What is "time"

Was there some part of "the curvature of light rays occurs only in spaces where the speed of light is spatially variable” that you didn't quite appreciate?
Was there some part of "the curvature of light rays occurs only in spaces where the speed of light is spatially variable” that you didn't quite appreciate?

FoR's my son...FoR's! :)
The speed of light is always "c" within anyone's local FoR.
I did it in the gravity thread. At the fundamental level, space and energy are the same gin-clear ghostly elastic thing. Space isn't nothing. When you inject energy you're effectively inserting space, so the result is a spatial pressure gradient.

That's right. Spacetime curvature is a curvature in your plot of for example equatorial light clocks. The lower clocks don't go slower because of spacetime curvature, they go slower because a concentration of energy alters the surrounding space.

QM doesn't really describe anything very well.

Fair enough.

You speak from a position of ignorance, I don't. Get used to it. And start paying attention.

Come on, describe the photon. Or the quantum nature of light. Or the electron. Or its electromagnetic field. Or the positron. Or why the electron and positron move towards and around one another. Or why the electron and proton move as they do. Oh, and note that virtual particles are virtual, and hydrogen atoms don't twinkle.

Oh, and you know that speed of light thread of mine that you moved into the fringe section? Well, the Einstein Online guys have come good, so now I can give you screenshots to back up what I was saying. See below. So perhaps you'd like to move my thread back to the physics and maths section?

Farsight, I would be temped to say that your posts above don't belong in Physic & Math. It is one thing to interject some speculation here and quite another to begin claiming your speculations (being generous) represent science.
Didn't you even read what Einstein said? It backed me up. What I say definitely belongs in Physics and Maths. See how paddoboy manages to find a way to dismiss what Einstein said? He believes in time travel and the multiverse an other popscience speculations and woo that don't belong in Physics and Maths.
Didn't you even read what Einstein said? It backed me up. What I say definitely belongs in Physics and Maths. See how paddoboy manages to find a way to dismiss what Einstein said? He believes in time travel and the multiverse an other popscience speculations and woo that don't belong in Physics and Maths.

What you say means nothing in the greater scheme of things, because it is in nearly all cases, a gross misrepresentaion, a misinterpretation, or just plain does not apply.
Einstein said much, much of which still stands, and much of which has been added to, and modified somewhat by further observations. He, in the main was not wrong, but you in near all cases misrepresent and misinterpret the great man.
He was also openly and willingly to admit when he was in error, and was a humble human being to boot.
Claims which do not exist within your ego inflated world.

In essence time exists. You have not shown otherwise. Time literally stops everything from happening together, in fact if we had no time, we would have no space, no gravity, no matter/energy, no Universe.
See Sean Carroll, Lee Smolin, Kip Thorne, Carl Sagan, Paul Davis for a more professional rundown and expert rundown....All are qualified, all are recognised experts and all are credentialed unlike you.
Finally of course, as every man and his dog do know, if you did have anything of substance, anything at all, you would not be here.
But as every man and his dog also know, these forums are your only outlet and means of fueling your grossly over-inflated ego.
Didn't you even read what Einstein said? It backed me up.
Well, no. Because while Einstein wrote that the curvature of rays of light comes where there is a change in the speed, he didn't say that the cause of curvature is the change in speed. You made that up on your own.
What I say definitely belongs in Physics and Maths.
Until you show that your ideas can be used to so physics, you belong in pseudo-science. Until you learn to stop insulting scientists, you belong in trash.
. After all, change happens in space, so how can time be a space dimension itself?

Time exists. It literally stops everything from happening together.
Changes happen in spacetime....Without time, we would have no space.
No, time, no change, no space, no nuthing.

Or as Stan Odenwald puts it......
"Experiments continue to show that there is no 'space' that stands apart from space-time itself...no arena in which matter, energy and gravity operate which is not affected by matter, energy and gravity. General relativity tells us that what we call space is just another feature of the gravitational field of the universe, so space and space-time can and do not exist apart from the matter and energy that creates the gravitational field. This is not speculation, but sound observation".
Yes... where is it? It's not an observable. It has no non-trivial operator. It has no function on the wave function of the universe (wheeler de witt interpretation) nor is it actually classed a real dimension, it only works under a symmetry of Minkowski space.

Of course its not a physically observable phenomenon. Does everything that is real need to be.
13.83 billion years separate us from the BB, and many other examples of the reality of time and time travel possibilities have been given throughout the thread.
There is no universal now, your now is not my now, but all these things have been debated.
This bloke explains it better then I...
Yes... where is it? It's not an observable..

Perhaps as I have asked throughout this thread, if you believe time does not exist, then show me a world, a realm, a Universe, where time does not time.
Peter Pan's Never Never land does not count.




Perhaps as I have asked throughout this thread, if you believe time does not exist, then show me a world, a realm, a Universe, where time does not time.
Peter Pan's Never Never land does not count.

Why is it that you come along and make a claim that time exists, but when we ask where it is, you reply with a request from us? Why do we end up with the burden of your claim?
Why is it that you come along and make a claim that time exists, but when we ask where it is, you reply with a request from us? Why do we end up with the burden of your claim?

I answer all questions put to me...all reasonable sensible questions.
On the other hand I ignore the moronic child like questions, asked by yourself and river, that will never reach any accepted conclusion, because you both are fools playing self gratutious games, to try and gain some respectibility to your own idiotic take on science, life and the Universe.

On the other hand your posts in particular, certainly reflect some instabilty that leaves me rather cold and reluctant to answer your nonsense, and knowing your fanatical obsessions in other areas of discussions, I'm certainly glad I don't live next door to you.
I answer all questions put to me...all reasonable sensible questions.
On the other hand I ignore the moronic child like questions, asked by yourself and river, that will never reach any accepted conclusion, because you both are fools playing self gratutious games, to try and gain some respectibility to your own idiotic take on science, life and the Universe.

On the other hand your posts in particular, certainly reflect some instabilty that leaves me rather cold and reluctant to answer your nonsense, and knowing your fanatical obsessions in other areas of discussions, I'm certainly glad I don't live next door to you.

Again, why is it that you come along and make a claim that time exists, but when we ask where it is, you reply with a request from us? Why do we end up with the burden of your claim?
Again, why is it that you come along and make a claim that time exists, but when we ask where it is, you reply with a request from us? Why do we end up with the burden of your claim?

Check out my many links. They illustrate how nonsensical your questions and claims are.
Damn, I should have shut that play pen door.
[I thought I was dealing with an adult]
Check out my many links. They illustrate how nonsensical your questions and claims are.
Damn, I should have shut that play pen door.
[I thought I was dealing with an adult]

This is a discussion forum. If I want to Google stuff I can do that on Google.com. This is Sciforums.com, and we are registered members on said site. The members are the ones in the discussions, not the links. See?

Paddoboy makes a claim, paddoboy discusses it! If paddoboy can only post links and can't discuss and answer questions, then paddoboy needs to stay on the porch with the little dogs.
So for the 3rd time (not the time traveled 3rd time, the multiple of 3 kind of 3rd time) - Why is it that you come along and make a claim that time exists, but when we ask where it is, you reply with a request from us? Why do we end up with the burden of your claim?