Virgins anyone???

Is there a possibility there may not be a God?
Aboslutely no such possibility whatsoever unless you claim that a book, like Hamlet for instance, is written by letters coming together in random and making words and the words coming together again in random and making sentences, and sentences coming togehter again in random and making paragraphs, and so on and so on..and the book is composed in this way all by chance.

Or that there is but Mohammad was not Its Prophet?
Contrary to the above which does not need any proofs, this one can be discussed and proved.
What happens when all the virgins are de-flowered and there are no more virgins to go around? Are they simply discarded and heaven comes to an end? Or do they have to then reproduce to generate more virgins to keep all the men happy?

All of this is entirely degrading to women. I still don't understand why any woman would voluntarily buy into this bizarre overtly male centric religion.
For ignorant people like Vega, Joepistole and Cris may I recommend reading my reply to Vegas detailed fantasyworld before commenting on topics you know nothing about
What happens when all the virgins are de-flowered and there are no more virgins to go around? Are they simply discarded and heaven comes to an end? Or do they have to then reproduce to generate more virgins to keep all the men happy?

All of this is entirely degrading to women. I still don't understand why any woman would voluntarily buy into this bizarre overtly male centric religion.

They could have a concept of perpetural virginity, like the Roman Catholics. So if someone has had sex their virginity can be restored by devine decree. It is kind of a recylcing plan. Get deflowered, get reflowered...over and over again.
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If they were 100 year old virgins, could explain why they remained virgins.
For ignorant people like Vega, Joepistole and Cris may I recommend reading my reply to Vegas detailed fantasyworld before commenting on topics you know nothing about

Arsalan, don't you know we are just trying to get your goat. And judging from your comments, I think we got it. :)
Just a little thought, if you love God you should do whatever God wants regardless of any reward that God might grant you. Personally, my relationship with God is unconditional. It is not conditioned on what I may get or not get from God. That is all at the discrestion of God. And I thank him for every day and every breath.
What happens when all the virgins are de-flowered and there are no more virgins to go around? Are they simply discarded and heaven comes to an end? Or do they have to then reproduce to generate more virgins to keep all the men happy?

All of this is entirely degrading to women. I still don't understand why any woman would voluntarily buy into this bizarre overtly male centric religion.

I think a lot of women are attracted to a strong male "God" figure such as the Abrahamic religions have. A lot of women that I have talked to that follow any of these three religions seem almost hostile to the idea of a female aspect to God.
I don't believe you will find too many feminists in a conservative southern baptist church or many mosques.;)
Uh-uh Thank you!:p
No problem

Bigoted polygamist Slave owner to Civilized monogamist abolitionist - you go your way I'll go mine.

I think we can both agree that there's really no way to make sense to a bigoted polygamist Slave owner because The most futile discussion is a discussion with the fanatics.
Despite having been shown that Islam does not encourage slavery and is the only religion which introduced a scheme of gradual abolition of this evil from society, Michael refuses to let go of that ignorant image. Sad, really.
PS: you guys do know that Allah is neither masculine nor feminine right? And dont bring up that whole bs about al-lat an el-loh, its been discredited many times
Michael to Tom Cruise: Is there anyway possible that there is no Xenu The Intergalactic Overloard?

Tom Cruise: Aboslutely no such possibility whatsoever unless you claim that a book, like Hamlet for instance, is written by letters coming together in random and making words and the words coming together again in random and making sentences, and sentences coming togehter again in random and making paragraphs, and so on and so on..and the book is composed in this way all by chance.

Michael to Tom Cruise: Is it even possible that Ron Hubbard was not a Prophet.

Tom Cruise: Contrary to the above which does not need any proofs, this one can be discussed and proved.

Rumi to Michael: The most futile discussion is a discussion with the fanatics.
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Despite having been shown that Islam does not encourage slavery and is the only religion which introduced a scheme of gradual abolition of this evil from society, Michael refuses to let go of that ignorant image. Sad, really.
Arsalan, from the Start of Islam until until WHEN exactly was it abolished and WHY was it abolished?

Did Mohammad ever own a Slave?

Just a little thought, if you love God you should do whatever God wants regardless of any reward that God might grant you. Personally, my relationship with God is unconditional. It is not conditioned on what I may get or not get from God. That is all at the discrestion of God. And I thank him for every day and every breath.

This is the ideal meaning of worshipping God. That's worship Him just because He deserves to be worshipped not for any gain. But for that, you need a close-to-perfect soul.

And the paradise is not only for its virgins or for sex. A sex-focused mind, like some here, can't force their brains to go beyond carnal matters. In reality the corporeal bounties of heaven are only some kind of motivation for limited minds who can not realize the beyond, the spiritual delight in there is just non comparable with the material ones as goes in the traditions... and it says that the biggest pleasure of all in the Heaven is to behold the beauty of God Himself.
Arsalan, from the Start of Islam until until WHEN exactly was it abolished and WHY was it abolished?

Did Mohammad ever own a Slave?


Ive talked about how islam introduced a gradual scheme of abolition of slavery in the previous pages iirc. If by slave you mean the ones he set free who his first wife owned or that slave who later became his son then yes.
I think a lot of women are attracted to a strong male "God" figure such as the Abrahamic religions have. A lot of women that I have talked to that follow any of these three religions seem almost hostile to the idea of a female aspect to God.
I don't believe you will find too many feminists in a conservative southern baptist church or many mosques.;)
astute observation Nova900.

Although I'd say this is more the case in free societies were people are allowed to convert into and out of belief system without any sort of legal coercion. For the most part 99.9% of the population involuntarily speak and think and worship as they were raised to.
Ive talked about how islam introduced a gradual scheme of abolition of slavery in the previous pages iirc. If by slave you mean the ones he set free who his first wife owned or that slave who later became his son then yes.
So to the question: Was Mohammad a Slave owner you answered YES. Good. Now could you answer the first question - regarding when "Islamic" countries stopped the heinous practice of Institutionalized Slavery and why they stopped selling Slaves.
Religious indoctrination doesnt work
Haaa haaa haaaa hahahahaha ... Tell you what Arsalan I will wager $10,000 that of the MILLIONS of different Gods and MILLIONS of different belief systems - Tom Cruises children become Scientologists.

Well? Wanna bet?