
There can only be One God, Dave.
If you cannot comprehend that, then it’s definitely not yours. But in answer to your question: from anyone’s that comprehend it.
I think the "God" you are talking about is confined to the 3rd dimension. I think there are 11 dimensions. The higher the better.

I don't talk nonsense but it looks like nonsense to me but trust me it wasn't at the time.

EDIT: "I think the "God" you are talking about is confined to the 3rd dimension" i think that is a very smart move by source! He totally loses it sometimes as demonstrated in the old testament.
Well it’s all there in black and white.
Maybe you’ll understand why I accused of writing nonsense.
I know now. You are basing your belief on the age of the earth based on what he splurted out. It wasn't even in a relevant context. Do you accept the earth is under 6000 years old?
I know now. You are basing your belief on the age of the earth based on what he splurted out. It wasn't even in a relevant context. Do you accept the earth is under 6000 years old?
I don’t really have a belief of the age of the earth, my belief is in God.
No I don’t accept the earth is under 6000yrs old. But you know this. So why ask?
EDIT: "I think the "God" you are talking about is confined to the 3rd dimension" i think that is a very smart move by source! He totally loses it sometimes as demonstrated in the old testament.
I don’t think God is confined to the 3D dimension. If that was the case He wouldn’t be God. Upper-case God, means The Supreme Cause of all Causes. Do you see why there cannot be any other “God”, or be under the control of His creation/manifestation.
Even if you don’t accept God as real, logically, there can only be one God.
Upper-case God, means The Supreme Cause of all Causes. Do you see why there cannot be any other “God”, or be under the control of His creation/manifestation.
Even if you don’t accept God as real, logically, there can only be one God.
If you rig the definition like that, you can make the logic come to any conclusion you desire.
I don’t think God is confined to the 3D dimension. If that was the case He wouldn’t be God. Upper-case God, means The Supreme Cause of all Causes. Do you see why there cannot be any other “God”, or be under the control of His creation/manifestation.

The reason why is because He's an Upper-case God?
We know the Sumerians created just about every useful thing...
Yeah, being one of the first civilizations will do that for ya.

Why isn't this the only thing you study?
Because my main focus is Classical Greek and Roman civilization. Different era, different place. Though indeed, to know anything about ancient cultures, you do have to look at how they connect with their neighbors.

the garden of Eden is in their creation story, did the bible copy off it?
Directly? No. Most likely it was a chain of transmission and adaptation that was filtered through other cultures first, including the Akkadians, Babylonians, and Assyrians.
The Hebrews, as far as we can tell, only really started to develop a distinct cultural identity in the 1200s BCE, contemporaneous of the Assyrians but some three hundred years after the Babylonian empire collapsed and over a thousand years after the height of Sumerian civilization. That's a lot of time, and a lot of cultural drift, especially given that the Canaanite/Levantine city states were on the very fringes of the Mesopotamian cultural sphere.

The comparisons and borrowings are there, don't get me wrong, but they are very indirect. There's probably quite a lot of indigenous innovation in Hebrew myth.

which wasn't written and the stone of the ten commandments seemingly not in existence. what proof? We'll take those nomads word for it.
I think you must have me confused for someone who takes the Bible at all seriously as a historical source. I'm a Pagan.
Did you study these at school? I didn't, but find the data fascinating, such as very similar ideas in the Tanak/bible which were chisled much earlier.

Sure, ancient Hebrew mythology included lots of ideas that were widespread in their cultural environment at that time. (The "Flood", for instance.) There were ideas floating around the ancient Hebrews' world that everyone accepted, that were already ancient by that time and had a several thousand year history, even when the Bible books were first written.

Final question: Should these Summerians be a subject any relevant class?

On the university level, they already are. (And have been since the 19th century at least.) These would mostly be undergraduate Middle Eastern history surveys and more specialized upper division special topics classes. People specialize in it in graduate school. The scholarly literature on ancient Mesopotamia is so large that you couldn't read it in a single lifetime.

I think it is important on a scientific level alone.

It's probably of more historical than scientific interest. The history of technology would certainly be interested in their construction and agricultural techniques. They were early pioneers of irrigated crops, but built largely out of mud bricks. (The only building material they had, so their buildings haven't stood up to time as well as the Egyptians stone construction.)

The thing that gives them prominence is that they impressed their cuneiform writing onto wet mud tablets that then dried and many of these survive. These passed as their books. So we know far more about their ideas than some other early civilizations whose writings don't survive. Most of the Sumerians' cuneiform tablet writings were inventories, trade receipts and stuff like that. Not as interesting to academics as the mythological and literary stuff, but it gives historians an inside micro-scale look at the ancient economy.

Something between 500,000 and 2 million of these tablets are known, but most of them aren't Sumerian. Many are Akkadian, Assyrian, Babylonian etc., who also wrote in cuneiform on clay tablets. These are different ethnic groups and different languages, but part of the same general Mespotamian cultural tradition that lasted for more than 3000 years. Fewer than 100,000 of these tablets have been translated and published, so there's lots of work left to do.

Here's an entire 350 page now out-of-print book on ancient Sumeria from the U. of Chicago that they allow you to freely download. (It loads really fast.) Everything you ever wanted to know, from an extremely authoritative source. The Oriental Institute at the U. of Chicago did much of the early archaeological work in Mesopotamia. (They coined the phrase "the fertile crescent".) I just downloaded and saved a copy for myself.

If the book is too much to digest (it's a heavyweight book) here's a shorter essay from Purdue.

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Just to add.
Because "God" is unique. One, without a second.

Okay, is that something you know for a fact? If so, how do you know? Does that also mean the God of Islam isn't unique, One, without a second? I mean, there are 1.8 billion people in the world who would certainly agree Allah is the One God, without a second.

I suspect your saying this not because there is evidence to support you, but because it's simply a biased belief, yes?
Superman can fly.
I don’t believe in Superman.
But the character that we all know to be Superman, can fly.

But, we all know he couldn't fly on Krypton, nobody there could. And, the fact that he could fly on Earth is explained by the science of the DC Universe so it's understandable by anyone who reads it.

You on the other hand have yet to explain your claim so we can understand it.
But, we all know he couldn't fly on Krypton, nobody there could. And, the fact that he could fly on Earth is explained by the science of the DC Universe so it's understandable by anyone who reads it.

You on the other hand have yet to explain your claim so we can understand it.
I don’t have to explain anything.
God is the Supreme Being that is the origin of everything. It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe it to be true, or accept Him.
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Okay, is that something you know for a fact? If so, how do you know? Does that also mean the God of Islam isn't unique, One, without a second? I mean, there are 1.8 billion people in the world who would certainly agree Allah is the One God, without a second.
If we’re talking about God. Then God is unique, without a second. If you need explanations to help you believe that. Fine. But it doesn’t alter the fact that is the characterisation if God. Which is why you don’t accept or believe.
I suspect your saying this not because there is evidence to support you, but because it's simply a biased belief, yes?
There is one God. He may be known by different names. But He is One.
If we’re talking about God. Then God is unique, without a second.

And again, I'm assuming you're not talking about Allah who Muslims revere as God who is unique and without a second?

If you need explanations to help you believe that. Fine. But it doesn’t alter the fact that is the characterisation if God. Which is why you don’t accept or believe.

Would it be the exact same reason why you don't believe Allah is considered God who is unique and without. Still, just trying to clarify here considering there's no difference so far that distinguishes Allah from any other God who is unique and with a second in your explanations.

There is one God. He may be known by different names. But He is One.

Not just names, but the messages, words and pretty much everything else from Allah ARE much different from that of Jesus according to their Scriptures. Allah never took human form or had a son who roamed the Earth, was crucified and then resurrected. Totally different Gods.
I don’t have to explain anything.

Of course not, why would you? Evolution, for example, has explanations and evidence to support it, so one could easily search on the internet for that information and view the evidence first hand if they chose to do so. But, you're saying no explanations are required. Okay.

God is the Supreme Being that is the origin of everything. It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe it to be true, or accept Him.

Since you refuse to explain that as opposed to just asserting it, I would wonder why you don't accept evolution considering there are ample explanations and evidence? In fact, more people on the planet accept evolution than they do Christianity and those numbers are only increasing over time.

So, if you feel you don't have to explain anything but instead just assert it, while the explanations and evidence of evolution become more widely accepted as fact, then you probably have figured out why Christianity is getting less accepted over time.