to vax or not to vax

i have spent considerable hours reading on immunological issues, immunology, viruses & science in general.
reading for personal interest, things like plagues & pandemics etc, including;
following charity work on malaria, viruses & diseases & other general knowledge items for some years.

what i notice at first glance several things(im numbering them so anyone can reference their comment more easily)
  • 1 anti-vaxer media escalation
  • 2 anti science political partys & anti science electioneering by major political partys in western countrys
  • 3 distrust of authority as authority is extorted into tyrannical concepts & examples
  • 4 the push back of people seeking to gain intellectual independence as a civil liberties push(alt left & alt right woven together by anarchists & criminal extremists).
  • 5 confused media from extremist outliers meddling with main stream media to disenfranchise the general public from trusting the media in general(in varying forms, from tabloids to political extremists, Marketing company's PR firms/company's & main stream political groups AND Religious organizations).
part of the growing awareness of the average public delivers them the process to question things
that questioning of things when not based on scientific method logic & common sense becomes an undermining force of civil health & order.

when that media bias & personal political extremist media is targeted at new mothers to undermine their support of vaccine science to exploit them as a cash cow & moral click bait support base
it is considerably entrenched in a wide range of social scope(morals ethics & rights & false science)
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My normal approach would be to approach any vaccination with timorous caution.
I have an appointment for the first of 2 covid19 vaccinations tomorrow.
(the die is cast)

Anyone in here getting or gotten vaccinated for covid19?

Your thoughts?

You can read the list of ingredients here: 15, Chris-TMY.PDF

I have been taking high levels of MSM combined with low levels of vitamins C, D3 and some zinc to boost my immune system in case I get exposed to it.

I even began a discussion on MSM here:
You can read the list of ingredients here: 15, Chris-TMY.PDF

I have been taking high levels of MSM combined with low levels of vitamins C, D3 and some zinc to boost my immune system in case I get exposed to it.

I even began a discussion on MSM here:
This link is full of malevolent lies. There are no aborted foetus cells in any vaccine. That's utterly ridiculous.

Don't believe this tosh. Read the science.
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Yes, an attack of the spambots.

Dennis seems to come out as a religious weirdo of some kind, I see, obsessed with near death experience. Pity, I thought he was maybe interested in science.

From what I have heard Ivermectin sounds a lot better than the vaccine at this stage.

Sweden dealt with the whole thing very differently and very successfully from the beginning long before a vaccine was on the market.

"Sweden Has Had Schools Open, Over One Million Kids & No Deaths"
By Arjun Walia
Collective Evolution

January 13, 2021
Sweden dealt with the whole thing very differently and very successfully from the beginning long before a vaccine was on the market.
In countries with more than 10 million population, Sweden was the 6th highest in infection rate and 10th highest in death rate. 15 kids and 30 teachers ended up in the ICU in Sweden due to COVID in the past 6 months.

Doesn't sound remarkably successful. They did worse than average, which is what I would expect with their approach to COVID-19.
From what I have heard Ivermectin sounds a lot better than the vaccine at this stage.

Sweden dealt with the whole thing very differently and very successfully from the beginning long before a vaccine was on the market.

"Sweden Has Had Schools Open, Over One Million Kids & No Deaths"
By Arjun Walia
Collective Evolution

January 13, 2021
Very successfully?

They have had over half a million cases and as of right now, over 13,000 deaths. []

In what universe do you see this as being "very successfully"?
Very successfully?

They have had over half a million cases and as of right now, over 13,000 deaths. []

In what universe do you see this as being "very successfully"?

Compare this data with how many people died from flu or pneumonia over these last five years in Sweden anyway.

Look at the data for suicides in the nations that shut everything down..... compare the increase in suicides in Sweden in how they handled the pandemic... with what
occurred in New York for example to get a handle on the larger picture.

Those numbers will be coming out.

Something rather interesting is happening in Israel....
it is like two tiers in society is being created between those who are vaccinated....
and those who want to prepare for COVID 19 in another way, (such as boosting our immune system). ...... who are not vaccinated!
Compare this data with how many people died from flu or pneumonia over these last five years in Sweden anyway.
OK. 2700 people died of the flu in Sweden in the 2017/2018 flu season. Five times more died of COVID in 2020/2021. Sounds like a fail to me.
Something rather interesting is happening in Israel....
it is like two tiers in society is being created between those who are vaccinated....
and those who want to prepare for COVID 19 in another way, (such as boosting our immune system). ...... who are not vaccinated!
Makes sense. One group is protected; one group is not. They are different and so should be handled differently.
OK. 2700 people died of the flu in Sweden in the 2017/2018 flu season. Five times more died of COVID in 2020/2021. Sounds like a fail to me.

Makes sense. One group is protected; one group is not. They are different and so should be handled differently.

Thank you for commenting.....
I am interested to see how this develops over the coming six months to a year or so.
So, I got the shot. At my age, 68, I thought I had more to gain than lose. I got my first shot of the Moderna vaccine Jan 16. It didn't cause me problems other than a few discomforts. I get a Flu shot annually, and sometimes I get an "internal reaction" that leads me to believe that Flu vaccine is doing something internally. This first shot didn't, other than to cause injection site discomfort.

My second one, 4 weeks later on Feb 13, was different. I got it on the other arm, and most of the injection site discomfort was gone. I did though get an "internal reaction" to it. It lasted about 18 hours, most of it while sleeping. I woke up feeling real bad and thirsty. I drank a bunch of water, and felt good immediately (reminiscent of Jeremy Renner in "The Bourne Legacy" waking up from his virus induced sleep, so don't try to mess with me). So, I'll add that if you take a vaccine, be sure to stay well hydrated.

Though, week-10 days later, I'm experiencing congestion and fluid in my lungs. This is abnormal, as I don't often get respiratory problems. So, I don't know. It seems to be slowly clearing up. I don't really know if this is because of the shot or a reaction to the shot or something else. It is allergy season here in way north Texas USA, but allergies usually don't affect my lungs.
So, I got the shot. At my age, 68, I thought I had more to gain than lose. I got my first shot of the Moderna vaccine Jan 16. It didn't cause me problems other than a few discomforts. I get a Flu shot annually, and sometimes I get an "internal reaction" that leads me to believe that Flu vaccine is doing something internally. This first shot didn't, other than to cause injection site discomfort.

My second one, 4 weeks later on Feb 13, was different. I got it on the other arm, and most of the injection site discomfort was gone. I did though get an "internal reaction" to it. It lasted about 18 hours, most of it while sleeping. I woke up feeling real bad and thirsty. I drank a bunch of water, and felt good immediately (reminiscent of Jeremy Renner in "The Bourne Legacy" waking up from his virus induced sleep, so don't try to mess with me). So, I'll add that if you take a vaccine, be sure to stay well hydrated.

Though, week-10 days later, I'm experiencing congestion and fluid in my lungs. This is abnormal, as I don't often get respiratory problems. So, I don't know. It seems to be slowly clearing up. I don't really know if this is because of the shot or a reaction to the shot or something else. It is allergy season here in way north Texas USA, but allergies usually don't affect my lungs.
I've not read anything about that being a side effect. Also any side effects generally occur in the first 24-48hrs. It may be something else. If it doesn't go away soon I'd see the quack.

The fact sheet for the vaccine is here:
I've not read anything about that being a side effect. Also any side effects generally occur in the first 24-48hrs. It may be something else. If it doesn't go away soon I'd see the quack.

The fact sheet for the vaccine is here:
Thanks for the info. When I took the shots, I didn't enroll in that VAERS/V-Save thing, but only a Texas USA association that was a state-wide thing that was only to be disclosed to state and county health and school districts. Even so, I haven't participated, as I don't really know if I am objective.

So, I only have anecdotes from other persons to compare to. BTW -- when you wrote "If it doesn't go away soon I'd see the quack." I take it "quack" was an euphemism for "doctor"???
Thanks for the info. When I took the shots, I didn't enroll in that VAERS/V-Save thing, but only a Texas USA association that was a state-wide thing that was only to be disclosed to state and county health and school districts. Even so, I haven't participated, as I don't really know if I am objective.

So, I only have anecdotes from other persons to compare to. BTW -- when you wrote "If it doesn't go away soon I'd see the quack." I take it "quack" was an euphemism for "doctor"???

I had the Oxford/AstraZeneca one 3 weeks ago and felt quite shivery for 24hrs with muscular aches, but then got back to normal over the next 24hrs after that. No worse than some of the vaccines I've had for work overseas. But that may be because I've already had the virus, so my immune system probably recognised it immediately.
Compare this data with how many people died from flu or pneumonia over these last five years in Sweden anyway.
As Billvon noted, yearly comparison shows a severe fail on Sweden's part.

The number of COVID deaths over the last year is why they started implementing strict rules like their neighbours, to try to slow it down.

And comparing 5 years of flu deaths to one year of COVID...

Look at the data for suicides in the nations that shut everything down..... compare the increase in suicides in Sweden in how they handled the pandemic... with what
occurred in New York for example to get a handle on the larger picture.
I have. Have you looked at the data? []

For example, in Australia, one State implemented some of the toughest lockdown measures in the world, that lasted several months. There was no increase in suicides. []

Those numbers will be coming out.
They have come out. And they do not support your claims.

Something rather interesting is happening in Israel....
it is like two tiers in society is being created between those who are vaccinated....
and those who want to prepare for COVID 19 in another way, (such as boosting our immune system). ...... who are not vaccinated!
If you are about to start peddling the treatment you have been peddling in several of your posts over the last several weeks, I would suggest you stop. Completely.

As for Israel, it stands to reason they protect herd immunity of those vaccinated and whose who cannot be vaccinated on medical grounds. As for the others who refuse or choose to go down a different path to what we know works? Darwinism.

I had the Oxford/AstraZeneca one 3 weeks ago and felt quite shivery for 24hrs with muscular aches, but then got back to normal over the next 24hrs after that. No worse than some of the vaccines I've had for work overseas. But that may be because I've already had the virus, so my immune system probably recognised it immediately.
My mother is getting her first shot tomorrow.. As are the pther residents in her nursing home. Nursing homes and the elderly are getting first shots. We are very relieved!