Physics Monkey said:Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.
You might do well to emulate Aer, DaleSpam or even Billy T. They seem willing to learn.
Physics Monkey said:Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.
Billy T said:I will only note the symbol "~" which was previously in your force equation not only is not in the one you just gave me,
but also has been stated by you to be one of three places where the density appeared.
Is it correct to say that you have two different uniKEF theories? The one You say has no dependency upon density explicitly I will call uniKEF and the one you are talking about here I will call uniKEF~MacM said:You have finally gotten it correct. However, that is the basic view and an alternate view is where "~" varies with attentuation and density would have an affect. In that view gravity becomes a function of total mass not mass squared. The square function is accomadated in the energy conversion not the mass.
Let me be clear here MacM. I am a very conservative and conventional engineer. As a theory of gravity I am not very impressed with UniKEF. I am much more interested in learning about GR than UniKEF. The main test of a theory, for me as an engineer, is whether or not I can use it to make simple and accurate predictions. The Newtonian "action at a distance" has never bothered me nor has the m1 m2 term, both of which seem to be central in your motivation for developing UniKEF. I don't really care much about the "story" behind a theory as long as its math is simple and accurate, but the story seems crucial to you.MacM said:You might do well to emulate Aer, DaleSpam or even Billy T. They seem willing to learn.
Billy T said:Is it correct to say that you have two different uniKEF theories?
DaleSpam said:Let me be clear here MacM. I am a very conservative and conventional engineer.
As a theory of gravity I am not very impressed with UniKEF.
I am much more interested in learning about GR than UniKEF.
The main test of a theory, for me as an engineer, is whether or not I can use it to make simple and accurate predictions.
The Newtonian "action at a distance" has never bothered me nor has the m1 m2 term, both of which seem to be central in your motivation for developing UniKEF. I don't really care much about the "story" behind a theory as long as its math is simple and accurate, but the story seems crucial to you.
Learning is not my motivation here. I happen to like interesting math problems and didn't like the venom of the arguments you have with BillyT. Plus, as you know, I deplore a "scientific" theory without math. My purpose is to have fun using Mathematica and to hopefully elevate the discussion of your theory to a more reasonable level. I am trying to get accurate mathematical results of your theory so that both you and your critics can debate more intelligently and less caustically.
That is hardly a realistic assessment. Classical physics has been used to design almost every single piece of modern technology. I would not call that "nothing useful".MacM said:nothing useful will ever come out.
You are welcome.MacM said:You have been most fair to date and your efforts have been appreciated.
DaleSpam said:That is hardly a realistic assessment. Classical physics has been used to design almost every single piece of modern technology. I would not call that "nothing useful".
MacM said:That is the same unfortunate attitude of most mainline scientist today. Complete faith in mathematheics without practical physical limits is merely spending time jacking off in the corner. It may give some short term pleasure but nothing useful will ever come out.
Ah, yes. The typical difference between science and engineering. One wants to advance understanding and the other wants to make or do something practical. As long as we each recognize that then we should be able to communicate without vitriol. For me classical gravity is great because we can use it for the practical purposes of getting to the moon or Mars. For you it is insufficient because (as Newton himself admitted) it describes and predicts without explaining.MacM said:Meant more in terms of nothing useful as in new understanding and advancement. Not that it cannot be used within practical limits.
Physics Monkey said:MacM, why are you dumb as hell? While you talk a big talk, the real scientists are out there making real progress. Your theory is a piece of garbage, meanwhile those of us who actually know something about the way the world works continue to make wonderful progress with our "conventional methods." General relativity and the standard model are the most accurate human intellectual creations ever, meanwhile you stutter baseless nonsense in the corners of the internet. Talk about wasting your time in a corner! I can't help but laugh at your stupendous arrogance and pity your gross ignorance.
DaleSpam said:Ah, yes. The typical difference between science and engineering. One wants to advance understanding and the other wants to make or do something practical. As long as we each recognize that then we should be able to communicate without vitriol. For me classical gravity is great because we can use it for the practical purposes of getting to the moon or Mars. For you it is insufficient because (as Newton himself admitted) it describes and predicts without explaining.
I am definitely an engineer by training and temperment. I recognized early that pure science is not the job for me, but I definitely know its importance since if it weren't for the pure science I wouldn't be able to design any of my practical things. But I have never looked to science for explanation, only description and prediction. For that your theory definitely needs more math, right now it is long on explanation and short on prediction.
DaleSpam said:Breaking news! Brand new "holiday gravity theory" successfully predicts all future gravitation:
The core element of this theory is that all matter is piloted by tiny little reindeer. The net result of this enormous collection of reindeer is that the earth will continue to exert some unspecified amount of gravitational attraction on its inhabitants as it continues to orbit around the sun at an uncalculated rate for an fairly long duration. Many other celestial objects will follow a similar pattern, but there are various other celestial objects which are piloted by more malicious reindeer and will collide at an unspecified future time with an uncalculated amount of energy. In summarry this new theoretical breakthrough predicts that things will gravitate.
According to Webster's definition horoscopes also predict. The bar for a prediction to be considered scientific is quite a bit higher. I reassert that UniKEF is long on explanation and short on prediction.
MacM said:...The alternative is linear accumulated mass but an attenuation which has a variable barns cross-section as a function of energy level such that penetration of a given mass compared to twice as much mass that will result in increased attenutation yielding the same result as though it was mass squared.
For example where U = 1.000 and the % amount of attenutation "~" is set to 1.000 then when U = 0.707, "~" = 0.5 not 0.707.
There is no purpose here in discussing this alternative. But do continue with the evaluation of the basic view.
MacM said:Collectively U * ~ = UG which is a term comperable to "G" in Newtonian gravity but adjusted such that a specific case (i.e. congruent identical spheres in surface contact) calculated in Newtonian gravity will result in the same force of gravity when used in UniKEF's:
Fg = UG * PM1 *PM2
You say that there is only one uniKEF theory but it has the folloing alternative and give an expample which seems to me to contradict what you told us in the uniKEF balls thread (second quote of MacM taken from that thread.)
If U = 1.000, then U~ = 1.000 but if U = 0.707 then U~ = 0.3535
Here you call U~ "UG" and say it plays the same role as "G" of Newton, but Newrton's G is a constant and "universal", called the "universal gravitational constant."
How can it have two different values? (1.000 & 0.3535). I am confused by your comments.
Physics Monkey said:MacM, why are you dumb as hell? While you talk a big talk, the real scientists are out there making real progress. Your theory is a piece of garbage, meanwhile those of us who actually know something about the way the world works continue to make wonderful progress with our "conventional methods." General relativity and the standard model are the most accurate human intellectual creations ever, meanwhile you stutter baseless nonsense in the corners of the internet. Talk about wasting your time in a corner! I can't help but laugh at your stupendous arrogance and pity your gross ignorance.
AndMacM said:For example where U = 1.000 and the % amount of attenutation "~" is set to 1.000 then when U = 0.707, "~" = 0.5 not 0.707.
If my conclusion does not follow, then what is the meaning of the first of your posts? When I multiply 0.707 by 0.5, I get the product U*~ = UG =0.3535MacM said:Collectively U * ~ = UG which is a term comperable to "G" in Newtonian gravity but adjusted such that a specific case
Billy T said:I concluded that:
If U = 1.000, then U~ = 1.000 but if U = 0.707 then U~ = 0.3535
From your two post:
If my conclusion does not follow, then what is the meaning of the first of your posts? When I multiply 0.707 by 0.5, I get the product U*~ = UG =0.3535