The Para People


The term is called a 'self fulfilling prophesy' and it is in Psychology 101 for ya.
A person predicts something and they tend to make it happen, knowingly or not. It is not always the case...otherwise I could tell myself I am going to win the lottery the very next time I play and I'd be rich! But often times it is the case, for example: a fighter has no chance in a fight if he thinks he is going to lose.

"As said earlier these crystals are also known to cause people to hear radio stations broadcasted by radio station( and no a audio speaker is not used) many people hear radios all or you hear radio-waves that are broad casted through the are or the static of them, and that is why radio stations are monitored by a regulation agency of your government. some radio waves produce a subliminal effect that you are not conscious of and so they are subliminal messages."

To DwayneD.L.Rabon,

This is very interesting for me! I have had radio waves broadcast music directly into my head on more then one occasion. How do I know...I hear the music playing nice and loud automatically without putting the thought effort to make it...then I turn on a radio and it is playing the same song at the same exact place in the song. I never thought of it as paranormal, because I figured that I was tuning into radio waves and that there was a good explanation for it. And now I hear about calcium crystals...finally the answer comes...I hope!

I have had visions of the future...but I block the shit out of them and change my thoughts...I don't want to see or know the future, I want to choose it! I replace these nasty images that come on their own with nice ones I make my self.

I didn't bother to investigate my tuning into a radio because I was having way too many other odd things happen as well. I figure each of them can be explained logically...the tapping of 'psychic' human potential.

After putting together a time map of my life in a spiral map (my Avatar symbol is a blank map much, much smaller) and spinning it for over a year my eyes became adjusted and I could see people's thought coming right out of their heads! Have you ever SEEN a thought?

I have seen over 50 types of energy...but I do not consider it strange...because I used a solid approach that I suspect will repeat itself if other people do the same approach. In other words...there is a REAL science here...though my approach and explanation isn't always scientific.

Each of my senses has undergone changes during this time. It sounds like you can help me to identify and communicate what is going on.

I can't wait until science finds out and verifies my discovery! Its only a matter of time...the work will be taking much more seriously and it will no longer be in my hands...what a burden.

It will change everything. I have to be optimistic about this, as I started this responce talking about self-fulfilling prophecies! If I believe otherwise I might be responsible for allowing the human race to meander for another 1000 years without ever manifesting or understanding this potential.
The term is called a 'self fulfilling prophesy' and it is in Psychology 101 for ya.

I am aware of such a thing but I was thinking more along the lines of a compulsive disorder. An obsession to make a prophesy come true. Self fulfilling a prophesy may not be an obsession in the conventional sense.

When you discuss your psychic abilities in public, not here, what are people's reactions?
"When you discuss your psychic abilities in public, not here, what are people's reactions?"

I hear the word 'interesting' most often. I would not say I have psychic abilities, because I cannot control what happens...I have only noted the most miniscule amounts of control. It is usually a sense that spontaneously manifests and then it is gone. Maybe the term wave fits better...the wave comes and goes.

I don't discuss it at is work...and when I am there and I have a project it always comes first.

I've talked to a wide range of people in my free time...the professors I talked with are always uncertain how to respond. They see my work (using a specailly design map that allows one to go into their mind like never before...I call it the Mind Portal...I use a scaled down version for my avatar here in the Sciforums...and it has spurred many of these experiences which I am now seeking to better understand) and do not doubt my experiences, but they haven't been able to give solid answers.

Most of the profis (professors) encourage me to continue (and provided me with sources to follow...more stuff to do!..I'll get around to it), some of them have even stated that it looks more interesting then their own work that they get paid for.

Some people have responded with great interest and requested I prepare them with enough material to perform their own experiment! Others warn me to be careful...after seeing my work or hearing me discuss it. They are right to. The responces are mixed, but generally positive.

I am putting together an expirement that will involve 100 people...the beginnings of a statistical data base on how this (Mind Portal) effects different people. Its a lot of work but I think it will be valuable.

If it pans out interesting results (which I believe it will) then I can present it to the proper authorities and to other people who base their decisions on such info. I know that alone I can not derive the best understanding. This will draw interest and that will bring better understanding for everyone.
Interesting. Its no secret I am skeptical about anything paranormal. If the paranormal has some merit then it is as normal as getting up in the morning. Personally your idea of a mind portal is somewhat interesting but I don't think it needs the spiral prop. It makes it look gimmickry, like a doll and pins for a voodoo practitioner.
you'll be skeptical all your life, until one day you will experience it (if your lucky)...and than you will change, just like I did
He has experienced it (see the OP). He simply understands and acknowledges the difference between subjective and objective.
you will be changed when you will experience it, all I see is nonacceptance of what has been experience or lack of experience at all
I would not say I have psychic abilities, because I cannot control what happens...I have only noted the most miniscule amounts of control. It is usually a sense that spontaneously manifests and then it is gone. Maybe the term wave fits better...the wave comes and goes.

Oh no not existabrent!!!

Ok. Look. I would be very good at making a post about this. The guy is claiming (as have dozens of others in the past), about having psychic powers etc; in this post, above, it is quoted saying that he notices the most small ammount of control. Hah.

Indeed if this thread is about "the para people" it could be used, for example to talk about "some of these things." ......

It is common to say that they are full of shit. Because it is quite delusional. But upon examining the single persons experience, he can find no trace of delusion, then it must be real, if all people are the same. I stated this before but not as clear as this.
Or, if the experience was caused or manifested in some manner which fits that persons reality.
If. Is not a good word to use, either, is it, but, in this example, surely you would not need too much convincing if the person above could possibly fit this category? It would require a pretty skeptical person to doubt this. And even then, he would fit the category of skeptic perfect, would he not?

He likly would be running into people at work and failing to make successful relationships with females he sees. If he even saw them.

So. In my eyes it is very easy to say that there are control issues in reality which fit the person, cannot be delusional. But what are they then?
who can answer this question in a clear and precise manner? I bet that no one will, ever, upon my asking be able to do it so perhaps it is I alone who must do it.

Do we require that sort of proof. No. I don't. Maybe you do. But if you do than you are far less advanced in theory as the person who feels that he is not requiring the proof. Are you? Or, is the person, ENTIRELY delusional? Go ahead. Answer this one. Make fun of me. hah.

In any case,
we don't need this sort of evidence.
It is in front of your face.

I have had control issues, which have brought me over the edge. They are very real and occur. If you think you are controling someone than likly you are.
If you think that such a thing is possible then why don't you just test it? James Randi would be PROUD to deny your test! Afterall, he only offers it to those who have written books or are famous!!!

So all cheers for scientific proof of control issues and such, as the para people must be entirely mistaken!

However, the question raises up....
where is the scientific value for this such?
"Interesting. Its no secret I am skeptical about anything paranormal. If the paranormal has some merit then it is as normal as getting up in the morning. Personally your idea of a mind portal is somewhat interesting but I don't think it needs the spiral prop. It makes it look gimmickry, like a doll and pins for a voodoo practitioner."


I enjoy your statement..."that if this should have any merit then it would be as normal as getting up in the morning." Thank You.

The spiral prop is very important for obtaining results. It is based on many years of studying time cycles, time maps, chaos, fundamental geometry, and
attractors. Just take a look at your fingertips! Throughout nature we will see the pattern of Attraction over and over and over again. A good challenge is to find something that has no Attractor attributed to it...

Let me illustrate this a little more. After working out a code and putting it into the map so I could see what I did, felt, and what happened to me and then spinning it over a period of 1 year I began to have 'paranormal' expereinces throughout the day, it become common. I would look at people and see their thoughts coming out of their heads...its really cool and trippy to watch! That's just the tip of the iceberg...compared to all the experiences that occured during this time.

Part of the reason I stopped for over a year was to test this further...would these expereinces continue? No! The effects slowly degraded until my senses returned to normal. Spiral prop= results. No spiral prop= not enough results to even bother calling them results.

Think about how many spirals and logarythyms occure through nature.
If the map looks like a voodoo prop...sorry. Anyone could easily reconfigure the seal to their liking or get rid of it altogether (though the seal helps keep the eyes fixed for the same reason paintings have frames). The spiral grid, code, and spinning is critical for obtaining results.
To Existabrent,

First off, is that picture of your avatar contained on a Magic Card (as in the card game)?

"The guy is claiming (as have dozens of others in the past), about having psychic powers etc; in this post, above, it is quoted saying that he notices the most small ammount of control. Hah."

Can't deny this observation. But its hard to clarify. The amount of control I have expereinced isn't so impressive compared the experiences I had no control of.

"It is common to say that they are full of shit. Because it is quite delusional. But upon examining the single persons experience, he can find no trace of delusion, then it must be real, if all people are the same. I stated this before but not as clear as this.
Or, if the experience was caused or manifested in some manner which fits that persons reality.
If. Is not a good word to use, either, is it, but, in this example, surely you would not need too much convincing if the person above could possibly fit this category? It would require a pretty skeptical person to doubt this. And even then, he would fit the category of skeptic perfect, would he not?"

I learned to be skeptical from my father...the super skeptic. I learned to be skeptic of being overly skeptic from my mother...who is almost the opposite of my father in every way imaginable. I took the best I could from both worlds. It is clarity that I seek.

"He likly would be running into people at work and failing to make successful relationships with females he sees. If he even saw them."

I'm happily married (8 years) and my wife is pregnent. Women flirt with me all the time....Lots of eye contact and smiles (wink wink)! I make good money, usually dress myself with care (I love new clothes), and look much younger than I am (1 out of 20 people guess my age correctly). One can see confidence, thoughtfulness, and composure in my features.
If I was single I'd have no problem getting laid!!! Or getting into a relationship! My eyes can light up (figuratively) and I can talk about almost anything. I am happy with my wife is an Awesome Lover!!!
Oh yeah...I work in a big company with lots of sexy women! I am not trying to start a relationship as I already have one...and relationships are time consuming.

"So. In my eyes it is very easy to say that there are control issues in reality which fit the person, cannot be delusional. But what are they then?
who can answer this question in a clear and precise manner? I bet that no one will, ever, upon my asking be able to do it so perhaps it is I alone who must do it."

Who wouldn't want more control of their life? I am not into sitting around in mountains isolated in meditation, trying to just be.

"Do we require that sort of proof. No. I don't. Maybe you do. But if you do than you are far less advanced in theory as the person who feels that he is not requiring the proof. Are you? Or, is the person, ENTIRELY delusional? Go ahead. Answer this one. Make fun of me. hah."

Screw the proof, I want results!!!

"James Randi would be PROUD to deny your test! Afterall, he only offers it to those who have written books or are famous!!!"

Given enough time to develope real statistics, I do believe this James Character has finally met his match!

"However, the question raises up....
where is the scientific value for this such?"

Maybe just maybe it would be a step towards understanding better the psychology and conscoiusness of life. And maybe that would be very, very signifigant to science. Because one of the aims and purposes of science is to clearly understand things are they are? Maybe?

Maybe if this is as solid as appraoch as I suspect, scientist would have the ability to see things as they never saw them before? Could impact science more then ya think!

Oh yeah, maybe if my Hypothesis (check out the Mind Portal thread) is correct and one can think faster, clearer, has more energy to do science, then science stands to move forward faster then it otherwise would of?
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"Would the thread starter add a poll please?
"Have you ever dreamed something before it happend?"

yes or no"

I'd say yes. But I imagine everyone has. The subconscious is capable of operating on many factors, and communicating predictive pictures in a dream.
I don't see how this is paranormal. We often can comprehend things that are going to happen before they do while we are awake. So off course this sort of thing can happen in a dream as well.

Such dreams are usually either a coincidence or based on logic and intuition, two very normal qualities of the mind. To the extent that I have had predictive dreams I have had many more that were not, and even more that had little to do with the future and more to do with the past, present, and possible future. Some dreams are too abstract to even qualify as even being relevent to anything I can think of.

I am not dismissing the value or mystery of dreams. Science has came a long away in this study, but the experts on the subject are honest to admit there is a great deal they still don't understand or know about dreams.
Well Jozen-Bo
If you are seeing energy come from someone elese body their are several circumsatnces that could be the cause.
Most people emit microwaves, and some people emit thermal waves, the emission of these waves is usally not very far from their body. (maybe 2 of 3 ft from the body) it is not much of a mystery as you can even feel these waves when you stand next to some one. Longer wave form are usally emitted by people who have more potassium in their body, potassium helps regulate the cellular fluid of the body.

As well Some people see in black and white, and some people see in red and yellow, in addition men see different shades of red than women, and amoungest men there are different shades of red, some people as well see in full color and still some with partial color.
It would not be impossible for some person to see in infared. some animals see in infared, as well animals see in black and white, and red and yellow it just depends on the development of the eyes photo receptors.

It is very likly that earlyier people such as in the time of the aztec and eygptian pyramids saw in red and yellow, and as well may have see things upside down, it exspalins some variations in ancient texts and writing as they write from the bottom to the top writing from right to left, rather than the way we write today which is from the left hand corner to the bottom of the page writting from left to right.

I have to assume that the light you see coming from peoples bodies is microwave,radio waves and thermal waves and this is what gets your attention, it is a thermal biocycle of the human body a signture of rhythm in ionic chemistry and palapation of the body, it is by this rhythm that you get a sense of another person, and possibly the constitution of how they are felling, it is also what medical instruments detect.

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Sometimes it seems like we're living in the dark ages...

Well Jozen-Bo
It would not be impossible for some person to see in infared. some animals see in infared, as well animals see in black and white, and red and yellow it just depends on the development of the eyes photo receptors.

If a person was able to see infrared they would have immense difficulty seperating the rather intense noise generated by their own bodies as opposed to other people. We're warm blooded and infrared only works for cold blooded life forms (ex. snakes).

I have to assume that the light you see coming from peoples bodies is microwave,radio waves and thermal waves and this is what gets your attention, it is a thermal biocycle of the human body a signture of rhythm in ionic chemistry and palapation of the body, it is by this rhythm that you get a sense of another person, and possibly the constitution of how they are felling, it is also what medical instruments detect.


Assumptions are generally bad. It is better to ask reality to validate an idea if you have one. For example here is a reason why people see auras:
To Existabrent,

First off, is that picture of your avatar contained on a Magic Card (as in the card game)?

First, no. It isn't. It comes from Mortal Kombat: Armegeddon. Also, it signifiys something specific. I am not giving the details out of what it is specific that it "signifys". ... Yet, anyway.

The reason I posted is because, as below, I said you're claiming psychic powers. I tried to give a round about response to the thread. "The para people."....

"The guy is claiming (as have dozens of others in the past), about having psychic powers etc; in this post, above, it is quoted saying that he notices the most small ammount of control. Hah."

Can't deny this observation. But its hard to clarify. The amount of control I have expereinced isn't so impressive compared the experiences I had no control of.
You can't deny the observation of control right.
But you regardless have experienced control.
And it is hard to clarify......
I just wonder what these experiences are. Obviously, I wasn't reading quite too well the thread in question.

But as you said, you've experienced control issues. Who here that such an issue exists? Is it that we must differientate between the forms of delusion which it generates, or some such?

If that's true, well, it's clear, that one form of delusion can cause severe mental breakdowns... Surely it wasn't just their fears. Can I uncover or shock you more to the point of beliefe.

"It is common to say that they are full of shit. Because it is quite delusional. But upon examining the single persons experience, he can find no trace of delusion, then it must be real, if all people are the same. I stated this before but not as clear as this.
Or, if the experience was caused or manifested in some manner which fits that persons reality.
If. Is not a good word to use, either, is it, but, in this example, surely you would not need too much convincing if the person above could possibly fit this category? It would require a pretty skeptical person to doubt this. And even then, he would fit the category of skeptic perfect, would he not?"
I learned to be skeptical from my father...the super skeptic. I learned to be skeptic of being overly skeptic from my mother...who is almost the opposite of my father in every way imaginable. I took the best I could from both worlds. It is clarity that I seek.

Yeah...Sounds profound.

Clarity is what I as well seek. Sometimes we must (or I must) push through all of the garbage to show everyone that I am infact making a huge point.

"He likly would be running into people at work and failing to make successful relationships with females he sees. If he even saw them."

I'm happily married (8 years) and my wife is pregnent. Women flirt with me all the time....Lots of eye contact and smiles (wink wink)! I make good money, usually dress myself with care (I love new clothes), and look much younger than I am (1 out of 20 people guess my age correctly). One can see confidence, thoughtfulness, and composure in my features.
If I was single I'd have no problem getting laid!!! Or getting into a relationship! My eyes can light up (figuratively) and I can talk about almost anything. I am happy with my wife is an Awesome Lover!!!
Oh yeah...I work in a big company with lots of sexy women! I am not trying to start a relationship as I already have one...and relationships are time consuming.

"So. In my eyes it is very easy to say that there are control issues in reality which fit the person, cannot be delusional. But what are they then?
who can answer this question in a clear and precise manner? I bet that no one will, ever, upon my asking be able to do it so perhaps it is I alone who must do it."

Who wouldn't want more control of their life? I am not into sitting around in mountains isolated in meditation, trying to just be.

Depends upon what sort of control, and to what level of proof.
(If that is a "clarified statement")
...I don't think it is. I reckon you're right to an extent, maybe.
Oh duh!
Sometimes meditation is great.

"Do we require that sort of proof. No. I don't. Maybe you do. But if you do than you are far less advanced in theory as the person who feels that he is not requiring the proof. Are you? Or, is the person, ENTIRELY delusional? Go ahead. Answer this one. Make fun of me. hah."

Screw the proof, I want results!!!

Results? I don't care to bother with proving it here, and now, rather I just wish to see some positive comments comming out of the way towards my statements. Does control exist? What is up with the para people?

That isn't going to happen ... is it?
Instead we have to sit back and watch another 4 or 5 pages unfold, or the thread close.

These questions aren't going to be answered, although : 1: control exists. 2: telepathy exists 3: the para people are not delusional and an answer has not been uncovered to the appropriate extent.

These are the main questions.
They haven't been debated. And no I am sure you don't want these kinds of results...

"James Randi would be PROUD to deny your test! Afterall, he only offers it to those who have written books or are famous!!!"

Given enough time to develope real statistics, I do believe this James Character has finally met his match!

I haven't heard that statement once. Is there finally a one up for the para people?

"However, the question raises up....
where is the scientific value for this such?"

Maybe just maybe it would be a step towards understanding better the psychology and conscoiusness of life. And maybe that would be very, very signifigant to science. Because one of the aims and purposes of science is to clearly understand things are they are? Maybe?

Maybe if this is as solid as appraoch as I suspect, scientist would have the ability to see things as they never saw them before? Could impact science more then ya think!

Oh yeah, maybe if my Hypothesis (check out the Mind Portal thread) is correct and one can think faster, clearer, has more energy to do science, then science stands to move forward faster then it otherwise would of?

Hah. Amazing. My amazing final statement caught the whole thing.

I wonder what my final statement will do this time...

Hopefully shed light to the fact that randi is a fool.


When I say something fast it alwasys is better.
The spiral prop is very important for obtaining results.

I have to believe that props of any kind predisposes a person to the fact that a paranormal event has a good chance of occuring. Can you look at a deck of Tarot Cards without thinking of future predictions? Would you go bowling with a Crystal Ball?

Speaking of future, there is a Psychic Fair happening down the road from me as I type. There is an ad in today's paper by some psychic offering to tell me my future. However the ad specifies that the cost of obtaining a reading ranges from $15 to $50. My question is: How is my future any different despite whatever price I pay?
Crunchy Cat...Rrraoow Meow!!!

"Sometimes it seems like we're living in the dark ages...

Assumptions are generally bad. It is better to ask reality to validate an idea if you have one. For example here is a reason why people see auras:"

Read the whole thing. Its a miss, doesn't describe what I am experiencing...sorry.

As to seeing infrare red...guess what!!!
I have had 3 occasions where I was in pitch windows, no source of light whatsoever...indoors where the walls are thick! Total pitch black!!!!!
And...I could see!!!! The only way to describe it was infrare vision. the walls where outlined with red and black...very clearly. I moved with confidence and didn't bump into anything. As I reached for the door handle I got it immediately because I could see my arm reaching to arm was a little more red...Those where the only colors I saw Red and Black.

Who said that it would be blinding? Wrong! There is such a thing as lens adjusting and controlling the information that comes in. Our eyes readjust all the time!!! No..I didn't control it...wish I could..its cool!!! Maybe in time I will. And...this has nothing to do with auras. Auras at best describe one of the FIFTY types of energy I have seen...only ONE.

Your ficking cool man!!!
I mean that!!!

"If that's true, well, it's clear, that one form of delusion can cause severe mental breakdowns... Surely it wasn't just their fears. Can I uncover or shock you more to the point of beliefe."

I have no fear. I have defeated all fear. Fear fears me!!

"Clarity is what I as well seek. Sometimes we must (or I must) push through all of the garbage to show everyone that I am infact making a huge point."

Keep up the good work!!!


Beyond Belief!!!

"Depends upon what sort of control, and to what level of proof.
(If that is a "clarified statement")
...I don't think it is. I reckon you're right to an extent, maybe.
Oh duh!
Sometimes meditation is great."

I agree. I think we need to challenge the limited veiws of others.
Oh yeah...I meditate a lot too. Very fond of tantra yoga!!!

"Results? I don't care to bother with proving it here, and now, rather I just wish to see some positive comments comming out of the way towards my statements. Does control exist? What is up with the para people?"

...The one's who need the proof are too busy doubting!

"That isn't going to happen ... is it?
Instead we have to sit back and watch another 4 or 5 pages unfold, or the thread close."

Things take time.

"These questions aren't going to be answered, although : 1: control exists. 2: telepathy exists 3: the para people are not delusional and an answer has not been uncovered to the appropriate extent."

I can give you an answer on all three...
1...Obviously yes
2...No so obvious, but yes
3...again yes

"These are the main questions.
They haven't been debated. And no I am sure you don't want these kinds of results..."

I think those are good questions. There are different kinds of results...the result of this thread, the result of my expirement, etc.

"I haven't heard that statement once. Is there finally a one up for the para people?"

This is the REAL DEAL WHEEL!!!

“ "However, the question raises up....
where is the scientific value for this such?" ”

"Hah. Amazing. My amazing final statement caught the whole thing.
I wonder what my final statement will do this time...
Hopefully shed light to the fact that randi is a fool."

Randi is just being consistent with his limited views.
Your head, face, and eyes would have been generating the most heat. But just to be safe why not go to a biologist and have them check you for heat sensing on your face?
To PsychoticEpisode & Everyone Else

The spiral prop is very important for obtaining results.

"I have to believe that props of any kind predisposes a person to the fact that a paranormal event has a good chance of occuring. Can you look at a deck of Tarot Cards without thinking of future predictions? Would you go bowling with a Crystal Ball?"

You are missing the point, there is a real science (virgin work) to this, it is based on my intensive (you can't even begin to imagine how much) study throughout life. What do tarot Cards and Crystal Balls have to do with with the geometrics of the Double Helix? Or Spirals? Take a good look at the Universe...what is its shape? How do things move? Particles? Light?

The Electromagnetic Energy that is entering into the body through the eyes is a REAL THING HAPPENING! It has a real punch to it!!!
There is a physical process that can be mapped out here. This is really effecting the biochemical processes of the life involved.
There is a psycholoigcal process that can be mapped as well.
Understanding this will become more important as time rolls on.

It will be a lot of will cost governments (not just America's) millions (if not more) of dollors when they find out how valid this really is, in an effort to explore its full potential. Groups of scientist will work together to get answers. Biochemists, Physists, Pyschologists, Parapychologist, and more will need to share their insight. The world will never be the same!

Energy is intermingling with energy...Real Interactions are Involved. This isn't hocus pocus....God...Wake Up!!!!

"Speaking of future, there is a Psychic Fair happening down the road from me as I type. There is an ad in today's paper by some psychic offering to tell me my future. However the ad specifies that the cost of obtaining a reading ranges from $15 to $50. My question is: How is my future any different despite whatever price I pay?"

Guess what...I can and will E-mail you the PDF file you need to get started in conducting your own investigation as to the validiaty of my confident statements! FOR FREE!!!! Just e-mail me at and write anything...could even write " you fucking liar...give me a PDF so I can prove you wrong...asshole" and I will still send you a copy. Without putting in the work you can't prove shit. If you accept then I will need you to verify what you are doing...otherwise I will not trust your evualation at all. What do you do from there? Build a code, build a wheel, spin it every day for at least 20 minutes!!!

I will need pictures of your code and wheel...otherwise I will assume you are lying as you have nothing to show!!! If you will find for yourself that there is way more to this reality to see then you have seen before. You are missing out!

This goes for you think I am bluffing? Test ME!!! -"give me the file"

You will pay 5$ US dollars to print out a full sized map and I can't say how much a wheel will cost you to build, depends on you. I don't make a dime out of this!!! The print shop gets the money as you pay them for their services.
Do you have the nerves, the guts, the curiousity??? No guts...No glory!!!

I love being me!!!!