The Perfect Clock

The vibrations of the turbines of an airplane affect clocks, not time.

A change in time is, for example, 10 seconds in the past or
10 seconds into the future. Clocks of the GPS are always in the present.

Do you stay up nights just to think up stupid stuff?

The vibrations of the turbines of an airplane affect clocks, not time.
They affect some clocks, not others. However, the SPEED of the airplane relative to the ground affects all clocks on the aircraft.
A change in time is, for example, 10 seconds in the past or 10 seconds into the future. Clocks of the GPS are always in the present.
Right. And 10 seconds from now, a GPS clock will show that 10 seconds have elapsed.
Could they build a perfect clock?

Current clocks use a frequency or vibration that can be
affected for the speed and gravity. Time wouldn't be relative
if they used a perfect clock.


the perfect clock would involve the whole , ALL movements within the Universe , obviously not possible