The MIB Ufologist

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Kavik Kang

My real name is Marc Michalik. While I wait for something to happen with my thread about The Matrix in the Ethics thread, since this site has a forum for it...

I was one of the top Ufologists of the X-Files era, the chief UseNet rival of Philip J Klass know as "The One & Only Great Wall Debunker" or "The Teflon Believer". In the year 2020, like Phil was in our day, I am probably the top UFO expert in the world today.

"If you see it too, then you already know as much about UFO's as anyone else who has ever lived in the history of humanity (Marc "The Teflon Believer" Michalik), and you will never know anything more about UFOs then you already do right now (Philip J "Dean Adams" Klass)."

I will give you all a choice of questions I will answer for this generation that has forgotten everything we knew about the subject... pick one.

1. What was Bob Lazar's "Alien Spaceship at Area 51"?


2. What is the true story of Roswell?

Pick one, and "The MIB Ufologist" will answer it for you...

Baby Bond, 009

My alien that I stole from area 51 waking me up at 3 AM asking me how to flush the toilet

We're going to raid Area 51! There's some suspicious stuff going on over there.
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Just as FF leaves another one pops up

I was one of the top Ufologists of the X-Files era

Equal to me being the oldest in kindergarten

I am probably the top UFO expert in the world today.

And I am still older than all the kids in kindergarten today

I will give you all a choice of questions

How privileged are we?

What was Bob Lazar's "Alien Spaceship at Area 51"

Already know this one - Figment of his limited imagination ie non existent

What is the true story of Roswell

And this one

Vastly overrated and exaggerated so called news story about a weather balloon

In today's terms Click Bait

Pick one, and "The MIB Ufologist" will answer it for you

Already mentioned I know the answers and betting many here are the same so no need

I love the comedy of UFOs!!!! You have no idea how entertaining that was for me, I loved it!!! Thanks, it's been a long time...

I know better than you, over 30 years before I made this post, that not a single person would believe me. You have NO IDEA how great this is too me, I am LOVING THIS SO MUCH!!!


It's so great for THIS to be the reaction, which I knew it would be, to a real MIB stepping forward and offering to tell you the truth! My grandfather REALLY WAS "The Real James Bond" and the Original Man in Black! Haha... they are the same person! Hahaha!!!

I know you still won't believe me, and this isn't science... so I'm going to skew the vote. But I'll even let you know that if you REALLY, REALLY know UFO's... you already know what Bob Lazar's "Alien Spaceship at Area 51" was and I would just be confirming it for you.

You've never heard the true story of Roswell before... no matter who you are. I'd vote for Roswell if I were you...

"The MIB Ufologist"

P.S. Phil is up there, somewhere... HATING THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I am LOVING IT!!!

- The Teflon Believer
"The Nuclear War People... UFO's are just the cover story, but an EXTREMELY useful one in many ways... like "The UFO Game", Vladimir Lenin's Game.

"Subversion is the highest art of warfare, to subdue the enemy without war." - Defense Intelligence Agency (AKA OSS, "Men in Black")

…and I'm pretty sure that Sun Tzu guy said the same thing 2,500 years before the rest of us.
Amazing... If nobody asks to find out the truth, I won't tell you.

"The Brainwashed Generation"... the ones who don't want to know the truth. Brainwashed Useful Idiot Leninist Obamite Traitors!!!

If you don't want to know, then I won't tell you!

That's the Obamites for you! Hahaha!!!

"The Brainwashed Generation".

Michalik... "Eisenhower's People"
This is SO GREAT!!!

Nobody even wants to know, haha!!! After DECADES of so many people being obsessed with the subject, nobody actually even wants to know the truth. They like their delusional fantasies better! Hahaha...

This is SO GREAT!!!

The X-Files Version of the UFO story you know is actually the SECOND UFO STORY! The original was all about "Valiant Thor & The Galactic Federation of Light". The "X-Files Version" of the story you know is the early 1980's "reboot" of the UFO story that was kicked off by a TV special called "UFO Cover Up: Live!" and is where the legendary "Falcon & Condor" come from. This "re-boot" was filtered through the UseNet UFO forums. The story you know IS JUST THE X-FILES!!! Chris Carter got it from Art Bell, and Art Bell got it from us!!! Phil Klass and I practically wrote the UFO story that you know!

The line from Independence Day... "You don't think they actually pay $12,000 for a toilet seat or $800 for a hammer, do you?" is a quote of my father, "008 Ball", through me on UseNet.

Now... does anyone want to know the true story of either Roswell or Bob Lazar's "Alien Spaceship at Area 51"? Or does the Brainwashed Generation, as always, not even want to hear the truth...

Oh, and it's not called "Area 51"... it's "Paradise Ranch".

Baby Bond, 009
"Natural Born OPFOR"
The MIB Ufologist
Here is a game you could try to play with me while we wait for a Rube discussion to begin in the other thread... “The UFO Game”. Vladimir Lenin's Game. “Phil's Cults”... the KGB's “SJWs”...

We could hold the Great Great Wall Debate again, after lying dormant for 25 years after it defeated Philip J “Dean Adams” Klass & the Debunkers on UseNet. “Debunkery” is not skepticism, it is “Dishonest Trickery”. “Debunkery is the art of proving what is true to be false.” - M&M

Meet the argument that defeated the legendary Phil Klass... in an aviation debate!!!

Channeling Phil, and redirecting Phil back at Phil... because the ONLY THING that can defeat Philip J Klass, is Philip J Klass... “Turn The Game Around On The Enemy, Natural Born OPFOR”.

“The Great, Great Wall Debate”

  • “It is not the responsibility of serious scientific researchers to chase the delusional fantasies of the lunatic fringe around the world. How are we to decide how to spend our valuable time other than by the evidence. As you have yet failed to provide such evidence, there is no reason for me to believe that there is any merit to your story... let alone go to China to search for your Wacky Wall. (N.O.S.E.)” - The Teflon Believer throwing Phil's own “debunkery” back in his face! “Turn The Game Around On The Enemy”. “Counter-Intelligence”. “Turn The Chessboard Around”.

  • The One & Only Great Wall Debunker (“Poor Phil...”)

Your turn... can anyone provide me with any evidence at all for that Wacky Wall of yours. I promise you that the "Evil Spirits from the North" won't get you even if your imaginary wall isn't there to protect you...

P.S. Do any of you alleged scientists even know what the acronym “N.O.S.E.” means? If not, then you aren't even in my league and have no chance at all of winning this debate.

M&M - 2, Deano - 1

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Here is a game you could try to play with me while we wait for a Rube discussion to begin in the other thread... “The UFO Game”. Vladimir Lenin's Game. “Phil's Cults”... the KGB's “SJWs”...

We could hold the Great Great Wall Debate again, after lying dormant for 25 years after it defeated Philip J “Dean Adams” Klass & the Debunkers on UseNet. “Debunkery” is not skepticism, it is “Dishonest Trickery”. “Debunkery is the art of proving what is true to be false.” - M&M

Meet the argument that defeated the legendary Phil Klass... in an aviation debate!!!

Channeling Phil, and redirecting Phil back at Phil... because the ONLY THING that can defeat Philip J Klass, is Philip J Klass... “Turn The Game Around On The Enemy, Natural Born OPFOR”.

“The Great, Great Wall Debate”

  • “It is not the responsibility of serious scientific researchers to chase the delusional fantasies of the lunatic fringe around the world. How are we to decide how to spend our valuable time other than by the evidence. As you have yet failed to provide such evidence, there is no reason for me to believe that there is any merit to your story... let alone go to China to search for your Wacky Wall. (N.O.S.E.)” - The Teflon Believer throwing Phil's own “debunkery” back in his face! “Turn The Game Around On The Enemy”. “Counter-Intelligence”. “Turn The Chessboard Around”.

  • The One & Only Great Wall Debunker (“Poor Phil...”)

Your turn... can anyone provide me with any evidence at all for that Wacky Wall of yours. I promise you that the "Evil Spirits from the North" won't get you even if your imaginary wall isn't there to protect you...

P.S. Do any of you alleged scientists even know what the acronym “N.O.S.E.” means? If not, then you aren't even in my league and have no chance at all of winning this debate.

M&M - 2, Deano - 1

The X-Files Version of the UFO story you know is actually the SECOND UFO STORY! The original was all about "Valiant Thor & The Galactic Federation of Light". The "X-Files Version" of the story you know is the early 1980's "reboot" of the UFO story that was kicked off by a TV special called "UFO Cover Up: Live!" and is where the legendary "Falcon & Condor" come from. This "re-boot" was filtered through the UseNet UFO forums. The story you know IS JUST THE X-FILES!!! Chris Carter got it from Art Bell, and Art Bell got it from us!!! Phil Klass and I practically wrote the UFO story that you know!

The line from Independence Day... "You don't think they actually pay $12,000 for a toilet seat or $800 for a hammer, do you?" is a quote of my father, "008 Ball", through me on UseNet....

...Now... does anyone want to know the true story of either Roswell or Bob Lazar's "Alien Spaceship at Area 51"? Or does the Brainwashed Generation, as always, not even want to hear the truth...

Oh, and it's not called "Area 51"... it's "Paradise Ranch".
The MIB Ufologist
If you can't beat em...
I can see your one of the really smart guys that have taken the door off their microwave oven, and stuck something in the door socket to enable the oven to work with no door.
Name dropping to impress:
George polly, you know George? He designed the latrine for the US Air Force's first flying saucer back in 1957.
Everhard james, you know him? He designed the curtains (drapes) for the above mentioned saucer.
And of course we can't forget the life blood of a Youtube junky, a Youtube clip:
I must say I like this clip.
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Yes, it is a very serious debate! Phil Klass and some of the top scientists in the world were all a part of it. But that was more rhetorical. You'd be insane to attempt that debate with me, it will make you look completely fooilish. Phil and his Gang knew that. They ran from it in fear and NEVER took it on. It was obvious too them what I would do too them with it, completely humiliate them. The Great Great Wall Debate is the 50 Megaton Nuclear Weapon of the UFO debate. IT WON THE UFO DEBATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, this has got me thinking of the old UseNet days where there was free speech on the internet and nobody had the authority to silence Phil or I, we could say whatever we want. Because this was still America then, not a Leninist Obamanation.

That last guy that banned me, the third “science” site, he actually said something very close to “For that disrespect, you are banned. You have no power!” He is an ACTUAL FASCIST!!! The actual definition of fascism is “If I don't like it, then you shouldn't be allowed to do it!”. It's not a political ideology, it's just a way of thinking that is actually a mental disorder. “Chicken Farmer”... Heinrich Himmler. Chicken Farmers should never be given power over other people. That moderator gleefully denied me free speech just so that he could feel the rush of “power” over other people. Fascism is actually a mental disorder, Heinrich Himmler Chicken Farmer Disorder... and that moderator has it! He is an actual CLASSSIC “Chicken Farmer”. They shouldn't ever be given power over other people, just leave them to abuse their chickens.

“For that disrespect, you are banned. You have no power!” My response... “What makes you think you are worthy of my respect, and as for the power... the law is the only thing keeping you alive. If it weren't for the law, I would find you, put you up against a wall, and execute you for treason traitor. Know for the rest of your life, fascist traitor, they you are only alive because I decided to allow you to continue to live. What was that about power, peon sheep???” He banned and silenced me, denying me my right to free speech, because I DARED to speak too him as though I was his equal. That's what actually happened with that one. Fascist Scum...

Anyway, this whole UFO thing really brings back memories. Deano & I weren't the only ones who “pretty much wrote the UFO story that you know today”. It was everyone, Deano & I just stood out the most on each side and only I could really stand up to Phil. A couple of the other interesting people there were Michio Kaku and someone who is behind the Ancient Aliens TV show today who posted under the name “Brian Zieller”.

I don't know that it was the host, so don't want to say that it was... but especially the early episodes were all “Brian”. If he reads this, I want to let “Brian” know that if he thinks he had taken on and was talking past Phil back then... think again! Remember how I was “defending you”... it was more than you will ever know. You must have a skewed impression of the legend, so “easy” for you to talk past... because I was taking about 2/3rds of Deano's heat for you so that you could speak. You never could have talked about those subjects with Phil in the room had I not been there to distract him for you. Especially the dinosaur bones, you have no idea how much that subject ENRGAGED Phil!!!

Remember this song, “Brian”? I used to say it was your theme song, but everyone there who knew Phil's game knew that it was actually my theme song being hung over your head like a billboard screaming out “M&M is Protecting Brian From Phil” to everyone there who knew what was actually going on... “The UFO Game”. A microcosm of society and how Vladimir Lenin brings one down. I won! The Great Wall Debunker Movement took over Phil's society. You weren't supposed to be able to win, to beat Phil. It was like defeating the Kobayashi Maru test of the American intelligence community.

The Michio Kaku story is a good one. I tried to talk about the speed of light, so I prefaced it with the pre-emptive defense against Phil with a lengthy disclaimer about my complete and total lack of education or knowledge in the subject, or Phil would rip me to shreds for daring to discuss it without having a PHD. Michio Kaku, who was more of a lurker and rarely spoke, came out of lurking to say too me... “Don't sell yourself short, you know more about physics than you think” which had me rolling on the floor. Freaking Michio Kaku was completely oblivious to the game that was going on around him. Hahahaha!!!

- The Teflon Believer
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Really, “Brian”, the true nature of you in those forums was that you showed up one day and tried to talk about the dinosaur bones, and Phil swatted you like a fly several times over it. Remember? I didn't care about you when it was the dinosaur bones. But then you gave up on that subject, because it enraged Deano so much and he kept crushing you for it, and you started talking about everything else. As soon as you did that, you caught my attention and I wanted to hear what you had to say. And for me to get to hear what you wanted to say... meant I had to literally devote 6-10 hours a day to your defense because Phil HATED you SO MUCH!!! Haha!!!

The biggest war Phil & I EVER HAD was over YOU!!! That's why you probably remember the massive flame war between us while you were there. That massive flame war was ALL ABOUT YOU and was me distracting Phil enough for you to be able to get away with saying anything at all!

Deano's Song!

The Truth About Phil's “Swamp Gas”...

It's Just A Game. The UFO game, of course, would have “sheep” drop into the forums occasionally... that would be you. Anyone who isn't playing “The Game”... US v USSR. DIA v Vladimir Lenin.

'Subversion is the highest art of warfare, to subdue the enemy without war.” - Sun Tzu

Sheep were like the Nintendo game “Duck Hunt”. Deano had his ways of shooting down “Believer Sheep” and I had my ways of completely humiliating newbie “Debunker Sheep”. I never minded skeptics, I slayed “Debunkers” as mercilessly as Phil went after “Believers”. We were both “Bullies”, which is “The American Way – Free Speech”. An “Anti-Bully Campaign” is the KGB, just like “Save The Whales From US Sonar”. “Social Justice” is a term that is the SIGNATURE of the KGB.

Phil's “Swamp Gas” was probably THE funniest thing in the history of the UFO debate!!! No question about it, Phil would have all the “players” rolling on the floor every time he did it! The MOST powerful thing in the world is that humans, the "Dunning-Krueger Effect”, more than ANYTHING ELSE don't want anyone to think they are stupid. DESPARATELY!!! And they are EASY to control due to this one simple fact. “That's a conspiracy theory. Only stupid people believe that. You don't want people to think you are stupid” is how you “heard the sheep”.

Phil's Swamp Gas was making people look foolish because even the dumbest person in the world is certain they are the most intelligent person who has ever lived and everyone else should believe that about them. Phil knew EVERYTHING about ANYTHING in the sky. If you tried to tell a UFO story he would use so much science and technobabble that your eyes would glaze over in terror that people are going to think you are stupid. You start thinking ahead into the future about how to not look stupid, and that's when Phil slips in the “Swamp Gas” even though you are in a parking lot in NYC and there isn't a swamp anywhere within 1,000 miles! You don't notice, because all you are thinking about is not looking stupid. When Phil is done with you, you just nod and agree not even having had any idea what even said! You just desperately don't want to look stupid, you are so TERRIFIED of it that you don't even notice the swamp gas... and we are all rolling on the floor at you!!!

The sheep were just like a fun intermission from the actual discussion... Hahahaha!!!

Meet the legendary Yuri, he will teach you the ways of Vladimir Lenin, the KGB, and the Traitor Obama “The American Vladimir Lenin”..

Thanks Yuri... Baby Bond

PS I guess in 2020 nobody even wants to know the true story of Roswell or Bob Lazar anymore. That's strange... not too long ago almost everyone wanted to know the answers to those questions.
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Deano: "That one is coming back, Marc."

M&M: "Yes, he seemed pretty smart. He'll spend about a week thinking about how to get past me and try again..."

If you can't stand the heat...

...then get out of the Wild, Wild West!!!

- Baby Bond, 009
The MIB Ufologist
Poker Playing Cowboy Magician
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