only last week. i,m nealry 34 now and experienced this 'big/small' sensation feeling again, for the 1st time in a few years. its v scary.. but i would like to try and understand more about this at the same time...

You actually described the dream perfectly :) that is exactly how I felt my dream...what I find strange is that a lot of people have had this dream...I wonder what it is supposed to mean...I guess its another mystery of life...but all I know is that I didn't feel human in my dreams
I also experienced this phenomenon as a child and the memory of it has remained vivid for 55 years. (I was 5 years old when it happened) I was niether ill nor had any fever. It started by a feeling of growing bigger and bigger but lighter and lighter until i was so big I filled the whole universe. The sensation was acompanied by a low throbbing which I can only assume was my heart beating but it seemed to consume me in its sound. I could not move although I was so lightweight, only to expand further. Suddenly my whole being rushed down in size so fast that it took my breath away. I grew heavier the smaller I got until I was so small I could not be seen but my weight was extraordinary so much that I felt I would just fall through anything, straight through the centre of the earth and continue falling forever. I enjoyed this feeling and was not afraid of it. I have no idea what caused it but it has been with me for the whole of my life. When I was tiny and heavy I saw everything in the universe, well it seemed that way at the time.
Hi my name is Juan and I'm 21 years old..
yes I agree it does feel as if we are watching the universe, and its odd because people from different places in the world and different age groups have experienced this feeling before..In my dream I just physically did not feel human..but I enjoy the rush I get when I expand from a tiny dot tolarger than the scared me the first time it happened but I got used to it after wards and enjoyed the feeling
I dream every day, but my dreams are like I go into another life and experiences, I have a dream basically in episodes, In color and with characters well defined characters and personalities. I want to start writing a book about this dream, and I already have a chapter written... Wish me luck. Yesterday night I had a dream about I was in a mountain and I was herding a group of lamb, some of them with several horns, I had trouble in my dream taking them down the hill. but we finally did, then I took them to a river, they were drinking water, when I took all my clothing off, and I jumped in the river it was real good I can even tell you detail of the shore, and my clothing, the water was cold but I enjoyed. My dreams are always very detailed, and it seems like I am in another's person life. I keep a log and I write the dream in my log or diary and I have probably about 50 or so, only 6 dreams seems like they are interconnected... Just Amazing.
I have had dreams like this before. Im in an infinite space but it's not exactly me. I feel infinately small and infinitely huge, if I remember correctly I was first huge then tiny unable to get back the huge feeling, though both felt as if I was observing the universe, the size differences or the sensation of it felt 'cosmic'? 'universal'? At the same time I felt as if I were an attatched observer. I also remember the 'visual' and sensation experience to be spherical as in I could 'see' all around me also at the sane time I observed it. I have also had a book dream like one of the previous posters had. I experienced the same 'universe' sensation in that dream. These dreams occurrd alot in my childhood. I remember them vividly. I also have tried many times to generate a sphere of light around myself in my mind, this is often when falling asleep but lately I have discovered that it clears negative thoughts completely and if I imagine 'darker' things while falling asleep it sort of burns them out of my mind and then I have no problem experiencing positive thoughts after.

Edit: I would also like to mention the reason I found this topic today. Maybe someone else out there has also experienced it. Since I'm a child, often, if I wake up in the night or after trying to sleep my perception of distance changes. Everything seems far away. It is not like tunnel vision. The last time I had it was 3 weeks ago and for the first time it was in the day.The best way I could describe it that time was as if my peripheral vision was included in my regular vision so when I looked at the person I was talking to I could see her head and her feet at the same time. I could no longer focus on a small area. Everything seemed far away and I couldn't tell how much was left of my cigarette because my perception of size was so distorted. The environment seemed huge but small at the same time, as did I feel both far and near at the same moment. It is difficult to explain.
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Sometimes, I also have a strange feeling in my life, especially when I am sleeping in the day time. I alwasy dreams in a strange situation and feel panic.
When I was a young feller I use to have nightmares alot. It was very scary for me and I even was scared to sleep sometimes. I was able after a time to develope the ability to realize I was dreaming and wake myself up if the dream got too scary.

I do not have nightmares anymore at all (that I remember). When I do have a dream that seems like it is 'suppose' to be scary it is usually pretty lame and I find it not really scary at all. The dreams I do have are usually pretty cool. Like I am very interested in weather phenomena and I dream about tornados a lot. They are never scary they are just really cool and exciting.
big and small feeling

the very big and the very small pulsating feeling at night in between being conscience and being asleep, ive had it. the humming/buzzing sound that went with it im pretty sure i experienced most of the time if not all of the time as well but it is hard to clearly remember such a dream like, unreal state. i mostly felt it as a kid but after years of not having it then thinking about it for awhile i was able to experience it as an adult again just a few years ago. some of what others posted and are describing is not exactly the same as what i had. i had no other weird sensations and it didnt last too long and was unreal/out of this world. some said it is a migraine type thing or even a neurological problem or just a feeling of being belittled and not in control but i think they are reading the other peoples different experiences of odd feelings and its not at all what i had.

what i think i had was a super awareness of actual sub atomic level spacetime reality. nothing wrong or scary for me but just amazement and wonder. from what ive read/heard the best analogy or even theory for what i felt comes from physics. the only way to put it into words is that i may have been realizing and observing my existence at a molecular or even sub atomic level. i was/we were one with the universe! the feelings were often not just the big and small feeling in empty space but more, there was at best i can describe it like long thin small strands of clarity and purity that would instantly switch into big huge spherical shapes that were almost cuddly and soft and bright and it would all switch back and forth with a pulsating rhythm. when the thin strands were visible (if you can call it visible, it was like i was seeing with eyes and more like i was observing/feeling with all my senses at once) anyway the strands were so thin it allowed me to see (or "feel") what was around them which from the best of my memory was blackness/darkness/nothing at all but i cant be sure since nothing in physics is always something even if you cant see it. it felt to me like something but it seemed like nothing. combine that with the buzzing/humming noise and a feeling of all and none at the same time, no body, not even the mind really, just awareness and one-ness and a comfort. when the mind began to realize it too much it would fade away. maybe only happened 10 times in my life. strangest thing ive ever felt for sure.

one of the next strangest and sort of similar experiences are the few lucid dreams ive had as a kid where i usually took control of a dream/reoccurring nightmare and i fought back against a scary monster, evil aliens or even kissed a girl. they are only similar in that they are both dream like and when you realize that you are in a dream and start to alter it you get too aware and it starts to be a challenge to stay in that state. usually it is over soon after a major realization occurs. but by that time its too late and you already scored a lucid dream which is pretty frkn rad to be able to take control of a dream and gain the strength of conquering your fears! almost like yin yang chi master kundalini type shit :)
@summitorplummet707 --

The most likely explanation that I can think of for your experience is that you entered some sort of altered mental state(there are quite a few that no drugs are needed to enter) and you couldn't explain it. Later, once you'd learned some physics, your brain latched onto something that to you seems similar and used it to explain a wholly unrelated phenomenon. That's just what I think anyway.

the most likely explanation that you can think of is that i entered an "altered mental state" duh. yeh that pretty obvious. me and all the other that had the same big and small feeling were all in an altered mental state for sure. any other words of wisdom you have to share? if you dont have something good to say maybe dont say anythiugn at all - didnt your mommy teach you that?

and as far as "Later, once you'd learned some physics, your brain latched onto something that to you seems similar and used it to explain a wholly unrelated phenomenon. That's just what I think anyway." dude, maybe you shouldnt think too much if that is all you can come up with. are you trying to make me feel like stupid because im not a physics proffesor that uses big fancy words and perfectly written sentences that physics does not apply to this at all. thats very foolish of you since EVERYTHING IS PHYSICS. The best analogy/comparison i have noticed for the feeling that a lot of us have shared is that we were aware and in a sub atomic level of reality. if your brain cant grasp the possibility of this then move along to another post to troll. or are you jealous that we felt something that you may never. maybe if you had a more open mind then you might be more aware of wonderful things? :shrug:
Summit, they barbecue everyone's sacred cow here. We question everything, and accept very little.

...If you take it personally you won't like it here much.
@Summit --

if you dont have something good to say maybe dont say anythiugn at all - didnt your mommy teach you that?

dude, maybe you shouldnt think too much if that is all you can come up with.

Oh and the ad hominems begin. Tell me, do you always attempt to insult(albeit very poorly) people for not agreeing with you? Man, your friends list must be quite small if you do.

Another possible explanation, considering I said absolutely nothing to insult you, is that I touched on a nerve. Is it possible that you don't have as much faith in your conclusion as you would like us to think? I think that you have this niggling little doubt at the back of your mind that you just can't get rid of no matter how hard you try.

Oh, and my mother and father taught me that if you respect someone you'll tell them the truth regardless of whether or not they want to hear it, that's what happens when you're a Navy brat.

thats very foolish of you since EVERYTHING IS PHYSICS.

Yup, everything is physics when you break it down, but you can't conclude some sort of super sense from that. You're logic is flawed.

The best analogy/comparison i have noticed for the feeling that a lot of us have shared is that we were aware and in a sub atomic level of reality.

An analogy for how it felt is fine, saying that you have some sort of super sense doesn't make any sense from a biological standpoint. Knowing what an atom next to your head is doing provides no survival benefit and could be fatally distracting, thus people with genes for this would be less likely to survive and spread the genes. No, your idea is absolute bunk.

if your brain cant grasp the possibility of this then move along to another post to troll.

Oh my brain grasped it, considered it, and rejected it on the grounds that it's completely at odds with the evidence and the science.

or are you jealous that we felt something that you may never.

LOL! You're saying this when you know literally nothing about me. I've probably already experienced a greater variety of altered mental states than most people do in their lives. Besides the drugs and alcohol that I've experimented with I, though meditation, can temporarily shut down the "ego center" of my brain. In addition I've been through most of the "religious experiences" too, from hearing "the voice of god" to seeing visions of Jesus. Also, I've had six NDEs(near death experiences).

Yeah, jealousy of someone else's altered mental state is something I've never actually experienced. Nice try but you're going to have to do better than that. Perhaps you should get some history before you try and give me a psych workup, it might work better than blindly assuming things does.

maybe if you had a more open mind then you might be more aware of wonderful things?

Ah, the old "you're just closed minded" bullshit that you cranks always give those who don't agree with you, how predictable. Of course you're dead wrong here, again. I considered the possibility that you're right, in fact that was the first thing I considered, but the biological issues are fatal to your hypothesis. You're going to have to rework it to have even a hope of it being correct.

As for my sense of wonder, it's working fine I can assure you. I just prefer to be in awe of things that are real rather than imagined, holds more weight that way.
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Ooh. I see we have a new crank on board.
Hello Summit.
I've got my fingers crossed that you actually learn something about reality (and how to conduct yourself on this forum).

Isn't it funny how people can keep a straight face while making a statement like "everything is physics" as an attempted defence of blatantly contradicting physics?
Hello Summit, and welcome to the forum.

I rather thought that Arioch was proffering a reasonable and plausible explanation for the experience you have had. Only once did I have a similar one and it was much as you have attempted to describe, very unusual, yet also very calming somehow.

In my case, I am always challenging the limits of my endurance and I rather think that my own altered state was in response to some extreme hours and exertions.

The built in survival program in my biology likely went on manual override. I can almost imagine the conversation between the two halves of my brain trying to pull it off.

Left side of brain, "This unit is reaching critical mass. It's got to be shut down for maintenance before it self-destructs."

Right side of brain, "I hear you. Logistics is your department, so you'll have to hit the switch, but I can distract her for you with a funky moving pattern. From hanging around those horses so much, she is easy to engage with unexpected visuals. Ready? On my mark......" :)

@summitorplummet707 --

The most likely explanation that I can think of for your experience is that you entered some sort of altered mental state(there are quite a few that no drugs are needed to enter) and you couldn't explain it. Later, once you'd learned some physics, your brain latched onto something that to you seems similar and used it to explain a wholly unrelated phenomenon. That's just what I think anyway.

Our brain is always rejigging and refitting the bits it does not understand, seeking for a better fit. A lot of this work goes on while we are sleeping, resting or otherwise distracted, or so goes much of the current thinking.
thanks for those of you that welcome me. and thanks for teaching me the term crank, i guess? arioch - sounds like i hit a chord as well :) i found this post after searching for years for others who've had this experience and maybe for some ideas as to what it was that i experienced. i am glad to hear that others shared this experience and that may be all the good that comes from this. im not trying to say i had something more than a unique feeling/sensation, nothing more than an "altered state of mind" but maybe it was.!? have you even experienced this "big and small" feeling or you are just spouting off about something that you know absolutely nothing about?? so focus here - we were talking about "big and small pulsating" if you have not had this experience then maybe just move along.

chimpkin - thanks. "question everything, and accept very little" i could get used to that.

and "blatantly contradicting physics" - how??
did i not conduct myself properly on this forum :( ah schucks.
thanks for having your fingers crossed for me to learn about your "reality", you might even care?

thanks nerds - this is fun!! but not as fun as going rock climbing, eating gourmet food, drinking, smoking, partying like a rock star and getting laid all night, so ill talk to you later!
and "blatantly contradicting physics" - how??
It's quite simple: humans don't possess the sensory equipment to distinguish anything on a sub-atomic level.
Physics (and common sense) 101: if your detector isn't equipped to detect something it can't detect it.

thanks for having your fingers crossed for me to learn about your "reality", you might even care?
Oh I care. It would reduce the number of inane and ridiculous claims.

thanks nerds - this is fun!! but not as fun as going rock climbing, eating gourmet food, drinking, smoking, partying like a rock star and getting laid all night, so ill talk to you later!
Would that be a ridiculous assumption you're making?
Certainly looks like it.
@Summit --

arioch - sounds like i hit a chord as well

Nope, I'm always this abrasive, I'm told it's cute.

im not trying to say i had something more than a unique feeling/sensation, nothing more than an "altered state of mind" but maybe it was.!?

And maybe bigfoot is sitting in my living room watching me post this. I already told you on what grounds I rejected your idea. You now have two options if you wish to proceed along this line of reasoning, either find a flaw in my reasoning for why I rejected it or show me evidence that you're right. It's that simple.

have you even experienced this "big and small" feeling or you are just spouting off about something that you know absolutely nothing about??

Yes, I have. Trauma can cause all sorts of odd experiences, but that doesn't mean that those experiences reflect reality.

if you have not had this experience then maybe just move along.

Hey, the explanation I gave you is much better than the one you came up with on your own. My explanation has the benefit of almost certainly being true and not relying on imaginary biology. Perhaps you should stop acting like such a smug little git and realize that there are people here who know much more about this stuff than you do. Just sayin'.