The MIB Ufologist

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I'm not going to get political, other than the unavoidable fact that Obama is almost 100% identical to Vladimir Lenin in every way. So any time I talk about Lenin you can't help but think "Obama"... but there is nothing I can do about that.

I just wanted to point out that, because I say that Dear Leader Obama is anything less than the perfect human being who can do no wrong... their is NO CHANCE AT ALL that the "media" will ever say a single word about anything I say here. So I can say ANYTHING!!!

For example, I can tell you what has been one of the biggest secrets in the world for the last 50 years, and the media won't say a word about it because I say that Dear Leader Obama is less than perfect.

There is a crack in Cheyenne Mountain, it has never been able to withstand a direct hit. My father was the vice president of the company that discovered the crack. That really is one of the biggest secrets of the last 50 years. It safe for me to say. Nobody will talk about me, I say Dear Leader Obama is less than perfect and not the "most America person who has ever lived". I can say ANYTHING and it will be ignored...

Nobody wants to know about Roswell? Don't worry, it will stay our secret. I say Dear Leader is less then perfect, the media will not speak my name.

- M&M
Ok, this is the last thing I am going to post here tonight... since I'm sure people want to meet Jinker Pinker, "The Real James Bond".

There is a 14 game universe that I call the Pirate Dawn Universe with a single story that encompasses all of the games. The PDU story covers the history of all of humanity from the formation of the Earth to the explosion of the sun (Marvin). There are 7 "high water mark" eras with 2 games to cover each of the "critical moments" of human history beginning with "The Hot War", the cold war gone hot in 1989 with a nuclear exchange in 2012 and ending in 4288 (yes, the dual sci-fi refs there are intentional;-) with the explosion of the sun (destroyed by invaders from another galaxy, actually).

I have a file I wrote, a "short story with music" of my own family as one of the royal family of the "Galactic Concoridum"... a 1200 year long era of the humans as an "Evil Empire". "Mirror-Mirror" if you are a Star Trek fan. In the PDU... Arch Angel Cora & Hades are dominant over Arch Angel Hera & Zeus during this period. This file is meant to "Turn The Game Around On The Enemy" like you seen me do here several times now already... including too you with "NO IRRELIVANCIES!!!" Haha...

This file turns my family into what everyone hears no matter what I say... "The Evil Shadow Government Royal Family of America". It turns it around on you, and let me start saying too you... "Of course that's not true, that's crazy!" I sent the entire thing privately too the first person at a science forum who banned me a few days ago, it's too large to just post it all here. So I'll give you "Jinker Pinker" tonight, and I'm sure a few more of us tomorrow. There are more than a few interesting people in our family. It not a very common thing, six geniuses in three generations.
Name: Edward Stanley “Mars” Michalik, “The Soul”

Theme Song: Guns & Roses, Live & Let Die

Nicknames: Ed, Arch Angel of OSS, The Walking Nuclear Weapon, “The Real John Rambo Who Could Actually Fly”, The Real James Bond, Captain Kirk

Title: King Edward

Code Name: Jinker Pinker

Publicly Known Code Name: 007

Personal Victory Phrase: “Pinker, Jinker Pinker... I LOVE HAM!!!”

Professional Victory Phrase: “Shine the Light & Climb to Glory!”

HAM's Initials: ESM, Extra Special Man.

Signature Items: 1911 Pistol, US Army Drill Instructor Whistle, US Army Corps of Engineers Compass, Endless Collection of Special Forces Unit Patches (Featuring the 10th Mountain Division), Small Collection of Ancient East Asian Artifacts, Three Japanese Pachinko Machines From Tokyo, Home Basement Steel Trap Gun Range, Home Den Global HAM Radio Station, Civil War Era Lead Toy Soldier Molds, Basement Pool Table & Bookshelf Used To Learn By Jinker Pinker, 008 Ball, Wizard, & Baby Bond. And, of course, ESM's Daily Breakfast... 1 Bagel, Two Fried Eggs, 1 Slab of Fried Spam, and 1 Glass of Orange Juice.

Favorite Activity: “Extreme Sports”, Meditation, Contemplation of Eastern Philosophy

Car: 1969 GTO Judge (Green with Black vinyl hard top)

Post War Theme Song: Johnny Rivers, Secret Agent Man

“Bond... James Bond...” Unquestionably the person with “the best claim of being the real James Bond”. The blueprint that Admiral Godfrey, Colonel “Wild Bill” Donovan, and Ian Fleming created both found Edward S Michalik training special forces at Fort Bragg & Fort Benning, and the 10th Mountain Division at locations around the nation, and inspired Ian Fleming to create the very different “James Bond” character. Grandpa Michalik was like a blending of John Rambo & Dezi Arnez... he was nothing at all like “James Bond”. The reverence for him within the American military and intelligence communities that lived on into the Cold War, and even today, comes from his being one of the “original instructors” of US Special Forces and the very first instructor of OSS agents during WWII. And, of course, in the 1940's and early 1950's he was one of the only people in the world who could “SkyHook”. HALO jump in, SkyHook out... he could actually fly! He was also on General Douglas MacArthur's Staff during the occupation of Tokyo... his bodyguard, and an explosives ordnance disposal expert... the first person who was expected to jump on a grenade to save MacArthur and/or the Staff if it was necessary. Among the military, this duty during his time on MacArthur's staff may be the most relevant thing too them in 2019. The “legacy” of Edward S “Jinker Pinker” Michalik today are the “Angels” of the Defense Intelligence Agency... what OSS eventually became... and the “Angels” are vaguely known too the public as “Delta Force” (“D”... “Delta”... “DIA”). But the “Angels” usually operate alone, not as a unit like the imaginary “Delta Force” which has never actually existed.

“There's your Bond...” - Bill Engvall
OSS was said to have been disbanded at the end of WWII, but anyone who thinks about that for 2 seconds should realize that was a lie. At the end of the war we decided we didn't need any intelligence agencies at all and just disbanded OSS? That's a silly and ridiculous notion, isn't it? OSS, the Office of Strategic Services, became “The Working Group” tasked with creating a modern intelligence agency for the post-war world. “The Old Men of OSS”, probably even including the lowly Lieutenant Jinker Pinker, decided that the German Reich had the best model of a modern intelligence agency... “Abwehr”, German Military Intelligence. A “central” library of collected information staffed with analysts who never actually do anything, but step forward to take the blame for all of the field agent agencies who are actually doing things in the world. A “Central Intelligence Agency”... a “firewall” in 21st century terms... meant to be the place where all data from all agencies is collected in one place, “The Library”, while the “satellite” agencies actually do all of the field work. As any follower of the “MIB Conspiracy Theory” can tell you... “The Working Group”, OSS, brought many former German intelligence agents to America through Operation Paperclip and the early American intelligence community really did have a significant number of former German Abwehr agents involved with it. But they were under the control of OSS and the executive branch... there was no sinister Nazi conspiracy or infiltration of America. The opposite was the case, they were “the good guys” who wanted to come to America, become Americans, and use their talents and knowledge to help America... just like Werner von Braun.

OSS eventually re-emerged out of CIA in 1961 as its own agency and OSS/“The Working Group” became the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). Military Intelligence/Counter-Intelligence. They are... they really are... the people that the public perceives as the “Men in Black” or the “Shadow Government”. The military counter-intelligence agency of the executive branch of government, the people who are SUPPOSED to have that level of power. There is nothing “shadowy” about it, they are the “military arm of the executive branch” and they work directly for the president. The are “The Nuclear War People”, they “own” the underground world of the United States whether it is NORAD, “Area 51”, or the hundred or so other subsurface US military facilities that the world has never heard of before... like most of the “Pentagon City Network” (such as “The Long Lines Building” in NYC, which is only the “Top Hat” of a large underground telecommunications facility) which maintains communications between major cities after a nuclear war has happened. DIA “outranks” CIA... and their “Angels” are “The Real James Bonds” of this world. Exactly as Will Smith puts it in the theme song from the MIB movie... “We're your first, last, and only line of defense”... “American Cockroaches”. And then they are also “counter-intelligence”... they defend America against the other intelligence agencies of the world, such the KGB/FSB... OFTEN operating within the United States to do so. If America wanted to assassinate a foreign agent, or anyone, it would almost certainly be a DIA “Angel” who would carry out that mission. The FBI is not capable of taking on the KGB/FSB or other foreign intelligence agencies. The Russian equivalent of DIA is not the KGB/FSB, it is GRU (Russian Military Intelligence). One major aspect of how DIA operates is “intimidation”... so the black suits, the glasses, the ray guns, and the “we have alien technology” of the Cold War all makes perfect sense. Right? Scare the Russians... with a Jasper Maskelyne-like Roswell “Magic Trick”!!! “We have alien technology, don't mess with us!” “Men in Black”...

EFM (008 Ball) may have known what Jinker Pinker did after the war... but probably not. All that I know about ESM's involvement with military and intelligence after he returned from Tokyo is that he definitely continued working for the US military and what OSS became until at least the late 1950's, and almost certainly until the late 1960's. Even into the early 1980's he appeared to be controlling agents “as a hobby” from his home HAM radio station about 15 years after he had clearly retired from active duty... or maybe he was just allowed to speak to his “friends” in the field and he wasn't even involved as a “controller”. EFM was the person who first began to suspect that the life story his father told was a lie. His father was not qualified to oversee the construction of buildings, the reason he had given for being in Tokyo. The plumbing company he owned was an obvious cover story, 008 Ball grew up to be an expert in all the things his father had lied too him about... so he knew those things could not be true. ESM knew very little about plumbing, and the people who worked at the plumbing company (that was literally given too him by a retired colonel) only rarely saw him. But, really, all you had to do was meet him and talk too him for 3 minutes to realize that he was not a plumber. His presence, size, intelligence & wisdom, knowledge of the world, personality, and charisma ruled out “plumber” in a matter of minutes too anyone who met him. Over the course of about three decades, 008 Ball & Baby Bond gradually put together the real story of “Jinker Pinker”... to ultimately discover that he was actually “The Real James Bond” who was not anything at all like “James Bond”.

“Climb to Glory!”

Jinker Pinker's End Story Song & Legacy/DIA Theme Song: Rush, Everyday Glory

I guess I accidentally gave away the main thing about the Roswell thing with that... I honestly forgot that was there. But that's just the main thing... there is a LOT too it. If anyone wanted to know.

A UFO nut wants to tell their story for the sake of telling their story, so if nobody is going to ask I'm not going to bother to tell you...

The MIB Ufologist
Oh, and telling the world one of the biggest secrets of the last 50 years... stop thinking like a sheep.

Go ahead, tell DIA. They don't exist. So tell those bumbling moron Keystone Cop Flunkies at CIA...

Tell the FBI...

It's retired. It's a building now, because the Russians know this already.

That's enough for nobody to care if "The Crown Prince Who Will Never Be" just revealed one of the biggest secrets in the world.

They are used too it by now, and I have good judgment about things like that... just call it yet another declassification by "Agent Jay"...

It's not like this is the first time, or the tenth...

Like Philip J Klass, the US Air Force could not keep a secret from him. DIA and the Executive Branch have a hard time keeping them from "Baby Bond".

Stop thinking like a sheep... nobody cares that I just did that. Go ahead... report me.

- M&M

Tell the CIA... they are so incompetent they'll probably just lose your report accidentally instead of intentionally throwing it away. Don't by the hype... they are civilian idiots.

I know... say something about UFOs... I already did.

“If you see it too, then you already know as much about UFOs as anyone who has ever lived in the entire history of humanity (M&M), and you will never know anything more about UFOs then you already do right now (Deano).”

Between the two of us, that pretty much covers the actual UFOs. Stop thinking small... isn't it more likely that they are millions of years more advanced than us than the hundreds you think of? In the grand scale of the galaxy, 1,000,000 years is like an hour!

Do you think they want us to have ANYTHING that is theirs? Do you think we could keep anything of theirs if we managed to get our hands on it? Or do you think it would be more likely to simply disappear before our very eyes?

The Death of Deano

If Phil were alive today, these videos would have been the end of him. I would have ENDED PHIL as a Ufologist with these videos. These would have been his doom. This was the lynchpin of his defense, the exact thing he demanded for decades... confirmed radar tracking by US military with them admitting it is a real unexplained contact. These videos would have ended Phil's career as a Ufologist, they are EXACTLY the evidence that he demanded for his entire life. I would have ended Deano with this.

The 21st Century Roswell

And what would I be saying to Phil about this?

This UFO encounter makes more sense than any UFO encounter in history. “Turn The Chessboard Around”. The greatest capability that exists on this planet to detect, track, and intercept them is an American carrier group. If they can toy with an American carrier group, then there is nothing on this planet that is a threat too them. No UFO encounter in all of history makes more sense than “The Nimitz Encounters”.

- The Teflon Believer

"Naval officers soon arrived aboard Nimitz to retrieve the flight data recorders."

"Naval Officers"... I don't think so. DIA is the executive branch, they can pose as any government agency... even your mail man. Say hello to the Defense Intelligence Agency!!!

Hi, Zeus!!!

The big moment in this, that the makers of this re-creation don't really portray very well, is when the CIC asks.. "Call loadout..."

Imagine that you are an F-18 pilot. You are off the coast of San Diego!!! The US Navy's training grounds... nothing is more "home turf" then where you are... and the carrier just asked you what weapons you are carrying so that you can shoot something down for them!!!!

"Stunned Silence..."
Is that a promise? If it is, we'll hold you to it.

That IS a promise!!! If you don't want to know the true story of Roswell, or what Bob Lazar's "Alien Spaceship" was, AND where it is now... then I won't tell you. That IS a promise!

"The Brainwashed Generation"... the ones who don't even want to know the truth.

M&M - The Crown Prince Who Will Never Be

- The Tin Foil Hat Prophet
That IS a promise!!! If you don't want to know the true story of Roswell, or what Bob Lazar's "Alien Spaceship" was, AND where it is now... then I won't tell you. That IS a promise!

"The Brainwashed Generation"... the ones who don't even want to know the truth.

M&M - The Crown Prince Who Will Never Be

- The Tin Foil Hat Prophet

Highlighted . And That is a Truth.

Maybe... just maybe... I might have LOT more information than the sheep because I'm not just "James Bond's Grandson"... a mere Lieutenant in the US Army, but I am also "008 Ball"'s son.

That might explain it, don't you think???

Name: Edward Francis “Jupiter” Michalik, “The Heart”, (AKA Edward Francis Stanley Michalik)

Theme Song: Jim Croce, Don't Mess Around With Jim

Nicknames: Ed, Slim, Edward FUCKING Michalik, The CEO, Mr. President, Commander Riker, 008

Title: Crown Prince Edward II, Guiding Light of the Lower Triangle

Code Name: 008 Ball

Publicly Known Code Name: Mr. President

Signature Greeting Phrase: “How are you doing?”

Signature Exit Phrase: “Take Care...”

Personal Victory Phrase: “9 Ball Off The 3, Bank Shot, Corner Pocket... Thanks Dad!”

EFM's Advice To M&M: “We are not special, we are just smart. Nobody is special.”

HAM's Initials: EFM, Extra Fine Man.

Signature Items: 2-Piece Custom Made Pool Cue, Onkyo Stereo With Polk Audio Speakers, Gun Collection In A Custom Made Safe, 26ft Sea Ray Cabin Cruiser, Endless Collection of Dress Cowboy Boots (...but no cowboy hats), Small Collection of “Shadowy Responses” From The Military About ESM, Invitation Too Inner Circle Letter From George HW Bush, Endless Collection of Leica Cameras of Both ESM & EFM, 1950's Era Childhood Train Set (Also Used By Baby Bond) Saved For His First Grandson (...who was never born), Top of the Line Electric Wheelchair (...used during the last few years of his life after he had lost the lower half of one leg to DEB)... and, of course, his favorite snack, Onion Crackers With Swiss Cheese.

Favorite Activity: Permanently changing the planet for the better... “That tunnel will still be there a million years from now”, Spending Time With His Family,Playing Straight Pool, Nine Ball, & Eight Ball

Cars: 1968 Jaguar XKE Roadster (“Snoopy”), 1981 DeLorean, 2009 Bentley Continental GT

Post College Theme Song: John Denver, Rocky Mountain High. EFM moves his family to Colorado in 1973 and begins his career building things underground for the military with Harrison Western Corporation. The only branch of the family to leave New England and, until many years later when Catherine “Ghost Rider” Michalik moved to Arizona, EFM's immediate family always had the reputation among both sides of EFM's family (Michalik/Del Cegino) of being “the only ones who don't live in New England”.

“Shadow Ambassador”. Pool hustler turned corporate executive... by 30. Slim was the Executive Vice President of the company that renovated NORAD before he was 30 years old. He easily fell into a life of building secret underground military facilities for the US government. Missile silos, underground bunkers, tunnels connecting underground chambers for even bigger underground bases, elements of the “Pentagon City Network”, and just about anything the military needed built underground during those years. He would also occasionally serve as the “Carrot”, an “American Diplomatic Angel”, in diplomacy settings. Never in charge... but the man with the peaceful plan for the ones who “See The Light” instead of demanding to “Feel The Heat” of the general or admiral sitting on the other side of the diplomat. A member of President George HW Bush's Inner Circle, “The Shadow Ambassador of the Michalik Family” spent a lot of time, for example, building things like roads, bridges, & power stations... civilian infrastructure... in the poorest areas of South Africa when it was illegal by both American & “International” law for anyone from the western world to be doing any business there at all. Breaking all the rules for all the right reasons... it's that “Evil Shadow” thing we all have within us, not just my family. A little bit of Suzi in your life... Or... An occasion to use that “get serious” nickname... Edward FUCKING Michalik!

After moving to Colorado in 1973, transferred there by Titan Group, EFM quickly resigned from that company when they promoted a person he disliked to Vice President instead of him... he was in his late 20's. He was unemployed for about 9 months and stayed home as “Mr. Mom” taking care of my newborn baby brother and 5/6-year-old me while my mother supported the family. Jim Croce's biggest hit record was released in this same year, and he played it a lot while he was unemployed. Both 008 Ball & Wizard lived “charmed lives” as far as their careers were concerned, it was always related to “Men in Black” type of work, and the end of “Mr. President's” unemployment is a great example of that. EFM was hired, in his late 20's, by Colorado-based Harrison Western Corporation as their “Executive Vice President”... the #2 man in the entire company. Harrison Western Corporation was said to be a mining and tunneling company but they only owned a few Molly mines as a cover story. HWC built things underground for the US government, and was just completing the first renovation of NORAD when they hired my father. There were five large pictures of the inside of NORAD on the walls of HWC's offices, so Baby Bond has known what the inside of NORAD looks like since the early 1970's. Right from the beginning, the owner and president of HWC disliked my father... so why did he hire him as his #2 person in the company? Still under 30???

“9 Ball Off The 3, Bank Shot, Corner Pocket... Thanks Dad!” A “Royal Family”... A very low ranking “Royal Family”, our “leader” was a Lieutenant in the US Army... but still a “Royal Family of the Men in Black”... or the Defense Intelligence Agency. The Arch Angel of OSS... “James Bond”.

Very much unlike his father, his brother, and his own children in many ways, EFM truly was the “JFK” of the family. He had the hard line of thinking and hot headed temper of both ESM and M&M, but controlled it almost as well as ESM. ESM rarely if ever showed his anger or temper because he was a master of meditation and heavily grounded in Eastern Philosophy. EFM only showed his temper in brief flashes, and only around family and never in a professional setting. M&M, never having been a part of anything that required true discipline, is the one who “can become Curtis LeMay & Vladimir Lenin combined” and give an intimidating speech that appears to be an angry diatribe... but is actually carefully thought out for the purpose of “hitting you over the head with the hammer of the worst case scenario”... or “subversion through intimidation”... or “That MIB Thing”. It's actually the completely untrained one, with no experience other than from games and learning history... “Agent Jay”, “The Chameleon”... that can become “The General” and “do that MIB thing” of scaring the enemy into submission... “Baby Bond”. EFM was a “Wizard” with people in face-to-face discussion and negotiation... Kennedy-like in some very subtle ways, intensely persuasive, and able to set up choices for the opposition that sound like all bases are covered and it is a free choice for them between those choices, but in reality almost anyone will choose the option that he is meaning for them to choose. “Mr. President” was also a “Wizard”, like his ”Electronics Wizard” brother and “Word Wizard Subverter” first son M&M... but EFM was a “Wizard of Subtle Persuasion”.

008 Ball's End Story Song: Triumph, Just A Game

EFM's little brother, my Uncle Richard...

Name: Richard Alexander “Quirinus” Michalik, “The Mind”

Theme Song: Will Smith, Men in Black

Nicknames: Rich, Man in Black, Living Shadow, Dr. Brakish Okun

Title: Prince Richard

Code Name: Wizard

Personal Victory Phrase: “1 + 1 + 1 = Almost Infinity!!!”

Stunned Disbelief Phrase: “Moments of Time Containing Reality?!? Thanks... … … Marc!?!???”

HAM's Initials: RAM.

Signature Items: Headband Lighted Magnifying Glass, Drafting Board, 8 Ball Pinball Machine (...and a couple others), Grandpa's Pachinko Machines, Black Suit With White Shirt & Black Tie, MIB Ray Ban Glasses, Particle Beam Ray Gun (“Little Cricket”), Endless Collection of 20th Century Electronics, 300 Year Old House In Massachusetts, ESM's Rifles, and Wizard's Favorite Food... anything he gets himself hunting.

Car: Jinker Pinker's GTO Judge handed down too him.

“Grand Master Wizard”. Fascinated with electronics since his teenage years, Richard Alexander Michalik's bedroom looked like a NASA communication center for talking to Apollo program astronauts on the moon. Three walls of his room were consumed by electronics. He graduated from MIT and wound up specializing in missile guidance systems and electronic warfare. He also worked on particle beams, magnetic accelerator guns... anything that might require state-of-the-art advanced electronics. Dad once told me that “Wizard” was a member of a team that was sent to Turkey in 1989 to disassemble a defecting MiG-29, make blueprints of it, and return it too the Russians in under 3 days. This was “008 Ball” underestimating “Baby Bond” yet again... who immediately understood that meant that “Uncle Richard” was a part of the “Foreign Technology Recovery Division”. Their HQ base is Paradise Ranch, or “Area 51”, and they **are** the people who would recover an alien space craft if one crashed. But they were doing their real job with that MiG-29 in Turkey, they would have used those blueprints to build and test fly their own MiG-29's at Paradise Ranch... the true reason for the existence of that specific facility. An imitation of the Russian base at Kapustin Yar where German technology had been reverse engineered during WWII. Uncle Richard was not allowed to leave the United States without permission and an escort from DSS (Diplomatic Security Services).

Strangely... Richard doesn't actually seem to understand that Grandpa's story of his military career is an obvious lie. Either this, or he is the best liar in the family. Richard is about ten years younger than CAM & EFM, and he has always seemed to have very little respect for ESM. In fact he regularly taunted him about his “inflated ego” about his abilities at extreme sports and with guns. I very clearly remember a few of those incidents, and dad & I would always glance at each other with me thinking “What is Richard talking about???” and, I've realized later in life, my father sort of raising his eyebrows at me as if to say... “See, Marc, even Richard doesn't know the things that you know”. The way he talks about ESM on camping and fishing trips... everything... Richard doesn't seem to have any idea that there is anything more to grandpa's story other than “he left the army after the war and became a plumber”. My father might never have discussed any of it with Richard for some reason, RAM was about 10 years younger than CAM & EFM, and Richard really might be completely oblivious too it just as much as everyone else in the family... which seems impossible considering what Richard did in his career, and how intelligent he is. He would have to see the careers of both himself and my father as giant arrows pointing back at his own father.

Both my grandfather and father gave me dozens if not hundreds of clues that led me to know all of this. I think my father knew a lot more about his own father than he let on, wanted me to know the family history, and gradually led me too it over the course of my entire life. I have rarely seen him but Richard has always given the impression that he doesn't have any hint of it at all. Either he really doesn't see it at all and doesn't know anything about grandpa even though he was a direct part of it... or he is the only truly good liar in the family! The true “Man in Black” of us. It could be either way, 50/50...

“Marc, your uncle works in the kind of places for which Area 51 is merely the fucking cover story!” - EFM
The Tin Foil Hat Prophet

And now, of course, I have a lot of experience with this stuff... people are going to have conspiracy theories about me. But I am exactly who I say I am, Agent Jay, and if DIA would admit knowing who we are, which they won't, I'm sure they would say something like "We deeply regret having left Baby Bond in the wild. We should have taken him in just knowing that he would know too much to just be out there as a civilian".

I have NEVER been involved with "The Family Business" other than "Playing Games" with DIA through the internet because they love Baby Bond!

Oh, and there is very little that is secret about EFM or RAM. If you look into them, you will see them for yourselves.

Name: Marc Edward “Cygnus” Michalik, “Mind”, “The Last One”

Theme Song: Rush, Digital Man

Nicknames: Marcus, Kavik Kang, The Teflon Believer, The Rational Proponent, The One & Only Great Wall Debunker, Disco Duck, Pirate Lord, Kieth Partridge, 009

Title: Crown Prince Marc, The Crown Prince Who Will Never Be

Code Name: Baby Bond

Publicly Known Code Name: Agent Jay

Personal Victory Phrase: “Moments of Time Containing Reality... Thanks Steve!”

Father Tribute Victory Phrase: “8 Ball, Side Pocket... Thanks Dad!”

Grandpa Tribute Victory Phrase: “Pinker... Jinker Pinker, Baby!!!”

HAM's Initials: M&M. I loved M&M's as a child to get these initials from HAM, and later in life always have little pieces of entertainment candy comedy (M&Ms) from the Pirate Dawn Universe ready for any situation.

Signature Items: Cygnus Pocket Mirror (“The Mirror Always Lies”), Mavik Pro, MIB Ray Bans, Sawed Off Crossman 760XL Air Rifle (...since age 11) & ASG CZ P-09 Airsoft Pistol, John O'Connell's First & Last Competition Tennis Rackets, 008 Ball's Cane, HAM's Persian Vase, Jinker Pinker's Burial Flag, Arrma Kraton 4S, Endless Bag of Jolly Ranchers, and a 2-of-a-kind NFL/IKNFL/Madden Logo Football.

Favorite Activity: Playing and Designing Games & Simulations, Sci-Fi Storytelling, TV & Movies, RC Toys & Model Rockets, Doing Nothing At All

Car: 1967 Firebird (Primer Grey), 1996 Camaro Z28 (Green & Black)... Dreams of having a Bentley Continental GT, a “Black Sedan” just like in Digital Man, just like his father's black Bentley, as his last nice car. “He's got a date with fate in a black sedan”.

Post Dad “Cygnus” Theme Song: Santana, I'm Winning

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