Vaccine related autism study?

There's no reason why we should stop this thread just because MR isn't here.
Which is your favourite vaccine, and why?
Probably the polio vaccine. When I was growing up one of my teachers had had polio and was pretty crippled as a result. It's cool that we don't see that any more.
So, of course vaccines work, and the population needs to be vaccinated, but we need to make sure that the vaccinations are as safe as possible. What measures are in place to insure that they are safe? Also, is mercury used as a preservative in the flu shot? If so how much is used?
What measures are in place to insure that they are safe?
There are volumes and volumes of FDA regulations. The lengths taken to ensure safety in the manufacturing alone are nearly unimaginable to the uninitiated. And that doesn't even include all the research. Combined, you could fill a library with all the documentation on a single vaccine.
Also, is mercury used as a preservative in the flu shot? If so how much is used?
There are many different flu vaccines and ways to administer it, and there are differences (some do):
Oh, that reminds me. You might want to get a lesson from your protege James R on how to surreptitiously delete posts. In order to stealth delete posts successfully, you need to also remove all reference to them.
Er... hello again tali89. Fancy you popping up to throw an unsupported accusation at me. Where, exactly, do you think I "stealth deleted" posts? And how would you know? You're new here, aren't you? It's not like you're the sock puppet of a previously-banned member with a grudge, or something like that. Is it?

In general, I don't delete posts. Exceptions include obvious spam,duplicate posts (i.e. the same post occurring twice in a row in the thread, in which case one copy is deleted), and posts from incorrigible sock puppeteers.

I much prefer to give a warning on an offensive post and let the record stand.

Oh, and that word "protege" - I don't think it means what you think it means.
Oh, and that word "protege" - I don't think it means what you think it means.

Aww James... you mean I'm NOT teaching you how to stealth-delete posts? Here I thought you were the padawan to my jedi master
So, of course vaccines work, and the population needs to be vaccinated, but we need to make sure that the vaccinations are as safe as possible. What measures are in place to insure that they are safe?
Primary testing generally involves tests on mammals (rats, monkeys) before tests on humans. Most vaccines used nowadays have several decades of safety data available from use studies.

Also, is mercury used as a preservative in the flu shot? If so how much is used?
Thimerosal is used in multi-dose flu vials as a preservative. It is not used in single-dose flu vaccines. Generally you receive about 25 micrograms of mercury per vaccination if you get the multi-dose version. This is approximately the same amount of mercury you find in a can of tuna.
Primary testing generally involves tests on mammals (rats, monkeys) before tests on humans. Most vaccines used nowadays have several decades of safety data available from use studies.

Thimerosal is used in multi-dose flu vials as a preservative. It is not used in single-dose flu vaccines. Generally you receive about 25 micrograms of mercury per vaccination if you get the multi-dose version. This is approximately the same amount of mercury you find in a can of tuna.
Thank you for the replies. I think what you are geting at is that tuna is what is causing the increase in autism rates. Wait til jenny mcarty hears about this!
Thank you for the replies. I think what you are geting at is that tuna is what is causing the increase in autism rates. Wait til jenny mcarty hears about this!

More accurately, that there is a number of reasons for the rise in autism rates... an increased prevalence of autism spectrum disorders is possible, but more than that, we have gotten a LOT better at recognizing it, not to mention that the range of autism-spectrum disorders has increased quite significantly (if memory serves, ADHD is now considered an autism spectrum disorder)
There is a deeper conspiracy theory behind the vaccine one.
After all, why would a government allow a treatment that causes severe disability,
necessitating the worst affected to require medical treatment and other help for life?

It's because "they" want you to be sick.
It's part of their plan to break down society, because that's what they like to do.

.the NWO want to make many countries totally unstable. they want it to fail financially, they want you to loose your job, your house and become an uneducated victim of their control…..make you subservient to the social security system, make you swing towards unethical beliefs……take to drugs or drink, loose your moral fibre……encourage an open sex environment…..same sex marriages and break down religion……the acceptance of poedophilia etc etc……..

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Throwing science at anti-vaxxers just makes them more hardline:

Since the uptick in outbreaks of measles in the US, those arguing for the right not to vaccinate their children have come under increasing scrutiny. There is no journal of "anti-vax psychology" reporting research on those who advocate what seems like a controversial, "anti-science" and dangerous position, but if there was we can take a good guess at what the research reported therein would say.

Read more at:

For topics such as climate change or vaccine safety, this can mean that a little scientific education gives you more ways of disagreeing with new information that don't fit your existing beliefs. So we shouldn't expect anti-vaxxers to be easily converted by throwing scientific facts about vaccination at them. They are likely to have their own interpretation of the facts.

Read more at:
That's not being caused by upper middle class ideological antivaxxers. That's being caused by lack of access to health care in poor countries.

Measles deaths AREN'T happening in the U.S. Thimerasol vaccines ARE. See the difference?

Like I said, nobody in the U.S. has died of measles since 2004. So no, this is not a deadly outbreak threatening civilizatiion.

Here's a death, from measles, in a first-world country (Germany) with access to modern health-care:

There, as I have stated repeatedly, is your threat.
regardless of whether or not the disease was contracted from someone who was unvaccinated the rate of vaccination needs to stay above 94% or 95% otherwise herd immunity begins to break down, out-breaks become more common and (obviously) as a consequence of that, we begin to see an increasing number of deaths.
Here's a death, from measles, in a first-world country (Germany) with access to modern health-care:

There, as I have stated repeatedly, is your threat.
regardless of whether or not the disease was contracted from someone who was unvaccinated the rate of vaccination needs to stay above 94% or 95% otherwise herd immunity begins to break down, out-breaks become more common and (obviously) as a consequence of that, we begin to see an increasing number of deaths.

It is interesting to note that, faced with overwhelming factual evidence stating that he is wrong and his "facts" are twisted or fabricated, MR has simply chosen to stop posting in this thread.
I can't read all this thread but I believe autism rates increased because diagnostic criteria have changed along with our ability to diagnose the issue.

Asperger's Syndrome was recently dismissed and merged back into the AS as a whole.

The question is won't vaccines eventually become ineffective through generations of use anyways? So constantly using them isn't really solving it. In the end I think nanobots will be the answer to all disease.
I can't read all this thread but I believe autism rates increased because diagnostic criteria have changed along with our ability to diagnose the issue.

Asperger's Syndrome was recently dismissed and merged back into the AS as a whole.

The question is won't vaccines eventually become ineffective through generations of use anyways? So constantly using them isn't really solving it. In the end I think nanobots will be the answer to all disease.

To your end question - not really. Vaccines work by allowing our own immune system to be prepared for, and pre-empt, an infection. It isn't like an antibiotic to which the bacteria can mutate and adapt. Now, some strains, such as the influenza virus, constantly change anyway - this is where there are different Flu shots every year.