The Thing about UFOs...

Origin of UFOs

  • Extraterrestrials

    Votes: 10 20.0%
  • Man-made

    Votes: 10 20.0%
  • Both

    Votes: 21 42.0%
  • Neither

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
The universe is infinitely expanding. That is what i claim, and that spacetime is therefore infinite according to all models of astrophysics. There may be no limit to expansion. You do understand this?
I understand that there may be no limit, but currently we're at about 156 Bn lY I think...

And it is considered, since there is presently no stop to expansion, that spacetime is an ifninite void. Why do you think people say, often, ''spacetime is infinite in volume.''?
Why do people say "I was dead on my feet today"? Are they really dead?
Even if there is no stop to the expansion we haven't expanded that far yet.

What is infinity?
Specious question.

The best way to describe infinity, is that it is always one more than any absolute count.
So what: we are not at infinity yet and may never get there.
''I understand that there may be no limit, but currently we're at about 156 Bn lY I think...''

And still infinitely growing. Speeding up as well.

''Why do people say "I was dead on my feet today"? Are they really dead?
Even if there is no stop to the expansion we haven't expanded that far yet.''

This is what you aren't getting. There is no limit to infinity.

''So what: we are not at infinity yet and may never get there.''

But we are living infinity Oli.

You can check any source on the web to confirm what i say. This universe has an infinite space, because there is no limit to the expansion. And with all evidence pointing to what is called ''an Open Universe,'' the universe probably will not have an Omega Point, where the gravitation pulls back on itself.

If you don't believe me, maybe you should ask anyone else around here who knows these facts. Or even better, check the web.
'And still infinitely growing. Speeding up as well.
Still growing.

This is what you aren't getting. There is no limit to infinity.
Correct, but starting at 0 you have to pass through 1, 2, 3 etc before you reach infinity and currently we're at 156 bn LY.

But we are living infinity Oli.
Not according to what I googled fifteen minutes ago.

You can check any source on the web to confirm what i say. This universe has an infinite space, because there is no limit to the expansion. And with all evidence pointing to what is called ''an Open Universe,'' the universe probably will not have an Omega Point, where the gravitation pulls back on itself.
No limit to the expansion correct (probably) but we have not yet expanded to infinty.
I did google, that's where I got 156 figure from.
Dispute it by finding a contary source.

If you don't believe me, maybe you should ask anyone else around here who knows these facts. Or even better, check the web.
I did check the web, to confirm what I'd been taught: we are not AT infinity but may get there.
You're a bit of a troll aren't you Oli.

Read these links, then come back to me, and say what you've said. If you do, you are admitting to me you are simply trolling around.

Curious About Astronomy: What is the universe expanding into?29 Sep 2002 ... If the universe is indeed infinite, then the simple answer to the original question is that the universe doesn't have anything to expand ... - 22k - Cached - Similar pages

WikiAnswers - If the universe is infinitely expanding wouldn't it ...Physics question: If the universe is infinitely expanding wouldn't it have edges and what would be on the other side of the edges? Expanding universe There ...'t_it_have_edges_and_what_would_be_o... - 47k - Cached - Similar pages
Wiki says:

''In cosmological terms, the Universe is thought to be a finite or infinite space-time continuum in which all matter and energy exist.''

Universe: Encyclopedia - UniverseIn cosmological terms, the Universe is thought to be a finite or infinite space-time continuum in which all matter and energy exist. (It has been ... - 83k - Cached - Similar pages

And as i noted, all evidence points to the conclusion the universe is Open, and therefore infinite. Now, just listen to what i say.
Wiki says:

''In cosmological terms, the Universe is thought to be a finite or infinite space-time continuum in which all matter and energy exist.''

Universe: Encyclopedia - UniverseIn cosmological terms, the Universe is thought to be a finite or infinite space-time continuum in which all matter and energy exist. (It has been ... - 83k - Cached - Similar pages

And as i noted, all evidence points to the conclusion the universe is Open, and therefore infinite. Now, just listen to what i say.

Nope, that's a gross misinterpretation of the facts. The best facts that we have from observation are that it's expanding toward infinity .
Precisely the point, thank you. It certainly isn't hard for gullible minds to imagine it - or anything else they wish to belive.;)

Well damn those gullible fools then for believing the Earth was round before we could prove it! Damn you imagination!

Seriously though, Read-Only, dont have any kids.
Well damn those gullible fools then for believing the Earth was round before we could prove it! Damn you imagination!

Nope, not talking about that kind of thing. Talking about gullible people who so easily believe in almost anything. It puts you in the same group as the ones who believe in Bigfoot (the beast, not the exhibition truck).

Here's one thing I've found that many of you "true believers" share. Their lives are do ordinary and plain that they take up these stupid beliefs as a way of providing a little excitement in their otherwise boring existence.

Seriously though, Read-Only, dont have any kids.

You're MUCH too late - my kids already have kids. And all three of mine are reasonable, logical adults in good professions and they don't believe in your garbage either.
Nope, that's a gross misinterpretation of the facts. The best facts that we have from observation are that it's expanding toward infinity .
That's wrong. Totally wrong. Expansion is an infinity, if there is no end. I will take this up in the physics forum.
Exactly! It's just beyond basic ignorance to contend that because we currently don't have a logical explanation for the notion of something fantastic, whatever you are considering must be a product of gullibility. If anything, that stance would seem to define gullibility.

Since when were carefully scrutinized photographs or films not considered admissible evidence? That must be a new rule of applied reason. I guess we built the Hubble for not.

The whole business of those that express a basic or advanced sincere interest in "science", that just blatantly contend that the justification of serious UFO research
lie in the midst of that which can only be attributed to an over active imagination, are themselves idiots. That or they themselves are disproportionately developed with respect to the right half of their own brains. Wake up as the rest of us would like to have you aboard the good ship reality.
Nope, not talking about that kind of thing. Talking about gullible people who so easily believe in almost anything. It puts you in the same group as the ones who believe in Bigfoot (the beast, not the exhibition truck).

Right because weve discovered every single species on Earth... Good logical thinking there. You obviously know EVERYTHING, why should I even bother arguing with you, right? You need a better understanding on the limits of our knowledge.

Here's one thing I've found that many of you "true believers" share. Their lives are do ordinary and plain that they take up these stupid beliefs as a way of providing a little excitement in their otherwise boring existence.

Another assumption which reveals the way your mind works. You obviously are full of bias and predjudice, two things NOT associated with logic.

You're MUCH too late - my kids already have kids. And all three of mine are reasonable, logical adults in good professions and they don't believe in your garbage either.

Right so believing in something which has not YET been proven makes me illogical.:shrug: (Lets just keep testing all the stuff we already know! Thats a good way to advance knowledge right?:bugeye:) Good thing scientists dont think like you, otherwise we would be stuck in the dark ages.

And youve already admitted that UFOs are a real phenomena; your stipulation is on what they are. So again I ask you Read-Only since you seem to be avoiding the question...

Why does our nation not consider this phenomena to be a national security threat? This could be an enemies secret technology in our Airspace, something the USA should not take lightly dont you think?
It's just beyond basic ignorance to contend that because we currently don't have a logical explanation for the notion of something fantastic, whatever you are considering must be a product of gullibility. If anything, that stance would seem to define gullibility.

Agreed. Read-Only has the blinders on though. He cannot see this.

Hes old though, cant blame him. Its how he was raised. I didnt realize how old he was until he said he has kids who have kids.
Exactly! It's just beyond basic ignorance to contend that because we currently don't have a logical explanation for the notion of something fantastic, whatever you are considering must be a product of gullibility. If anything, that stance would seem to define gullibility.

Since when were carefully scrutinized photographs or films not considered admissible evidence? That must be a new rule of applied reason. I guess we built the Hubble for not.

The whole business of those that express a basic or advanced sincere interest in "science", that just blatantly contend that the justification of serious UFO research
lie in the midst of that which can only be attributed to an over active imagination, are themselves idiots. That or they themselves are disproportionately developed with respect to the right half of their own brains. Wake up as the rest of us would like to have you aboard the good ship reality.

I like you a lot :D
Right because weve discovered every single species on Earth... Good logical thinking there. You obviously know EVERYTHING, why should I even bother arguing with you, right? You need a better understanding on the limits of our knowledge.

Another assumption which reveals the way your mind works. You obviously are full of bias and predjudice, two things NOT associated with logic.

No, quite the contrary. I've never even HINTED that we know all of everthing - in fact, I adamadly state many times in this place that we've only begun to scratch the surface of knowledge. And I'm neither biased nor predjudiced, I just don't have the extra holes in my head that you do. What you obviously aren't smart enough to realize is it's YOU that's being illogical by being willing to accept all the junk that you do without any real evidence. Now THAT'S the real definition of gullibility!!!!

And youve already admitted that UFOs are a real phenomena; your stipulation is on what they are. So again I ask you Read-Only since you seem to be avoiding the question...

Why does our nation not consider this phenomena to be a national security threat? This could be an enemies secret technology in our Airspace, something the USA should not take lightly dont you think?

I'm not avoiding ANY questions, silly boy. I have no doubt that if they suspect enemy technology they would be/are investigating it. Just what proof do you have, dummy, that they aren't, eh??????????????
Agreed. Read-Only has the blinders on though. He cannot see this.

Hes old though, cant blame him. Its how he was raised. I didnt realize how old he was until he said he has kids who have kids.

Nope, no blinders at all.

Yes, older, wiser and far more experienced than YOU are. That's the big edge that I and others have over your childish gullibility and willingness to accept fantastic things! Those in my age group have been watching and pondering all this stuff before you were ever born - and we've seen NOTHING solid come of it in all that time. Sure, there was a time when we were excited about it also. But since it came to nothing, we just shrugged and went on with MUCH more important things and left that stuff to the idiots of the world to worry about.:D
I used to think you ignorant, but now I just see your "hard-wired"; set in your ways.

Unable, or unwilling to change.
I used to think you ignorant, but now I just see your "hard-wired"; set in your ways.

Unable, or unwilling to change.

Almost sounds like rigor mortis of the brain. ;) I think what he really said is that he gave up. After he and his friends spent a good deal of time on the matter and couldn't make a flying saucer, he thought he should throw in the towel. That's wisdom for you.:D
I used to think you ignorant, but now I just see your "hard-wired"; set in your ways.

Unable, or unwilling to change.

That's not true at all. I'm constantly reading and studying and learning new things. You simply haven't lived long enough yet to realize how little you - personally - know which actually limits the speed at which you can learn.

As far as "set in my ways" goes, it really means that I've learned enough to know how to spot scams and nonsense quicker (and avoid them) than you less-educated people.
Almost sounds like rigor mortis of the brain. I think what he really said is that he gave up. After he and his friends spent a good deal of time on the matter and couldn't make a flying saucer, he thought he should throw in the towel. That's wisdom for you.:D

Oh, you're really the brilliant one, aren't you?:rolleyes: Not!

What we learned - and that you have yet to find out - is that after all these hundreds, maybe thousands, of sightings - nothing ever came of it. All we ever saw, in the final anlysis, was people like you going around crying wolf and shouting that the sky is falling. Nothing more than that.

So just keep on deluding yourselves - we're enjoying the free entertainment at your expense. :D

ET's in spacecraft, Bigfoot, ghost hunters. Just cheap entertainment.