The most retarded forum leaders I ever saw

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I am not allowed to post links. Were you not aware of this bolshevic control technique exercised here? If I were you would have an eyeful, trust me.
You can post links - they'll just appear as text, not links.

I'm not interested in reading the entire content of Conspiracies-R-Uz though - I just want a concrete example to support this:
cactusneedles said:
Kidnapping kids from non-jewish families is also illegal yet the jewish run courts allow it and encourage it.
this guy is either:
1. Prince James
2. Brian Foley
3. some sort of joke, which would explain why there arent infractions being handed out with every almost every single post of this guy is a violation of forum rules.
and i ask you who invited you?

It is not a closed forum so no invite is necessary. The sign up procedure is open to the general public. Did I miss the sign at the door that said "Non Jews Will Be Swarmed and Banned?" Must have missed it.

what are you saying now? that you aren't human?

Where did you infer that?

racist statement 1.

racist statement 2.

what does this have to do with you? you've already admitted you aren't human.

what's up? you're momma marry a jew?

now wait a minute, the very first sentence of this post says exactly the opposite.
are you wishy washy?
The talmud makes no provisions for an afterlife and rather encourages it's followers to lead a life of excess and abundance by any means possible while living this present existance.
james will be on later tonight. it will be interesting.

are you asking?

You are playing stupid games. Let me guess, you are a jewish coffee-clutcher? Jews are not a race so why do you call those that criticize them racists, are you retarded? Do you have reading dyslexias or what. Keep it up and you will be talking to yourself.
Yep. They ask for proof about Jewish misdeeds and then when you post a link and article they censor it. Do Jews own this fucking board or what?

100% run and owned by jews I say. Only jews would censor things they don't agree with. They can throw me out if they like, see if I care, won't change the truth one iota. Maybe they like their little coffee-clutcher's paradise of cluster fallacies and fear mongering. Do you know where these servers are located, is this a Brit board? Plenty of jews in Britain that's for sure.
it's amazing to see people use the "freedom of speech" phrase to spread their racist agenda.

It's even more amazing to see jews confronted with evidence that they are not a race condemning those that criticize them as racists. Japanese are a race, Blacks are a race, Whites are a race but jews are a mindset that any of these races can adopt. So, what's your problem with races exactly? Do you find it harder to ban people without the race card up your sleeve?
They're hosted in London, I think.

Thank you. That's what I thought. Jews are rooted in very deeply in British history. When I saw the ban list I thought "British" right away. Bet the servers are in the British Secret Service offices. Maybe the board belongs to the queen, lol.
this guy is either:
1. Prince James
2. Brian Foley
3. some sort of joke, which would explain why there arent infractions being handed out with every almost every single post of this guy is a violation of forum rules.
Neither, I think:
Mr no-name very cleverly has the ID of G. Jenkins right at the side of the post calling himself "no-name" Wow! That's smart.
Please, it's not "clutcher" it's klatcher:
(KAH-fee klach): noun (fr. German Kaffee = coffee + Klatch = gossip): a casual gathering for coffee and conversation, usually accompanied by pastry

Jewish is a religion. Not a race of people, you cannot say 'i am Jewish' w\out adhering to a religios belief and going through the formalities...just like other religions.

I am prteety sure about that.
Bet the servers are in the British Secret Service offices.
Pfft, we're British, we can't afford offices, we have one cupboard per four personnel.
Thank you. That's what I thought. Jews are rooted in very deeply in British history. When I saw the ban list I thought "British" right away. Bet the servers are in the British Secret Service offices. Maybe the board belongs to the queen, lol.
Ha ha, yes. The British are teh suck!
Have jews ever done anything otherwise? Jews swarm their opposition into submission unless the opponent is good at counter-swarming them instead.

Really? I always thought we were wimpy neurotic bookworms that get the last laugh because we study hard and get good jobs.
I know this is an imposition, but could we just have one teensy link to an example of this - a case where (a) a Jewish couple or individual kidnap (b) a non-Jewish child and are then (c) pardoned and encouraged by (d) a Jewish judge.

As for sources - well, personally, I'd prefer something from the Washington Post or something (you know - one of the Jew rags?). But, failing that, a link to Conspiracies-R-Uz will do.

You appreciate the importance of being able to back up your assertions with hard evidence? Otherwise you'll just be dismissed as a fantasist and a conspiracy nut, right?

Come on then. One link. You can do it.

Found a good one : the Protocols of Zion..........
Excellent russian fabrication ........I even think the Jews eat christian babies in it ........
Today it is a bestseller in the middleeast .........:rolleyes:
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