UFOs (UAPs): Explanations?

2. The car can be started by remote control an you or sombody else or a animal pushed the "start" transmit button.!!!
2. The car can be started by remote control an you or sombody else or a animal pushed the "start" transmit button.!!!
You should have waited till decent prize money was on offer. The suspense is absolutely killing me. Well metaphorically and jokingly speaking.:rolleyes:
Who would have expected a game show here in a thread devoted to aliens/UFOs and RELATED?
Actually, given that the hardliner debunkers here are quite aware they have become a minority fringe group of 'nonmundane UFO deniers', and have painted themselves into a corner of their own making, the kind of silly tactics seen recently is not at all surprising to us 'True Believers'.
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You've solved half the mystery.
Making your 'counterexample' already half irrelevant. Once 'full disclosure' happens, it will be summarily buried as formally fully irrelevant. Something obvious from the outset.

PS: Well what do you know. Newfangled cars actually have remote engine start feature:
My car is over twenty years old and that was all new to me. So what? Where is there any relevance to the many reports of total electrical failure - that includes lights, radio and ignition - i.e. the car battery mysteriously dies for the duration of UFO visitation? Only to mysteriously revive on departure of said UFO(s). None at all. Especially given accounts of UFO induced total electrical failure go back more than 70 years. Definitely no remote control engine start tech back then. DaveC simply wastes everyone's time on a trick excursion to nowhere useful.
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You've solved half the mystery.
Sorry, if this is a mock investigation, then answers should come as findings, not yes/no.

2. The car can be started by remote control an you or sombody else or a animal pushed the "start" transmit button.!!!
The car did have a remote start fob. (which is not the same as the push start the author mentions).
The fob was tucked into my shorts on my laundry pile. No one and nothing went near it.
Making your 'counterexample' already half irrelevant. Once 'full disclosure' happens, it will be summarily buried as formally fully irrelevant.
Indeed, it will be my example that puts the lie to the article you presented here. That's the idea of a refutation: claim is canceled by counter-claim and they both disappear.

Something obvious from the outset.
Nice. Draw a conclusion at the outset, before any evidence is in. How emotional. You're too interested in refuting me to be objective about the analysis.

Incidentally, I find it revealing how skeptical you can be when the shoe is on the other foot.
If you applied half this skepticism to UFO investigation, you might redeem some credibility.
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Indeed, it will be my example that puts the lie to the article you presented here. That's the idea of a refutation: claim is canceled by counter-claim and they both disappear....
Nonsense. You clearly have no clear idea of what refuting entails. From https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/refute
Definition of refute
transitive verb
1 : to prove wrong by argument or evidence : show to be false or erroneous
2 : to deny the truth or accuracy of refuted the allegations

No sense there of any 'mutual cancellation' - that's your fantasy interpretation.
#5125 leaves you no room to wiggle out. But to now twist the knife blade on the way back out, let's recall the statement setting off this pointless wild goose chase:

"My car, sitting in my driveway, in the middle of the night, spontaneously started up. No one was nearby, not even me."

The last sentence is both redundant and a deflection. The key word there is 'spontaneously'. From https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/spontaneously
Definition of spontaneous

1 : proceeding from natural feeling or native tendency without external constraint
2 : arising from a momentary impulse
3 : controlled and directed internally : self-acting spontaneous movement characteristic of living things
4 : produced without being planted or without human labor : indigenous
5 : developing or occurring without apparent external influence, force, cause, or treatment
6 : not apparently contrived or manipulated : natural

Only 3 and/or 5 could be relevant, and it's a sure bet neither sense of 'spontaneously' can be made to stick to the actual details of your 'self-starting' car episode. If ever revealed that is.
DaveC has outsmarted himself but insists on delaying the inevitable.
Nice. Draw a conclusion at the outset, before any evidence is in.
Ha ha ha ha. YOU have deliberately baited then dragged your heels in a pointless time-wasting game. There is no way you can come out of this without egg all over your face.
"My car, sitting in my driveway, in the middle of the night, spontaneously started up. No one was nearby, not even me."

The last sentence is both redundant and a deflection. The key word there is 'spontaneously'. From https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/spontaneously
Definition of spontaneous

1 : proceeding from natural feeling or native tendency without external constraint
2 : arising from a momentary impulse
3 : controlled and directed internally : self-acting spontaneous movement characteristic of living things
4 : produced without being planted or without human labor : indigenous
5 : developing or occurring without apparent external influence, force, cause, or treatment
6 : not apparently contrived or manipulated : natural

Only 3 and/or 5 could be relevant, and it's a sure bet neither sense of 'spontaneously' can be made to stick to the actual details of your 'self-starting' car episode.
This is great stuff! You are thinking like a skeptic.

Question the accounts. Question the claims. Root out ambiguity. Ask what's not in the reports. Follow up. Confirm, verify.
Apply that to your UFO accounts - and especially your TV shows.
Here, I can answer your questions, and clarify. (Ambiguity is not always nefarious. Sometimes it simply means you haven't sufficiently investigated yet and you're still at the beginning of the investigation.)

Indeed, of those definitions of spontaneity, several apply:
#5. It happened without apparent external influence.
#6. It was not contrived or manipulated.
But one of them is bang on - almost verbatim the solution to the mystery. It's #2.

I'm genuinely impressed you're rising to it, Q.
You pushed buttons on a unrelated transmiter an to you'r surprize the car started.!!!
No, but you're on the right track.
Think more generally about what the transmitter is doing though. Are auto-start transmitters the only thing that can do that?

It's pretty wild, really, but the principle is simple to comprehend.
This is great stuff! You are thinking like a skeptic.

Question the accounts. Question the claims. Root out ambiguity. Ask what's not in the reports. Follow up. Confirm, verify.
Apply that to your UFO accounts - and especially your TV shows.
Here, I can answer your questions, and clarify. (Ambiguity is not always nefarious. Sometimes it simply means you haven't sufficiently investigated yet and you're still at the beginning of the investigation.)

Indeed, of those definitions of spontaneity, several apply:
#5. It happened without apparent external influence.
#6. It was not contrived or manipulated.
But one of them is bang on - almost verbatim the solution to the mystery. It's #2.

I'm genuinely impressed you're rising to it, Q.
So, somehow it's #2: "arising from a momentary impulse"? Sorry to spoil things yet again for you, but it should be clear the contextual use of word 'impulse' there is in the mental/psychological sense - i.e. impulse ≡ urge.
Unless you are going to claim the 'spontaneous' engine restart was due to an unconscious urge on your part that resulted in a remote being activated and your fairly recent vehicle responded normally to the very specific transmitter frequency used, #2 is actually out.
And btw thinking back on your truncated reply #5107 to my #5106, you carefully avoided answering this part:
"Also, is this the kind of car you are referring to?:
https://www.nowcar.com/blog/archive/does-auto-stop-start-technology-harm-engines/ "
I think this is narrowing down to an answer that as I wrote early on, will have zero relevance to UFO induced motor vehicle total electrical failures-then-revivals.

PS - A search for effects of lightning on cars and this article seems good:
Burnt out electrics maybe but zero indication of it causing a 'spontaneous' engine restart.
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7. Garage door opener... an thats my final offer unless im wrong.!!!

I live on a streetcar line. Passing streetcars cause sparking in poles/overhead wires. Sparks emit electromagnetic pulses. EMPs can flood receivers with radio noise, which is what they're listennig for to activate.

My car, with its aftermarket remote start, started up as a streetcar passed and sparked.

I live on a streetcar line. Passing streetcars cause sparking in poles/overhead wires. Sparks emit electromagnetic pulses. EMPs can flood receivers with radio noise, which is what they're listennig for to activate.

My car, with its aftermarket remote start, started up as a streetcar passed and sparked.

Nothing to do with the invisible UFO overhead causing the streetcar to spark????

Good one

I live on a streetcar line. Passing streetcars cause sparking in poles/overhead wires. Sparks emit electromagnetic pulses. EMPs can flood receivers with radio noise, which is what they're listennig for to activate.

My car, with its aftermarket remote start, started up as a streetcar passed and sparked.

Ive driven cars that got ther power overhead similar to how streetcars do it an they also sparked… an i still coudnt figer out you’r puzzler… lol.!!!