Virgins anyone???

All I can say is this world would be a much less violent place if you Muslims would just wait until Allah judges us day of judgment instead of bringing your opinion of Allah's judgment on everyone, including Muslims, in the here and now.

Yeah look at their 1000 military bases in other countries and 20,000 plus nuclear weapons and all the pointless wars that Muslims are fighting today.:rolleyes:
All I can say is this world would be a much less violent place if you Muslims would just wait until Allah judges us day of judgment instead of bringing your opinion of Allah's judgment on everyone, including Muslims, in the here and now.

:p:p:p Ah yes, its all the Muslims fault. Your post again reaffirms your ignorance and bias of the worlds current issues
All I can say is this world would be a much less violent place if you Muslims would just wait until Allah judges us day of judgment instead of bringing your opinion of Allah's judgment on everyone, including Muslims, in the here and now.

it is better to quote: "Allah will judge between us on the Day of Judgment" for as Rumi says the most futile discussion is a discussion with the fanatics"
All I can say is this world would be a much less violent place if you Muslims would just wait until Allah judges us day of judgment instead of bringing your opinion of Allah's judgment on everyone, including Muslims, in the here and now.

As an Atheist, I am able to say there may be a God and it may even be the one you worship. You may be right.

Could you say the same of me? is there a chance I may be right? Because if not then you may want to actually try taking Rumi's advice - "the most futile discussion is a discussion with the fanatics"

I dare say many of you theists should take deep look in the mirror and repeat something along the lines of:
Only my Religion and only my belief can be correct - else why believe?
Only my Religious Book can correct - else why believe?
Only my Prophet can be the Last - else why believe him?
Only my God is true - else why Worship It?

I totally agree with Rumi's assertion: The most futile discussion is a discussion with the fanatics. And I fine to my eyes there are a lot of fanatics here and discussions with them are often futile.

Again, you may be correct there may be a God and of the billions that have been worshiped he may be the one you worship. Is there a possibility there may not be a God? Or that there is but Mohammad was not Its Prophet? Or that there are no Gods???


As someone who is not a Muslim? I'd say practice walking on hair thin razor bridges over fire.

Of course, you do realise it could be a trick. They could all be 70-100 years old. And I'd be very suspicious why they were virgins. Could be like Black Widows but without the sex. Or infected vaheenas. Never know, really. Doesn't even specify human, could be wide eyed cows for all you know.
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Let's return to the Koran, Islam's font of religious authority. Even if we leave out the racy detail and make allowances for metaphor, we're obliged to admit that Islamic heaven is a pretty rockin' place, with an emphasis on sensual pleasures. The provision of virgins in indeterminate quantities is alluded to at numerous points, and you know they're not just there to fluff the pillows. (In fairness to the Prophet, the physical quality usually attributed to the houris, as they're called, is "wide lovely eyes.")

The food, service, ambience., etc, are great. You're allowed to enjoy things the Koran explicitly denies you on earth, such as alcohol, and you won't even get sick. ("Wine . . . delicious to those who drink it . . . will neither dull their senses nor they will become drunk.") Granted, the whole thing is skewed toward the male idea of a good time, a defect by no means confined to Islam. Were Muhammad to found a religion today, I'm confident that each female arrival in heaven would be assigned a comely stud who would provide fabulous sex and in addition hang the curtain rods the first time he was asked. Granted, also, the emphasis on virgins is a little weird. (Think back on the first nights you've been party to. Was this your idea of great sex?)

Still, you have to admit, heaven as Party Central sure beats the Christian idea of angels with harps.
Let's return to the Koran, Islam's font of religious authority. Even if we leave out the racy detail and make allowances for metaphor, we're obliged to admit that Islamic heaven is a pretty rockin' place, with an emphasis on sensual pleasures. The provision of virgins in indeterminate quantities is alluded to at numerous points, and you know they're not just there to fluff the pillows. (In fairness to the Prophet, the physical quality usually attributed to the houris, as they're called, is "wide lovely eyes.")

The food, service, ambience., etc, are great. You're allowed to enjoy things the Koran explicitly denies you on earth, such as alcohol, and you won't even get sick. ("Wine . . . delicious to those who drink it . . . will neither dull their senses nor they will become drunk.") Granted, the whole thing is skewed toward the male idea of a good time, a defect by no means confined to Islam. Were Muhammad to found a religion today, I'm confident that each female arrival in heaven would be assigned a comely stud who would provide fabulous sex and in addition hang the curtain rods the first time he was asked. Granted, also, the emphasis on virgins is a little weird. (Think back on the first nights you've been party to. Was this your idea of great sex?)

Still, you have to admit, heaven as Party Central sure beats the Christian idea of angels with harps.

So all Christians think they will become angels and play harps?

Let's return to the Koran, Islam's font of religious authority. Even if we leave out the racy detail and make allowances for metaphor, we're obliged to admit that Islamic heaven is a pretty rockin' place, with an emphasis on sensual pleasures. The provision of virgins in indeterminate quantities is alluded to at numerous points, and you know they're not just there to fluff the pillows. (In fairness to the Prophet, the physical quality usually attributed to the houris, as they're called, is "wide lovely eyes.")

The food, service, ambience., etc, are great. You're allowed to enjoy things the Koran explicitly denies you on earth, such as alcohol, and you won't even get sick. ("Wine . . . delicious to those who drink it . . . will neither dull their senses nor they will become drunk.") Granted, the whole thing is skewed toward the male idea of a good time, a defect by no means confined to Islam. Were Muhammad to found a religion today, I'm confident that each female arrival in heaven would be assigned a comely stud who would provide fabulous sex and in addition hang the curtain rods the first time he was asked. Granted, also, the emphasis on virgins is a little weird. (Think back on the first nights you've been party to. Was this your idea of great sex?)

Still, you have to admit, heaven as Party Central sure beats the Christian idea of angels with harps.

Did you even bother to read my reply to your OP?
I am not a Virgin, but i am a Virgo! Then I am a Virgin and I am not a Virgin!!!