Things that irritate.


Hey shadow, that was something else!

I'll add one to the list that happen today. I drive to the convenience store and there is this guy leaning on his car talking to a gal. She's parked next to him and is standing at the left front of her car, so she's not going anywhere. He's parked sideways taking up two parking spaces and he's not going anywhere. The clerk has the other parking space. So I wait...and wait...and wait. So they get the idea and move. I go in the store and they don't sell Pepsi products so I leave. Guess I was having an off day.
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Car drivers

Cars? Pah. It's my considered medical opinion - and I make no apologies for generalising - that all car drivers are assholes.
Every day I cycle about 12km into work. There are cycle lanes for about 80% of the journey, and it's quite pleasant. However, at least once every two or three days, some asshole decides that s/he doesn't need to worry about bicycles, and that turning left (we drive on the left here) and cutting me off is perfectly acceptable. I've had to swerve voilently several times - not enought time to brake - and nearly wrecked my front wheel on a couple of occasions by slamming it into the kerb.
Once a week some fucking muppet decides to open the card door as I'm driving past.
Every day I have to cycle around a couple of cars whose owners equate 'cycle lane' with 'please park here'.
As for roundabouts... I think they make cyclists invisible.
If you could only patent that, think of the money you would make on an invisability device!

Things that iritate me:
People that go on and on and on and on about things that iritate them!
I may be alone on that one, I don't know.
As you may have noticed by my replies to everyones posts(check other subjects), I am very blunt and straight to the point. Please forgive me but the sarcasm and bluntness comes from all the sh*t that has happened in my life - you can call it bitterness if you like. I'll try to be nice and if you all hate me then what can I say? I'm sorry?
Re: Iritations

Originally posted by NeonSky
Things that iritate me:
People that go on and on and on and on about things that iritate them!
Obviously not enough to stop you reading a thread called 'things that irritate'.